Bake the Cake II: Electirc Boogaloo

A Colorado baker was sued by a homosexual couple in 2012 for not making them a cake for their "wedding". In 2017, The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that baking a cake was speech and you can't compel speech under the first amendment. Now, in 2018, a tranny attorney is suing the exact same guy for the exact same thing. This is targeted harassment, and so Phillips is suing the state of Colorado.

Don't search for "tranny cake".

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Godspeed Philips.

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Religion requires no registration.
Religion requires no regular meeting.
Religion requires no explanation.

I'm sorry you have to leave, it's against my religion to serve you.
I'm sorry you have to leave, it's against my religion to have you on my property.

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Then sue those subhumans for refusing and proceed to watch libshits sperg out and squirm in their hipocrisy

Didn't the supreme court just tell these people to fuck off?

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Now that the supreme Court has set a precedent, he should counter sue anyone who comes after him since he is a big target. Easy money. I'm sure he will be able to handle this one, any lawyer will take the case because it's a guaranteed win and even if he requires money up front I'm sure there would be plenty of people willing to support him.

The irony is that he's the one who is purposely targeted and remember, someone tried this with a Muslim bakery too. Media sweep that one under the rug but not this guy!

Unironically I have a human rights case against masonic police using this argument. Joining a lodge is against my religion, and they are harassing me. (There's also racketeering but that in case this doesn't work.)

t. Christian lawfag

The Supreme Court kicked the case back to Colorado. They did not rule that the case was a violation of the Constitution; the defense was able to show through communication and record that the state of Colorado was biased against him. The Court ruled in favor of the baker on the grounds that Colorado did not show his religion due respect, effectively kicking it back to the state to prosecute again.

In this case, they are absolutely harassing him, and he can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Between death threats, the tranny cake, and–get this–a satanic cake featuring a working dildo, specifically requested by the caller, this guy is going to absolutely sweep them through the court system, and the liberal salt will be fucking overwhelming.



To be young again

The Marxists are not self aware enough to realize such a hypocrisy.

He should just murder these faggots and bury them in the woods. Save himself the trouble.

spread this

With recent kikery happening to Alex Jones and others, the left's most used excuse is

This bakery case, if thrown in their face, will pigeon hole them into one of the 2 positions:

When you place leftist into a corner where they have to (god forbid) use logic and reason, you will see their whole world implode. Use this anons. Strike while both cases are hot.

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This. Expose these hypocrites hard.

They wouldn't do that. They would report the person requesting the Hitler cake to the local 警政署 office that they were being "threatened and harassed by violent white supremacists oy vey!" and have them arrested.

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yes, I should have phrased it differently. Their hipocrisy would be made apparent to people with more than half a brain, but they themselves will of course not see it.

Tranny cake, tranny cake
Former man.
Cut me a gash as quick as you can.
Rooollllllll up a dilator,
PUT it in the hole,
Get some fake tits and you're ready to go!

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As long as the judge is not a marxist who goes "lol nope" you are right. But if he gets a marxist judge he will need to take it to supreme court again.

With a Trump majority on it.

Why did you bring trump into this thread?

Christcucks are disgusting, but as a fedora I stand by his right to refuse.

Their canned line is that you can choose to be an evil racist sexist transphobic (or whatever else) bigot but you can't choose to be a homosexual tranny jew who needs a cake. That's where they draw the line now. Need to make a correction to the OP ; The supreme court didn't rule in favor of his case, they ruled that the lower court was acting extremely hostile towards his beliefs. They invalidated the lower court's decision.

When your enemy is full of jewish lawyers with limitless pockets, the war never ends.


Fucking WOW, the goddamn nerve of these fucking people, so glad he's suing and I'm sure he's going to win because this is just blatant harassment

Seeing a lot of that itt
It is almost as if everyone has forgotten where the world stands now and how pozzed, feminized and degenerate it has all become. If I were a betting man I would put money on his loss in this, not only loss of the case but of his business and everything else, to make an example at the very least.
I think this blind hope that the law will work out in the favor of some guy just trying to do what he likes and not sacrifice his beliefs in the process is a symptom of how disconnected a lot have become from the reality of this.
I guess we will see when this moves forward, but I have no hope left that blatant harassment of someone that isn't a (((victim class))) will be punished. I honestly believe he will be another notch in the belt of reasons why rope and guns exist.

There has to be a law against a fucking attourney doing shit like this just to stir up trouble.

You probably said the same thing the first time.
The problem is that they will drag this case out for years.

Make the court prove the kike is actually a tranny and not just a fucking jewish ambulance chaser trying to stir up shit.

The simple answer to this argument is "well, there are plenty of bakeries but there is only one Facebook."

If they push harder then you start talking about natural monopolies and network effects until their eyes glaze over.

He won last time, 7-2 in the supreme court, which stated that his rights were being deliberately ignored. If he wins again on the same ground heads will roll; Even the relatively pozzed supreme court doesn't like being blatantly ignored by an inferior court.

How long will it take to get to the supreme court though?

He didn't win, not in a way that matters. (((They))) did their best to dip (((their))) toes in the water, decided it might be uncomfortable and left the pool. An excuse was found not to really touch on it and they left it at that, probably to judge the reaction across-the-board. That means it isn't determined, there is no protection or justice waiting around the corner, only stalling until it is positive that the reaction will be favorable enough.

I didn't. I had no opinion of how they would react the first time. It was after it was left open the first time around, due to aforementioned excuse to not really address it, that I have formed my opinion. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. No one on here lives under a rock, it is blatantly obvious things are getting worse with short periods of stagnation. To think a ruling would be made to shut down faggots and trannies in favor of conservative minded people, especially white, is fantasy in my mind at this point.
It is obvious the kikes have subverted every inch of our system.
It is obvious there is a war on whites.
It is obvious that the kikes and their minions wish to push every degenerate abnormality as the norm and every normal thing as evil.
Why would anyone think ground would be gained, faults be reversed, meaningful change be instilled without any real action or change in regards to the jewery that got us to this point?
Why would a ruling that shuts down an avenue that kikes use to destroy our nation and people happen in this current climate? We are a quarter hour away from pedophilia being pushed as okay and expecting a ruling that allows people to shun homosexuality, tranny shit and degenerate behavior won't be coming.

Well you can't discriminate on the basis of race. You won't be permitted to do so.

Look, it's not like you have freedom of religion. You just are allowed to have religions, as they are outlined by the state. all religion receives religious rights by state approval.

There's no such thing as being able to create your own religion. The constitution is a nigger's toilet paper. It doesn't mean fuck and it never will.

Better find some gay bakeries and make them bake a swastika cake.

Really makes you think, doesn't it?

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This post seems kikey

As a Coloradoan this is what I have to say,


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niggers don't own a bakery

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The system of "law" is kikey.

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1. CNN Twitter Fazebuk don't have to "serve" Alex Jones.

2. Christian baker doesn't have to bake dildo cake.

3. I can open a lunch counter in Greensborough or Birmingham and I don't have to serve no damn niggers.

Hmmm…almost sounds like a reasonable trade off particularly if You Tube Fazebuk and Twitter discover that their multi zillion dollar companies are nothing but thin air after their customers all leave for freer platforms to shitpost on.

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Wouldn't this faggot make the courts angry since it's obvious harassment?

The writing on the walls was bold and clear for all to see, alas, it was ignored.

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Probably 5 years.

Sorry they just moralize.
They don't think if that's even the right word past that.

Never the gay, better to die. Coming soon to a Western nation near you.

Not if they're Obam

It's horrible to think that those masses of faggots at their 500,000 men and women gay pride parades are only capable of thinking on this low fucked up level but such is the actual case. Ditto for boomers that have CNN on their 50" TV screens running in the background all day too.

Fortunately they're too stupid and lazy to really vote en masse.

They think by libido. Desire. They want shit, so they steal it - by rape or by theft, whatever works to satisfy their urges.

Knowing this, you know the whole kike. Knowing this, you know every move of the liberal. Never will they surprise you, because they are always snaking their way toward more theft, more defiling, for they are thieves, they are rapists, and they revile in theft and rape.

The whole zombie meme makes sense now.

That's it. Or jewish bakeries.

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We should just stick to the gay bakeries.

tranny cake search results

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Don't forget to record it too. Their reactions will be priceless.

Mr. Phillips is a soldier of Christ. He will not contribute to the degradation of society.

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I'd do it in a heartbeat if I was american

You do know you're supposed to actually wear armor, right? Like, yes, it's a metaphor, but it's to be lived. It's like communion. There's the metaphor, but there's also the real world action.

To wit: Sell your coat and buy a sword!

Also lol @ that shit artwork having a Zondervaning of it.

Why doesn't this guy try something new?

We reserve the right to bake disgusting cakes.

That’s also illegal.

lol wat

Zombies have always been a code-word for niggers.

Correct. This is also what you do when you have black customers.

No it isn't

Courts are all far left. Jews took over all of the big law schools and turned them into leftist indoctrination centers.

What was it you kikes were saying?
"It's a private business, we can ban who we want."

I am going to patronage this baker the first chance I get.

Yes and no. The speech part actual text, writing is removed, just the idea is present. Kikes are trying to get him on nuance now.

It is.

Do so in Europe and watch your ass go to jail.

Goodish idea but user remember;
Neither the KKK nor being in the KKK are protected.
Same for Adolf Hitler or his ideals. It would get thrown out before it got to trial.

"white pride worldwide" would work however. Or something of the like, as white is a race is protected.

The cunt shot himself in the foot when he explained what it meant. IF he juist kept his attention-whoring jew mouth shut and asked for a pink and blue cake it would be fine. That is the god damned point everyone seems to miss. The right is tired of having their fucking noses rubbed in degeneracy, having their rights violated, just to make faggots feel welcome while alienating normalfags.

Hmmmm…… so if a mom and pop cake shop can be sued for not making a wedding cake in the shape of a cock or w/e, I WOULD THINK MAJOR PRINTING PLACES LIKE KINKOS COULD BE SUED FOR MILLIONS FOR NOT PRINTING FLIERS SAYING "IT'S OK TO BE WHITE," OR WHATEVER.

Now you know what a vampire represents.

What's the attorney's name, address, phone number business address, business name, and all known associates, plus any social media accounts, please?

He wants his gay pride parade, fine. Time to parade for all the world to see.

It's not "freedom of association" if you can't choose who you want to serve.


Yeah if only it worked that way.
Theories are a great deal different than reality, its what the commies fail to understand.

It's weird how you can choose to be White but not any other race, according to those fucktards.

Unsurprising. I remember our ancestors used to bog every last faggot, and faggoty shit only really started being pushed as effeminacy, inaction, and "mercy" by them.

There were people doing this to liberal bakers and then not suing them because they said they were just trying to prove a point. Yep Pussies are the reason this stuff hasn't been stopped.

There was a story about a black "muslim" bakery here in California a few years ago, did you happen to hear it?

I'll cut it short

The great questions of the day will not be settled by means of speeches and majority decisions … but by iron and blood.


I've been thinking about this. Rather than take a stand on moral grounds, wouldn't it just be easier to quote them a price that's triple what humans have to pay? They probably can't afford it with their hormone shots and astroglide barrels and everything. Problem solved.

Rather than that, simply make a requirement that anyone who orders a faggot cake has to read Romans 1:18-2:16 into a video camera and donate $100 to an anti-homosexual organization.
The delicious salt generated by them screeching "muh freedom of religion!" would be too delightfully ironic.

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The kikes would bake it, and then sue you for anti semitism.

We should contact him. With ideas.

Hear me out: refusing to bake the cake is the wrong move. He's a baker. He should bake them a cake. A glorious cake to dwarf all trans-cakes.

What needs is a muse. A Zig Forumsish muse, to be precise.
We need to get in touch with the man and feed him ideas for a cake they'll regret asking for.

Three points:
Not literal shit. It should not taste good. Either add salt galore to it (not enough that it's considered poisoning) or add… nothing. Just one big phallic shaped bread stick with a sad candle on top of it. Put sprinkles on it so it counts as a cake.
How many of you have heard the horrors of Dilation? Would you eat a dilation-themed cake?
He needs to bake a horribly mishappen cake covered in a red sticky substance coming from a gashing black wound. Then provide a speculum so they can dilate the cake before eating it.
This shit should NOT be taxable, and it would shame them for getting a free cake.

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Interracial should be a type c plug going into a type b socket

What the fuck are you trying to imply Mohamed?