So I’ve been using this place instead of 4chan for about a week now and Jesus Christ what a difference...

So I’ve been using this place instead of 4chan for about a week now and Jesus Christ what a difference, in this week alone I’ve swallowed more redpills that I will spread and take with me to the grave than anything I’ve found in the past year on 4chan. People here seem to be more open to discussion of actual substance as opposed to arguing over kike enabling e celebrities, also the lack of porn and general lewd pictures leaves a lot of space to think. When did you guys realise 4chan was a lost cause?

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lurkmoar faggot

We'll realize when you kill yourself so you don't make anymore shit threads.

a good thread died for this
not your blog
you have to go back
what you trying to slide moishe

2014, when most of us came here in the first place.

Yet you still haven't stopped sucking those cocks.

Go back and stay back, never post here again faggot

I left after they censored the GG treads. Never went back.

I suppose you’re one of those darn ‘kike shills’ lol! Only joking chums. Glad to be apart of the team! :D

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If you are practically a newfag to & from 4chan and just arrived here, out of curtosy and for the sake of quality please remain a lurker outside of maybe redpill dumping threads.
Same applies if you're an oldfag and the sense just finally hit you in the head.

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Lurk four years faggot, you're shitting up the board.


lurk for 111 more weeks faggot

You're several years to the game late dude. Have a seat. Lurk more and then post.

Good for you user, just don’t overdose on any schizopills though, such as really reallly wacky conspiratard bullshit.

it's only a matter of time before Juden "Wash Your Peterstein"' wife forces him to do a barrel roll on cam

Ok, great. If you're in the military, remember to get into a snowboarding accident before deploying to China or Iran like all the niggers do when its time for them to deploy. Let Trump the narcissist get the most embarrassing defeat in history with his army of mexico firsters and monkeys.


what does that even mean, you cock worshiping fagggit?

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Happy to help faggot. Also the "post less, lurk moar" rule applies here too. Even more so, if anything. So shut your fucking mouth and don't post again for another two years.

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When it became the exact same threads every single day.

lurk for two years before posting faggot

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its an anonymous basket weaving forum not your gentlemans shitposting yacht club

Unfortunately, both cuckchan and here are incredibly lower in quality compared to the past after the elections. Best time for redpilled was probably fresh exodus fullchan Zig Forums, zimzam trials, or 4chon's /new/ with the archived redpill threads.


Dont fag it up.

Welcome to realchan. While you're lurking for the next two years, here's your starter kit.

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During the actual original exodus, in that time 2010/2011/2012 for a bright shining moment we had 4chon's /new/ which was the best form of Zig Forums, /new/, Zig Forums that has yet existed. Zig Forums in the beginning was also a lot better. It got a little too cheerleader with the Trump stuff… it's getting a little better now. I left 4chan then and never went back.

You're supposed to SAGE threads with no content…

If you like it here, then stop shitting the place up like a currynigger.

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But user, Hitler was both individualist and collectivist, stressing multiple times that the individual is important to the collective and vice versa.

2 year minimum lurking time

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just wait until you unironically read mein kampf and find a natural blonde to procreate with

The Holocaust did HAPPEN, the Titanic was pure natural coincidence, and Al Qaeda did 9/11. Go the fuck >>>/back/, you fucking kike JIDF shill. Report and sage~!


and I'm JD Rockefeller

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Thousands of years user…we have been suffering this BULLSHIT from the international bankers. It is time to end it.

Good to hear, newfriend.
Sekrit bunkers exist on and

and here you are, so late its not even as good as it should be

Ah those were the days, unfortunately the BO sold /new/ when certain autists started posting too much truth. I think they were threads about Moot and his involvement in certain social engineering programs while he was in academia if I remember correctly.

It's best if you go, your reckless posting shows you are not ready for this place.


when joot cucked out in summer 2014, why?

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I miss the Swastika emblem at the top, and the NatSoc sticky threads. Seems this place seems sadly more jewed to me of late. 4cuck is a trainwreck now that niggers, spics, poos, and flips have found it.

If you intend to say that this board sucks trump's jewish cock better than 4chan? then you are right. boy you had to be here 6 months before this fuckers were defending kikey and reported anyone that criticised trump this board is controlled op m8.
8(((pol))) credibility died in 2016

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August 2014.

You realize kikey’s gone now, right? And that you can shit on Trump’s litany of failures all you want?

You looked in a mirror?

I do wonder what happened to those guys.

Any dissent from kampfy's faggotry and Don "Feinstein 2 Electric Boogaloo" Trump's stranger moments was met with constant insults, anger, reports and bans, then kampfy gets his turkish ass gassed and all of a sudden literally everyone on the board acts like they've always hated kampfy. Fucking nobody agreed with me that that piece of shit was a zionist piece of shit prior to the great gassing, now all of a sudden nobody wants to admit they went lock-step with the fag the whole time when honest to doge 99 percent of the time people loved the faggot.

lurk for an least two years before posting


One big difference between Zig Forums and post Jewpocolypse halfchan is that people here don't make stupid useless threads here. A serious discussion died for your homer Simpson moment.

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It bears repeating:

Great job on the post op!
This is the highest percentage of sage posts I've ever seen, that means you riled up the shills! The shills always sage bump while insulting you.
Keep going op!

Far better than swallowing cocks over at cuckchan, that's for sure.

I hope you get hit by a bus. Never post here again. Go back to 4chan or shut the fuck up and lurk more.

who's the crack addict and why is he being compared to dur fuhrer?

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Six years ago.

Kampfy did absolutely nothing wrong. Not even being a turkroach.

wrong, faggot.
lurk less, post more!

OP is a faggot

Its been shit since 2015 kid. And here was me wondering why there were more faggy anons recently

When moot sold out and you couldn't say "nigger" on cuck/pol/
now please go back and stop bringing retards here

This. And in 2014 we knew 4cuck was comp'd.

QTDDTOT, faggot.

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This place is watered down from what it used to be. You know, we all free speech and open borders and sheit now (unless you want to ophornetsnest, bad goy!)

OP, I dunno if your real, but Hey - all great anons have to start somewhere.
pics related

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Get outta my life.
Don’t come back.


What the fuck is it with people?

In literally EVERY state - is that in the US? - in the US if someone puts their hands on you in any perceived special safeword, use it and no one can argue otherwise aggression and you can remove their hands with force and get them away from you with force.
Don't escalate further though. That's when you enter battery territory depending on the cop and what you did, most likely simple assault.

Also. Was their intention to advertise to people the fucked up events they run so this happens more often?

It was so much better in the imkampfy era.

He doesn't have the right to fuck up their event any more than they have the right to piss in his church during his sermon.

Stand outside and tell the children they are being lied to on their way out if he wants to do something. All the kids know now from him doing that is church people ruin fun.

OP is a faggot. Lurk moar!

When did Trump disarm anybody?
Wheres the DACA?
Oh right, neither of those things happened outside of your fantasy.

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It's Deutschland. With S. And if you are going to superimpose text on a picture, and the color of the text is similar to parts of the picture it will go over, you need to give it an outline or a semitransparent background of a contrasting color.

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fuck off normalfag

Give him the plank daddy-o

You gotta lurk 4 years before posting newfag. You need to go back.

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Welcome to the dark side.

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It's because the mods on 4chan are actually blackmailed pedophiles, they themselves covered up for the R9K blackmail suicide (felony felony felony) and banned me when I pointed this out.

Lost a lot of respect for the place now that the kikes are running it. It's almost as if everything they touch becomes ruined and contaminated?

In any event, wr are becoming exceedingly efficient at the simulation… Each time they destroy a Mongolian throat singing board, several more spring up in its place, exponentially increasing their costs to subvert them while fomenting deep hatred in the hearts of /pol users

We all know who is doing this, but at least here on 8ch the moderayots are not completely comped blackmailed child molesting pedophiles like on halfch

What a time to be alive

get fucked

Zig Forums is not a place to make friends. It's a place of war. Welcome soldier.

mods gonna pretend there is a reason to bump lock this or not even post a reason?