Zig Forums Communism General

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage and the socialist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:


ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is recommended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.


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oh my god

these exist on 4cuck.

Boo hoo, poor little crying nazi cant have his echo chamber anymore.

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Communists have only two operating principles:
1. Theft (living off other people’s labor)
2. Desecration (defiling anything that they don’t like)
The purpose of communism is to reduce everything to zero. It's a cult of abolitionism, a religion of death and decay.
No matter what a communist says, writes, supports or promises, his only real goal is to clamp his jaws on the nation’s throat. The only discussion with a communist should be from the barrel of a gun.

You're lost buddy, your ilk isn't welcome around here.

of course.

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>>>Zig Forums

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Kill yourself my man

Well, into the trash bin it goes.

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>>>Zig Forums


Wrong board, bozo.


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At least we'd try to rescue those people from the depths they've hit and try to elevate them into productive members of society.
Your kind would send them to a gulag or juts outright shoot them because you have no concept of love for your people and couldn't be bothered to care for others.


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it's just satire.

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Idk why commies think this shit is so complicated that they need endless discussion, when it's really simple.

See? Simple ideas, simply expressed.

You, sir, are a fag.

Ok OP, realtalk for a second. Why did the Aral Sea evaporate?

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Don't we have a containment area for this shit, known as /leftypol ?

You can tell he masturbated while writing that.

Speaking of which, this video is relatively recent.

Sorry OP this is a board to discuss politics not Fantasy, you might want to try /lit/

OP makes it clear communists are IRL version of the Borg from startrek

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nice Anchor OP, back to fagchan with you

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why is this thread still here


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"Im serial"

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"I-I'll take your balls & shove them up…
in my mouth!"

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By simply anchoring it and not outright deleting it, the mods have provided us with a small playground to have fun on without having to leave Zig Forums.
So have fun, user.

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Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:

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Cotton farming in what is now Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
The diversion of rivers flowing into the Aral Sea for the purpose of irrigating fields, especially cotton fields, in those areas that is.
That was the main cause.
The soviets had also been dumping enormous quantities of industrial waste into the lake for years, so it was a toxic wasteland after it dried up.

On the issue of communism, it is the ultimate bait and switch.
It correctly identifies some real issues with improperly regulated capitalism, namely the workers becoming wage slaves, the parasitic bankers, and the rich becoming wealthy oligarchs.
However the "solutions" it presents are retarded.
They transform the worker from a wage slave to oligarchs to an ACTUAL chattel slave of "TOTES LOYAL COMRADES TRUST US GOYIM!!!" oligarchs.
Carl marx was a kike rabbi by blood.
"Marxism" is and always was a jewish psy op designed to enslave the "gullible goyim."
It's bullshit and it always was.

National Socialism is the only revolutionary workers movement that actually served the working man and improved his world.

Are you a baste gook?
Is that why you post all the mass-produced moon-pie faced slunts all day every day?

Nah, just someone with nothing better to do and anchored threads are always fun for diking around.
Most definitively not.
Maybe there are others, who knows.

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