Seems like you niggers have a bad case of being overly skeptic over temporary problems.
Seems like you niggers have a bad case of being overly skeptic over temporary problems.
Other urls found in this thread:
How can they temporary if they can only get worse over time?
That's like saying "let's use toxic chemicals to farm because not doing so is going backwards".
You need to learn to sage, faggot.
This thread is dogshit.
g k chesteron on democracy and tradition
Not a solution.
The same reason you reject tradition is why we embrace it. You, and your kind, cease to shit up the ground and air you inhabit.
Haha what?
These problems have been a long time in the making, far more than just 20 years.
The jewish infiltration of media and academia specially has been a long, steady process that encompassed the better part of the previous 2 centuries. A lot of the other issues stemmed from the ever increasing success of this strategy that allowed kikes to slowly inject their potion into the veins of western civilization and erode, weaken and carve at it little by little.
A brute-force approach perhaps but in times of crisis it's certainly easier to look back at a previous social/political/economic model that worked well for the most part and push to return to it as wholly as possible instead of trying to break it down little by little trying to find what little bits of it are the most beneficial ones and which ones could be reconciled with more modern sensitivities and ideas. That's a much more nuanced and time consuming process that can come latter in a moment when time isn't of essence and your societies aren't teetering on the edge of a cultural and demographical collapse and you no longer have any kikes breathing down your neck trying to subvert and counter any progress you manage to achieve.
Come on Moishe, you're rusty.
I would say that 70 years is a conservative estimate, and that's if you are an American, which has had a quick history in comparison to the rest of the world.
what is it you are referencing? what major traditions can you name that were overtly harmful? if anything, most traditions have definitive positive effects, which is why they rise to the top of a culture over many years, and become traditions in and of themselves. By nature of being a tradition, it is generally helpful in the broader sense to the community it is being used in, so I want to know which traditions you think are specifically shit for a culture.
I can understand however, the want to find the specific elements that make a culture or tradition valuable in a more clinical sense. It seems reasonable to want the specific elements of a tradition to be somewhat more understandable than "it just werks". Claiming that in the short term a return to form isn't the easiest way to start that process seems foolish.
Kill yourself jew.
Maybe you actually ought propose and make the case for a solution to the relevant issues instead of just saying we are going about it the wrong way and not much beyond that.
"Return to form" is the term I was looking for but it kept eluding me for some reason, thanks.
Also, never forget the original North and South Americans were happy with their
Until some problems came knocking and they tried to cling on to the end
Nice cherry-picking.
Also, what part of "we can worry about and iron-out the small details later when the clock isn't ticking down towards total collapse" did you not understand?
Sometimes you have to adapt to survive but it's foolish to think that this is always necessarily a "forward" movement, that's just blind optimism.
As said, sometimes the answers you need can be found by looking backwards.
Two steps backwards, but let's keep walking forwards after that? Just like Iran, right?
Then you should be very happy to know that some people kept trying to look backwards despite the fact that they couldn't even solve the pitfalls they fell into before. See: China
And of course leaping forwards is a dumb idea; but we're far from uprooting ourselves. This is the culmination of hundreds of years of progression. We still have problems, but if we go backwards, that won't necessarily fix our current ones, but it will give us more.
That arguments issue is that there's problems going forwards and there's problems going backwards, and I consider the problems caused by going forward more harmful than the ones caused by going backwards.
I'm reporting every single one who does this, but not the avatarfag himself.
Oh, and for anyone curious; going backwards does not remove the Jews. They hide in your upper classes and have to manipulate fewer people. Sure, you make them wear funny hats and chase them out of town, but they'll be back, and whatever your "traditions" make people less willing to do (in public), they will exploit it for money and power.
What shit tier of an argument is that?
Fuck off Sargon.
Just because your society becomes traditional doesn't mean the others will.
And boy, if you have something they want, they're gonna come and take it from you
Oh also, some of your current enemies are very traditional.
You centrists are dumb.
No, but if you stagnate and become rooted in your ways (and human nature is always present), any society or people that want to take something from you will have a much easier target that doesn't adapt intelligently.
You're too wrapped up in the idea of forwards and backwards. You're not intelligent enough to consider the nuances. You think like a child.
You do know where you are, right? The average person can't be trusted to always act in the best interest of those around them, their very folk, and not solely on their own at others' expense. A measure of personal freedoms always have to be restricted in order to keep a functioning society running, that's the whole fucking point of it.
Yeah too bad for them, but if you had a system in place that worked before while the current one pushed upon you by malicious (((external agents))) is ever-increasingly toxic, then forcing a return to form and getting rid of said system might be your best choice; again, the more nuanced details can dealt with later. Also, even if the previous one wasn't perfect there are always degrees of worse and better.
Thanks, user.
You're acting as it isn't common knowledge for anyone on Zig Forums that no solution you try to implement to solve a society's problems would be ultimately for naught unless you got rid of the vermin that was largely responsible of introducing those issues in the first place. It'd basically be #1 priority.
This IS very true though, poor Germany.
Even if you try to get rid of the jewish banking scheme, for example, someone the US could just pay you a visit and bring "democracy" with it, we've seen such cases in more recent times.
I still don't understand where you're going with this, almost like you keep going back to what said.
If American culture were suddenly to revert to the 1950s or 1850s acclimated to the current technology, not to mention that it would be an absurd battle to fight to get there, you'd still have racial tension, pedo rings, and a bunch of people (proportionally small but numerically large) very unhappy with their lives, to list a few problems. You'd also still have to deal with Jews, resource depletion, Islamic extremists, federal deficits, and everything else current and coming.
None of what you said is an argument against traditionalism. In fact, you accidentally argued for it since in a culturally traditional mindset it would be much easier to deal with all the problems you state. You are not smart enough to debate this and you don't even fully understand what anons here propose. Stop embarrassing yourself.
And of course those things would have to be dealt it with in some proportion, what do you assume we wouldn't, at least ideally? We must think of us as obtuse.
Not to mention those problem are allowed to exist for the most part thanks to the current system in place and the (((agents))) pulling the string behind the curtain to keep it in place, it stands to reason that they'd considered among the number of things that would need to be addressed in way or another to achieve a real, tangible and overall change.
The fact you are so enthusiastically buying into his ""backwards/forwards" - "progression/regression" dichotomy goes to show that you are brainlet who can't recognize an obvious rhetorical trap when it presence itself.
How does it feel Schlomo to get outplayed?
Yes, and most Western governments have functioning (with prohlems) political systems that give people freedom without compromising individual safety. Increasing hierarchy, abstractly speaking, will reduce freedom of the masses. This is inherently contradictory to the key ideas (classical liberalism) that made Europeans the dominant geopolitical location on Earth. Because their stagnated, obscurantistic hierarchies were challenged, abandoned, or overthrown, they were able to succeed.
So, in terms of legislative mechanisms, I think we're doing good. We can't quite react as quickly as China's oligarchy/dictatorship in policy change, but we can avoid the pitfalls of having the government run by one unchallenged group with a flawed vision. Additionally, you dont have to worry about the local organ truck making a stop at your door because you challenged the hierarchy. We need to keep improving and removing small inefficiencies in our political system though, and stop the hierarchy from allowing the governors to be grossly out of touch with the problems of the governed.
As for the rest of your post, I think you'll find some people of non-echoing descent mimic the behavior of the Jews. And if you think you can just bring down the hardest judgement against the alleged undesirables with extreme prejudice, that just makes them blend in and work in the shadows more. See: US drug war, Priests running pedo operations
For your last point, you might be militarily fine but your enemies can work outside your cultural stonework and exploit it against you. Blackmail, character assasination, etc all become so much easier when you have more failure points on a single man.
I'm trapping him on his own web.
Your claim is fair in the sense that the problems still exist. But problems exist until they are resolved, and the argument of traditionalism is that the ability to remove current problems is simpler under older cultural rules. In a technologically advanced 1850, every one of these problems would be resolved in a manner that is more effective than it is currently. Therefore, a return to a more traditional mindset for the purpose of removing a problem is a simple solution to current problems.
In 1850 racial tensions were resolved through violence, and kept at bay to such an extent that it was an actual non-issue, unlike now, where the social climate removes people's ability to confront problems about race directly.
In 1850, a pedo ring would be lynched in a field, not chased into a court in order to escape conviction through loopholes.
In 1850, armed revolutions were attempted to directly overthrow governments in order to get what was desired in the face of adversity. People were more connected to there local communities, were more capable of trusting each other, were more likely to have large and cohesive families, and were not spiritually dissatisfied with the vast majority of their lives. They were on average happier people, unlike the sullen defeatism that is prevalent now.
In 1850, If you had the ability to convince people Jews were a problem worth extermination, it would occur. The fact that it has failed over many attempts is due to restrictions that no longer exist. It is hard to remove a people from horseback, but it is simple from a plane. Why do you think the culture is now the main arena for issues in the current age? Because the tech war is already lost. If you convinced everyone on earth that Jews deserved extermination, they would be gone, because the tech to do so is widespread and available all across the globe. It would be much easier to convince people in 1850 that this was a worthwhile pursuit, as opposed to now, where starting such a conversation is liable to get you arrested in many parts of the world.
Resource depletion is always an issue. It is unrelated to culture, and is not brought up in regards to traditionalism because it is irrelevant.
The culture of 1850 did not have a federal reserve system that is comparable to today's system, and was actively fought against at every step of the way by people who recognized our current future would occur if it happened.
If you can convince modern people to hate islamic militants, then you would convince the 1850s American populace to literally remove them overnight. You should know this, because it was attempted several times, but the limiting factor was technology, which in you scenario you removed.
The future is now, old man. If you can't look at the technology the world has amassed, be given direct authoritative control, and solve a problem with it, then the limiting factor is not tradition, it's you. If you convinced 1850 America that china needed to go, it was gone. Gene testing is a real thing, so have fun if you want to be a crypto-semite. If your last argument is pedophilia still happening, then why care at all? It seems to be a constant regardless of the active traditions in a culture, as you stated. So then presume its a constant, removable from the situation entirely.
Your overall claims is that problems happen, so why bother attempting to fix problems.
If you want to start a family and begin a new tradition of being anti-traditional… Go for it.
Demanding others to do it wether by a shame or force will fucking destroy you… We'll fucking destroy you.
1 ) Cultural-Marxism bad. Therefore what lead to Cultural-Marxism and US, French, UK governement being (((compromised))) in the first place is good.
2 ) Be a primitivist, fellow goys. Just move to Oregon and become a farmer, far away from Whites that can be redpilled.
Eh not really Tradition perse but rather the direction we are headed is a bad one
Personally we need to progress in the way that NatSoc Germany would of if it had won the world, IE expand into space, focus on improving humanity from its flawed state and into the higher level we deserve to be on
But no muh dik and muh welfare are more important or some shit than taking the stars
I think you are ignoring the huge scientific development that happened in only a small amount of time in NatSoc Germany, remember Tradition must be used as the root of society not its entirety, it is not to be discarded like it is, or allow itself to be stagnated upon like the Niggers do, but rather what has worked in the past is a tool for what will work in the future
Pretty sure all of those are on the horizon in a shitskinized future anyway. May as well go for one that doesn't involve being a second class citizen.
If you are advocating to return to a system with greater hierarchy, you'll find again the fewer people to manipulate or compromise, the easier it is to be subvertes.
Does OP nigger not know this is a national socialist board or does OP nigger think all our ancestors were national socialists?
With modern technology and 1850s culture, you'd have abolitionists, anti-abolitionists, back to Africans and yet more people advocating for Blacks to stay. And a millions of angry, poor negros.
With 1850s culture and modern technology, Priests would still be fucking kids and pedos would get lynched when found, but they still have the dark web, and other countries, and a lot less scrutiny if they can keep a lid on it.
With 1850s culture and modern technology, Jews would be like robber barons. If you take a few down, more will rise. And they'll be slinging shit against your anti capitalist sentiments too. And if you think you'd get the Holocaust, you forget that Israel has a host of other nations to sic on the one bad guy. Sound familiar? Who won that war, the outnumbered against the world?
With 1850s culture, you'll have more people with the "it's not an issue right now, or for me" attitude. In addition to a world war because of your attacks on ((them)) pt 2, you've now cut yourself off from rare earth mineral sources needed for electronics, become solely dependent on shale for oil needs, have to retool your country for manufacturing of goods long sent overseas, and suffer through cutting your labor force in half.
Oh yeah, and the Islamic militants are now part of the party of everyone against you. And those millions of niggers are probably going to pick the side they think will free them from their (now legally real) oppression. You might think they're animals, but enjoy having them mixed into your population and in waves not even chlorine gas attacks will stop. If you do that, one who managed to pocket a video and upload it to Israel and Friends will add it to the growing list of war crimes they're going to charge you with when this is over. OY the humanity!!!!
Remember, you're only guaranteed to be adding to your plate by going back.
Oh right, and since your 1850s traditionalism has people afraid of the other races, someone could get a little antsy and touch that nuclear button, and nuke those gooks!!! Based!!!! Oh right, Russia and China will be glad to send some right back. Level playing field and all. A nuclear winter, permenant radioactive zones, all part of the plan to take us back to what worked before!
Germany was already the leading scientific center before national socialism. So your tradition didn't really do anything special, just increased spending and maybe pushed motivation up. We have one half of that with our current system and profit motive seems to do us better than straight warbound jingoism after multiple nations acquired nukes, since that was a new problem that came up after your traditionalist views. But hey, if Hitler had nukes, he would have lobbed a few at the Soviets to get them off his ass, environment be damned . Fatherland above all!
The whole point is that freedom is better and has developed into the current system. You can be traditional on a personal level if you want, but if you start forcing that onto people who don't want to partake, you're going to get some shit back.
Maybe if you give the shitskins lessons on how to act, get them off the government teat, and figure out how to stop the 8 balls of crack and meth rolling into their communities (drug war isn't working, shit still flows) that would be an actual solution that doesn't entail euthanizing every single one, which you'll find is frowned upon by nearly every other nation.
Why shouldn't a country put itself above the global shit
globalism is the cause of all our environmental problems including global warming
oh but you fags love to ignore Chhinese, Indian and Russian pollution
Natsoc doesn't work even if you magically roll majority support in all European nations and the US and Canada. Russia, China, India, and the rest of the Third World don't like their races being spit on. Natsoc was a temporary burn using, get this, socialist economic mechanisms. How do those turn out? It was a short term burn to get Germany the rest of Europe (Lebensraum), excluding Russia. Once the socialist economic stagnation sets in and you either decide to go to war with the countries you keep shitting on leading to a cascade (with Nukes now) or people get tired of the kill the Jew memes and start the slow erosion of your traditionalism once they figure out what they don't like and what's not working.
Yes, traditionalism does not solve this problem either. Because adhering to what previously worked doesn't fucking change the present problems magically into the past problems, it adds the two.
fuck off with your baiting shit take that crap back to cuckchans
Does it hurt for me to come in the safe space where people need to play logical make believe?
You imply that NatSoc is inherently aggressive against other nations and ignore WW2 was a special scenario
for instance I don't remember Australia going to war with New Zealand when they were NatSoc
It is subject to the same pitfalls as socialism in the Eastern European countries as an economic and political system.
Missed this
except not really since the failure of socialism is there is no need for people to strive for greatest heights there are
This guy can't be serious.
The Soviets and Romanians were really great at dangling intellectualism in the sciences in front of the people as model citizens, cults of personality also ensued around leaders, wow you should strive to work hard, work for the people, obey the supreme leader, learn from him and be like him! Human nature means people get tired of being cheered on half complementingly half threateningly when they know the government is ready to sink a boot in your skull if you don't fall in line nicely. I think our mixed system does a better job because most people will try to fulfill themselves or at least make themselves comfortable. Those with ambition can move and make shit happen economically or politically, but natsoc, socialism, and the current system still allow power structures to be abused. The difference is, in natsoc and socialism, you have the power of the government allowing potentially great damage being done by someone seeking to keep themselves in favor, at the cost of life and freedom to the targeted.
In our mixed system, most of the time, you won't be executed or jailed unless you're gaming against the elite.
Example of what can happen in socialist traditionalist societies:
You can laugh but if you're not going to shoot them or jail them and you don't like the current situation you need to figure out how to get them to stop having a net drag on society.
Shooting them, jailing them, and sending them to Mars in phallic spacecraft are all more realistic plans to stop the shitskin menace than "just teach them to be nice".
Make them function in society. And again, you need to stop that fucking drug shit and somehow coming down full force and trapping them in a cycle of jail, offense, probation, jail isn't working.
There is a thread for how retard like you end up.
Oh right and as for Hispanics South America is a mess but they also operate various forms of societies. Narcotics trade needs to stop (wall is good step) and they need to avoid getting stuck in a ghetto, where they have to deal with the same shit Blacks do.
You trust them enough to think you could change them to be nice people retard. You're a brainlet.
we need to go back to the Zig Forums tradition of saging and ignoring b8
Only if you're born into wealth or get lucky
Just die already.
Oh right and if your solution is
>(((Progress and change are inevitable)))
Fuck off Jew.
Yeah we have more class mobility than Russia's socially traditional economically fucked oligarchy and China's socially traditional economically STATE CAPITALIST (dangerously close to national socialist in name and actual execution).
Here in the US you can work a trade job and move to making 100k+ if you play your cards right. And, you can also make that much or more becoming a doctor or engineer. These aren't bad times for the lower class, as long as you have a stable household and smart spending. Unfortunately imo, the boomers fucked the economy by building energy supply around oil instead of nuclear and sending the only federal surplus in recent history to be returned as tax cuts multiple times before and during a recession, for god knows why and where it ended up. We have new problems, regardless. And forcing the boomer mindset, jingoistic race supremacist mindset, industrial revolutionary mindset, feudalistic mindset, or even the Roman (before Empire and after Empire) mindset isn't going to get us out of the current situation but it will fuck us by tangling new problems with old ones.
Our modern mindset entails directly from the Enlightenment and classical Roman principles, yes, but it has also had a few hundred years of exposure to real world conditions to adapt. Political, economic, and scientific progress shape modern society. Because every other major society is changing as well. And staying stationary or moving backwards in culture lends opportunities for those other major societies to exploit for their gain, and with nuclear weapons, everyone to lose.
The only tradition is that of greatness. All weakness falls away. All that is weak dies.
Zig Forumsacks insist upon greatness, and are thus drawn to tradition, because the tradition is the story of greatness.
Hail to tradition, honor thy fathers, and you shall move towards the Natural Order, which is the source of all greatness.
I agree with you: all drug dealers and all hard drug users should be executed.
Why should we? They're niggers. The only people I give a shit about is my race, whites. Full stop. Shitskins can rot beneath earth, where they'll be going if we ever get power.
Babble that reeks of what the Commies tried to idolize people to become.
The only way to do this is to go back to traditional slavery days.
Good question.
Forgot muh sage
thats how we got here, jews got rich frm be degenerate slave owners
whites wanted slavery to stop because they knew it was making degenerate folk more powerful
we need segregation
I agree, just saying blacks were only ever functioning in society when they were slaves. This centrist nigger wants us to "educate" them for another hundred years, despite racial tensions skyrocketing the more we gibs dem.
If that solves the drug problem, I'm for it. Though I think the people with the real power are hiding off in another country. And it seems like when you cut one head off, two grow back. They can send as many lemmings off to die as they want with their powders and crystals. Families hostage, hungry for money, fame, sex (they act like humans, can you believe it, wonder how we could turn them on their golem Jew masters too!)
Gibs does not equal education, morals, etc
Gibs does not equal drug removal
Let me know how that works out. I'm gonna game on "it isn't" since most of the developed world figured it out before.
Your plan has failed over and over again. You cannot educate them to be valuable citizens. You had a shot and failed, but you're too emotional to see it. Your plan to give them shit and hope they play nice is naive.
Greetings fellow white man, you are right, throwing wrenches in machines that have worked perfectly is the way to go at a rate of about four wrenches per year.
Don't wanna regress too much, right? Faggot?