Pentagon estimates about conquering North Korea which were leaked 2 years ago

Now imagine the war with Iran

And 2 most important things

You would need conscription and 1.5-2 million troops, guaranteed. No amount of cutesy wutesy airstrikes would help you in acheaving your goals.

Attached: 1504000965214.jpg (650x497, 38.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


iran is in the way for a greater israel and america did commit to wars knowing that millions will have to suffer.

Attached: Nuremberg 1945, by Margaret Bourke-White.jpg (810x1024, 498.61K)

The war in E Afghanistan was as tough as the 1950's war in Korea and the USA forces were pushed right out of there despite air and artillery support and satellite imagery against dirt poor peasants with minimal primitive weaponry.

I don't see how a war with Iran could be fought since eastern Iraq which is full of Shittes would erupt into rebellion too.

And as for 24/7 convoys I've never understood the "we're punishing Rooshia for Crimea" shit since the supply line to Afghanistan deployments are through Russia since Obongo alienated the Pakistanis with drone airstrikes.

Attached: map-afghan-supply-624.gif (624x448, 51.52K)

t. Armchair General with 0 military training or experience

Why not? Because we are sick of fighting for kikels in the middle east since the creation of israel

Unlike you, reincarnated Heinz Guderian, Rommel and Patton. All rolled into one.

Oh,Wise One, enlighten me with your flawless logic. It may seem that you are just an overweight, underage greasy teen in cargo shorts, but we all know what a military genious you truly are.

Enlighten us. World awaits.

Attached: hebraic kvetching.GIF (291x232, 663.83K)

As a matter of fact I was an Intel Analyst in the Army for 6 years. War gaming and strategizing was my life. A lot of what was posted in the OP is speculative crap and unsubstantiated. It's a well known fact that just about every Middle Eastern military force is made up of inept, corrupt cowards from the lowest foot soldier up to their commanders. Those "battle hardened veterans" have no real clue what they're doing out there and can barely point a rifle at the enemy.

I played C&C Generals as well. I'm an expert. Trust me goy

Mind you, professional israeli soldiers shit themselves when fired upon.

And US troops are made of trannys and degenerates. Real piece of work

Also it claims that they have "actual anti air defenses" which if you knew anything about modern warfare you'd know that air defense is a joke, we have units of jet fighter trained in anti-anti-air defense operations that can fly low and fast enough to disable air defense platforms before a resonable response can be drummed up, assuming the operators of those systems even know what they're doing, which more often than not, they don't.

Jesus you're really retarded son.

Why waste a single American life when attacking Iran?
We have a nuclear stockpile.
Just carpet Iran with enough nukes, that nothing could survive.
Wait 3 weeks, and do it again.

US military made out of social rejects, mexicans and niggers.

Reall quality trooops.

Radioactive dust cloud blows into pakistan and india. Get blown up by poo-quality nukes.

This way, if someone managed to hide in some in some remote mountain hideaway, everything will be dead. No food to eat. Everything irradiated. Radioactive cloud killing Pakistan and India's shitskins… well, that's just a bonus.

those are worthless support personell that see no combat, like Brad Manning, who, much to my chagrin was also an Intel Analyst.

Also, if poo quality nukes are sent, blow up Pajeet and piss on his tech support grave.

How about carpeting Israel with nukes instead, faggot, and eliminate the impetus for attacking Iran in the first place?

You better destroy Iran for us goys, otherwise that means you are to weak to do it. Everyone says you are too weak to do it.

based torfrog

This seems like some dumb slide shit. NK is a joke you bought in to the propaganda that everyone did in the last few wars.
White Minds have won wars since the beginning of humans.

During the Gulf War Iraq had the fifth largest military in the world and had a large tank brigade, a airforce. Had the best military in the middle east that could of steam rolled Israel or Iran at the time. You know what happened to them in the first week thousands dead vs. a handful of soldiers. Their entire airforce destroyed in minutes. All their tanks , artillery , anti-air defenses destroyed and bunkers leveled. In fact the US military ran out of targets in the first few days so they bombed the first responders when the civilian bunkers were hit.


Attached: faggot will smith.jpg (737x525, 52.83K)

Was this before or after Russia tried to invade Afghanistan?

Attached: khfgsdiuyh.PNG (490x557, 277.05K)

Much like the niggers employed by NASA, they're not really responsible for anything.

Attached: nassa.jpg (3200x4000, 2.48M)

Or maybe it was after The United States tried to invade Afghanistan?

Attached: khfgsdiuyh.jpg (490x557, 54.31K)

As long as Palestine stays occupied the middle east will be an ongoing war zone, which makes your implied "NEVER" a common sense "JUST A MATTER OF TIME".

we did invade afghanistan and we succeeded in what we wanted to do

what, did you think we were actually tyring to liberate the population?

Also how did those afgans get so good? We trained them mate. And then we killed osama to clean up our tracks. Case closed.

All we want is oil and poppy controll. Its not like we were going to annex the country? Thats a great picture of you by the way.

Defeating Iran would be a piece of pie

Attached: apple-pie.png (1200x1200, 1.48M)

You have to be retarded. Everyone on earth, even Iran, knows the U.S. is going to flatten them as soon as amerilards have forgotten about Iraq. Its absolutely going to happen with the next president. It might even happen in Trump's 2nd term.

You know that both Russia and the USA could have just killed every shitskin in Afghanistan and lost almost nothing right? Even in some hypothetical world in which kikes did not exist the idea of going in and conquering or inculcating sandniggers or zipperheads in an attempt to civilize them or extract labor from them is retarded.

Or remember Vietnam, wherein the kike media tells us that US forces did poorly? Well the Kong and NVA lost nearly every engagement, they lost so many men that the in the 90s the Vietnamese admitted that their pool of fighting age men would have been denuded to nothing if the war had gone on for another two years at the same pace. And that is when they are forcing more muds into the combat units than are present in the modern units which are composed of 97% white men today while they shove all the shitskins, faggots, and women into the gibs me dats do nothing "support" units. That is with them tying these men's hands behind their backs.

And I'm not apologizing for Americans alone, the Russians had the same bullshit restraints(minus niggers) in Afghanistan.

The only way to actually conquer that shit is to kill all the mudmen and replace them with white settlers.

Which is actually a good fucking idea once we kill all the kikes.

i don't think that Afghanistan has a good climate for Europeans.
just put as many families there as necessary to maintain the land.
in return for moving in to a shithole those families get a big portion of the land each, which they can do with whatever they want as long as they keep the country running - and, obviously, they can not be allowed to bring in non whites like niggers, arabs, slavs, you name it.

My turn:

0. Zig Forums is now a walled in circle-jerk of idiots, intel workers, and a few oldfags that survived the meme war and didn't get their shit together. The other websites belong to the Marxists. All internet communication will be censored and walled for circle-jerk agreements. This will keep communication from spreading collectively. We're seeing it happen RIGHT NOW. Alex will never recover.

1. The Temple will be bombed and rebuilt. This is the plan for WW3. Christkikes, Freemasons, Jews, Communists need WW3. Islam does too but for different reasons. This will be done by Israel on behalf of Iran (just like 9/11).

2. The rebuilding of the temple triggering all out holy war will enact war in Europe, Russia, and somewhat in the Americas. The Asians will lie in wait like a tiger, and not enter the war at all except for money in small strategic interests like Africa. They already drew up the plans. The West belongs to them after WW3, hence Jews investing in their Marxist-Globalism heavily and training a generation of college kids ("future leaders") as Moaist youth. It's real. It's happening now.

3. Iran isn't a bunch of goat fuckers like Iraq or Afghan or even Syria. They are an advanced 2st world nation, despite what you've been told. They are the ancient Persian mud babies, and they have a 3000yr tradition of education worship (Ahura Mazda) that survived the Islamic take over better than Europeans ever survived the Christian take over. This lends to a culture of advanced fighting spirit, ethics, Russian-Chinese tech, all stolen by Jews and sold to said Nations which then transfered them to Iran.
Yeah, but they still have stuff. They have nukes right now. Anyone who tells you otherwise if fucking retarded. The Zionist anti-nuke development policy has to do with energy independence and being able to sell MORE oil, rather that actually developing nukes.

4. Dirty bombs everywhere. First use of mass bio-war. Jews and their minions will be inoculated, and Arabs will take the blame.

5. The horror of Persia vs. Zion will lead us to a NWO for real. The Vatican will fold with all Nations, and Israel will become the center of the world as the new Vatican - aka the U.N… That's been the plan for almost 100yrs.

6. The white race will take 100% of the blame. Hence the set-up we see today. The muds will attack, embrace a NWO, and the Chinese will kill Africans and Pacific whites left over from the biowar bombs.

7. To counter act the horror of Judaism, the new world religion will be introduced along with Project Avatar 2045, offering eternal life through the uploads of brain scans into the cloud (see Netflix series "Altered Carbon"). Of course this is a scam, but it's the scam they're already setting up for and what Alex Jones' goofy ass means when he talks about a Technocratic Elite

8. End game.

You military fags are as bad as Marxist Uni students. You're conditioned programmed little know it all faggots living on the falacy of authority and they trained you to be stupid. Read some fucking books. Read China's war plans for the 21st Century. Read some Science Tech mags and see what the "elite" minds are saying.

Attached: the cube revelations.jpg (960x720, 87.37K)

Thanks, burgers. You did a real solid. Those Talibans were crazy fucks but at the very least they executed farmers who planted poppy fields instead of something useful. Now this sweet heroine is flowing straight into Europe and in the USA. You even continue to guard those fields for them. No wonder so many US soldiers gets PTSD and goes postal when the grim reality of being just another mercenary for the ZOG hits them hard.

Attached: soldierspoppies.jpg (501x335, 248.07K)

That's not reality, kiddo. See

You realize that was a war by Communism for Communism to induce Communism into the West through the drug trade and demoralization at the same time the Repubilcans were opening trade up with China to stalemate Russian relations as they already went to war over a shitty abandoned island right?
Gook lands were about money and Hegelian Marxist mind fucks, not actual war. That's why China never really entered when we were crawling up their ass.

It's no worse than Utah and the Rockies in general. Mostly they'd be mining, once again much like in the rockies. We could always institute a homesteading and free claims law. Also in this hypothetical scenario this idealized American empire or other european empires would be actively exterminating non-whites everywhere.

Dipshit I'm not talking about the motivations behind the war, I'm talking about faggots who look at the combat actions during the war and then draw conclusions regarding modern warfare and the capabilities of properly outfitted troops based on that. Though your assessment is questionable. Perhaps some kike intended it for demoralization but some of the old "greatest generation" who still had clout really were worse than the boomers and believed that they could make Vietnam into a bullwark against commies like what they viewed West Germany and Japan as.

It should be pointed out that the kikes don't have a concerted plan and are often at cross purposes with each other let alone the good goys who cooperate with them.

And then invaded the second we left and lost in direct conflict against zipperheads that both the French and Americans had regularly crushed in open engagements because China cannot into war.

the US military knows that it would be annihilated against Iran, otherwise the attack would have happened like 10 years ago

This place is really invaded by delusional shitskins

This is what it feels like being a retarded idiot and not learning from history. In other words being a blackpilled defeatist faggot.
Kill all blackpilled faggots who believe the kikes will succeed and then annihilate every kike from the face of the earth.

Attached: Predictions.mp4 (640x360, 11.18M)

I don't know about others but 4chan belongs to /mlpol/ horsefuckers. That April 1st joke has only confirmed how much of posters do those 2 boards share. 80% of that Zig Forums posts on /mlp/.


And you're fucking retarded. You're basing past on future. Iran isn't a mudslim goat fucking Nation. They already have dirty bomb nukes. And with Turkey, they are the LAST stronghold of the entire Islamic world… billions of people. The reason America and Russia got away with what they did thus far is because they picked on weak bannana republics by using Islam against Islam. Those days are over, Johnny. And that was the plan the entire time. If Jews wanted to take down Iran, they wouldn't have moved so many Muslims into Europe and the Americas. They would of moved just some terrorist cells to piss the West off. They want a full annihilation of both Christian whites and Muslims.
You can't see this then you dont know game theory, which means you dont know shit about war.
They useful idiots did. Solders like you. Idiots. You guys are cannon fodder. If Americans didn't want a Communist China they would of let Patton march in instead of calling him home and killing him in a (((car accident))).

They didn't lose, they gave up because the (((Americans))) like Kissinger and that traitor piece of shit Nixon offered them an economic alliance against Russia and the future. They offered them the West. That's why to this day people push that China is future until Trump came alone.

China doesn't have skin in the game. They're going to let the Christkikes, Freemason, Muslims, and Jews have their "Revelations" scenario and were offered the future to play ball. That's why in EVERY near-future Scifi movie you see past 1970s its an elite social class ruling over a dystopian city where the culture is dominated by Chinese:

Blade Runner
The Matrix
Those two come to mind but their are thousands. It's called predictive programming. Learn game theory or STFU you grunt.

Go back to your video games and alt-right larping.

4chan allows more free speech than here. This is exclusivly a Jewish board larping as Nazis, a hurtbox to engineer and study the new Alt-Right useful idiot engineering by kikes. And Imkamphy still runs the board.

Attached: beijing-is-blade-runner.jpg (1200x610, 154.52K)

As I said neck yourself and save the world from your misery. You are not worth it your circle jerk discussion will just be around that the kikes are untouchable and I am a good goy who will just watch the world and do nothing about it.

Attached: 4fd98a35931d44d78c315cff572f4c125c3eba91c6e83196e7642480040b5f95.mp4 (608x480, 1.45M)

You were raised by men like me. On chans. We educated you. We formed you. You would be black pilled if you had been on Zig Forums in 2014 because everyone was. You're just a chanster dork with no knowledge so you spew stupid memes.

Attached: daddy race war.jpg (522x768, 190.64K)

Taking down the beta Mullahs would be way faster, cheaper and easier than it was to take down the chad Saddam.

Consider this pic
Also stop being so immature, you just showed how weak you really are, and your one use words do not work anymore like they did when they impressed you.

Attached: bhV45yb.jpg.png (1345x312, 121.66K)

Both 4chan and here are controlled in very different ways. 4chan is controlled in part through inanity as newfags continue to pour in. We are crippled and controlled through our conceit, paranoia and willingness to be set against other factions. That's what kampfy was always here to do, we were to be the rat bucket, so that we would attack all right wing elements online from TRS (who do have issues that do need keeping in check, namely ghoul's kiddy diddling tendencies) and Anglin & Weev. The more important of those two is anglin and weev. Because their site is growing. It promotes ideas that every single one of you faggots would agree with on 99% of issues. But then in come the smear attacks, the lies, the slander. And that is how they try to control us. Here's the thing though. I want them to continue their works. Because guys if any of you are not simply LARPy faggots with no intention of doing anything but being the loudest cunt on the sinking ship? You're going to have to work with people you despise. That's the short and sharp of it. And better to work with a fag you despise who agrees 99% of the time than one who only agrees 10%. Now this is simple fucking pragmatism, but I do expect to be accused of being some kind of fucking shill.

Fuck, all I ask you faggots is to consider this. If we fracture and in-fight or even out-fight with similar but different groups openly, do we win people over, or do we make the wrong people happy. When thinking of a course of action consider who the real enemy is, the people jew and gentile alike who are pushing for our obliteration, who sam hyde (pbuh) warned us all too well about. Or people who parrot our talking points? Just think.

You see what I mean? You didn't even read what I said because you're reacting to programming at this point. It's exact opposite of what I said. But you're already prepared for a "oldfag" response.
You've lost your ability to think.

t. (((Alt-Right))) engineering post.
The reason you see resistence against your good goys here and 4chan is because everyone knows what you're about. The reason we have factions fighting is because ever since they take-over of the chans during the buy-out of both chans and shut downs of others like fringe chan for example is because the Deep State runs both. China-Google bought out 4chan. Zig Forums was the Alt-Right engineers: NatBol and Zionists.

You people were INVENTED. Weev was a tiny nobody before Trump came along. Agnlin was unknown. Maybe is the weirdo intel nazi larp community these guys were cool but 8/pol/ pre-Trump had nothing to do with the (((Alt-Right))) and its infighting was over smart and real things like philosophy vs. Christianity. We didn't even have the (((esoteric))) shills here then, just old Smiley and /fringe/ which were honest incels looking to learn about le magic.

You're not from here. You dont belong here. You're getting paid to post.

Attached: AbsolutelyJR trump.png (240x320, 150.66K)

heroin is so 2010. fentanyl is what the kids are taking now, gramps.

wow your right
i'll go sign up with my nearest controlled opposition right away!
I mean they might be jews and sodomites but they have said some things they ripped from us so that means i can trust them now
Thank you for enlightening me!
Also, on the accusations of larping, a public imageboard is indeed the best place to discus actions and all actions should be posted online first
Wouldn't want jews to think we just LARP

Taliban Summary of Three Days Hold on #Ghazni :
* 600+ Government Soldiers (Police,ANA,Commandos) killed
* 150 Humvees/MotorBikes/FordRanger Pickups Siezed
* 300 Prisoners Released
Note : This All Happened When People thought Taliban will Runover Daesh in #Nangarhar

And you missed my point also I didn't call you an oldfag I told you that this site was never good neither was 4chan to begin with, this is not supposed to some kind of A+ quality shitshow where our every problem can be solved. And with this post you didn't only demand respect because you were from 2014. But you also said that people you don't even know while breaking the
Issue, said that every person from 2014 is blackpilled you just need to change your view my friend and see that at this time you are nothing more than a man living and surviving and typing on a fucking machine with moving frames


Theres ten times more sunnis than shiites in the world.

Also one thing we know is that all muslim armies are highly incompetent. Remember when all the muslim countries surrounding Israel attacked them and they got their shit pushed in.

They make up like 20% of the combat forces, niggers and spics combined. Most of their numbers come from the fact that so many of their women join and do support roles.

You have terrible reading comprehension.
posts 4chan oldfag meme rebuttal.
That's because you're a D+ quality person with no will to power.
You have terrible reading comprehension. And I do know (you). You're a repeat. You read things how you want to read like a snot nosed brat girl arguing over something stupid with her dad and only hearing what she wants to fire back meme spewing insults
You have no identity outside of chan speak. You only argue to argue. You're a scene hipster of the chan world. No personal character and no ability to adjust to conversations because you think there is no point to talking. It's all a shitposting session, hence your A+ comment. You can't grow. You only emulate. I know (you). You're a repeat of a repeat. I see people like you in real life, spewing the same conversation opinions and fleshbots. Fitting in. You're dead inside. Just finish the job.

And I was going to be generous in my next post I guess you don't really want to talk.

I remember Jews lying about it as a reason to expand though.


Shhh, user most people don't even realize the Taliban de facto control* Afghanistan despite NATO and US forces still on the ground.

*You can't go from one regional capital to another without having to go through to a territory controlled by the Taliban, US, NATO and government forces HAVE to use helicopters as roads are completely non-secured and can only be used in big convoys and even so those get attacked regularly.

I think even the most ardent conspiracy theorists believe the war happened.


Actually I see your point and I do miss the philosophy threads, the space elevator threads, the long conspiracy discussions. The trump election was the best and worst thing to happen to this place. Shit even /32/ is dead nowadays.

Yeah here's the thing I shouldn't have brought those faggots up. It always causes shit and it's not like I'm telling anyone to do some fucking OKC shit here. If I may retract some of that which seemed overwrought then allow me to do so. The culture shock of all these new groups with namefagging has been an issue. And C'ville was a shitshow. Honestly I just think all of these groups and I don't want anyone to join them, are muddling through the same sort of shit everyone here is, the death of culture, the loss of knowledge, of attention span, of family, of future, of past, of national integrity. And maybe I'm naive but I'd hope there are friendlies in this shitshow of a slowly unfurling continually agonising happening I see happening in my homeland.

But as I said no one in any of this is safe, because much as you make take umbrage at my use of the word "we", we all know what's coming to this world. Wars, death, hedonism, decay and no one seems to be aware in the world outside.

As for you, nice strawman. No what I'd advise is go outside and make friends, make sure those friends are fucking trustworthy, stock up on essentials for living on, and stick with your friends no matter what comes in the next few years, because the yugoslav war records tell us, individuals die first.

Confirmed kike. Kikes like sticking to the story that they didn't strike first. Pro-tip, they did, and miles into Egypt's territory. Kikes like acting like someone within miles of their border is attacking them.

The point isn't who attacked who first, it's that Israel btfo the entire Muslim coalition in no time at all.

haha, no kid. I dont want to talk to you, you cant read. But that comment did make me laugh so that was at least something different than chan speak.

Show me your foreskin!

You want a real answer? WALLED INTERNET! That's where it's going. Everyone will be walled off. Alex Jones is being taught a lesson right now in twitter as an example even though he's a good goy cuck CIA wannabe kike.

The one way to take down the system is to get people to stop believing in the Holohoax. That was the ONE answer to the entire thing because it is the FOUNDATIONAL MYTHOLOGY of the NWO that we live in today. That was the event that gave the excuse for white genocide and the death of the West, even though they were even attempting to implement it in Berlin as Hitler was doing construction work before WW1.
If you broke that myth for normies, the entire system would collapse. Nobody believes me. They believe in "small redpills" but that doesn't exist. Never did. That would be like getting Neo stoned in the matrix and he starts seeing stupid shit but then never knows he was in the Matrix in the first place and never learns what it all means.
No the very first redpill is absolutely unequivocally the Holohoax.
Every meme spouting e-celeb, every rebel journalist, every rouge intel agent truth teller, every hacker leak, every exposure of the pedos and killers, every thot and nigger mockery, ever Muslims are bad documentary, every attempt at celebrating white culture =
As long as the Holohoax exists, the matrix will exist. As long as the primary myth exists, the long play we're all in will play out and we will all be just actors on a stage.

But nobody listens to (me).

Attached: Trump girl.jpg (600x749, 87.31K)

here is the summary from bbc british (native accent)

Attached: #Ghazni bbc british 08-15-2018.webm (1280x720, 6.97M)

How? I'm honestly curious why you think that they would be able to strike back, disregarding any allied forces of either nation to simplify the model. Do you think they will retaliate against a power with 3,000 ICBM launched warheads with a few hundred warheads on Intermediate Ranged Ballistic Missiles?


That cunt made me feel like shit do not talk to him. Just a friendly warning

Attached: Iranian Threat - Michael Scheuer.webm (640x360, 8.28M)

There will be no temple. The jews have clearly shown that they have absolutely no desire to abandon Talmudism to follow Mosaic Law. Besides, there are much easier ways to trigger the inbred mudshits into jihad that require zero personal sacrifices.

Attached: Kosher_switch_installed_with_timer.jpg (220x221, 5.78K)

hahaha, you're funny.

anti-ego = psy-op faggotry for betas and sophists.

Attached: Screenshot-2017-12-18 pol - What can we do about the egoist problem - Politically Incorrect - 4chan.png (1303x689, 191.45K)

But USA will fund proxy wars in Iran.

and in 2006 the israelis completely back pedaled because they knew they were about to get carpeted with rockets.

pfff, Talmud wants the Temple as much as the fucking Templars.
They've already made the fucking robes and have educated a generation of Levitical priests on ritual law. They're not just planning on building the temple, they already drew up the blueprints.

Attached: Tarxien Temple Complex – 3600 - 2500 BCE.jpg (640x427, 69.49K)

Ok now I understand what your philosophy is. At least we understand each other I am the complete opposite from you, that's why maybe we cannot communicate, anyways take care just don't get hit by a bus.


Why invade in the first place then, it seems like good way to sour negotiations. Unless you are suggesting it was all a singular conspiracy in which and uncessary invasion was stagged to cover for something that didn't really need to be covered for in the first place since it was presented as merely a political and economic detente.

There are zionist kikes that fear any strong pan-arabist sentiment, including that of iran because even an army of half-wit shitskins can threaten Israel in sufficient numbers. They would prefer to have disorganized and completely retarded jihadists who can't muster 1,000 tanks to drive in there and shoah them thus they support Whabbists.

There are diaspora kikes who live in white nations and feel far more comfortable there, they even say that Israel is a problem because it paints a target on kike's backs while the zionsits claim one day the goys will rise up and kill the diaspora so they need kikesrael as a place to fall back too. And there are of course divisons within these groups as well. They are a mass of duplicitous kikes who each individually and in collusion with some other kikes do what they feel is in their interests but they are not all on the same page. They certainly all want to undermine the west despite needing it to support their rump state of Israel which survives only on extorted money and weapons from the US. They fuck up the Levant because that is in there interest while other kikes use the mudmen displaced as a weapon against whites.

Well the jews would like the annihilation of everybody and their homogenization into a mass of faithless nigger-beasts that live only to eat soy paste and labor very inefficiently to support the kikes. These mudcreatures are safer because they don't have a habit of organizing and conquering the entire planet like whites or spontaneously akkbaring like mudslimes.

Our plan as whites of course is to kill every kike and every mudman, including the Chinks if that turns out to be possible. The Japans can stay in Japan and we get the rest. The End. Of course it never really ends but that is the end of many problems and from that point on the defeat or victory of the various empires will not be an existental threat to the white race collectively.

Just gonna ignore the fact that several of them are kikes or married to kikes?

Numerous people in my area including myself make the lives of every non-white in the county a living hell as much as possible, from yelling at them in public to burning down their homes or quietly murdering them. FBI no bully.

I snuck into your little forum back in 2016 and posted my nerve gas recipe for which I expected to be immediately banned and was. pastebin.com/TGzmYw7E

Everybody on here, even larpy faggots probably does things IRL, but we don't talk about specifics or set up "pool parties" so that nobody can track or harm us. You can't honeypot 3,000+ individuals who do not even operate in cells but rather as lone wolves spreading propaganda and violently attacking non-whites without providing the authorities forewarning, apparent motivation, or evidence. They can't book you if they don't have a suspect list for who burned down the Section 8 housing development or shot Jamal's family when Obongo's HUD tried to import them to your all white town, probably drug related after all not white nationalists nope.

All of these guyy at some point had or have your funding. And all of them suck and were dealt with.


This one below remains your only serious option. The same region whch Saddam wanted to annex in 1980, causing 8 year long war. But this region is swarming with Iranian secret service, not going to happen.


Attached: 1504001058301.jpg (581x399, 30.75K)

and this is what I present as my evidence that we will never have to attack Iran because they are fucking retarded and their own worst enemy at this point.

Bullshit. You want people to believe jews would leave their posh apartments in Jew York to tromp around a stinking desert and burn bloody sheep corpses seven times a year, plus pay a tenth of their increase to a schlomo in a robe? Even better, every 50 years they have to set slaves free, restore property to the former owner, and let fields lie fallow for a year? Yeah fucking right. These inbred fucks have hated God's law for 4,000 years, and they will hate it for 4,000 more if we let them live.

Stop posting on this board, you attention-seeking avatarfag.


Iran doesn't have nukes. America does. It just takes one batshit crazy politician to use them. And if the dems plan to take down Trump through political fuckery, you bet your fucking ass he'll go down doing the ballsiest fucking shit he can do.

Do you feel lucky, Mohammad? Do you?

Attached: trump oscars.png (1152x556, 150.95K)

I told you. China would of fallen under General Paton after he defeated Korea, we were already at war with China. They wanted to pressure China, take the opium trade (opium demoralized the Chinese empire thanks to the East Indian Trading Co. and brought down the empire in the past), and use the mess to demoralize and drug people back home. The military idiots just thought they were fighting Communism and establishing a goal post where France had left off. But if you notice, we kind of bounced out and kept it open for trade as we were already establishing trade with China anyways.
Then why did they move them into Europe? Because they wanted to mix the Arabists with white girls and liberalize them with Western toys and rap music and shit. But they know that it will also create an anti-Arab sentiment in Christian Europe which they can use. It's called using both polarities against your enemy, both conservative religous and liberal sexual. If they wanted to take down Iran and Arabia alone, it would of been easier just to isolate them and let in a few (((terrorists))) operations like 9/11. The fact that we were so pro-war was because so few muslims live in America. They dont want them in America, they have Mexicans and niggers to mix them with and already sold the future to the Chink-Marxists. Europe and Russia are another story.
= race mixing, then WW3 and infighting = death of both religions and cultures, or 'new unity' of a world religous congress based around the new (((UN))) in the "holy land".

Yeah, those are the Leftists who are just lower level kikes. That's why you mainly see them in clown world, dancing the dance. The higher up Jews know what's up. They are both Communists and Zionists because it's the same plan (Moses Hess invented Communism).

It's not bullshit. The Temple is ready, they just need the boom. They even have the gold and purple decorations and shit.
Well, you're living in a fairy tale book, so you're not sane. I mean you might as well just go play video games because you haven't grown up yet. The bible is not even 2500yrs old and it's been adjusted to thousands of times. Jews will complete the temple. That's the entire point of being a Jew. To win over the goy and enslave them all.

Yes it does. They dont have nuclear electic power so they have to use more oil and sell less. That's what the nuke bullshit is about. Plus they dont want them having tons of missiles. But dirty bomb nukes, yes.

pfff haha, you've overdosed on skepticism.

We would send the terrorists we've been funding for the last 10 years, then the Saudis, then the Israelis, before we ever sent US forces. The Iranians would be begging for the arrival of American forces after being terrorized by their neighbors

B-b-but muh dc! muh grandaddies killed krauts so you don't have to speak schnitzel!

This is the absolute state of the mutts and "allies". And you are right. The strong point of Europeans have always been the ability to rationally and objectively handle the truth.
And after the war, because of traitors, mutts and commies, Europeans have lost it, literally.

So tell me again why did we invade Iraq and turned them from Sunni to Shia?
(sage for ignorant and forgetful question)

Yeah, I don't know who you're trying to fool with this bullshit; maybe you're the one who's been fooled, I dunno, but … internet research turns up at least 104 lost battles of the Vietnam war:

1. Battle of Ap Bac - In January 1963, American advisors launched a battle after they pressured reluctant South Vietnamese officers to use American air mobility assets to destroy the Viet Cong. The attack was a disaster in which the VC mauled a far larger force while shooting down five American helicopters (pictured) and damaging eight, while killing three Americans and wounding eight.

2. The Sinking of the USNS Card - This World War II aircraft carrier was later used as a transport for American military cargo. On May 2, 1964, it was moored in a heavily defended harbor in the Saigon River. Two VC commandos crawled down a sewer pipe and attached explosives to the ship. The explosion knocked a huge hole in the hull and killed five American crewmen, causing the ship to sink 45 feet to the river bed.

3. Attack on Bien Hoa Airbase - On November 1, 1964, Viet Cong squads shelled the airfield at Bien Hoa with mortars. The attack began shortly after midnight and lasted 20 minutes. It was estimated that there were three 81mm mortars. The attack was devastating as 27 aircraft were hit, including 20 B-57s (5 destroyed), 4 helicopters, and 3 A-1H Skyraiders. A fourth Skyraider crashed trying to take off. Five Americans and two Vietnamese were killed, and 43 wounded.

4. Attack on Qui Nhon Barracks - The US Army leased a hotel to house a helicopter field support unit. On February 10, 1965, Vietcong sappers killed its two guards, placed two large satchel charges, and blew up the hotel, killing 23 Americans and seriously wounding another 21.

5. Attack on Camp Holloway - In 1962, the U.S. Army established an airfield near Pleiku in central South Vietnam, which grew to include logistics elements and a large advisory group. In early 1965, some 300 Viet Cong slipped past ARVN guards and swept through the camp killing 8 Americans, wounding 126, destroying 10 aircraft and damaging 15 more. The Viet Cong withdrew to avoid battling reinforcements, with few losses.

6. Attack on Xom Bong - The "Rolling Thunder" bombing campaign began on Mar 2, 1965 as dozens of American jets attacked an ammunition storage facility 35 miles north of the DMZ. Several buildings were destroyed, but two F-100D and three F-105D fighter aircraft were shot down by ground fire.

7. The Dragon's Jaw - On Apr 3, 1965, the U.S. military conducted the first of hundreds of bombing raids to destroy the Thanh Hoa Bridge in North Vietnam. Thousands of bombs were dropped and eleven American aircraft shot down with several more damaged beyond repair until the iron bridge finally fell in 1972.

8. Battle of Dong Xoai - Soon after American combat brigades arrived in South Vietnam, the NVA attacked this large, strategic base defended by ARVN units supported by American Special Forces and airpower. The base was overrun with hundreds of casualties while two dozen Americans died in combat and helicopter crashes, with even more wounded or missing.

9. Sapper Attack on Da Nang Airbase - North Vietnamese Army (NVA) sappers infiltrated this airbase on July 1, 1965. They destroyed three large C-130 transport aircraft, three F-102 fighters, and damaged three more F-102s. The sappers escaped leaving behind one dead.

10. Operation Spring High - President Johnson authorized a punitive strike on two new SAM sites in North Vietnam considered the likely culprits behind the downing of a USAF F-4. On July 27, 1965, Operation Spring High was launched as 46 USAF F-105 fighter-bombers attacked SAM missile sites 6 and 7. Six F-105s were lost to ground fire during the mission while later bomb damage assessment photos showed that neither site had missile systems installed.

11. Iron Hand Air Strikes - American aircraft had suffered losses from North Vietnamese Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) systems. On August 13, 1965, the Navy aircraft carriers USS Coral Sea and USS Midway launched 76 low-level "Iron Hand" missions to seek out and destroy SAM sites. Five aircraft and three pilots were lost to enemy guns, and seven other planes were damaged, but no SAMs were discovered.

12. Death of Supply Column 21 - Operation Starlite was the first major Marine Corps operation in Vietnam, and fighting was tougher than expected. A ship landed an armored supply column to support combat forces, which became lost and was attacked in a rice paddy on Aug 18, 1965. Five of the seven armored vehicles were destroyed (including two tanks) during a day long firefight. Five of the 27 Marines were killed and 17 wounded as they held off the enemy until daybreak.

13. The Battle of An Ninh - The newly arrived 101st Airborne employed the new helo assault tactic to surprise the NVA. The plan was to fly an entire battalion into an area where a strong enemy presence was suspected. The intelligence proved accurate as the first company landed next to a large NVA unit and was pinned down. As the second wave attempted to land, several helicopters were shot down and the rest fled without dropping troops after all suffered damage. Helicopters were borrowed from other units and troops eventually landed further away and rushed to save the surrounded company that was nearly overrun. (pictured above). While the NVA eventually fled, this poorly planned battle cost 22 American lives.

14. The Battle of Ia Drang - This was one of many disastrous airmobile assaults, when infantry helicoptered into a remote area and encountered a larger enemy force with ample ammunition. On Nov 14, 1965, 450 soldiers from the 1st battalion of the 7th Cavalry landed at LZ X-ray and found itself surrounded with little ammunition and no heavy firepower. It was nearly overrun while suffering 79 killed and 121 wounded, and survived only by diverting all available air support in Vietnam. The 7th Cavalry left the area after declaring victory, while survivors pondered the wisdom of an attrition strategy using American foot infantry.

15. Battle for LZ Albany - The 1st battalion of the 7th Cavalry barely survived its now famous 1965 battle in the Ia Drang valley. After saving its 1st battalion, the exhausted 2nd battalion headed for LZ Albany for an aerial extraction. It was in a long column in open terrain when it ran into a concealed NVA battalion, which attacked and shot it to pieces during a bloody battle that claimed the lives of 155 Americans, with 124 wounded.

16. Battle of Ap Nha Mat - On Dec. 5, 1965, the 2nd battalion of the US Army's 2nd Infantry Regiment was searching for an NVA regiment and found it, dug in bunkers all around them. An intense firefight erupted resulting in 43 Americans killed and 119 wounded as some soldiers fell back leaving dead and wounded behind. The NVA withdrew and Army Generals later claimed that 301 NVA were killed, although few bodies were found.

17. Attack on Marble Mountain - Some 90 Viet Cong sappers infiltrated this huge Marine Corps airfield and destroyed 19 helicopters and damaged 35 (11 of them severely). After this 30-minute rampage, the Viet Cong withdrew, leaving behind 17 dead and 4 wounded. American casualties were 3 killed and 91 wounded.

18. Operation Utah - On March 4, 1966, the 2nd battalion of the 7th Marines helicoptered into an area near Quang Ngai to investigate reports of an NVA regiment in the area. They found it dug into fortifications around Hill 50. Their attacked failed and the Marines fell back, but were surprised when the NVA counterattacked. The battalion was in trouble and more Marine units were flown in to join the battle. The enemy withdrew, but only after the Marines lost 98 dead, 278 wounded, with several aircraft destroyed.

19. Operation Indiana - On March 28, 1966, the 1st battalion of the 7th Marines helicoptered into the Quang Ngai area to establish a blocking position. Its Company C encountered a VC heavy weapons battalion and attacked, but was shot up and pinned down. It suffered heavy causalities and was forced to withdraw before nightfall leaving most of its dead behind. The Vietcong withdrew that night after having killed 11 Marines and wounding 55.

20. LZ Hereford Overrun - During Operation Crazy Horse, the 1st Battalion of the 12th Cavalry was out searching for the enemy. A hundred NVA slipped past and quickly overran a mortar platoon, killing 16 GIs while wounding five soldiers as they escaped.

21-104 at g2mil.com/lost_vietnam.htm

Idk if Iran can say Rods of god, but Trump can.
Our on the books military budget is more than Iran's entire GDP.
A war with no rules is much different than a winning hearts and minds war.

The Vietnam War was a Guerilla War. If you just look at Operations the US did and the related body count, you are doing it wrong. You are doing exactly what Westmoreland did and what lost him the war. "Sir, we are killing them at a ratio of 10:1". "That doesn't matter, Bill. The people back home do not care about the 10. They care about the 1."

You do not automatically win a war by having the higher K/D ratio. You win a war by achieving the strategic objectives you set out to achieve, which depend on the political reasons for the war. In Vietnam, for the US, it was to stop the spread of communism. The gameplan for NVA and VC was to kill as many Americans to make it as costly as possible for them, to dissuade the US, i.e., the American public and policy makers, who want to be liked by the American public, from continuing.

The NVA/VC achieved that objective, the Americans withdrew. Thus, the NVA/VC won the war. End of story. Nothing to do with "But we had more kills!" "But we won tactical victories on the battlefield!" "But each operation was a success." If each operation was a success and you still lose the war, it means your operations were shit.


The point is to bring China and Iran closer to Jewtin. America doesn't have to win for Israel to grow.

Reminder that the (((USA))) lost every single war and would have lost WW2 as well if not for the USSR.
6 gazillon missiles and rockets don't make up for cowardly lard ass faggots as troops. No people on earth are less legitimate than burgers for fighting a war. I honestly hope they really fuck with Iran someday.

Why war with Iran is a distinct possibility

no matter how much it's completely unjustified
no matter how much it costs,
no matter how many Americans are wounded or killed
no matter how much the world hates us afterwards
no matter if it even leads to global thermonuclear war

These parasites are fucking insane… and insatiable.

Look into the heart of evil.

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gay luigi

Stop being a cum-guzzling faggot with these threads, moshe.

The problem is essentially as morpheus put it to neo. People don't want to wake up and will fight with everything to stay asleep.

America wont attack Iran because of the amount of dead soldiers it would require to get the job done. Americans are sick and tired of the war in the middle east. No one gives a fuck about it anymore and cheered when Trump claimed he would pull out during the elections.
The thought that america couldn't beat sandnigs is laughable. The war in the ME was meant to take forever so the american military maintains a permanent presence to protect the kikes. If they left kikeland would be wiped out in a week.


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