Antifa faggots

Anyone else fucking pissed off when fags use arguments like this. Especially when an antifag assaults a libertarian and anyone to right of Karl Marx is a nazi to them. Anyone that has the same beliefs as the generation that fought WWII would be considered a nazi by liberals today.
Can any of you fags compile statistics from the 40's of public opinion. Especially since the generation that fought the nazis thought that
I even thought I saw a poll that a decent amount of Americans thought we should genocide the Japs after the war kek. Pls lend your autism and provide statistics

Attached: brainlet.png (1066x600, 276K)

Why the fuck is grugg there?


Pretty sure grug came from the brainlet meme before he became his own thing and started noticing strange behavior from the long nose tribe

Attached: liberal my ancestor.jpg (466x384, 43.55K)

I know for a fact both of my grand fathers (Fought for the British) have both said at multiple different points that had they known this was where society was going to go - they would never have enlisted, or if they were drafted anyway they would've done far less than they did. One of them wanted the Japs gone as well.

George Wallace, George Lincoln Rockwell, and a shit ton of other vets were not only extremely racist but regretted what happened. I am sure there are many more, but that's all I can think of off of the top of my head.

Dad got his ass drafted and he was sent as cannon fodder for the D-Day invasion.
Landing craft drops the ramp, Germans machine gun everyone, door goes up and landing craft goes back to Troop ship.
Dad is one of 3 survivors. War over for Dad, sent home on medical.
He never had a bitch with the Germans.

Until 1941 there was a ton of sympathy in the US for Germany. It was the Jews and FDR that had to crank up the propaganda machine to 11 in order to sway the masses. America has ALWAYS hated communists more than 'Nazis'.

Attached: 3da21fce6b217e8d16a0beb3ab138871380fd00061e30569ecd11920ff17c2b3.mp4 (480x360, 4.39M)

nazi's are only annoying when said persons start trying to dictate everything to you while themselves being a few monks shy of a monastery not realizing that this is the same shit reason you hate communists

No, communists want to collective everything, and that includes murdering everyone in the way for daring to want to keep a hold of their possessions and the fruits of their labour. National Socialists will leave you alone so long as you are not a degenerate trying to undermine the race.

Attached: 3a532d2830b6f653c247706b34ecbc5cffa7b61d1d07bf1a1d1ec38ee7bad0d6.mp4 (320x240, 6.07M)

Fixed that for you

Seems to me Communism's only purpose was to rile up the Russian peasants against the Emperor.

That's pretty good.

Here you go. He's a fucking fag, but he's got his race politics squared away. I think this is the video where he brings up a study from 1943, when some huge majority in America said they'd rather lose the war than integrate their schools.

Attached: based.jpg (320x221, 29.28K)

Not my grandparents! They were buying scrap metal and selling it to the Japanese Empire for a pretty penny!

Someone's salty over something.

Attached: 1bikelock2-732x428.jpg (732x428, 35.37K)

Someone at Media Matters needs to stop stealing my 'poisoning the well' tells from AE.

Starting to think you use an AI to copy-paste responses from one place to another (would be a shame if I were to expose that).

Better try to explain to the nice folks at Zig Forums why you chose the word 'salty'.

Remember: I can do a direct linkback to original post if need be.


America should have sided with Nazi Germany not fought against it.

I saw that argument in charlottesville and lol it means we are winning mate. They are virtue signaling to us now. Deep down they are saying yeah I am a minion of the jwo but so was grandpa so it's ok to have this position! It's patriotic! They need a red pill

Grug (and 30 yo boomer) descend from Wojak brainlets

Nazis are (((our))) traditional enemies!
Nazis are (((our))) traditional enemies goyim!

Sauce on that video?

There were no open war though, just some good old superpower rivalry.

Found the (((commie))).

This is leftism 101. They use whatever argument is convenient for their side. So of course they'll spout at the same time that it's shameful for our advanced Western civilization to be racist and whatever -ist while at the same time saying that Western civilization in itself is rotten and needs to die. They'll shit on Christianity 24/7, but then try to hold up small Christian European countries to their supposed standards kvetching how they're bad Christians for refusing refugees. Some of their members want slow creeping acceptance of pedophilia, but if they can accuse a right winger of being a pedo they won't squander that opportunity.

Another blood raging retard then…

I have the chills
underrated post

Nah he was captured and saw first hand their atrocities. Although he did freely admit that the British also fucked with the locals.

Appreciate the meme history lesson there.
I don't keep up with this stuff.