Alex Jones
Sam Hyde
Who's next Zig Forums?
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Sam is not your common web celebrity. He simply could not keep getting away with it forever. I bet Donald T. is next.
Isn't this like the 3rd time?
They will come back
I speculate that pewtipie is next, friend. this is to remove sources of news for the coming extermination of all dissenting users such as us. Farewell, see you in heaven.
He dindu nuffin, whats the reasoning?
Hydewars is up.
it'll be gone in a month guaranteed
Not directly on topic but I don't think it deserved it's own thread. They're really cracking down on the internet lately. First they've deplatformed several major right-ring personalities, but also Nintendo has been going after ROMsites for games, too. We've lost at least 3 major ones in the last 2 weeks.
Sure sure, videogames are degenerate and all that, but the point is, they're attempting to censor and remove things and control information on all fronts.
Lmao it's gone today
Good guess I suppose. Godspeed.
Inb4 the same angry whores who come into every Sam thread come and scream about him fucking a 15 year old with no proof but some random 4chan screenshots.
The end goal for all these internet bugmen site owners is an internet free of any wrongthink (right-wing) views.
This is absolutely true. In my country they blocked a shit-ton of release sites like skidrow and related.
HydeWars is still up.
Stop breaking links; hyperlinking was disabled over a year ago.
It's in preparation for the midterms.
This is just the beginning: expect things to start getting extremely ugly over the next month — think GoDaddy nuking Stromfront, except across the board, us included.
I suspect they're going to pull all the stops rigging the election, with subsequent legislation completely locking down the internet if they win, a la
Just wait until you need an ID to use the web and anonymous/pseudonym account names are illegal.
No I think he will adapt. Youtube really likes to protect there rich celebrity vloggers (pic related) who show off there money so the little kiddies want to grow up to be a youtube star.
Pewdiepie is making a transition right now from video game edgelord to a celebrity vlogger who occasionally makes kosher videos reacting to whatever popular topic is happening in the moment. As long as he sticks to this script he could go take pictures of people committing suicide in a forest and not face any consequences
Javascript is safe, enable it goy.
Upload to porn websites. Time is running out.
Yes that is a direct threat
Yes that is the promise
Yes we have the means and will to do it
Hell hath no fury like a shitposter scorned
Scorched earth
There are 3 possibilities with Sam Hyde:
1. He is a non-jew who engages in bizarre acts of comedy and edgy performance art in order to name the jew and highlight western degeneracy
2. He is a self-hating jew who engages in bizarre acts of comedy and edgy performance art in order to name the jew and highlight western degeneracy
3. He is a jew that is part of a larger deep state psyop meant to drum up anti-semitism and white nationalist rhetoric by naming the jew and highlighting western degeneracy through bizarre acts of comedy and edgy performance art
Whichever one you pick, be sure it's backed with evidence.
MDE is being shoah'd either because the content is genuine, which is a problem, or because, like Alex Jonestein, Hyde lost control of his audience.
It's number two. He mentioned that he talks to his rabbi whenever the school shooting meme happens.
He'll be fine
dude how cool are you
THey're ramping shit up and trying to forcibly rip control back into their arms from how badly they've been losing. This is fear driving them to be this blatantly obvious.
why are torfaggots so deserving of their nickname?
I fucking swear this meme of everyone who might be /ourguy/ is a Jew is either propogated by shills or the ignorant.
He has a decade of video to go back on, have you watched his stuff from 10 years ago? they're just young adults gettign shitty at the world, babbys first redpill.
One of MDE's best videos is Sam and Nick at some drug dealers house, the drug dealer is out of his mind trying to act like a nigger and rap, they just exchange looks of concern with eachother as the degeneracy is on display, it's a brilliant video.
Why the net though? That's about as muslim tier as saying "you launch bomb, now I strap bomb to self". Sure, mutually assured destruction, but you'd have alot more impact if were to do something that disrupted television and shit like that. The telejew is the primary source to normal fags of how the yids control, process, and feed their newspropaganda and information.
>the (((Stationers))) came up to Parliament in the form of petitioners, with tears in their eyes, hopeless and forlorn; they brought with them their wives and children to excite compassion, and induce Parliament to grant them a statutory security
(((they))) are planning on shutting everything down.
Meanwhile, (((YouTube))) leaves up Pedo channels that groom kids.
Pedophiles operating on YouTube:
xtra info:
I'm not some huge MDE fanboy so I have not seen that particular video, but I have watched a lot of them and unironically enjoy what they have done. My personal opinion is that it's #2. He is obviously jewish, so let's agree on that. The problem is that his persona is so Kaufmanesque (excepting he's built like a linebacker and naturally alpha) that it's impossible to know for certain what is going on. But despite my reservations, I think MDE has been a net positive if simply for the fact that their content makes all the right people (((uncomfortable))). HH
Sayam al-Hayeed.
It's not surprising you haven't heard of him; the media are terrified of mentioning him because he keeps getting away with it.
I don't want to give away my IP.
Can some kind user get us some screencaps?
If you mean The Iso Zone, its content was inherited by:
Why a jew? Why can't he just be some dude?
All their videos have already been re-uploaded a million times in other places. In fact I think he even does official uploads to subsidiary channels from time to time. Why'd they even bother?
probably that boulder skit lmao
Sam will survive this, he has his Gumroad scam and could just switch to bitchute
Do you think they‘re using their real names?
Sam has called out more Jewry than pretty much anyone on the web you kike.
Why do we care about ecelebrities?
Hydewars channel only has 3 vids wtf
Hmm that's a pretty good questions. Gee I really don't know.
If this happens, people will have to start organizing secretly in that big beautiful mess called the real world. Which, if it comes to that, I know non-anons that hide their power levels better than I do. I bet most of Zig Forums does, too.
he paywalled the videos
More kike shills trying to discredit Sam by spreading lies. Sam has been doing comedy for over 10 years, he didn't just come out of nowhere and become this "far-right" leader. He made funny videos that Zig Forums likes and he gained an audience. He's not a fed or a shill your fucking moron.
Everytime. Every fucking time
Its just newfags from the election or HWNDU or Qlarp or whatever fad that brings people here trying to rewrite history.
Why do we care about your controlled opposition jewish paid shills who are UNIVERSALLY not in support of our ideology? Otherwise known as ecelebrities?
I don't give a shit sam., kill yourself you jewish mutt
Hopefully they continue with popular people on the right. It'll only make common people on the right angry, as well as unbiased people in the center. It'll also give justification for our use of government to limit their decades of acquired power in the tech. industry by declaring these mediums as public utilities.
I am convinced it's organized shilling. Everytime a thread about Sam or MDE comes up there is always several posters who come in and post weird screenshots of Sam allegedly sleeping with a tranny to try and discredit and shame him. Same with the people who call him a jew or a fed. These are people who are afraid that Sam is spreading pro-white messages to the youth so they have to make up lies (like kikes do) to try and make everything he's said be invalid
Yeah and I'm the one with the strawman. Fuck outta' here kike.
wifi is for niggers
javascript enablers are forced to wear dunce hats for all eternity
cellphone users get the gas dew
Thanks for exposing yourself. Why can’t you answer the questions? Are you honestly trying to claim that Alex Jones isn’t controlled opposition? Why do we care about civic nationalists? Why do we care about race mixers? Why do we care about queers? Why do we care about e-celebs?
I tried watching his shit in the past. It's not what I'd call comedy. It's actually really stupid an unfunny. It's no surprise he got a spot on Adult Swim. Their tier of comedy suits his dumb shit well.
Your opinion of Sam is irrelevant to the conversation. This thread is about internet censorship of pro-white nationalist people
the only survivor of columbine
All of you rMDE fags who left the trenches here to go shitpost in your hugbox disgust me.
No I never said that you fucking kike. It's telling that all you can stand on is by putting words in other people's mouths. In fact I didn't even say a single name - I was explicitly talking about the concept and this is a thread about Sam Hyde. So holster it faggot.
Careful what you wish for.
That's the big reason for the latest push: the dems are going to try to steal the midterms and ram through that legislation so they can steal 2020 and everything thereafter, but, they can't do that with a free and open (read: anonymous) internet.
>Mandatory location verification. The paper suggests forcing social media platforms to authenticate and disclose the geographic origin of all user accounts or posts.
>Mandatory identity verification: The paper suggests forcing social media and tech platforms to authenticate user identities and only allow "authentic" accounts ("inauthentic accounts not only pose threats to our democratic process…but undermine the integrity of digital markets"), with "failure to appropriately address inauthentic account activity" punishable as "a violation of both SEC disclosure rules and/or Section 5 of the [Federal Trade Commission] Act."
>Bot labeling: Warner's paper suggests forcing companies to somehow label bots or be penalized (no word from Warner on how this is remotely feasible)
Shit just saying KIKE actually works with nupol doesn't it?
It's the only way. We are in no position to do anything against them absent direct and immediate government intervention. We can't even open up the market by loosening regulations anymore, because they control a complete monopoly on the internet and the tech. industry. They own everything, and every little successful startup that pops up, they buy out. They own all of it. All we can do now is use government against them.
you are obviously jewish, and I think everyone here can agree on that
After the UTR2 honeypot failed so very, very massively, they're shutting it all down. They're in an absolute panic.
They think they can put the memes back in the bottle.
The stupid, doomed bastards.
does this have something to do with him naming or heavily implying the guy that ruined his adult swim gig is a pedo?
All of the people who are claiming he's jewish, a pedophile, fucks trannies came out right after Sam called out Adult Sim. Just another Cohencidence I guess
Well, there are other options, but, I'd prefer to do things the way you suggested, which hinges on the dems not taking Congress this election.
Imagine being a kike and living in a constant state of terror on account of your congenital cowardice and fear.
Good Lord, how I love being White!
It was, among other things (vid related).
Guys, his account was shoah'd weeks ago. How did you only notice now?
Fuck off.
all this recent censorship centers around the upcoming midterms and the next election, but I dont think these fucks properly understand the streisand effect as the more they push people away the more angered and stubborn people will become, unless their aspiring for a violent uprising which seems more likely as time goes on. I thought jones was nuts for suggesting it around early 2017 but not so much these days.
Wasn't that originally "Jews Rule"?
I know they made them change the "Cop Killer" song out to "Moon". Thats why the music doesnt line up with the singer .
Worst case scenario, we'll always have
But when it comes to spreading our own content, we're being deplatformed even from alternative media websites. Websites that do allow our content are delisted from Google, or DOSed, or the owner are sued or arrested. They want no one to become exposed to our ideas, and for those who support them to give up and forget. If anybody knows the best source for national socialist videos, I'd like to hear it.
sargon of akkad if we're lucky. hell, it would work in our favor as well. more famous e-celebs get booted off youtube, more people retaliate against youtube/google.
You aren't wrong. There is a organized effort and at Sam because it made them real scared that a pro-White non-jew comedian was given a position on a very jew controlled platform TV ,who also was funnier then the liberal shitbag comedians with a clean record.
Sam beat them at their own game on their home court so why wouldn't they try to destroy him he is a big threat through soft power.
kikes know that the only way to discredit someone is to accuse them of kikery or being an actual kike, because they're below niggers.
You may very well be correct.
I only loosely followed MDE until recently, and I missed their content on Adult Swim because I quit television years ago, so, you could say I'm a little late to the party…
I don't wanna see him that much to pay lol
Estonia already exists boy
It's probably Sam.
People always assume that, well, that speech wasn't that important, and they probably deserved it. We need to be pushing:
There is no record, there are no trials, and there is no consistency in application of the rules.
Regarding this censorship.
his channel from 2015 is still up
embed related
Are you retarded or something?
Alex Jones did too. He showed that the corporate media doesn't actually have talent. They are comprised entirely and exclusively of sycophants.
But Alex won't name the kike.
4th time.
I am assuming it has something to do with that Cartoon Network thing.
Shills are so fucking obvious
Sage negated :^)
Which channel is this? Hasn't the main one been down since earlier this year?
porn websites have the same hate speech policies in their terms.
funny how people always assume porn sites are for free speech just because they post smut. don't you know who owns them an who runs the porn industry? who came up with the concept of blacks on blondes and are the reason porn is mostly white women?
The "Thank You White People" skit was in top 10 trending in the UK until jewgle removed it so I thought that could be the reason the MDE youtube account was shoah'd but I don't recall if it was posted on the MDE channel. If if was on the MDE channel (((they))) probably just got salty that it made it onto trending plus the not-so-subtle message it conveyed and subsequently suspended the account.
Ah I guess it was posted on HydeWars.
what the fuck is this skit? I don't remember seeing this on WP. Did I miss something important?
I would respect Sam more if he wasn't such a goddamn degenerate.
And he really is one.
Didn't this happen like a half a year ago?
They suck so hard on the censors' cock.
Because you are a jew and or fed who want's to track anons so as to hold the accountable for their alleged posts and don't want people using Tor.