The new face of the Left and the Democrat party.
Straight from kbart:
Ball-bearing Democrat "Lady" Wins Governor Primary in Vermont
Call him what he is: an autogynephile. It will clear up a lot of things.
Who cares?
any men mutilating themselves purely for base desires such as sex with nothing higher to atain to, are misserably lost. They are failed, useless individuals that aren't even worth considering as worthy humans, yet they speak as if they're our equals. The day of awakeing, if it ever hits them is the rope, which is probably why half of them end up killing themselves.
They are both mentally-ill faggots. You are not a pretty little girl. Life isn't fair sometimes.
Reminder that this is the future they want.
All the same shit.
Neck yourself, faggot.
Go back to your discord servers you degenerate cretins.
He might have a Janice considering he’s a Democrat in Vermont. Republicans don’t do too well there. Although if Massachusetts has a republican governor I suppose it’s possible
Both are abslute worthless and should be disposed of equally.
This thing is fucked in the head it cut off its own reproductive organs because it thinks/wants to be a little girl. This thing can’t even figure out what ththe fuck it is and they want it to make governmental decisions for us?
Fuck right off.
How about we just keep calling you faggots?
Those hormones really get them flip-flopping.
Son, I hope you don't actually think they even look fuckable.
Having a retarded transfreak for a governor will really help your economy. Good going, Vermonters.
Two questions:
Is Vermont leftist-tier?
Is there good dirt on this Phil Scott guy?
(If yes to both: Prepare yourself for a shitfest of trans-aktivists circlejerking themselfes over this)
You guys want to mess with a freak like the one in OP?
Xir name is Lukas "Chijo" Hardin. It gets ultra buttblasted with tranny and homo facts. This fag has been spamming /cow/ 12 hrs a day for a month.
Yes. Since they have almost no nonwhites, they think that leftism is good. I call it "iowa syndrome"
this must be comedy
Homosexual transsexuals are "just" an extreme version of fags, with all the same problems (pederasty, bugchasing, subversion of cultural norms) plus a few of their own.
Heterosexual transsexuals (AGP is present in both groups, so it's not useful for classification) are weirder–tend to have stereotypically male personalities, interests, and abilities, possibly a correlation with autism, possibly above average IQ (the research on this isn't great, though).
None of them are "women in men's bodies." Homosexual are gay men, heterosexual are straight men. Neither group is able to pass as women in person (myspace angles and photoshop can work wonders, though). Neither group should be trusted around kids (heterosexual are less likely to rape them, but just as likely to try to indoctrinate them). Heterosexual are more rational in general, and more likely to be able to be talked out of their delusions.
Vermont elects an eternal Hon.
1. Phil Scott cucked on guns. NRA will be working against his re-election, thus a fractious power base on Republican ticket.
2. Scott seen to slow passage of Marijuana bill (which has since passed). May engender centrist ire.
3. Influence of Our Revolution / Bernie-backed GoTV efforts will likely be considerable, due to the fact that a blue state with strong liberal /progressive support amongst a white population will bump up voter turnout, with many candidates running unopposed in local elections.
This isn't /cow/ for a reason. Fuck off.
All female politicians are MtF trans. This one just happens to be openly so.
Yes, all. The elite only allow their own people to enter positions of power, and being as the trans covenant is a requirement of the elite religion, it follows that all "female" politicians are MtF trans.
The media/"celebrity" situation is the same. This does not mean that "everyone" is trans. It means that everyone of the elite is trans. And the only way you become famous, is by being of the elite.
tfw he's still a man so he does a good job and is held up as evidence of the competence of women.
You know they're gonna go that route.
now that i know the difference between mentally ill man A and mentally ill man B, sure my worldview changed.
Daily reminder if you refer to people according to their "preferred" pronouns, you're a mental illness enabler.
This is great. The more insane the Dem candidates are the more willing white centrists will be to vote for far Right candidates who infiltrate the GOP.
The solution is obvious: the most brutally sociopathic of you fuckers need to convincingly fake being a trap-hungry mtf transgrl and take over the democratic party from within.
I just see a faggot and a faggot.
New cartoons? Awesome
Go back to your containment board and stop spamming you half ass comics. that have nothing to do with the thread. These are clogging up multiple threads already. Reported for spam
Boomers on the internet was a mistake
lol vermont nigger Styxcucksnhammer999 muh libertarianism
How is he dealing with this?
Take a hit off the Zyklon and chill the fuck out, kike
The thing that pisses me off the most about Vermont is that it is beautiful and a lot warmer than here, but it is full of degeneracy like this. It could be a really nice state with the use of a lot of rope.
[Clown World intensifies]
Ok, I'll humor you. Is this newspeak for "Dick or Dilation Gash"?
He is asking ppl to right in his name Tarl Warwick instead of the rino Scot so basic bitch ass hurt LMAO.
So sorry Shlomo, didn't mean to cause your Kosher panties to twist up into a knot like that.
Honestly …. I didn't.
Nyuk, Nyuk.
You're a beautiful woman now Dave, inside and out, don't let anyone tell you any differently.
You're so new it hurts.
Seeing aged boomers discover their popularity on the internet is one of the most painful things to see. You are a prime example.
The words swam before my eyes. No-longer fixed in place on the screen. Everything seemed somehow fluid, plastic, like a ball of cells they multiplied and divided spontaneously. Scientific concepts became doughy with a life of their own. In an instant my mind was transported from my immediate surroundings. I was at that point just before the big bang and the birth of our universe. Energy transformed freely into matter and back into energy again. Reality was simultaneously created and destroyed. I felt nauseous as I became aware of my own weightlessness. Solid objects from my memory passed through my body. For a moment I could see my own DNA, the atoms which made up my being. Iron, Carbon, Calcium, Hydrogen. It was at that precise moment I realised that I had entered the trans zone.
Painful is it? So you're confessing you've got a severe case of butthurt, eh, Priscilla … well, they've got creams and ointments for that. If there's any related mental anguish, just consult with your local Rabbi.
Took me a few seconds to figure out wtf politics had to do with ball bearings.
You can't change your gender.
You're either a transvestite, or a eunuch who is a transvestite.
The autism is strong in this one.
Any advice for a total beginner on how to learn to draw?
start drawing random things you see, draw everyday, at least 2 pictures a day, get supplies, look up youtube videos, and practice – practice ALOT
No. But to be a female politician, you have to have certain demons buggered into you.
Come up with your own style and don't rip off famous Judeophile Robert Crumb's style like AWM has done.
draw more
type less
Pretty scary that so many people are willing to grant power and authority to a self mutilating eunuch who's so out of touch with reality they think they can entirely change anchored physical aspects of their identity simply because they "feel" it.
I swear to KEK they better leave NH alone
Dems are dumb if they don't think this will ostracise even democrap supporters.
Should have put in a normal politician.
You mean a degenerate?
Don't give it fucking pet names. It's all bullshit.
1. grab a pencil.
2. draw.
3. keep drawing.
4. ?????
5. Profit.
Good, no party for white men. Let the democrats push out all white working class.
This. A white nationalist just won a Republican primary by nearly half the vote. Breaking the white working-class from the left will benefit them.
what the hell is that?
that motherfucker has been completely brainwashed
i support categorizing them. this is the same thing they do to us. divide and conquer.
Natural selection.
You have no idea. Many "trans" people are in fact people broken by others into becoming an abomination.
Sadists love this shit. They love people doing this to themselves. That's why most trap porn is about the destruction of the person. They're sheep herded off cliffs, panicked, terrified and clueless about their manipulation.
Nowadays though, with social media and algorithms - it's not just the meek that get manipulated. All people are now being manipulated collectively by our own collective conscious pulling us to self destruction.
This place is like chemo therapy against this poison.
how to lose just by picking a candidate
t. democrats
AWyattMann, you're the best at this. Keep them coming, I can't ever get enough of them
Same with homosexuality. Faggots are often broken at a young age by pedos. Some are plain and simple degenerates though, and all homos are pedos
I thought Vermont was a blue state, but they actually alternate between the parties every 8 years. Throwing away an election for virtue signalling like this instead of building up their platform with a viable candidate still seems stupid and pointless, they can't possibly believe this tranny will have any more of a chance in 4 years.
Every single one of your posts has been kvetching about AWM. If this thread is so important to you, post something on topic.
Do you even into sage m8?
AWM constantly derails threads into an AMA, that's why namefags are cancer. Don't you remember the end of 4chan with all the WRITE OLEV shit. Need to b& namefags before it infects the whole website.
Rock on, brothers. The permanent infiltration is taking Vermont. The left is done with being tired of winning and we're taking charge again. Freak power! Society is always lead by flexible thinkers.
It's not that bad, really. There were enough actual bigots to b8 out that it hardly took an effort to keep this place in desperate need of diapers. You like diapers, don't you Zig Forums? You think other people should keep their shit where it belongs, right? Out of sight, behind a plastic reality? You know you love it, and everyone else knows you love it, too. You might as well just come clean - or smelly, as the case may be.
The thing that's great about transpeople is they value integrity. The left *has* hypocrites, it's true. Every ideology has hypocrites. It even has people who would kill for America's reputation. I wouldn't have believed that, but the flipside of O-bomber's apology campaign was ramping up intervention in the Middle East. He was loyal to the nation (and as a good permanent infiltrator for globalism I hate him for it). But transpeople? They aren't like that. Even the craziest trans people are still people who wouldn't call themselves peaceful if they didn't mean it. You can't buy wealth like that.
Did you know the intelligence community loves trans people? I mean, my info might be way out of date here, and it's definitely not globally valid, but the thing spies hate most is being lied to. They can't stand it. They have to spot every lie or be ruined. So intelligencers are famously dishonest people who do everything in their power to seem honest (sometimes even going so far as to tell the truth), but still you can count on them to do everything in their power to befriend honest people. Some of them don't like trans people because they see the entry-level lie, the cheap fakery of gender, but for others it's like Trump's entry-level lies and cheap fakeries elsewhere. Sometimes people see past questionable surfaces to an inner self that represents the most important data validly. And spies, well, they're all about ditching shallow constructs and playing the next level game.
Nice copypasta.
Don't waste time on that Hebrew creep. He's
a classic D&C kike shill and a pretty lousy one
at that. He pretends that his chief concern is
"muh board purity" but somehow finds all
AWM cartoons and their messages unfit for
that board, a forum that was actually born out
of their very themes and spirit. Even the
untrue bit about "ripping off the Judeophile
Crumb" is supposed to infer that AWM's work
is somehow tainted with pro-Yid sentiments
yeah, right.
It's all rather lazy textbook Divide and Conquer tactics that don't mean a thing
except that Manntoons STILL get under their
swarthy, carbuncled skin. And that's quite an
around-the-corner tribute, actually.
Thanks for the kind words.
I've come to believe that Art, like Music, is
something that's only worth seriously pursuing
if you have a natural gift that exhibits itself
pretty early. If you're feeling the call, I'd say an
important first step would be to develop your
sense of "perspective" which, when mastered,
will give your work some dynamism and
depth. Also experiment with shading …
challenge yourself to render some pieces that
are swamped with shadows so you can begin
to understand how light plays on various
contours and textures. Crosshatch shading
with ink is difficult at first, but you eventually
start to develop a keen sense of how much
pressure to apply when seeking to achieve a
nice graduation effect from dark to light
shadows. In the long run, it's pretty much just
a matter of how committed you are to making
it happen. If you draw often enough to work
up an impressive portfolio and take the time
to trot it around, you'll eventually get some
material published and you'll be on your way.
Best of Luck.
Still more fuckable than Bruce 'The Spruce' Jenner.
Y'know, Shillberg, I'm beginnin' to believe that
you're essentially just a sick little pansy who
gets supremely jealous when anyone merits
any earnest attention on these pages. On
every occasion that someone makes a
positive comment on one of my art pieces,
you come screeching in with your hysterical
horseshit. Wassamatta, little girl, angry that
nobody ever cares what YOU say, think and
feel? How sad. Have you noticed that you
haven't once gotten any traction with your
whiny splattering and demands that I refrain
from posting? If any portion of your twisted
Hebe brain is active, that should definitely tell
you somethin', cupcake.
Just LOL
This is what happens to "cozy new England state", pure degeneracy coming from the coasts.
May as well write in Tarl Warwick