(((Anti-Trump))) BTFO

TL;DR: We had shills in the last couple of days trying to blackpill us; HOWEVER, today we know Trump was cucking our (((enemies))).
Archive not working: bloomberg.com/amp/news/articles/2018-08-15/erdogan-cast-aside-as-trump-favors-other-middle-east-strongmen

A bit of background history: Erdogan's (((Anti-White))) policies and speeches have been undermining European Identity over the last decade. Furthermore, a lot of terrorism in the region has been political pieces that Erdogan has used to get Europe to sway to his side in trade deals and immigration!

With that context in mind, NOT ONLY does Trump bashing Turkey makes more sense, but it's compounded by the fact that today Trump has begun to used Turkey's economic plummeting as ab excuse to side with other countries that are a bit more pro-White.

This is making Turkey desperate, and the best part is that other nations are not trying to help Turkey (talking almost exclusively in regards to Russia).

BONUS: Trump's last tweets are calling out the deep state's pawns and alludes to coming for them. Schumer on suicide watch!

With this new development, what are the chances we might see shitskin countries collapse this year? Are (((they))) on suicide watch?

Other urls found in this thread:


We need to start calling out the obvious shills more than before.

now that's fucking baste

((( )))
what are you so afraid of?

I bet you don't even know about Saint Seiya newfag

which character are you?

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Holy cow! Is that saint seiya? I love that series, I was raised redpilled on European chilvary because of it.

Btw, nice esoteric trips.

la waifu

now that's fucking based

You missed the first post Moishe

how's your civnat emperor with a half jewish family going? reking the libs with baste powers?

I know the series. Brings back memories of being in a girl's room and would just watch it with her. She had thick thighs, in retrospect, I should have made a move on her.

now that's fucking based

No, you need to fuck off back to your gay discord servers and stop raiding the board.


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She wasn't fat you kike. She's the one who taught me about apples/oranges/pears. Apples are girls that have big boobs but no ass (then she used a friend of mine as an example). Oranges are girls with big ass but no breasts. And pears are girls that have big both and an hourglass figure, then she used herself as an example.

Stop trying to (((derail))) this thread with D&C


Are you the girl in the video? We can talk on skype.


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I feel bad for you

now that's fucking based

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She seems to be Italian/Mexican/Spaniard

They are white.

That's a kike D&C term.

Italians aren't white, they have 30% arab DNA. Same with spanish.

Attached: video-225910.jpg (706x395, 47.8K)

Next (((you're))) going to claim jews are white.


Why does the deep state fears Trump?

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(((You))) need to go back

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they don't

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((( )))

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Going back to the OP, this is a huge victory.

Not for the shills. They know that we know and they are panicking!!



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suicide watch for our enemies

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DACApedes are whiter than you

now that's fucking based

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What a beautiful song.


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((( )))

Hey mods, can you please delete all posts by the MAGA hat spammer

I mean the Roach King is shit, but you need to keep in mind that the King Roach really doesn't like Merkel

The Deep State, AKA Jared Kushner, owns Trump

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now that's fucking BASED!!!

Attached: Mary-Milton-black-Trump-supporter-twitter-640x480.jpg (640x480, 32.49K)

What do you kikes get from all this? This was a wholesome thread before you guys came

Report and filter, you nigger.

Check the thread matey, it's been like this all thread, I'm just here saying that OP is a faggot for saying Trump is so BASED just for condeming the Roach which is that act is good, but he forgets that Merkel did the same shit before, so he really is calling Merkal a B A S E D J E W


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There's no need when they make it so blantly obvious…
See: (You)

But the OP went further than punishing Turkey for being anti-white. Trump is using this event to forge new alliances.

trump fags are jew enablers

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This news must be good stuff if it's making them this mad.

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With the exception of the Sicilians (who have been arab mixed jew) and the Sardinians (who predate the Italic Celtic people), Italians are basically Germans.


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(you) need to look at modern dna analysis. they are in fact 30% arab.

brown hair and eyes aren't native to europe. they are from sub Sahara. semitic stule noses aren't white either. italians are far from german, retard.

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Yep. This ones going into the /r/wholesomememes subreddit fellow pede!

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with Germany?

Faggot he literally just said that you're referring to Sicillians and not Italians

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I'm not, you fucking retard. I know what I'm talking about.

user, Mexico is barely 1/3 Mayano/Azteca.
And even in America, most US Americans that self identified as Cuban or Puerto Rican or other Central and South American nationalities like Mexican, were genetically Iberian and, thus, European.

I've been to Asia and I disagree

Old Europeans had brown hair and brown eyes retard.
Aryans are the invaders. It's why it's called the Aryan invasion. But to answer your point, some Sardiains are outright arabs because they were converted rather than executed during the reconquest of Sardinia. They're easier to spot than the 4% of Americans who carry diluted nigger blood or 10% of Scandis who have East Asian admixture.

100% european
now that's fucking based

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And where did the mixed african and taino genes go, they just disappeared into nothing?
cubans, puertoricans, mexicans are not white. Mixed raced mutts(probably much like yourself since you want to call them "european") are not white and not european.

basques aren't native to europe despite being very old. also have african dna

They predate the Aryans and that's good enough.

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user, the average often shown in graphics isn't an accurate way to display dna variation in groups, since it implies that the 20% of the population that has J2 (Aryan/Persian, not Arab which is J1) dna actually means everybody has 20% dna.

Massive migration from the steppe is a source for Indo-European languages in Europe (2015)

Here are graphs with the dna samples from the study overlayed on a map:
Larger image of dna spread from study:
A timeline of the ancient dna groups from this study:

Here is a map of YDNA:
Here is another graphic with three different and more recent studies (2017) that show the same thing and with timelines:

Here is the source of pic related:

Attached: italy.png (805x465, 361.93K)

you don't know how dna tests work. dna tests match your dna to data models built from pop samples. they cant magically tell you if a population has ancient negroid influence. when testing basques they're just trying to measure different profiles against it. because negroid influence in the basque influence is very old, it doesn't pick up because negro profiles are young.

that said, brown isn't a european color.

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Ay Homie
*eats taco*
You'ez sayin
*Gets Californian drivers licence*
Datz wez all be
*Sells meth*
Gringos n shiz

Those are Guatemalans (Mayano/Azteca) and they descend from the ancient Mongolian people. Pic related.

Attached: Haplogroup_Q_(Y-DNA).PNG (827x422, 234.29K)



not your average mexican at all, no. everyone knows mexico is full of aryans

The jew posting the maga niggas is triggered as fuck. Those niggers are coming to kill him

Based Niggers fighting to kill those damn anti Semitic natsocs

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Obvious kike

Nobody can be this retarded.

How many fucking kikes shills are there on 8cuck?

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Then I guess we're all pakies because we all have "ancient" influence from Anatolian farmers in Asia minor, mong
and wrong, brown is an European colour, prove you're European

You are both correct.
Pic related is a more detailed sample of Italy.

Attached: italia.jpg (3056x5019, 1.54M)

9th dimensional holographic jai-lai

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unless you have blue eye and blonde hair, you aren't european.

myself, i'm 98% german and 2% negroid which has given me brown eyes and hair. i identify as nonwhite, sub-saharan-mixed.


if you are so fucking weak you need a group to feel better and fight le ebic memewars, fucking go to reddit. You will literally have more fun there.

>what are the chances we might see shitskin countries collapse this year? Are (((they))) on suicide watch?
Shitskins (kikes included) aren't on suicide watch, they're on life support. They can only survive in their current state by parasitising off successful white countries. The moment the gibs (loan payments included) stop is the moment they collapse under their own weight and revert back to cannibalism by necessity.