he oldest Nordic pagans believe that the Nordics migrated from the middle east under the command of chief priest Oden to Northern Europe.

Now this is of course false, nordics have been in Northern Europe for over 14000 years, they are were not part of the indo european migrations, but instead you'd have indo europeans coming out of the desert into northern europe with their pagan gods and idols.

Another desert cult you fell for Goy

Real nordics are not pagans.

This is why you find great similiarities between Nordic paganism and Babylonian (Jewish) Paganism

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Similarities Between Nordic and Jewish paganism

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Screencap for redpilling material

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Okay. That's bullshit.
The kikes never called Nimrod "Odin" "Mars" or "Hermes"
You just made that up.

Christianity on the otherhand… well, that's as jewish as Bernie Sanders.

[Citation needed]

Proto Indo Europeans also were Pagans. They made many temples to their many Gods.

Sorry, Zig Forums but your jewish god was never once worshiped in Europe before the kikes stepped off of a boat and began yammering about him.

The citation is the video dumbass

Theres no such thing as proto indo european you fool, The Nordics became pagans after jewish pagan subversion

What the hell, Op. Don't you know what the word "pagan" means?
Gawd… this post is so Jewed.

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It does not matter what you call european paganism ass wipe, it all came from jews in any case

The last time posted this disinformation thread, you used the word Indo-European instead of nordic. It was disinfo then, and it's disinfo now.

You don't even know what the word means, or that "European Paganism" was not universal, and you think you know what you're talking about.
Dunning Kruger all over again.

Does not matter, for paganism is not even indo european, it is Babylonian,

This thread simply proves directly that it is not Nordic

I know this beter than you kid

So, your argument is calling everyone "dumbass", "asswipe" and some arrogance.
Wow.. You should share your enlightenment on facebook, you're too good for Zig Forums.

Kill yourself Schlomo.

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Well i am quite tired of dealing with a bunch of idiotic pagans using strawmen arguments, bring me a real one, and ill treat it as a real argument

Like this one here, another strawman

Okay. Let's see where this goes.
I mean, next you'll be telling me about how 6 million innocent jews were murdered by the Nazis for absolutely no reason and turned into lampshades and mattresses. But sure. Let's believe a jewish fairytale written down long before their latest fairytale.

Just because two peoples start with the same letter doesn't mean that they're related.
The Mycenaeans were Into-Europeans. their language is literally nothing like the semitic Hebrew language. So you need to explain how they managed to change their DNA, their language, their culture, and their religion.

Not according to the Greeks who hated the kikes. As for your claim that the stories are similar, they're not. The only similarity between the jewish story and the European story is that both Samson and Herakles were "strong"
There are thousands of hero stories of the ancient world. Do you believe that EVERYONE was a kike?

I'll need to reread my copy of the Torah (Old Testament) but I don't remember the kikes ever mentioning this.

I'll return to this point after I reread the Torah.

Sure. And maybe they completely changed their religion, language, culture, pottery, art, archetecture, language, writting system, and DNA too.

And maybe diversity is our greatest strength and Israel is our greatest ally.

No. That's actually not true at all.
According to the Torah (a book YOU want us to take seriously) the exodus took place before the Mycenaeans even existed.

Hmmm. No citations so I could just dismiss this. But I'll play along.
Egypt produced more gold than any other Bronze age Kingdom. So why wouldn't they export some of it to a wealthy European kingdom?

That does not follow.

Nope. Europeans have been working metals since the dawn of history. No jews needed.

Jews are disgusting. The fact that kikes are trying to steal our history is disgusting.

Earth being around 6000 years old is more logical than the billions of years and evolution viewpoint. Geologists were the last to come around because young earth made the most sense. It was evolution and cosmology that created the old earth view. Look at how fast breeds of dogs have evolved. A 6 foot 200 lb person was considered huge not long ago, now it's normal. If people were in northern europe for a long time they would have built more and advanced more. They want you to think we were like cavemen. That is a few caves of migrant clans, likely on the move. They even built stonehenge with cranes, and other constructed historical sites, to make it appear people had been living there forever.

Okay, so I've been skimming my copy of the Torah (aka the first part of the Bible) and I've reread about magical desert bread, that thing about how the jews struck a rock with a stick and water came out, how the kike (((Moses))) used a magic stick to win a battle (the kikes believed that when Moses raised a stick, they'd win the battle and when he lowered the stick, they'd lose the battle. So like all jewish stories, its TOTALLY believable.) and a bunch of other crap. Nothing about any kikes sailing to Greece.

So yeah, that video just makes shit up.


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Oh, it's another Robert Sephr self promoting his stupid kiked bullshit thread. KYS robert you fucking jew disinfo nigger


Let me reprhase this to you all to make it more clear

The video which i did not make simply points out what pagans believe they came from

The story of migrating from the desert

This story proves that pagans are not Nordic, they subverted their religion in here

Read the op next time idiots

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I knew you desert dwellers were prone to jealousy, but at this point you're basing your entire identity on re-writing reality to fulfill your fantasy of being blonde and blue eyed. I guess you're content with it being real in your minds.

Do accept the possibility of them ingesting shrooms in that time period.

The video makes absolutely no real point, with no real verifiable information. Any point you are making from that pile of shit is yours and yours alone. You also have no understanding nor desire to understand the vast differences between the pagan religions of yesteryear besides what you wish to incorrectly spout to settle your innate and biological urge for kikery. As I said previously, every quality of a kike, even to blaming your poorly created source for your inability to make a verifiable argument other than different versions of "Oi Vey". You aren't dealing with idiots here, go back to peddling your shit in your synagogue.

The elites in many nations were blonde, like Rome and Greece and probably Babylon too. It's entirely possible some of them migrated north and formed their own nations, replacing the "black haired pointy eared native elves" in some Nordic myths.

If christcucks could stop being such an embarrassing disaster that would be great.

They are still foreign to Scandinavia though, and not nordic


And fuck your low quality (((esoteric))) slide thread.

Reported for disinfo. There is no such thing as any -ism. There are only the Gods.

I can't tell if you are actually this retarded or trying to shit up the board. Anyway, this is tinfoil-tier bullshit. If you do not realize that, you have serious mental issues (probably just mental retardation, but you never know).

You are pushing hard for a kike majority world and kike created history and culture. The fact of the matter is your species is a minority and always will be due to your penchant for self destruction by any means necessary. A species with a constant desire to corrupt and be punished, an eternal need to be the victim at any cost, will never succeed for long nor contribute to anything notable except for periods of strife and turmoil. Racial purity, ideological purity and theological purity and innocence existed despite your desires that kikes have always been influential in the creations and accomplishments of man.
You are simply selling misinformation to salvage your reputation of your race or instill a doubt that whites created anything without kike influence. It is beyond factually incorrect and should honestly be punished by death in a time in which our race is under constant attack by your kind and your pets. To encourage whites to disassociate from their accomplishments and history is not only racial blasphemy, but an attempt to destroy that which is as sacred as life: History.
You have provided no true information, nor a source other than a poorly made 12 minute video, to back up such damning claims. As I said previously, you have no understanding of the nuances, differences, reasoning nor value of the previous pagan religions of any people, only an understanding that you must by nature corrupt something that does not involve you by inserting your subpar and destructive species in to the formation at any cost, with little effort. The very nature of a kike. Misinform with as little work as possible because your desire to corrupt is as strong as your desire to do very little else.
You are a waste of blood, sweat, air and land… A fact your species is aware of, but takes pride in. A self aware parasite that is unhappy with the fact the other self aware chose not to be such lowly creatures. Be gone back to whatever dark hole of jewery you came from kike, you don't belong here and one day won't belong at all. Your lineage, not that it matters to you, will eventually be eliminated by man or nature. It is inevitable. Gods of every religion have historically cursed your existence as a mistake, something that they have reserved for your kind. Even the niggers have not been spat upon in sacred texts and past actions as much as your kind has been. You are the eternal fault.

The elites were Israelites. They were predicted by God to be a blessing and create great civilizations. That’s why there’s so much Israelite symbolism in Nordic paganism, like the sun cross and why Odin is a Moses-like figure leading them to a new promised land. Humans have evolved to fetishize blonde hair for a reason. It’s a marker for people who create civilization.

Sage and report

Who? The kikes? Or the Greeks?
(both possibly did)

I already debunked much of the early video here

The TLDR is
Nothing in the video is cited.
The narrator actually lied about some of the Torah
The narrator makes false equivalencies based on almost nothing
The premise of the video is based upon taking jewish stories seriously.

The Mycenaeans were Indo-Europeans with an Indo-European language and cultural, religious, and genetic continuations from other Indo-European Peoples. The Semites were a Semitic people with Semitic language and Semitic religious ideals.

So no. The Greeks were not kikes. Europeans are not jews. And the Germanic religion is now based on Hebrew superstitions.

Read the books of Adam and Eve, Enoch, Jubilee, Jasher etc. They’ll fill in some of the blanks for you. I believe the Catholic Church purposely left them out of the canonization.

The Pharisees also would not canonize these books. Jesus even called them out for the hypocrites and blind fools that they were.

Kikes, no doubt.

Not just them. There are good people and evil people, in every ethnic group.

I mean yeah it's true that Indo-European paganism had its origins somewhere around Persia. And yeah it's also true that the original European traditions were lost forever when the Indo-European invasion happened. That said, Indo-European culture was pretty distinct from Semitic culture. At worst you might be able to say that paganism comes from sandniggers, but there are reasons to believe that Persians before the Arab invasion of 900AD were a lot more like White men than modern sandpookies are. I guess you might also be able to say that there may have been some cultural exchange between proto-Indo-Europeans and proto-Semites, but this was thousands and thousands of years before anything even vaguely resembling modern Judaism would come into existence. Not even a LARPagan but I think you're seeing kikes where there aren't any.

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I'm starting to think that anchored threads are the only ones worth reading.

