Brainwashed hippies get themselves killed by ISIS, finally contributing to society in death



I, for one, salute these retards and their dedication to providing redpills for us to use.

Thank you, braindead limosuine liberals. In death, you were finally worth something. I only hope you realizex how fucking stupid you were in your final moments, as you were culturally enriched by illiterate, inbred goatfuckers.

Good riddance!

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Other urls found in this thread:

As a side note, I obviously heavily edited the article to mock these disgusting shitbirds. Read the archive for the original.

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I wish we could send all leftists to these culturally enriching lands so they could meet such diverse and wonderful people.

Kek. well played.

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video of them getting run down


Aww dude, you can't get into burning man if you're dead.

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What did they think was gonna happen?

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Slavs only remove kebab
Slavs never become kebab

I don't think they were capable of true thought, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.

They probably thought they were going to expose all the evil right-wing lies and paranoia and smoke pot with their poor, oppressed minority friends.

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Checked for dubdubs of truth.

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The leftist utopian butterflies and rainbow diversity that doesn't fucking exist.

So, were the niggers that beat, raped, mutilated and finally killed Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian self-interested, or just being myopic?

It's hilarious how common this story is becoming. If only all of them would self deport themselves to hell like this.

He's not squatting. Then again, he's light for a Chechen. Viking rape-genes in the Turkish gene pool?

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Did they not see how numerous people have attempted this and ISIS has a 100% kill rate? Usually with a rape to boot?

Maybe it is memeable, like with most of the other pranks

Don't even care any more. They can rest in piece while the rest of us have to suffer through a niggerpocalypse.

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Probably the son of a sex-slave.

quality reporting op, well done

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Islamophobic propaganda, user. There's good in everybody, and ISIS is only the product of American policy in the Middle East. If we just get a chance to introduce ourselves and explain how much we hate those rednecks who started the whole war, then I'm sure we can find common ground with soldiers of the Caliphate. Maybe we can tell them about our Muslim neighbors in Michigan. I think they're Shiite or something. I'm sure we'll have LOTS to talk about with our friends! At least, I know I didn't support oil wars, so I should be safe!

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100,000 foreskin bet that as she was being murdered the bitch of the two - errr; the fmale of the two screamed shit like "oh my god those racist nahtzees were right!!!"

(Checked and kek'd)

Man, don't they like, know we're on their side!? We're allies, man! Professer Goldsternsteinshekeljewberg said all we had to do was believe in love, man!

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Nope. She died cursing George Bush and Donald Trump for creating this mess, and no doubt feeling sorry for the misunderstood killers who were driven to it by Republicans and Tony Blair.

I really doubt it.
It surely was something like:
>omg (((we))) are against the war on petrol, violence is a media invention man

You're both way off. She died crying and choking on cock as they raped her right next to her already dead boyfriend.

Vid related is Professor Goldsternsteinshekeljewberg explaining the matter. He's a gassy windbag, so it takes 6 minutes to blame the United States for his pet Islamoniggers jihad-chimping all over our oil fields.

You missed those trips because you implied arab dicks are long enough to choke on.

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If she was crying, it was only because of the physical pain of having her asshole split with a shovel. I promise you she's sitting in hell now, still blaming fucking white males for inflicting their Christian faith on those poor, misunderstood Muslims.

There's no such thing as sudden enlightenment, user. I'd like to picture her sudden realization as much as you, but I'm certain she was rationalizing her refusal to hate them to the last second. If she'd survived, she would have spent her first interview after telling everyone she forgives her abusers and blames whites from America and Britain.

The conditioning takes years to break. At least two, at last count.

You are correct. People who were conditioned their entire lives can't do it in a day.

They were in their homelands and didn't take them back.

That's not what Yuri said. Until there are boots on their head and all that.

I never claimed there was. Only that she was crying from a combination of her boyfriend being dead, her being raped, and the knowledge that as soon as that's done she'd be dead too. I don't doubt for a second the realization of just how stupid and wrong she was never entered her head during her final moments.

Of every day truth.
2 years is, like, one truth a week, man.

Depends on the type of brain. I was raised liberal but never really thought about politics, just parroted what my parent's believed. Stumbled across an article outlining jewish power and that was all it took, and all it should take if you're logical enough.

Same but mostly parroted teachers and the media until I started asking questions, like the cringe way other liberals always thought of important issues like politics in the frame of pop culture and media references rather than statistics, real life, and history. I'm glad it wasn't too late before I ended up like these two.

nothing of value was lost
in fact
their death was value adding

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Chad OP strikes again! We should set up a world travel fund for more of these useless dipshits.

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There's no video of them being stabbed to death?

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Reality prescribes some brutal redpills

I guess you had to be there.

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Why did ((they)) allow this to go to press? Shouldn't they have lied about it succeeding?

The ironic thing is those hippies contributed more action towards their ideology than OP did. Let that sink in.

[!] No streaming URL has been found…

Not even including context. Just cropping this and leaving it everywhere I go online.

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I noticed they left out that they raped her in the article. There is no universe that a bunch of Mudmen took that woman into their power and just killed her before raping the shit out of her.

Jews think it's funny when their soy pets get butchered by their golems. Gives them a good chuckle. If it had been Jews who got shredded, the NYT would not be taking such a lighthearted tone. Also, if it had been a couple of Jews, ISIS would have apologized and respectfully returned the corpses.

Also, note the name of our lighthearted author.
>(((Michael Sinkewicz)))

your crop is genius, conditioned individuals will think for minutes about what the catch could be in the picture.

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Close, but I'm never quite where you think I'll be. I am here every fucking day though. It's sad, really.

Fucking hilarious OP, good work

Best to encourage a little independent thought with the agitprop.

Zig Forums takes a bike trip

This is the solution. The golems must be turned on the master. Jew addresses in no GO zones. This is the solution.

I'm a goy & that's some damn funny shit right there.

Reminds me of an ad on a download website or some shit. Too bad we can't swap them out on a popular website for something like that.

why can't news threads have related images/footage in op

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based and ausposted

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Improved version.

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Sadly true, most likely

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user, don't be mistaken - these people do believe in evil. They just think that "evil" is "racism".

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That schnoz on the woman. The self-satisfied tight-lipped smirk on her husband, thinking he's smarter than all the people who told him his idiocy would get them both killed. And the nervous, insecure fake smile on her, knowing they've gone too far, but it's now too late to back out.
A kike and a cuck. It's like pottery.

I wonder, by chance we can actually convert some White leftists to fight for our cause. The Reddit-tier "war for oil" meme was enough for some lolbergtarians to become anti-Zionist/Israel/neocon, and anti-Zionism is popular among the Cultural Marxist sphere of (((universities))). Because somehow Zionist Israeli kikes like Bibi Netanyahu are now considered """""White""""", nowadays.

Honestly, I hate how they keep comparing Pissrael to the South Africa apartheid. Because it implies that the Boers actually stole some imaginary nation the Apefricans supposedly had before le ebil Whitey took it. Just go around in (((uni))) and the normalfag interwebs. You get to see anti-White tranny niggers/spics/kikes praising and chanting the decline of White South Africans. And here I thought Whites are the most "racist, bigoted, and intolerant" race there is in the world. Without Whites, what are niggers?

Still nauseating

Professional pseudointellectual. Just like all Jews. Once claimed himself to be an "anarcho-communist" while actually believing (((gun control))) works, which is not even something real commies would ever support because it oppresses the working class (whom they all think are all non-White, of course). I found this quote from r/Socialism. A subplebbit for useful idiots who think other political opinions are wrongthink and follow said kike master. Behold Zig Forums, Chomsky's true understanding of European accomplishments.

pic related

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Learn to laugh at it. Hope that fucking cunt died at least as miserably as the thousands of whites she helped condemn to the same fate.

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The standpoint isn't entirely wrong - outside forces are responsible for the creation, formation, and maintenance of ISIS. The problem with it is that it's leaving out the sheer number of jews and cronies in the US and Israel directly advocating for all this violence. It's a classic tactic, really.

1: Create a problem

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I dunno, that broad looks pretty jewy to me.

more to the list i guess
do they even hear about each other's demises?

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Don't you mean ours? kek

They didn't have to travel half way across the world for that, they could have just taken a ride through the nearest black ghetto and achieved the same result.

Zig Forums needs to make a comprehensive collection of such exquisite irony.

But the niggers are already here, user. Their particular brand of suicidal virtue-signaling was intended to convince us that we should let goatfucking terrorists into our countries, something most normalfags still realize is a bad idea. Getting (not) raped and killed by feral inner-city niggers wouldn't prove to boomers and civnats that we should let more niggers in; they already believe that. And if they did get raped and murdered, it wouldn't even be newsworthy. Besides, biking around the ghetto to prove niggers are good people would be racist. It assumes you need to prove that, and that means you have bad thoughts.

Not slav

but this does not work
use this (picture related)

why can't they have better cameras? I wouldn't even care if it was vertically recorded.

A kike and a cuck
meme potential

maybe they saw her sickle nose and they dont sleep with animals, well thats not plausible either.

break the conditioning
meme potential

in europe people believe its the americans (whites, most likely) who fight for oil
what works in europe is to mick the american liberators meme, this condition can easily be broken in my opinion - at the same time you can insert the jewish pill



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I can't even conceive of the mentality of a grown man smiling after his blond haired lovely daughter got her throat slit by evil chimps.

It would be so convenient to blame the jews on a meta level but really WHAT THE FUCKETY FUCK FUCK FUCKETY FUCK IS WRONG WITH DIPSHITS LIKE THIS?????

The same thing that causes a mother to sell her child for heroin. He is a cuckold. He is addicted to the rush of humiliation and submission tot hose who see him as lower than garbage. He is addicted to the dopamine rush of signaling his virtue, that he is less racist than his peers, that he is more forgiving than his fellow man, that he is more contrite in his white guilt than other whites. He is a degenerate and a drug addict, and the pleasure signals his brain receives from these acts of personal, moral and racial self-destruction are more pleasurable to him than the pain of losing his own flesh and blood. Your disgust is not unfounded. But mostly, he is to be pitied, and the mercy to be granted him is death.

i somehow didn't see the "gets killed" lol
i think this is better

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Reminds me of Pippa Bacca, that insufferable virtue signaling leftist retard that went hitchhiking through sandland only to get gang raped and murdered.

If leftists refuse to learn before it is too late, I suppose at least they will receive Darwin awards upon their brutal rape induced deaths.

100% these brown fucks just saw the white skin and went full chimp mode.
Ideology, religion, it's nothing.
They were the wrong color in a wrong place.
Do you think these 80 iq ayyyyrab rape babies were browsing their Instafaceburgsnapchats while they rolled around Buttfuckistan Eurasia looking for these tools?

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I feel so bad for the women that have such cucks for fathers and mothers. They never had a chance.

Ultimate redpilling there. "Islam" amd all other religions, christardation included is chimp level justification for biological competition that is based around looks, "race" or "ethnicity" being stand in for DNA groupings.

Fake muslims?

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Part of facing the future and defending our people will involve accepting that the truly lost cannot be saved, even if they are lost through no fault of their own. Turn your anger at not being able to save them into hate for those who made them this way. You know (((who))).

Yea deffo not Polish too white tbh

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This is very quite off topic in my opinion, but it is interesting to note that while Khomeini kept saying the "Great Satan" to describe the US, no one and I mean no one remembers him calling the Soviet Union as the "Lesser Satan". Khomeini also said America is "the wounded snake". Really not so sure what that means but I believe he actually knows about the "Don't Tread On Me" flag. This was never mentioned in any (((MSM))) outlet, nor was it ever fully acknowledged in history. Also I think Uncle Sam is supposed to specifically represent the American government (see: ZOG), not the people. Culombia is the one that actually represents the nation and the people, or at least when it wasn't the Weimar Republic 2.0. Sorry for the blatant autism.

Kek, these virtue signaling retards actually did manage to get themselves killed. Some information for everyone, these retards rode through South Africa before but get this, they only rode through the WHITEST parts. They purposely avoided all the negroid infested areas. I wonder why they would do such a common sense racist thing since they're so enlightened and progressive. I hate naive leftist hypocrites so much.

Just like there are no foxhole atheists, I'd like to believe there are no raped to death by religion of peace libtatrds. Converted to rwds as life snuffed out of them

I got some captions for you!

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have all i got

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meanwhile real commies are killing isis with the ypg while you sit on your fat ass talking to boomers about pedophile celebrities

Your archive sucks

I think you get to much riled up with the "hippie" thing.

Both were professional that worked in well payed jobs stateside. They took a extensive holiday to see the world. I guess here comes envy into play.
It is a very white, European thing to wish to discover the world. I travel quite extensive for leisure (Lonely Planet, Rough Guide style) and most other similar travelers one meet are of European heritage, Americans, Australians and Europeans. You wont meet many Japanese or other non-European people doing the same and I'm not talking about year long journeys, but some weeks of you annual holidays. I know Japs don't take holiday that would be amoral towards their company

I did read about the attempt on their life before in the press and assumed it was an organized bicycle holiday, because it was large group of cyclists.

As for them being naive and brainwashed, sure to a degree, but hardly more than a large part of the population of the western world.
It is painful stupid to read someone writing about evil as an invented concept, just a misunderstanding. "Can't we get along?" Particularly by someone from such a peaceful country as the USA is. They must have lead some pretty sheltered lives.

Tajikistan might be the shitiest of the Stans, after Afghanistan, but ISIS territory it is not, less so than London. England and France might be, are in fact much more dangerous places than the ex-SU.

THAT is a tragedy of the western world, Europeans wasting their lives.

I know some real hippies, that traveled the hippie trail to India through Afghanistan, today totally impossible, with their child! They had three children together, not so bad, compared to some neets blaming the boomer, in their basements, crying into a pillow. Then was a total different time and millennials have no clue, maybe only a hint, how much worse the world is today compared to the height of cold war.

Particularly stupid to waste that much money. They could have been culturally enriched by illiterate, inbred goatfuckers in their own country. No need to travel!

Your welcome!

I think she didn't have original thoughts at all. Only living through the motions and actions that were placed in her head by leftist liberal propaganda, like how to act when you get a punch in your face and the nigger unzips your pants. Completely on autopilot to the end

If she would have been able to ask herself 'why' she wouldn't have been there in the first place.