What led to them becoming the closest species to us on Earth in terms of Intelligence & Ethics?
What led to them becoming the only other Race on the planet we can work together peacefully with?
You look at China & see robotic bugmen.
You look at Japan & you see something vaguely resembling Europeans.
Basically what led to them becoming "Honorary Aryans" instead of generic robotic ethicless asians like the chinese or Koreans?
The Japanese
The Japanese are really something, I'll admit.
Hard times and war made them like this.
How much till they start bringing inmigrants to support their dying economy?
Just curious, but how would you react to whites moving to Japan as immigrants?
Maybe because of their Island society and Empire. They encountered similar challenges to the Maritime European powers which shaped the globe. While they had similar martial codes to the land based powers that shaped central Europe.
They have a lot of Slavic/Scythian in them, especially samurai; they were apart of the Grand Tartary and even have classical architecture.
I finished the book "Rising Sun" by Michael Crichton (Didn't pay for it. I go through an audiobook-a-day). He certainly took some stuff about Japan to the extreme. The one thing I liked was "In japan, they focus on what's fucked-up instead of Who fucked-up"
I would not like it,inmigrants are inmigrants,doesn't matter if they are white or not,they would just fuck up the country's culture and mybe create a race of mongrels by racemixing.
Just let the japanese solve their shit by themselves.
I always wonder if a country like Singapore became successful because it followed the ways of Japan.
This is what I was thinking.
I've read that the Jomon People Descended from Whites on the Bering Strait, the same ones that first found North America.
Hence why they look Whiter than some other Asians.
Their economy isn't dying, their birthrates are just below replacement rates just like Western nations. This isn't a problem though, it's nature's course to raise and lower populations based on the resources available. The mistaken belief that a shrinking population is bad comes from the idea that there won't be enough young people paying into the (((social security))) pyramid scheme, and also gives a convenient excuse to flood white nations with non-whites.
I have heard of some efforts to bring in people from India and other nearby locations to Japan, but the complexity of the Japanese language (especially when written) has proven to be a tough barrier for foreigners to adapt to. Not to mention their laws and law enforcement is super strict, so third-worlders would get caught in that legal net pretty fast I'd imagine.
Shinto and White admixture (Ainu).
Their earliest contacts with Western civilization were with Dutchmen and Porks. During the Meiji period, reformation of their society was copied from Germany. After WWII, they got heavily Westernized by Murricans.
Our societies and ways of life may be vastly different, but Japs have assimilated a lot of our culture into theirs, hence the mutual understanding. We are the only ones in the world with whom they can feel something resembling kinship.
Chinks' foreign contacts amounted to Mongols, South Asian deminiggers, Pajeets, and Turks. Then Britain proceeded to fuck the shit out of them without lube. Go figure.
Koreans spent most of the Middle Ages killing each other on their small patch of land. When they weren't busy killing each other, they were busy getting assraped by Mongols and Chinks. Now they are trying to ape both America and Japan and failing miserably. Go figure x2.
UK and Italy look oddly cute in the 3rd pic.
Oh god, here goes a nip worship thread where all the closet slant-eyes and weebs come out of the woodworks to praise the monkey people, cluttering a political, ethno-nationalistic board with dumb slant-eye love threads. Nips aren't our alleys. We're our own alleys. If nips could conquer the globe tomorrow, we'd be their slaves, or we'd be genocided. In 200 years they may be in that position. In 100 years they may be. They are not our alleys. The only future is a global European race, otherwise there will always be an enemy trying to conquer us, taking resources from us, hindering our advancement etc. Nips are an enemy. Greatest and least are irrelevant. All enemies are enemies, so save your praise for your own people and your own heritage and your own culture, and stop acting like literal fucking cuckolds. As for intelligence, remember the fact that their entire way of life was forced upon them by a complete American takeover of their society. The only reason they're not a third world country is because of that, and because they were, for decades, what China is now. They were the cheap robotic slave labor for our companies exported factory work. Nips don't love you. They don't like you. They wouldn't do shit to help you, so stop fucking worshiping them you worthless sacks of shit. All because you like some stupid fucking cartoons and video games. Christ, you people are pathetic.
Japan had a massive housing bubble in the 80’s. One often-cited statistic was that the land underneath the Imperial Palace in Tokyo was worth more than all the land in California at one point. Inevitably, when the bubble burst, the lenders that had financed the bubble were quickly insolvent. But where the US did aggressive monetary and fiscal stimulus and bailed out its banks in 2008, Japan was slow to act and supplied significant liquidity to insolvent banks. Those “zombie banks” were on the equivalent of an IV for decades— insolvent, but with enough liquidity to stagger along without making loans. The lack of lending, combined with a shrinking population and a relatively passive Central Bank drove Japan into a deflationary trap, with prices either falling or on the cusp of falling, which further discouraged lending. When the BoJ eventually acted, getting out of the deflationary trap was difficult.
Pic related.
Nobody here worships nips, you cretin. We are figuring out why they are the way they are.
They had a Aryan colony on their northern most island.
Calm down chink
Someone post the caps of China's history of being btfo-ed Japs
Matthew Perry.
Pic related
This user did it faster though,so sage
Which is what? All I see is the anime posting faggots gathering for yet another pointless nip thread that serves absolutely no purpose but to praise them and put them on a pedestal, yet again, and completely undeservedly so, what with every accomplishment in modern history in their name is the result of white people directly influencing or controlling them.
I don't give a shit about China's history you shit-skin monkey, I'm a Germanic European. Nips and chinks are exactly the same breed of monkey filth to me. Every modern accomplishment to their name is because of us. Every single one. They're all be living in the third world if we didn't export our civilization to them, by force.
I think this user sums it all up perfectly.
Go back to reddit you dumb nigger.
Can we stop pretending to not to be an occupied peoples already?
Nice excuses, you illiterate pavement ape.
Can we stop pretending that a pile of dog shit is pretty just because it's not as big a pile of shit as one left by a horse? An enemy is an enemy. If nips controlled us, we'd be literal slave labor working in fucking camps. Yeah, we wouldn't have Weimar tier depravity, be we'd have plenty of missing limbs and malnourishment to go around. How about we stop pretending like nips are the perfect, glorious, holy people of the earth that can do no wrong, wake the fuck up, and realize that they're just another shit-skin people who would genocide or enslave us if given the opportunity.
I said go back to reddit you dumb nigger, you don't belong here. Filtered.
I guess that's a yes.
"The Japanese are Honorary Aryans, no otuer people on the world are as close to us in terms of strength, intelligence & dignity."
Where did it all go so wrong.
D&C kike.
And remember that the emperor only stopped after two cities where nuked.
They needed two fucking nukes to defeat the nips.
Whites are already slaves you fucking newfag. If Whites had self-determination, we wouldn't be here.
The nips are morally deficient, not intellectually. As long as they don't have the power to cook us and eat us, they won't. Our job (assuming you're white, and not some spic) is to retain our relative positions so grorious Nippon and whites can stay friends.
I don't give a shit what Hitler said. We've had nearly a century of technological advancement since the '30s, and the world is a much, much smaller place today than it was in the '30s. conflict is inevitable, and we all know nips are an ethno-centric people more than willing to genocide, enslave, and torture those unlike themselves. We're those people, even more so than the Asians they did these things to, dumb-fuck. The world will continue to get smaller every single year. There's no living together. In 100 years Japan will be as distant as France is to England, in regards to travel and communication. There's three options for the future: We mix, we conquer, or we get conquered. There is not stupid utopian world were we just live in peace and help each other and advance together.
High IQ and imitation of Whites.
The short answer to that question is "Shinto".
And there it is, and that's why these thread exist. You literally just claimed nips are superior to us, in not so many words. There is fucking is. That's why nip worshipers on this board need to be shut down. Filtered.
If you think about it as an island nation of people who were originally invaded and assimilated by their mainland neighbors,
Who for centuries preferred their isolation from the rest of the world to trade and wealth they could gain from it
Who have long periods of peace in their nation only broken with periods of civil war which drastically changes their ruling structure
They have a lot in common with a little island nation in Europe who conquered the world, who became their only European ally until the other European powers forced them out of the world superpower club
Then leave >>>/cuckchan/
If you think about it there's a high possibility apart from shills there's also hapas and shitskins LARPing on here
No, our job is not to "remain friends." Our job is to conquer them. That's it. They don't need to exist for us to advance. Them existing hinders our advancement.
You must be a nip if you're this lockstep in thought and unable to think independently and critically.
They're the closest other race to us in terms of genetics you imbecile. Whites from the Baltics settled in Amcient Japan & that's why they have had such an eerily similiar success as us when it comes to creating advanced societies.
Maybe read the fucking thread before sperging out & thinking we're all anime watching fgts & not just interested in possibly the only other race we can actually fucking cooperate with on this Earth.
You're blinded by trying to fit in & are thus going way overboard on your rants.
Basically you're trying too hard.
as in they make posts on how they hate whites or something?
Would only approve as last resort plan and only if we were isolated in the Kuril islands or something.
This is modern day (((Zig Forums))).
Hitler would definitely send you to a concentration camp.
Japs get a pass, nigger.
That was a problem in the NSDAP as well.
There are high IQ racists and low IQ racists. Guess which one you are?
Adversity breeds excellence, rivals keep us honest.
Nigger detected. I think has a point.
I've bèen trying to show you that they actually Respect & Admire us because we're the only other Race that has matched them.
They did that to the chinks because the chinks were clearly different to them in every regard but appearance, whilst they can see with Whites that we are the opposite, hence why they sided with the Axis in WWII.
It made no sense for them to do that strategically, they are such an Ethically Driven People that they risked themselves getting Hit with the strongest weapon the world has ever known twice solely for sticking to an ideal that a White Man created.
Although there is no definitive evidence, their history and their actions and to some extent their appearance suggests that they are a mixed-race and have white ancestry. The hablogroups of japan lends to this theory as well as how close they come to white ideals.
Filtered for being a low-IQ monkey.
No as in jealous hapas idealising nords so much they get buttmad at the prospect of respecting any other people
Now I know you're a nigger. You can't look at an aesthetically pleasing woman of a foreign race without thinking of muh-dicking her. If that young lady were in my tea house, why I would pour her a cup and ask if she needed a kimono. Whatever her answer, she gets a pat on the head and friendly encouragement to find a nice Japman and breed honorary children.
Not superiority, but success.
The fact they have comparable Intelligence & Ethics to us but lack the self destroying empathy Whites have really says something about us.
We should be trying to learn from them.
They stayed Largely immigration free unlike White Countries for a reason.
Reverse sage, nigger kike.
What did nips do right? Their entire way of life was engineered by the US military and the exportation of US industry. They did nothing themselves. Now they're a dying economy and a dying population living on the successes of the few decades the US used them as an island factory. How is this fucking praise deserved? Tell me. Explain that to me? Because they're not fucking welcoming diversity? Somalians don't fucking welcome diversity, should we praise them? Should we praise the niggers in Zimbabwe for establishing an ethnostate? What's the fucking criteria, you dumb nigger? Why are you praising these unaccomplished slant-eyes whose entire standard of living comes from white men making them live that way?
You guys if you're interested should check out the Japanese fascist party of ww2
Banned by the imperial government for attempting to negotiate a peace deal where the British Empires territories would be returned
Tried to negotiate through Mosley
Quite sad really if the Japanese fascist had succeeded their society wouldn't have been destroyed
Ok now I Know you're a kike trying to divide & conquer.
I think you mean; You look at Japan anime & you see something vaguely resembling Europeans.
This is all it is. They enjoy anime and video games so they fucking praise nips, just like wiggers who enjoy rap, or cucks who love football and basketball, praise niggers. What a skewed and fucked up world view. These people would never profess a tenth the love for their own people that they do these fucking nips.
Shlomo detected.
Off to the ovens with you.
Nigger detected.
Looks like Chang is a little butthurt. I hope Nanking happens for real this time.
The nukes actually had nothing to do with it, the USSR breaking their non-aggression pact and declaring war on Japan is what made them surrender.
Being mixed race would be a terrible explanation. No other mixed race ethnic group is intelligent or even capable of emulating human behavior. Look at the mess of half white half asians in mexico, south america, the phillipines, etc. They are all retarded subhumans, dumber than both of the races that produced them.
Their original economic boom was after their civil war in the 19th century
Their economy didn't go into the toilet until the great depression
It started recovering due to what they were doing in China and Korea with their economic development if the region's they were in
But FDR supported the Chinese nationalists because he wanted to jew the Chinese economy out of the hands of his closest ally the British Empire
So he passed his law that cut 97% of oil flow to Japan and told them they'd get it back if they pulled out of China and abandoned their schemes to gain more territory
So in response to being bullied by FDR they did pearl harbour to cripple the US fleet for a few months
Attacked and annexed the British ports of Hong Kong and Singapore and invaded the oil fields of the Philippines and secured dat sweet black stuff for their war against the Chinese
We profess Our Love for Whites all the time here you clearly new jidf shill. There is literally nothing wrong with espousing The Man who Brought world jewry to it's knees idea that Loving Our Own race doesn't have to stop us in finding allies of a similiar background to our own.
You're getting the sack soon you're godawful at trying to divide and conquer anons.
No more shekels for you chaim.
You pretend like you belong here, yet you have no concept of ethno-nationalism nor any ethno-nationalistic sentiment. Read my comments. Stop looking in the past and look in the future. If you're a European ethno-nationalist, or white nationalist, which I doubt, then you'd see the inevitable problem with the monkey race. Until then filtered for thinking green text is a substitute for an argument.
Even though I already basically called chinks sub-humans and advocated for their extermination. Filtered for pushing this "ur a shill" idiocy in place of an argument.
1. You got me, fella. Maybe Dutch and American interbreeding about 200 years ago, and about 40,000 years of refinement outside of the Asian mainland.
2. Fat Man and Little Boy.
3. Yep.
4. Strange, isn't it?
5. Honestly, it was probably all of that time they spent alone on the islands.
Interesting enough comparing weebs to wiggers anime has quite a lot of race-mixing with white women, its gotten to the point most harems will have a foreigner in them. I'm a weeb but I don't really care about political stuff I'm just here to fun post
Hi! I'm a Jewish shill who's being paid to spin a narrative. Failing that, I'm a complete newfag who's desperate to fit in with my fellow anonymous Kekistani racists.
Have you guys noticed what a good racist I am? I fucking hate everybody, just like you guys, and like the skinheads I've seen on TV. Some days, I put on a white sheet and threaten to kill all the nonwhites I meet. That's what white nationalism is all about!
Nuke those Japs a second third time, amirite?
If one of you wouldn't mind saying something really repulsive for my screencap, that would be great. I'm on a deadline at Vice, and I haven't figured out how to cap whole posts yet.
Calling their pre-industrialized "boom" a "boom" is like saying Nigerians are experiencing an economic boom right now. They are a first world country, economy, and society solely because of the United States. That is a fact.
What they'd do to us if given the chance. There lies the problem with a diverse and shrinking globe.
Why are you acting like there was no Japan before the WWII colonisation by (((america)))?
You'll also find no shortage of content where everyone, save for a token character or two, have western names, living in a western setting.
Filtered. Don't waste my time with your low-IQ posting, monkey.
Where did I say shill? Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.
You'll also find no shortage of weeb white girls, who were influenced by male weebs, who date and marry slant-eyed men. Then again, weebs and wiggers are nothing if not self-loathing cuckolds whose admiration of another people stems from their own self-hatred.
It's most likely a chink or hapa larping as white, triggered by anything positively said about japs.
Anti-chink post for good measure:
Tienanmen Square Massacre
Maybe do some research before talking out your ass?
Japan turned korea from a feudal state to a westernized modern society
Building hospitals schools and factories everywhere they went
In 1860 in Japan they were a feudal state
In 1880 in Japan they were an industrialised economy and had largely modernised and westernized their society, military and economy
It was mostly the British Empires contributions, half of the Japanese navy was built in Liverpool docks
By 1890 Japan economic output was on par with Germany and the Anglo-japanese Alliance formed after the Russo-japanese war made America very nervous
Because this basically meant that 2 out of the 3 major naval powers in the Pacific had allied and not with them
No actually you won't. That's literally one of the least common racial pairings on Earth. Now I really am believing these other Anons that you really are an angry chink hapa inadvertedly projecting your own fantasy of getting a White girl.
Spare yourself the embarassment & try this again.
Pics related are:
1) A Jap lumber yard on conquered chink land, built from fucking scratch before 1918.
2) Japanese women working a silk-spinning assembly line, Okaya Spinning Factory, Suwa, before the war.
3) Repair Shop of the Imperial Steel Works, Japan in 1910.
4) A hand-colored postcard from Yokohama in 1910, showing rapid electrification and telephone expansion.
5) Japanese munitions workers in the early war period.
Now, rope yourself and your fake history, Jew.
It's probably the only likely explanation. The japs are likely the only mixed race that eliminated as many retards and subhumans amongst themselves. The most intelligent took out the retarded fodder with ease.
This is comparable to whites as well, whites being the least violent but excelling the most at killing when needed. Thus intelligence is also an indicator of who will wipe out the others.
Mixed-race populations being complicated to analyze because of how varied the genetic expression of white genes is demonstrated, this is why there's "intelligent" mutts sprinkled throughout the mutt population. Central and South American mutt populations are a comparably younger existence while the japanese have had a longer time to get rid of their undesirables.
All that said, not even going to try and qualify them as equals. They are closer to white ideals than most but are still very far.
True I just found it very amusing
Remember Pearl Harbor. At the height of their power the Japanese treacherously attacked with no declaration of war despite being "honaraboru samurai". Not to mention how their wars were financed by Jewish bankers and the number of Jewish residents during the WWII.
You only like them now when they are a servile vassal race. Let that change and see what you'll get from your "fellow Hittites"
Something you never fucking see. You do see lots of white girls hoodwinked into fucking niggers though. Niggers being another thing you see very seldom in anime.
Oh you didn't even mention Candy Doll, you need to up your anti Japanese game
And while we are at it. For laughs.
How could that be when Japan itself wasn't a Westernized, modern society? Japan was turned into a Westernized, modern society by the United States.
Not even remotely true.
Oh man, that's really impressive that Japan's economy rivaled that of a country that had been in and out of wars for decades. That is, wars with the remnants of major global empires, not some impoverished dump like Russia, whose society was still more advanced than that of Japan.
Hello my fellow magapede boomer.
Jesus Christ this is some next level jew deception attempt.