4chan mods are pedophiles

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why do people avoid 4chan nowadays?

Because it's shit and has been for years.

I hope they die slow.

4chan is still very active but the mods are compromised.

We need to get 4chan Zig Forums to come here.
This place could get shit done if it had the amount of posters 4chan Zig Forums has.

Shills and kike mods are ruining the board.
4chan is being taken over by (((them))).

Kill yourself

K i l l Y o u r s e l f

some choice Q400 threads spurred up and got some traction there. The mods aren't always paying close attention, they eventually caught on but every once and a while you can get heavy shit going.

Its good to avoid posting there though, I feel like. The mods are not only comped but I dont trust them in general


I just want the Whites on 4cuck to come here so they don't get bogged down on there. I frequent 4chin more than I do here and if I get banned I jump back over here. What is needed is for Whites to find here and leave the trash over at 4chin. If 4cuck could ever get better again then fine.

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Half the people on here were blue pilled once.
Don't forget that.

How do you plan to do that without bringing fucktons of turdskins with them? And besides, the better cuckchanners usually self select themselves out of that hellhole and come here eventually anyway.

y tho

This place has fuck all traffic so breaking news is going to show up on 4chan first.
If this place had more posters I wouldn't use 4chan at all.

Wow. Those nazis.

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How else do you wake up normies?
The more people that are aware of (((them))), the better chance we have to stop the degenerates.

There were no links to CP posted.
Anons in the thread found it when looking at the channels of predators that creeped on kids.

Girls doing gymnastics, dance, and yoga are among the most popular videos on YouTube. This is not CP. The comment, like/dislike, and playlist functions are not "grooming" tools; you could get rid of these functions and there would still be endless girls submitting these videos, because that is what people are watching. I have never heard of a girl undressing because some mud in the comments told her to. You are jumping at shadows.

They're all fucking cringy non white kids, red pilling wont cure their cancer.

No such thing. All the oldfags and whites left cuckchan in 2014-2015 and came here. It's their fault that they started lurking/posting around that time or around the election. Let them die.

Just go back faggot

More then 3/4 of cuckchans traffic are just in it for le funney memes. But hey, you do you.



Pedophiles operating on YouTube:











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YouTube pedophiles



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Just go back to cuckchan. This board is about exposing elite child sex rings not kvetching about little girls dancing.

Go back with him, weirdo.

>Ignoring the fact that pedophiles are asking kids to do (((yoga challenges))) and (((dares))) so they can jack off to it.
Wew lad.

jesus fucking christ go back to reddit

cuckchan mods are compromised, this is not news

crap I didn't mean to bump.

the problem is that 8pol bans you too often for posting humorous or entertaining threads. It's more like an infodump

Okay? Why does this need a thread?

Old news.

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4chan is now a massive honeypot

Many of these people are HUEHUEHUE's I wonder if all of them are going to be gassed if Bolsonaro wins the presidency

They used the excuse of doxing to delete threads before.
Now they are blatantly saying you can't talk about the pedophilia problem at all.

qanon-tier shit
remember when moot lived in arizona lol me neither

This place is infested with shitskins, what the fuck are you talking about. Thankfully /sg/ is allowed again to coral them but god damn, this place has a serious fucking arab problem.

fuck off back already or lurk but stop posting.


Bump to expose pedos. If you are saging this shit you deserve to have your back against a wall and the business end of a boomstick in your face.

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t. CIA

Pedos will hang.

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This has already been disproven by Janny himself on >>>/irc/
/b/ moderation works like this: Everyone is doing it for free on /b/. As soon something gets reported for 3 times, it appears into the queue of every Janitor. If there is something a poster should get banned for (which is practically nothing on /b/), Janny sends a request to the moderator. Either through inside their IRC channel or through the system. Since its mostly CP, the ban request gets rubber stamped by the handler. Don't be a fucking imbecile, read the fucking logs!


Too many posters:
1) encourages paid shill attacks from Shareblue, Antifa, Universities, JIDF etc.
2) dumbs down the discourse. By the time you do some research, the thread has been slid off the board.

Nobody would put up with Imkikey here though. This place bans you more than facebook

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Wait, so 4chan mods are lurking 8ch/pol? WTF are you even doing here? Are you all part of the same JIDF Alt-Kike club?

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(((They))) are a virus.
We need to finish what Hitler started.