Sounds like typical nigger behavior.
The MODS deleted every post that shooter made before he begn shooting the place up. Great work MODS
How many people are praying it's a White male so they can try to memory hole the New Mexico shit easier.
He keeps getting away with this.
Its a nigger. Else a name would be out by now
how does he keep getting away with it?
I don't even why they bother anymore - they should just openly embrace their anti-white hatred. Like why do they even play pretend, it's fooling 0 people.
that dorky kids posted three times.
first post he said "reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
second post he said he was on break working the cash register wearing a WalMart logo polo shirt.
Mods deleted them
sam stop posting this
This young kid made three threads saying he was gonna shoot up this walmart.
Kike mods deleted it.
Good. You really want that shit being dragged back here?
Did he say he was going to shoot people though, or was it a cry for help from a phoneposter?
Dey out of formula and chicken again? sheeeeit.
He should go to the sporting goods section and reload.
Bullshit! it was an altercation between customers, not a fucking Walmart employee. they've got the man and woman in custody and haven't released their names
And the census turned me gay too, user.
All I saw is that several threads were made by some guy in a walmart vest saying he was gonna clean up more than the floor before closing tonight in a Philly walmart. Tanks in 30 minutes. Nobody even got the chance to tell him to go for the highscore.
This kid in the WalMart shit posted before the shooting.
I saw that thread briefly, was he posting threats?
He just wanted to do a barrel roll.
The incident initially erupted as a disagreement at the register, during which a man took a firearm from a woman and opened fire, police told the outlet.
A store manager and cashier were shot in the leg while a customer was shot in the arm, another cashier, Darrell Archer, told the Philadelphia Inquirer.
he said "how did you know I am working the register" and he didn't say much that I remember
Welp if that's the case, been nice shitposting with you lads.
We would have already known if they were white theoretically.
Not a bad accuracy rating.
Mods deleted it real quick, he posted a few times, same picture of himself.
this is why I pick on people that look like this
What time do the Walmarts close in Philly? It may still be an exciting night.
I think his first post was Fffffffffffffffffffffff not reeeeeee
So you want to say that this alleged shooter posted something here and waited for over 2 hours in Walmart before starting a shootout without any evidence?
Then obviously niggers
>using the incel (((meme)))
alright time to go back to reddit
oh shit nigger i live like 10 mins from here
You could run there with a camera and film yourself as being a survivor in the incident like that (((certain boy))). Then someone might throw lots of money at you to campaign for gun ban.
I can't speculate as to the thought process of another individual. I think it suspect a kid in a walmart shirt posts, doesn't really say anything, and then a few hours later a shooting occurs inside a walmart, at the register, where the user said he was working, and this is breaking news so fact remain unclear.
Were you unaware that the same kike (((mods))) are back? back I don't think they ever actually left.
Replying to obvious kike/shareblue shills by their ID now gets you a short ban.
As far as your words goes as your only proof, if some mod doesn't restore that was removed then there's hard to believe you.
The last thing I want is Zig Forums getting the media attention which ends up getting filled with reddit, tumblr or normies. Let 1/2chan be the black sheep.
White kid confirmed.
that picture was posted at 10:03 and I had to dig it out of my cache. This is a scene from the arrest. So maybe it was the kid himself, or someone else who posted the WalMart clerk who was shot. Looks like cops took a nigger into custody.
Called it.
CIAnigger confirmed.
That's fucking astonishing.
No that's called trigger discipline.
Found the incel.
Found the soyboy
MK Ultra incel false flag? He looks jewish.
Is it even possible for Jews to have blonde hair? It doesn't look like he dyed it
It was the nigger in kid was just a spammy bitch larp that possibly got unlucky or lucky depending on your perspectiveor works at another store
Targets in Walmart don't exactly dart out of your way.
That's some hot projection, you should look into being an Alinskyist kike. You've already got the shit genetics, off to a great start.
Go back to your nutrient paste, wife, and Jamal, Tyrese, and Be'Shaun
Nigger be leaking because they took him to the hospital in a paddy wagon
BAHAHHAHA, no. if i wanted somebody to fuck that badly i could easily find some cute boy, but unlike you my mind isn't all about muh dick 24/7. now shut the fuck up and stop using jew-made "words"
Those vans are extremely uncomfortable user.
Wonder how many bumps they hit on the way.
I am as a god to you. I tower above you mentally and physically. My sparkling blue eyes burn through your wretched kike soul at a great distance. You are nothing.
My mind is not about "muh dick 24/7" just because I'm not a hideously deformed permavirgin like you. Great job not denying the accusation because you know damn well it applies, not so great job with the deflection. I mean shit, jumping right to how you'd have to go fuck a man isn't even a deflection but an announcement of your purest form of inability to attract a female due to your worthless genes. Go kill yourself, embarrassment.
if there were statistics on which White mass shooters were circumcised; we'd see a trend
10 shots & 8 injured = not a nigger
it will be blamed on us to (((shut us down))). Cap this faggot, you know I'm right. This site has gone down plenty in the last week after Jonestein was shoah'd.
Yes, one moment they seem normal, the next they’re giggling in yid with the regular nig-hair kikes
actually you'd probably pay top dollar to suck my dick if you saw me. i know your type, kosher boy. i'm going to stop responding to (((you))) now, you're probably using that jew "word" on purpose just to stir shit
Time to put down the homoeroticism you little pissant queer.
Whatever you think you are, you're going in the oven anyways.
Big words for such a little guy.
negro shoots up hood walmart with his sister
pol goes crazy
more at 11
hey you gotta admit some boys are cute
especially the pure german ones like pic related. but i prefer to defile jewish boys instead, the german ones need to be protected
Fuck off, Donovan.
jesus fucking CHRIST i do not mean that kind of gay
also who's donovan?
Reminds me of a certain ghost tranny
Y'all better get on tor before the partyvan comes knocking.
My thoughts as well. Maybe all ghost-trannies look the same.
Does Zig Forums strip photo metadata when pics are uploaded?
These faggots need to be red-pilled.
Spam their thread.
Sure does.
read Siege faggots
I used to think this guy was pretty popular here until I realized it is just him promoting himself like a rubber duck fucking tinker tot
You're as bad as the religion D&C faggots. Filtered.
Only one of those shot was customer as of that report. Sounds like workplace violence.
No deaths?
So close