The DNC's Plan To Subvert The Electoral College

The DNC's Plan To Subvert The Electoral College - Pakman

State legislatures are given the exclusive right to decide how those electors are to be chosen. This is where Boies believes he has an opportunity to reverse the advantage President Trump earned in the Electoral College.

Currently, all but two states mandate a "winner-take-all" rule for guiding how electors vote. In other words, based on whichever presidential candidate wins the popular vote within that state, all of the state's electors are expected to vote for that candidate. Only Maine and Nebraska arrange matters differently: two of those states' electoral votes are awarded to whomever wins the state's popular vote, then the additional electoral votes to whomever wins in each of the states' congressional districts.

This does not usually make for earth-shaking results in Maine and Nebraska. But it would in the places where Boies filed suit, and especially in Texas, and he has buttressed his complaint by arguing that the winner-take-all rule effectively cancels out the vote "of each and every citizen voter…unless it is cast for the winning candidate."

In Texas, for instance, 3.8 million Texans voted for Clinton, but the winner-take-all rule directed all of Texas' 38 Electors to deliver their votes for Trump. And since a large proportion of Clinton's voters in Texas were black and Hispanic, Boies argues that the winner-take-all rule also violates the Fourteen Amendment's guarantee of equal protection and "perpetuates racial discrimination in voting and the dilution of minority voting power."

What Boies proposes as a substitute is buried in the last page of the suit: "a proportional method of distributing Electors…based on the number of votes each party's candidate receives statewide." Boies is somewhat coy about what is meant by a "proportional method."

If we take it literally, then on a proportional basis, Clinton would have won the votes of exactly 15.56 Texas electors, and Trump 18.80. Applied to Pennsylvania, Clinton would have earned 9.49 electoral votes (instead of none) and Trump 9.63 instead of 20. Take all 50 states, and Clinton suddenly wins 292.20 electoral votes and Trump 247.96.

Except that this is not how the Constitution, and the elections it mandates, is supposed to work. First of all, the there is no requirement that the presidential election involve a popular vote in the first place. Indeed, over the history of the republic electors have been chosen by methods other than a popular vote in a number of states. As recently as 2000, the Florida legislature considered choosing the electors to resolve the Bush-Gore impasse.

Second, the Constitution created a federal system where the states choose separately; there is no constitutional "national vote" for president. Boies's plan effectively reduces the electoral vote to a statistical reflection of the constitutionally irrelevant national popular in in this emailvote, at which point it will be worth asking: Why bother having state electors at all? And after that, why bother with federalism?

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Electoral college is kikery that they use to bottleneck any real power from the majority.

And it's the only reason we don't have a president Clinton…

And its a major reason we get to pick from one of two groups of paid shills

Won't he be surprised when Texas doesn't do shit, but California adopts split electors and sends 20 to Congress for the Republican.

are you retarded?

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Wait – It just occurred to me we could probably do this by ballot initiative.

The GOP is white America's worst enemy. Show me a GOP candidate who doesn't accept billionaire or corporate money? Every election they'll lie to you and do what their Jewish donors want.

We are at war with money in politics which means we are at war with the GOP and to a lesser extent the DNC.

In the DNC at least non corporate whores have a chance to win.

Sorry fellow city-dwelling scum. I live in a blue county in a red state, I want that vote canceled outbut you knew that already

Wow this has already brought out the shills. Interesting.

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And we're at war with you, you fucking disinfo shill.

texas will because they're 45% white. never trust a tejan.

Mmm, I'm feeling the red ZOG this time, at least his fellow red ZOGs won't keep welfare flowing to niggers, right?

Oh wait. They're still getting my tax dollars.

Do you have an answer to my question? Oh you're just a stupid trump tard that believed it when trump spoke out against Golman Sach's and Bush's wars.

He got elected on mercer and Adelson money and put in Bush's war hawk, god you're dumb.

Hmm. Maybe the colors do something. Nope, same situation every time.

It lost them most of Syria. If Adelson cares about kikeland, he wasted his money.

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Yes, you're a fucking moron if you think the RNC is worse than the DNC when the DNC utilizes Superdelegates to make sure unwanted outsiders are unable to do what Trump did with the RNC.

And everyone fucking knows it. That's why the RNC field was 17 motherfuckers long, and the DNC could barely muster up 4 other people to run against the Bitch of Benghazi in an open election season. Everyone in the know knew the game was rigged for her.

And somehow, you think that is a preferable alternative to what we have now?

Wait about ten years til the tax cuts really kick in, He took away social security and gave it to billionaires and multi national corporations.

When it kicks in Dum Dums like yourself will realize how much of the economy was propped up by that money.

The parties are both run by assholes, for assholes.

But only one of them has the potential to be hijacked by a nationalist populist.


I don't give a shit that money gets wasted on retards and niggers any way you spin it because they're still considered humans

Not even close to what he's saying. Of course the jews have their claws in both parties, but there are clear differences in policies. Trump has done a few good things. Hillary would have done zero.

Supporting Israel at this point is like being nice to a man because he's dying. Anyway, this is not the topic of the thread.

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The last time socialist jews tried to subvert the jews in power someone got stapled to a cross.

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You got a better plan? Or is letting the EC get gutted so LA, NYC, Chicago, and the other high population density blue zones can steer the course of every election from now on your better plan?

He didn't waste money, he made billions and pimped you and all future generations like a bitch.

Yeah you dumb fucks, keep ignoring money in politics.

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It should also be kept in mind numerous left wing kikes are advocating for this strategy to gut the EC, including Pakman and Sam Seder.

They're pulling out all the stops because their fabled blue wave never materialized. There's going to be a lot of (((trickery))) kicking off now.

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Speaking of water, the #1 most censored news story of 2017. No wonder America's so dumb.

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>They're pulling out all the stops because their fabled blue wave never materialized. There's going to be a lot of (((trickery))) kicking off now.

Like you wouldn't believe

This actually isn't a bad thing. I know for a fact that electoral college voters are a small group consisting mostly of kikes.

This user is right you know. I don't know why /ourguys/ keep playing just the GOP game, you should run DNC too as a Jacksonian or Dixiecrat.

And get BTFO'd when they rig the caucuses with coin tosses and 90% of their 500 Superdelegates tell you to get fucked, Tor fag…

I spoke hastily and may be misinterpreted. I should emphasise I mean to say the electoral college should be done away with.

So L.A. and NYC and the like can edge out wins on sheer numbers alone? Fuck off

No it shouldn't. The masses are fucking retarded. It's just that the electoral college should be composed of white people.

The trust is already broken, the American electoral system has already fallen apart

When do Sulla or Caesar appear?

whoa whoa whoa you are obviously fucking lost.

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Why is economic hardship seen as such a bad thing if you're shedding dead weight? Who would give a fuck about economic decline as long as shitskins stopped pouring in over the borders.
Would you have a problem if 10 million niggers died of starvation in your country? Or do you just want more tv's being sold with netflix and corn syrup draining down the throats of niglets and spiclets?

The Bernie bros made em rig it in the open. Here's how the GOP rigs their primary and how the Jews rig elections .
1 min 15 sec mark

Many forgot how bad they fucked Ron Paul. When the Jews don't like a candidate they ignore them completely.


I'm not even an American. I'm from fucking New Zealand but even I understand why the electoral college system is important.

Because people are fucking stupid. It would work fine if the system wasn't kiked. White people are well meaning, but many of them are also fucking stupid. A system like the electoral college is necessary.

Do you really believe we're getting rid of blacks? We couldn't get rid of a college football team. The goal is to get the Jews off our backs so we can get rid of the 1965 immigration law and quit paying for Israel's wars.

I think Trump passed a $700 billion defense bill today.

Republicans love strong defense, well good job dumb fucks.

All those defense contractors are ran by Jews, then the rest gets used for wars for Israel and Israel steals all the innovative tech that money buys. wtg

That's the last resort, they rig every election and it has nothing to do with the EC.

Important knowledge fr Dr Pierce.

This makes me think the senators from the states with low populations are insane (corrupt) to allow open migration to Ca and other populated states. This raises these states power over their own state tremendously

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Do not click these.
Both are still up on YT

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Those are troubling but

Why ignore the one firm that's rigged 200 election globally, and was employed by the winner. Cambridge Analytica.

Then there's interstate crosscheck used to rig election

The way I see it, somewhere in Europe has a chance of being a white ethno state we'll be lucky to get the Jews off our back and to halt immigration.

I should mention Trump and Jason Miller is dealing with chain migration right now and we should support them.

If they change the chain migration law i will be blown away and much less critical of the Jews.that then my criticism of the Jews will be much less.

It's not the last resort, it's the fucking first resort. In a culture where people don't have time to deeply research politicians, a FAIR AND JUST electoral college is necessary. In a perfect world, every voter (read as: white male who owns land and has served in the military) would have time to research and educate themselves on all those participating. Electoral colleges work. There's just a small window where they work well. It's still better that Trump got elected than Hillary.

Correction, Stephen Miller. Our immigration policy is being decided by a Jew right now, we should support him if chain migration laws are overturned.

Never give the kikes an inch.

If this happens we need to take advantage of this, I always say this but I'm going to say it again
Sam Hyde NEEDS to run in the democrat presidential primaries

Stephan does shit all, it's all Kushner

its always all talk no action in the Trump admin, reminder that illegal immigration has increased

More right wingers would vote for him than left. We need a plant, or even several plants.

Democracy is just mob rule, where 51% of the people determine how they will go about enslaving the other 49%.
Besides, the masses are stupid as fuck. I don't really want the masses, with an average IQ in the 80's to 90's determining how I am governed.

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Just wait until the laws are turned against you chaim. It's happening.

Isn't the reason for the Electoral College is to stop cities from taking over USA and trigger a civil war because the rural and urban people have no power over the votes. Am I correct?

It's worse than that.
At most, 50% of citizens are registered to vote.
At most, 50% of those registered vote.

A majority of those voters turn to kike run media to become informed.
So what we have is 2% of the population manipulating less than 20% of the population into voting for something, and outright purchasing at least another 10% of votes in either IRL fraud, or digital manipulation.

Pretty shit.

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Discussed here! JEWTUBES most notorious Creator

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Hi, paid jewish shill.

This nigger just jumped out of a moving car.

Were not a democracy you stupid kike. So you’re gonna have to stop saying things like this as they make zero sense and they also reveal your astounding ignorance. We never wanted strictly majority rule. Read a fucking book for Christ’s sake this meme triggers me now.

Reply, by using the site’s quote feature, to the following question:
Find an algorithm to determine whether a given polynomial Diophantine equation with integer coefficients has an integer solution.

The PEOPLE voted for Clinton by a 3 gorillion vote margin.
The ELECTORAL COLLEGE voted for Trump is a coup.

Which side are you on? Perhaps you should go live with Erdogon.

Yeah, because we should totally let a mass of illegal spics in California decide our next President for us. Fuck off.

here, have some faggot gore.
Do not click these unless you are horribly disillusioned with gore.

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This guy is asking me to do summations, and integrals on a fucking telephone in the middle of summer while at a state forest preserve.

How about you worm your way back to Mexico instead?

If your only quality is being able to do math you memorized over the years, you’re no better than a calculator.

yep knocked you into the ocean refugee

its full of fucking californians
bet $50 that fucking lawsuit is from some okie who moved there from california

No it's not. That would be our voting system being a first-past-the-post system. We could have 100 parties but because of our system it will always dwindle down toward two major political parties.

how's that working out for SA?

t. Citykike.
Do you want the corrupt Democrat shitholes of LA, New York and Chicago to permanently control the entire country? Sounds like you do.

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Yes. It was to prevent disenfranchisement of the rural population by pure democratic majority vote.

People often forget we are, in fact, a Constitutional Democratic Republic.



tfw Trump wins the popular vote in 2020 and Commifornia Aztlan's Electoral Votes all go to Trump.

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