Trumpkikes on suicide watch, I know who I'm voting for

trumpkikes on suicide watch, I know who I'm voting for.

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Q predicted this.


Why would mossad do that? Mossad does things like hire mods for Zig Forums and produce Alt-Right leadership like Q, Alex Jones, see:

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Hey, who said this should be a partisan issue?

Israel did 9/11 and with that declared war on the USA! We are at war with Israel — PERIOD!

You can hate both the kikes and the fucking muslims you know. But instead you want to watch as Minnesota becomes fucking Somalia because it'll spite the kikes. Who cares if these fucks want to also replace white amirite fellow based pol user?

Holy fuck this midterm is going to be AMAZING!

Hating you isn't a partisan issue, but you still won't get me to vote for brown people or bump this thread, herschel.

Drumpfcels already salty ITT lmfao

Lurk 2 years before posting again nigger.

you know when you do that shit here the thread just gets filtered right?


Why would massoud plant radical moderate muslims in any given are? holy fuck you're new

oh great you got trips with that post, stop giving those faggots ammo.

Fake and gay.

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Checked motherfuckers.

Yep, checked and checked. Carbon copy.

cd : DC
45 = 45th


strange fruit swinging
trust the plan

She doesn't have to follow through with any campaign promises. She hasn't promised to get rid of jews either.

Jews fear silence. By using controlled opposition, they want their enemies to reveal themselves.

Well, thanks Mossad, if they did.
Either that or this whole #DriveTheWedge thing has taken a life of its own.
If so, it is now a perpetual motion machine in our favor.

Even after hopping your ID's and talking to yourself won't fool anyone with your goat fucking commie apologist rant.
Have you tried by pretending being a stable person? I guess you can't.


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Brown commies pushing the kikes out or calling for their destruction.
It's like they work for us.

Both work for us, knowingly or not.
Both work for us.

I feel like it needs said that
Since there are no jew haplogroups or haplotypes and jews are arab-african-european-mixed mutt race.

we need IP bans


she has my vote

you're not from around here…

I know arab-jews are treated like second class citizens, but you don't have to defend Israel online to be a honorary Israeli… this could be your chance to get some payback.

hitler's esoteric quads confirms!!

Also checked.

This Q thing is weird. But not a nothing. Dunno wtf it is.


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> Tarot dubs

I will be pushing these commies too. Let's make it a reality: communists throughout the "Democrat" party. Let them be the trash we always knew they were.

hurt butt

However, your shirt certainly is amusing, in light of this…

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Fuck that I want neither. Why couldn't it have been a Pajeet? They hate Jews and Muslims. Fucking hell she's going to lose anyhow since both Democrats and Republicans love Israel too much

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Are you going to post 9/11 and 7/7 pics (and the magical passports on both events) to show us how (((Palestians are both our problems goy)))?

Might as well post the anthrax letters while you're at it.

Fuck off.

I don't need to know someone is a kike and I can call them out at least 8/10 accuracy from just a photo.
Kikes have DNA because they have unique characteristic groups.
Shit doesn't happen because magic or mysticism or some such bullshit.
Even these (((huwhite))) kikes you can nail on a glance.


Fuck off shill, you should be banned for consensus cracking.

We all know that "Muslims hate us for our freedoms" was a neocon lie as well as it had degenerate undertones

Here's the problem with you obvious leftists trying to blend in here by saying "fuck kikes" a few times.
We know you're simultaneously championing muslim shitskins invading our nations, so you are actually the worst kind of kike golems as you are carrying their water even long after the final hook nose croaks.

President Kennedy knew this

You're too transparent

Jesus fucking Christ dude you need to unfuck yourself.
I don't give a fuck about Palestinians at the moment, I was opining that its initially retarded to support a mudperson twat who hates kikeland because muh oprahshawn and who is funded by marxist kikes and mudpeople muzzies, except that the alternative is always a neocon trotskyite-pet good goy serving big hebrew biz and commited to using our blood and treasure to protect kikeland against marxist kikes and mudpeople muzzies. It was a neutral joke nigger, calm your tits.

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Yeah 'free speech' is great and all but OP sucking dicks has intensified 88% since kampfy/pol/.

God damn kek fucking with Zig Forums over Qfags.


The muslims are tools of the jews, newfag.

What about fashy neocons?

Such low energy. Sad!


The muslims are supported by Israel and the jews. That's evident. They are darker-skinned cousins of the jews. They're as inbred as the jews too. Are they headed to Palestine in waves to battle IDF and help their Arab brethren agains the jewish menace? Nope lol, they're headed to Europe to rape kids nad drive trucks into grandmas like the chickenshits they are. Muhammed was a schizophrenic chronic-masturbator pedophile just like most jews and muslims. Gas them along with the kikes.

Top mek

Don't worry they've imported just as many Ethiopians and Ethiopians hate Somalis, if things get out of hand we can just race war the Somalis together.

Not sure why (((you))) think anyone is surprised about that.

That's not what we're doing. We're making the Democrat reality a fully cucked one. Force the debate. Make every fucking YDD swallow that Soros cock.

Also checked. Kek wants us to look at Q.

She's not radical, she's a normal Muslim calling out the kikes.


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Hah, now the white race is a master of its own fate again!!!

Fucking retard.

Kebab is a 10000000000000000000 times better than a fucking psycho evil kike


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user she is calling for the abolition of ICE, this person is not your friend.

retard, both need to be purged

A kebab IS a kike.

Daily reminder that she is endorsed by Keith Ellison who has had strong connections to black power movements and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well is probably being physically abusive to two of his ex-wives.

What you're saying is you're happy being ruled over by foreigners, people different from you, people that dislike you and would do to you what the jews do, but in a less subtle fashion.

Jews ARE the enemy of all life. But that doesn't make other enemies or threats to our people our friends.

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Because they don't have militant region. And religion is only thing that gets a pass with racism and bigotry today.

What about a white man. Jesus Christ you fucking people.

You know you're going to be killed right? When we find you, you'll be drawn and quartered between four trucks. Your body will be torn apart on live television while you scream. Your family will watch as you are ripped into unrecognizable pieces and white children through rocks and dirt on your remain.

Your last thoughts will be of what the baliff told you. "Your wife and children will be next."

In every western country you have only two choices, you either vote for the zionist right or the suicidal communist left, both of them are controlled by the jews. it's time to stop voting.

You should stop larping user, you're not going to do shit.

I’ll push her in, I’ll push her shit in.