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Top fucking kek

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Accuse your enemies of what you are guilty of. Rules they live by.

Good find.

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Here's a real pressure point:
1. Mueller's investigation must persist
2. But trying to find the sources of the rumors, that they might be deposed, and that the truth might be found, that's banned

3. Mueller is in play entirely as a hail mary - the goal is to "Bill Clinton" Trump, to get him on a cigar.

This is old news. It has long been known that it was a Clinton dirty trick.
Clinton paid for the dossier (after John Bush was trashed in the primaries and gave it up).
Clinton set up the meeting.
Obama gave what's her face (the Russian Lawyer) a visa, even though she was not supposed to have one.

This is new in that they proved its true. It's not just a rumor anymore. MSM is not covering it and depending on where one lives the search engines don't serve the same news to everyone. I noticed that I couldn't get the same results from behind a VPN. Pure cohencidence I'm sure.

What's the source? The archive is broken for me. What a coinkidink.

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Kill yourselves.

^ CIA agent posted that.


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Conservative Daily or something. Never heard of em

Feel free to change the channel to CNN. Stay in your comfort zone.

The claim could do with a better outline of the level of existing proof, though.

Bongino has been on this for a few weeks. They planted the evidence and then used it to justify a full out surveillance.

If anything did happen it's probably something innocent blown out of proportion, like when t Natalia Veselnitskaya met with Don Jr. to discuss the Magnitsky Act and invite him to see Andrei Nekrasov's documentary which implicates Bill Bruder in the murder of Sergei Magnitsky instead of Putin. Thus proving the entire basis of sanctioning Russia was a Jewish conspiracy and misdirect. I hope if Don Sr. hasn't seen this film that he does soon.

She was a plant by fusion gps. They met with her before and after the meeting.

The entire story has already fallen apart months ago. Now the shitlibs are spending all their time covering up anyone connected to Killary and protecting law enforcement and the doj. Expect a big "surprise" before the midterms which will be completely full of shit.

Yeah but this is the end of Trump for sure this time.
Right goys?

The ONLY reason Mueller hasn't charged or had someone indicted who has part of the campaign for anything to do with the actual campaign was that he knew about this, and he knew it was set up by Clinton/DNC. There's no refuting that, Muelller and his team have had this and more evidence for nearing 3 years? now.

The Federalist has a story about Natalia Veselnitskaya, and also about Joseph Mifsud. Glenn Greenwald has an excellent piece in the Intercept about Stefan Halper, and Roger Stone made a website about his contact with "Henry Greenberg."

In short, every "Russian" that contacted the Trump campaign was CIA/FBI, and they went looking for Trump – not the other way around.

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Well, she has nothing to worry about now that Trump spilled sandnigger blood with the jews.

Dems need to win back control of the house in in order to shut down the House Intelligence Committee otherwise they're fucked. You'll notice in the news dems are all concerned about regaining back the house but rarely ever mention the senate. If their end game was to #resisraycis, either the house or senate would be fine.
Nunes is assblasting these fuckers HARD!

Oh shit. Where do I express donate, rabbi?

Dont hate the truth kike.

Not a single "It Was Her Turn" voter admits this because they follow only indoctrination

The smoking gun is how the russian got a personal visa from obonga when on a blacklist.

Mueller is really fucking dumb. It's quite possible he hasn't figured a damn thing out.

More proof Trump isn't a puppet. If you believe Trump is a puppet, you must believe Clinton and the intelligence community, and the entire Democrat party, and the media infrastructure, are on our side, given how they all colluded in so many ways to undermine Trump.

It's more likely, like with the pedophiles in positions of power in places like the DHS and charities and whatnot, that he's there specifically to protect people. After all, if you are the law, you don't have to fear the law.

(((Bill Browder's))) lawsuit against Prevezon is what brought Nataliya Veselnitskaya to NY in the first place.

ultra kike oligarch thief Browder is deeply involved in the 7FG ShadowGovt plot to frame and coup Trump.

"Browder Testifies that Natalia Veselnitskaya colluded with Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS to engage in "Political Violence" against him"

this all seems irrationally contradictory–why would Browder's conspirators employ Natalia to bring her to NY to attack him, and then why would Browder blab under oath before Congress and discredit Glen Simpson and accuse him of being a Russian Colluder?

clearly, Nataliya is herself a CIA asset, and this is all a staged illusion. Nataliya pretends to represent Muh Russian intelligence, and thereby allows herself to play as the foil–the evil KGB seductress scheming to gain access to any member of Trump's family to secretly record herself falsely stating that in exchange for lifting the Magnitsky Act and removing sanctions against Russia, she will hand them hacked documents stolen from Crooked Hillary which will seal the electoral victory for Trump, and thereby entrap Trump into accepting help from the Russian government, and thereby fabricate phony evidence on video of Trump colluding with Russia.

meanwhile, it is actually Crooked Hillary herself, and her vast network of unregistered intelligence agents and foreign lobbyists and loyalist moles still employed in FedGov and still in possession of Top Secret Clearance who are colluding with Russian nationals to pull off this frame-up job of Trump.

Crooked Hillary and Bill Browder and Glen Simpson all belong in Gitmo and they all deserve to be waterboarded for 3 weeks straight and they all should be put on the CIA's "rectal rehydration hummus lunch plate special" diet, where the only caloric intake they receive is liquified dunecoon cuisine pumped up their assess, and these "enhanced interrogation techniques" should be applied until Crooked Hillary confesses to all of her crimes against humanity and all of her masterminded conspiracies and coups.

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