This has potential. Start photoshopping Orthodox Jews into all racemixing advertisements.
Fight fire with fire and all that.
This has potential. Start photoshopping Orthodox Jews into all racemixing advertisements.
Fight fire with fire and all that.
Other urls found in this thread:
They already do that. Better to have jewish girls with black guys. That's funnier.
Not as obvious, needs the curls and funny hat.
Plus it's implying that female niggers are more attractive than jewish women.
Good idea, Zig Forums approved.
Why should the real Jews want to mix with the fake ones?
This is also good.
I've seen enough mixed Jewish-black people to think that they've swallowed their own Kool-Aid already.
i doubt that it will have the expected effect unless you only show it to jewish women but it won't be jewish women who see this.
yeah it would probably be better just to photoshop proof that the CEOs/Execs of the company are jews on the side or above/below and put le happy merchant in the corner of the ad
There's actually this book written by a jew on the topic, it could have some juicy quotes in it, but I've never read it. The website is , remember its a jew site so use security if you care too. Anyway there is a place on it where you can sign up using a name and email address to get bonus free content, it'd be terrible if some trolls started signing up jewish email addresses to get an email about such a book.
based niggers made the jewboy cry, they hang last
It is the jewish woman who pass forward the jewishness into the next generation.
Males jews with black women?
They despise this.
Female jews with any other man?
They love this.
Remember, the males are drones, the females brood mothers.
No, kikes will just pretend that those are (((White))) women, and the majority of people could even believe it, so it's better this way, the curls and yarmulke will leave no doubt.
This has potential
I mean that was funny and all, but still…
24 posts in, this is already a good thread.
Why would you do that to the poor niggers?
Sure they're dumb, but they're not that fucked up inside to deserve this.
Meme veteran signing in and I approve. I'll do one up after I finish work.
Nice, this is sure to infuriate the kikes
To share with those who like pop
as long as you label it something like "jewish women + black men" it makes it clear they're jewish
JF / BM works best. They're real protective about those whores.
Best if showing her niggerkike breed surrounding her, as well.
That really rustles their jimmies.
This is opposite of what it is. Kikes are matriarchal, they don't give a shit who their males rape.
The only thing that matters is their females.
I ain't no good, but I try.
They already do that too. It's called porn.
the problem with that is that some jewesses like "white-ish"
i think we should do JM and BF because its both a slap to jewishness ( their children are not jewish if their mother is not according to their kike rulebook) and you cuck blacks as well because their women are getting impregnated by nonblacks
I think there's a resurgence of anti-Africanism because at this point in time, Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and Africans are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that it once was in the last century. Africans will be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Africans will be resented because of their leading role, but without this transformation, Israel will not survive!
The women must be targeted. Overtly Jewish stereotypical women (with Jewish jewelry/attire) should be attacked if they are going after White women with Black men.
Jewish culture has a matrilineal understanding of society. All offspring are a continuation of the mother's womb and not that of the father's seed, so it is in this respect that the Jew is naturally inclined to accept and even promote cuckolding as a cultural norm. The Jew male will not pass on the parasitic gene to posterity, in a strict sense, rather his job is to raise the woman up above him so that the Jewess can breed the parasite and dominate.
Do this, give them the threat of Africanization of their "women", and they will see how the tables are turned, and perhaps release some pressure off of White women.
Meme to the black females that Jews own the $$$ and you will have this go viral.
And the same can't be said for jewish guys and black women? That said, we already have jews marrying outside their race (see Zuckerbot) so this is something that they are not against. Even more so, this will just give rise to jewish women using this as an excuse to go with white men.
And you'll see others buy into this shit as well. They've been meming this shit for decades. This really feels like some jewboy's attempt to get himself a girlfriend and using Zig Forums to do it. Does r/jewmasculinity exist? This seems like something they'd like.
Only Zig Forums could convince itself that filming interracial porn is good for the white race.
ur try funny, make laff
How is that bad for Jews? They've got a new genetic parasite indoctrinated to believe he's part of an ancient nation that is destined to destroy all national boundaries apart from his own.
I'm getting real tired of the American third world mystery meats coming on here to larp as Nazis advocating for the palis.
You fuck heads stick out like a sore thumb.
Jewish man + any woman = Jewish baby
Jewish woman + any man = Jewish baby
The more you know!
"a chain is only as strong as its weakest link"
vid related, it's a Jigger.
It's good. I've already seen kikes rustled by it.
Filming interracial porn than involved kikes being cucked by other subhumans and using it as a weapon in psychological warfare against them would be simply turning the tables. They already do it to Whites constantly. Why not give them a taste of their own disgusting medicine? It would especially demoralize and enrage the younger orthodox male yids I'm sure.
Yep that's definitely related ted to judaism.
Are kikes white all of a sudden Mr. Shapiro?
Diversity and reparations are coming to israel, whether they like it or not. Once they're done having their fun in slaughtering palestinians, it's going to become a permanent black spot on their fledgling history. Much like how America has had its slave history or germany its Nazi past, israel is going to be haunted by this for the rest of their existence. Their future history textbooks are going to speak of the racist right-wing israelis and netanyahu-led government that were complicit in oppressing those poor brown palestinians. Multiculturalism, open borders, and reparations WILL come to israel eventually. It's only a matter of time. And when it does arrive, palestinian Ahmed is forever going to guilt and shame future israelis for what their racist ancestors did to Ahmed's oppressed ancestors.
Who made that? Was it shot in Israel? Was it shot in Palestine? I highly doubt it's from Palestine because to them this is Absolutely Haram. That guy may not even be an Arab, could be just a sandnigger-looking Israeli kike. Sauce pls?
lmao. Niggers are still useless animal raping trash that need to be sterilized.
Anti-Zionism is already very popular among Marxists, "progressives" and the far left, even to some normies. Sometimes, I get to see said normalfags saying on the interwebs "it's not the Jews, it's the Zionist ones that are bad". If we meme correctly, we can finally convince them that Hitler was actually right about not just Zionism, but global Jewry as a whole. I don't what we can do about the Marxists and other leftards, though. They oppose a Jewish creation (Zionism) while blindly following another (Marxism). They're so saturated by their own self defeating ideology, they attack anyone who even slightly disagrees with them.
They don't like jews mixing with black.
Black jews are sub human in isreal.
Make memes like that.
This is true, however, slightly more difficult in the Orthodox context… But not impossible.
This kinda shit is good, but need less sleaze - that kinda shit is more likely to turn most kikes on than to make them angry. Make them more down-to-earth, traditional sort of broads.
To us, sure, but to the kikes themselves:
Matrilineal inheritance.
When poo meets the Jew.
Good for them
Look a beaner that thinks I am his ghost
Intermarriage is suicide national and personal! There is no surer way to destroy white people than to marry out of the race. Unchecked, the present trend of young white boys and girls to choose mates of other race affiliation will slowly but surely wipe out the unique principles which contributed so much to contemporary culture and civilization will vanish from the face of the earth. The accumulated experiences of thousands of years, the rich heritage of a people, all of which are rightfully yours, are being ignobly ignored d cast aside. What a pity! What a waste! What a shame
White is Beautiful
do you realize what you are throwing away? A way of life that has given to the world some of its highest deals of ethics and morality. A love for learning and education that has produced some of the world's greatest minds. A rock bound faith that has enabled an oppressed and persecuted people to endure and preserve its identity far longer than almost any other nation. Where else. in today's world, can you find such strength, such beauty, such nobility of spirit? What can you hope to gain in exchange for this faith of your fathers? How can you so lightly discard that which your ancestors have so often sacrificed their lives for?
Come, Let Us Reason Together
True, strange winds are blowing these days. Different values different ideals. You may have troubling questions about whites and whiteness. Perhaps you have not had sufficient opportunity to learn about your heritage, to understand and appreciate the riches it holds in store you. So let us talk together. After all, this is not a matter for hasty decisions. We know. For over 30 years have counseled many others with similar problems-and many have thanked us for the guidance we have been able to give them. Obviously, we force no one to do anything against his will. We shame no one. We merely talk - explain, illustrating, illuminating…and the ultimate decision is yours
One Final Word
If this message affects you directly, please take it to heart. If it has no immediate application to you or yours, but you agree with our objectives, please help us in our efforts to bring this message to the broad American white community.
try pasting this somewhere and witness the double standards.
feel free to edit any grammatical error, i'm not perfect.
"Interracial Couples May Make Taller, Smarter Children Due To Greater Genetic Diversity: Study"
"Greater genetic diversity is linked to an increase in height and enhanced cognitive function, a new study finds. The research, involving more than 350,000 people worldwide, also revealed information about the apparent lack of a genetic link related to certain health problems."
"Mixed-race relationships are making us taller and smarter: Children born to genetically diverse parents are more intelligent than their ancestors"
"Shriver's work has uncovered something else that is very interesting. He finds that mixed-race people are more symmetrical than the rest of us, and being more symmetrical translates into being more attractive, having less infection, being less stressed, and having greater genetic diversity."
Diverse parental genes lead to taller, smarter children, finds extensive study
The children of parents who are more distantly related tend to be taller and smarter than their peers, according to one of the largest studies to date into genetic diversity.
BBC: Is It Better To Be Mixed Race? YES
"Farmers have known and used hybridization in plants and animals for centuries in order to produce improved and stronger plants. The resulting hybrids are often more resistant to environmental factors and diseases. Could this be the case in mixed-race individuals as well? Dr Aarathi Prasad investigates in this programme if there are advantages to have parents from two different races."
"In 2006, author Alon Ziv published the first edition of Breeding Between the Lines, a haphazard exploration of the idea that mixed-race people are inherently "healthier and more attractive" than people of non-mixed backgrounds."
"People born to genetically-diverse parents likely to be taller and more intelligent, says study
Scientists found that height and general intelligence appear to be increasing as a result of the mixing of DNA"
"In 2006, author Alon Ziv published the first edition of Breeding Between the Lines, a haphazard exploration of the idea that mixed-race people are inherently "healthier and more attractive" than people of non-mixed backgrounds.
"The biology of race is a sensitive topic with an ugly history, but Breeding Between the Lines approaches it responsibly," the book's website reads. "Ziv presents evidence from academic journals, world history, census counts, and pop culture to explain why interracial individuals have measurable physical and mental advantages."
"So are these differences significant and, more to the point, are they significant enough so that when they are brought together, there might be tangible benefits for people who are mixed-race? The answer from some scientists who still do what could be called "racial science" appears to be yes on both counts."
The answer from some scientists who still do what could be called "racial science" appears to be yes on both counts. "
"Study: Men and women view mixed-race male faces as more attractive than White faces"
"A new study in The Journal of General Psychology has found evidence that faces of mixed racial phenotypes are perceived as more attractive than stereotypically White and Black faces."
Sounds like a (((media manufactured))) social construct to me.
need to match it up with a twenty something jewess, like the idf ones jidf post that look 99.999% White.
Keep it up anons. There's NOTHING a Jew fears more than decline of his kind
Not a bad idea
Left wing half-Jew here.
Hatred and paranoia comes whenever two populations live together but fail to communicate. Hence, Jews, Roma, and immigrants face hatred.
Israelis are retards who forgot who they are. Jews, Roma, Dravidians, and Africans should unite - and yes, intermarry - together we can have the world.
We are the people you hate, because you fear us. And you should - deep down, you know we're better than you.
Orthodox jews know full well what they are doing. It's not going to work. You'd just be wasting energy, time, and creativity. Try it if you think it'll be a success, but the genetic ingroup solidarity of the jewish cannot be broken by their own subversion, in this situation.
Noooo please don't do that Moshe!! >:(
ok…keep fucking niggers and just HAVE the world, my dude. please be my guest
serious question, have you even been in special education classes?
this isnt to sway jews, you knuckle dragging nigger. Go away.
We can give them Madagascar.
Once reserved for the jews, but they refused to cooperate, so they must all perish.
Your stupid sect says different. And by ethnicity most of you are european, so its sectarian connection with ancient jews or nothing.
Monitoring thread
They are the only ones able to breed jews. SO MAKE THEM PUMP OUT NIGGER JEWS
This has really good potential just needs to be cleaned up.
Isn't it more important to get Jews to not breed at all than to racemixing? Leftist Jews are already doing a good job at not breeding. But the orthodox kikes make kikelets by the dozens, half of which eventually become leftist Jews who find purpose in hating whites as a projection for hating their dick sucking rabbi. I suppose race mixing propaganda aimed at Orthodox Jews would be most productive to weaken the solidarity of Orthodox enclave breeding grounds.
Underrated post.
Our people are no longer racially aware, this will further promote racial mixing among whites
Notice the star of david on the apes neck? juden has really painted himself into a corner now.
This,user, is why we support you. Good job.
No, no, the point of the 'Psyop' is to put pressure on the Jew so that he takes the pressure off the White. Don't you see? Using Easily-spotted Jews, such as Rabbi, reveals the hypocrisy, because they can't claim "racism" or any other buzz-word.
Reminder to search for jewish women with distinct jewish jewelry.
Search for jewish women just standing next to niggers, and post this shit around all imageboards.
Example: OP related to board + cute picture of jewish woman and black man
Also maybe reuse the spammed Hapa images that are frequently posted on cuckchan and here.
Just add some caption that it is a jewish woman.
Sage for doublepost
This is hilarious
black men dont even want black women tho. letting another man fuck a woman you dont like and arent in a relationship with, is not what cucking is.
Fucking kek spam it out there
Send it to antifa and bamn. Far more productive.