ITT: We deny the genocide of the holocaust. Let's go back to our roots Zig Forums, to when the current history and mythology started. We undo the holohoax, we take it all back.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: gassed six times and still not enough.jpg (469x504 1.93 MB, 68.07K)

Wow, jeez. This thread wouldn't fly on 4chan.
Is this supposed to make me feel good for Hitler?
Won't this be deleted soon? I'm missing the point.

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Attached: it was real in my mind goy.jpg (586x281 247.07 KB, 67.76K)

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Attached: more jews died by natural causes than anything else.png (1548x1696 100.76 KB, 401.49K)

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Attached: poor oppressed jews NOT.jpg (1530x601 37.18 KB, 42.52K)

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Attached: six million explained.png (900x1044 452.61 KB, 279.99K)

Attached: Spanish (((people)

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Gonna take a break, and upload my A. Wyatt Mann collection, along with a bit of bonus OC.

OK, I'm back. A Wyatt Mann time. Enjoy goys. In a bit I'll upload a bit of OC holohoax material.

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/fin for A. Wyatt Mann

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6 million imaginary dead, sick and starving jews, constantly used in the paper from 1915 -onward-. Newspaper evidence of the perpetual historic ruse, perpetrated by the jews and jewish mafia.
There's lots of these videos now.
Can't seem to embed this, here's the link, youtube.com/watch?v=BfbRlimsJyc&bpctr=1534296620
:Alternative search, "youtube 6 million newspapers"

This is blatantly false and there's no need to spread such mis/disinfo.

Attached: SpytTrR.jpg (1271x483, 238.75K)

I never denied any religious significance. It stems from an interpretation of Kabbalah, where the number 6 plays a central role. There's more to the story but the Talmud is a specific set of writings, the contents of which have been an open secret for centuries. To claim the 6 gorillion are a 'central theme' in the Talmud is plain false.

I can believe the Holocaust is exaggerated, but if there was no genocide, what happened to all those that were rounded up and placed in ghettos? Where did they go once the war ended?

Where do you think the jews who flooded into New York City, Israel, Los Angeles, Brussels, London, and Paris came from? You think they appeared out of thin air? There's a few hundred thousand "Holocaust" survivors from those same ghettoes in Brooklyn, NY alone.

They didn't go very far, at least not for a while. Source: my personal copies of the 1937 and 1947 world almanac.

Also, OP delivers.

Attached: oyvey4.png (1152x2048 3.13 MB, 2.96M)

Forgot. You can find these yourselves on ebay for like 10 bucks a piece. If you don't mind the internet or big brother bit then it's a very worthwhile investment.

Nice user, I would recommend that you rename the pictures with which book they are.

Good catch. Sorry for missing it the first time.

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Let's watch a short movie Zig Forums

Attached: cardinal on holocaust.webm (355x270, 7.64M)

Attached: cardinal on holocaust 2.webm (480x270, 2.44M)

The correct word is "debunk" hoaxes don't need to be denied.

Why not both?

because one implies that the lie is a truth

Attached: AWOO Milk.jpg (766x1024, 466.27K)

Thank you user

Has there ever been an explanation or source on this picture? It just seems so strange.

You've never had an Aryan foot massage? You've never lived mein Junge.

I can't say that I have…not like that at least!

user, I've never had a foot massage, will you massage my feet?

The Talmud is not a specific set of writings. It is an oral tradition. It literally means oral torah. Most of it has never been written down, and is forbidden to be revealed to outsiders. What we can gather is the demon god they serve enjoys things sacrificed in his name. But he is upset and not allowing them to do this openly anymore. To get there they had to re-acquire Israel taking a 'burnt offering' (holocaust) of 6 million, and now must rebuild the temple for the 3rd time, which will take armageddon.

Attached: 6 million - why 6 million.png (1215x887, 781.02K)

No, it does not. One can deny and debunk the holocaust and it is sound. Nice shoop on the pic btw. Is that yours?

Except that they lied about the six gorillion. By their own tradition they have failed.

Kikes can't even keep their own shit straight. No wonder Israel is a failed state requiring welfare to keep it alive.

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How many levels of kike are these people on?

This all makes me sick to my fucking stomach lads, what can we do? How do we stop these animals?

Hate to break it to you friendo but that is not the case. Stole it from some AWOO thread when I was still browsing cuckchan.

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Thanks for the shoah infographics. Saved alot of them. Every once in a while I consider showing these to my father, a firm believer in the 6 gorillion because of his interest in WWII (((documentary))). Not sure I want to start that shit storm yet. He found it appalling that I even question what happened

Oy vey, we just forgot to update!

Don't forget:

Attached: Meldereiter_der_Wehrmacht_1940_01_(RaBoe).jpg (800x636, 317.73K)

The lie is so embedded that it is near impossible to convince someone by argument. Memes are a new ballgame though. The info in this thread would have taken many books in the past that few would read. It's deeper than facts alone. We are conditioned to believe that questioning the holocaust and what really happened makes us anti-semitic and unpatriotic. Perhaps that is even valid by some arguments. And this is too big a hurdle for most to cross, who don't want to think of themselves as either.

A low key way to open peoples eyes is to go with them to see a holohoax survivor speak. They will make impossible claims in their quest to tell a compelling story. The audience probably will be laughing at times when it is so absurd to strain belief. They are more like stand up comedians and people with wild imaginations, who are skilled at audience control. Afterwards you can explain how the things they said at minimum were wild exaggerations.

I was just at auschwitz actually. There was a shit ton of new construction going on for some reason…

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More new construction

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Sorry one was a repeat

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Jews died in camps. Not 6 million, not buried and then exhumed and cremated. Most starved or were worked to death, some were shot, a few were gassed. 6 million may be accurate for the total death toll in German camps, including Jews, fags, freemasons, Christians, Poles, commies, Gypsies, and Russians. Jews killed couldn't have been more than 2 million, and was probably 500,000-1 million.

Interesting. Also, checked

6 million total deaths in the camps is absolute bullshit TORpedo

It's actually quite conservative. (((Mainstream))) estimates are as high as 17 million total (including the 6 million Jews hoax). You could easily pass 6 million with just Poles and Russians.


6 million jews did were not holocoastered but many many many millions died because of jews. The death camps were run by soviets in the ussr. They were racially murderering people and this is came out. They were the causes behind the world wars and revolutionary destruction. They had to resort to their timeless trick of accusing the enemy of what you do in order to deflect scrutiny off their actions.

0/10 Chaim.

High level freemasons and international Jews (they've been intertwined for generations) were behind both world wars and the Russian Revolution.

IIRC it was a deliberate picture, like staged as fuck. Doesn't particularly make it any less funny though.

No, little one. That's not how it works here. Lurk moar and take your pills. The white ones and the red ones, but never the black ones.
It's a nice side effect.

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Bump. Everyone needs to read this shit

I encourage you to read up on Judaism. The 'Oral Law' was claimed to have been passed down from Moses alongside the Torah. Of course, what really happened was that rabbis began giving expositions on the Torah around the time of Hasmonean rule and after the Second Temple was destroyed, one school was formed in Galilee and another in Babylon, to decide the fate of the Jews. Many Laws are specific to the Temple and post-AD70, this was no longer possible; furthermore Jewry was not concentrated in Jerusalem so it was difficult to pass down the 'Oral Law' in full to newer generations. The Mishnah was written by a leading religious figure, Judah haNasi, and is identical in both the Jerusalem and the Babylon Talmuds. The Mishnah is what can be most accurately called the oral law, that is, the set of explanations and new rules based on interpretation of the Torah—this is the type of stuff that Jesus, the Pharisees and the Sadducees were arguing about around c.AD30; 200+ years after Jesus died, one school of Pharisee thought dominated the others (and the Sadducees were no more) and their interpretation became the Midrash. The Gemara is a set of further expositions on the Torah and Mishnah, which differ slightly between the two Talmuds. The Talmud was 'sealed' in the 7th century—meaning the decisions therein were considered authoritative law for all Jewry—but as new questions arose they were answered with Midrash, some of which are binding while others are considered merely opinions of important religious men. The Midrash are 'Talmudic' literature, but do not belong to the Talmud. This continued for centuries, and goes on today, the endless and pedantic interpretation of the Law. 613 commandments weren't enough (a number which comes from Maimonides btw, whose opinions are widely considered authoritative to modern Jews).

Yes, the Talmud is a very specific set of writings, 63 tractates long, and the Babylonian one is considered more important. The 6 million figure does not appear in the Talmud, nor in the so called 'Oral Law' and likely derives from an as-to-yet untranslated rabbinical work from the 19th century. The Zohar specifically mentioned 1840 as an important date, and I suspect that after many religious Jews like students of the Vilna Gaon migrated to Israel to await the Anointed, they were disappointed, and so searched the Torah for 'clues' about the return to Israel and the coming of the Messiah. Rabbi Blech and others suggest the Jubilee prophecy, which very well might have been the impetus, but he and others do not source their claims in rabbinic literature. In the mean time I continue my search, as clearly it's of some sort of religious significance.

Furthermore, I believe it was emphasized by Herzl's (mostly secular and leftwing) Zionist Congress to manipulate religious Jews back to Israel, as traditionally the rabbis held that the Messiah had to come before they reassembled in Ereẓ Israel. A minority of Orthodox Jews are outspoken anti-Zionist, and I suspect the reason is because they consider returning to the Land without the Messiah heretical. Pic related, notice the dates. 1897 Herzl's Congress, 1917 Balfour Decl, 1947 UN Decl, 1948 (Hebrew 5708) Israeli Independence Decl, 1967 Six Days War for the purpose of capturing of Jerusalem, 2017 (two Jubilees after Balfour and 120 years after First Zionist Congress). On 3 Sept 1897 Herzl wrote in his diary that in 50 years the world would perceive the Jewish state that he had 'created'.

And so the Jews plow ahead with their plans, unfettered but for Internet Nazis. Ben Gurion seemed to be in the know, with some errors. Puts the Masonic pyramid at the Supreme Court of Israel in perspective doesn't it?

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jubilee-years .gov .il

And if you think that's a load of evangelicuck nonsense, check out this page put out by the Israeli govt.

Reminder (((They))) have poisoned the well by creating fake arguments for the purpose of discrediting revisionism.

One example is the 'fake chimney built by soviets' argument, which has actually been proven to be false.



Make the person you're explaining it to COME TO THE CONCLUSIONS THEMSELVES.
Never state your own position, just talk about how the numbers don't seem to add up. Reminder it takes hours to cremate a single body using modern technology.

Mention logical points such as typhus and supply line bombing.
"If you were a prison warden in the US during war and all of your food supplies were depleted or destroyed, would you feed yourself first or the prisoners you watch over?"
Mention how most of the camp guards were malnourished as well because of the supply lines being destroyed.
Also refer to them as "Work camps"

>Holohoax Megathread

>WWII and Holohoax Thread

Attached: Holohoax dot nu (2).png (220x65, 27.57K)

It's win win regardless of the outcome.

Holocaust happened? haha GREAT!

Holocaust didn't happen? GREAT fuck off and stop bugging us with your bullshit.

Auschwitz- The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager

Attached: Auschwitz- The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager (2011)_001.jpg (339x548, 133.6K)

Hory shet.

Self-checking these quads. Hory shet.

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This topic shall not 404

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