Alternative Medicine/Health

I know this is the wrong board, but reading the myopic thread I realised there are people around with experience in psychosomatic problems, alternative medicine etc.

I have had chronic gut and mood issues for over 10 years and no doctor could help me so far, tested everything under the sun and psychiatrists didn't help either. I am looking for alternative ways to heal myself. I am a sceptic but open minded enough (did acupuncture for sports which really helped, personally).

Please share your experience and knowledge in this thread. Feel free to rant against the pharma industry to make it at least semi related to this board.

Thanks and sorry for off-topic posting

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Other urls found in this thread:

Healthy diet, no processed food, no trans fats. Team sportsball for pack hunting and fitness training. Open air activities to breath in a good environment, scuba diving for iodine and coordinations.

Probiotics, food or pills. You don't have to chug jilly juice, but adding fermented or pre biotic food to your diet might help. Heard about fecal transplants, but I don't know much about it other than it was designed to promote healthy gut flora. It's not quite shit, because it hasn't made it's way through the intestines, but close enough. Might just be jewish trickery.

FYI If you're not having at least 1 bowel movement per day, coupled with bad immunity, problems with digestion/pains your gut microbiome is unhealthy and you need probiotics. I had issues like this and drank kefir for a month, many of my issues were solved and i felt a whole lot better physically.

Probiotic pills are jewish as hell and don't work because there are too few good bacteria. Just order kefir grains online and and start making it with whole milk, drink it all and your issue is solved, it's easy as fuck and literally costs nothing. Even Hitler had his gut issues sorted by his doctor Theodor Morell.

The beneficial gut in your bacteria comprises at least 70-80% PERCENT of the human immune system. It's critical to maintain a good bacterial balance in the gut.

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thx for including sources, user.
i got into pro and prebiotics as well, researching it too, but it only helped a bit.

I seem to have e bigger, underlying root cause

No problem, you can order kefir grains off ebay for under 10$, all you need is milk on hand and a couple of big jar with flip-top lids for an infinite supply as you can just reeuse the kefir you didn't drink to make new by transferring contents. Although depending on the circumstances of grain bacteria and whatnot when you get it as well what milk the bacteria is used to you might need to make at least one batch before you get a good result. Hygiene is also important in the process.

Store bought kefir won't do anything health wise by the way as its pasteurized and ruined for beneficial bacteria.

After a month when you get really good and strong probiotics you can also sift out the kefir content with a sieve to capture the grains and store them in the refrigerator for at least 2 months.

Aluminium poisoning is a source of recurring gut problems as it leaks into your glands and kills off your gut flora.

Aluminium poisoning is largely vaccine-induced.

The aluminium does not appear freely in the bloodstream as it is quickly captured and stored for your safety, so it will not be detected by a blood test. However this leads to long term problems (instead of immediate death).

Aluminium, not mercury, is the hidden and overlooked factor in the vaccine-autism connection.

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Ok. I've heard and tried most of the advice in this thread. And other than a mild boost in energy for the first few days, none of it ever made any lasting changes to my health issues, of which there are many.

Over the last few months, just by changing my diet I've seen most of the problems I've been suffering from (including intestinal upset) disappear. I started the Keto diet. The first few weeks are uncomfortable as your body changes the way it processes things, and there is die off of unwanted intestinal flora. After you adjust you'll find you have more energy, you lose unwanted body fat pretty fast even when you can't hit the gym, your appetite shrinks and you don't miss it, your bodily aches and pains decrease, and your emotional state levels out at a more positive plane.

Here's the 2 sites I've relied on for most of the information I've used to start this life change.

A few things I add to my diet that aren't listed on these sites is a good krill supplement and chlorophyll supplement. Look them up.
You'll also want to get an app to help you track your macro's. It really is a lot of help.

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weak military pussy

For aluminum and heavy metal removal my personal method is to throw a couple sprigs of cilantro in a blended with some water and Chlorella, and chug that shit down. Not a pleasant drink by any means, but effective for removing heavy metals.

Cilantro is extremely good at pulling the heavy metals out of the nooks and crannies of your body (and brain) and mobilizing them from their hiding spots, but not so good at expelling them from the body. That's where chlorella comes into play. Chlorella is a type of edible green algae that you can buy from many health foods stores. I buy mine from (((Amazon))) as i can't seem to find loose powder type rather than capsules. Chlorella binds to the heavy metals floating freely through your body and expels them from your body. Together the two work symbiotically to remove the heavy metals from your body and I suggest you all try these two in conjunction with one another as we all have heavy metals in our body from a multitude of sources. As always find organic sources for both cilantro and chlorella.

Chlorella I'm currently consuming daily with or without cilantro. Ordered it over two months ago and still have plenty left. /Micro-Ingredients-Chlorophyll-Non-Irradiated-Non-Contaminated/dp/B01L2TGOEI/ref=sr_1_4_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1534421890&sr=8-4&keywords=chlorella

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10 Foods never to eat. Ted Broer is fairly redpilled on a lot of topics, but for some reason still thinks Hitler was a deranged maniac so ignore is comments on "Da Natzees used Flouride on da jooz". His expertise is in the realm of health and has great insight into that field.

youtube. com/watch?v=k3GcSMdOtB4

Very important to note that the way your body deals with newly chelated metals is to expel it, this is the kidneys job. If you overdo it you can get strong kidney pains and other forms of pains, or even be injured. This is similar to how strong antibiotics will leave too many dead bacteria which can overwork your system.

The more poisened you are the gentler you have to proceed. If you feel any kind of discomfort from taking these, reduce the dose immediately.

Wow, thanks for the insightful replies, brothers. I will need some time to look at inform myself. The chlorella tip is a gpod one too. I have been taking it daily for 1.5 months now and it seemed to help somewhat but I didn't take it together with Cilantro. Will try this for sure. Ive read about it in some papers and articles about dr Klinghardt. Still can't quite decide if he has some really good insights that work and also some more kooky ideas, tells all truths or is completely full of shit. very interesting nonetheless

Do biofeedback. It's a hand scan that sends small electrical signals and tests for different things like inflamation, resistance to certain types of foods, moods, etc. At the end of it you're given a comprehensive list of food to avoid for at least 30 days as well as supplements to take. Pretty much everyone should be on probiotics. I get probiotics from Nature's Sunshine, and prebiotics from Young Living (Ningxia Red). My mom was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and started getting biofeedback with Tonya at the knoxville wellness center about 6 years ago. She hasn't had an episode since she started cleaning up her diet and avoided foods that caused auto-immune responses. Generic diets don't work, you need something tailored to you.

General advice: pre- and probiotics, something like whole 30, keto, or paleo for a couple months to clear out your system, and drink as many ounces of water as half your weight in pounds at least.

Listen to this jew and then do your own research.

You know how people talk about probiotics, but no one really tells you what those are? Well, they're bacteria, and yeast, and for all I know, maybe some other things, but they're basically microorginisms that process food. The "pro" part refers specifically to the beneficial ones, cause some of them can be pretty harmful. For example, Clostridia is linked with autism, depression, and so on, cause all of these things affect your brain too. The video explains more of this stuff.

This is why foods go bad after a while. If the food never dies, it was never alive to begin with, and after a lot of processing, it might preserve shelf life, but now it's very lacking health-wise. If you're having digestive issues, try fermenting food (letting bacteria digest the food it's on, and grow) and then consuming them. It should do wonders, but if you're already unhealthy, pretty much anything you do that's healthy is going to negatively affect you (healing crisis) if you're not careful.

The bacteria in your gut are basically doing the same thing, and some of the bacteria from these foods can end up living in your gut. Though, these bacteria are not necessarily allies with each other. Some will effectively wage war and win out over others, so some might die off pretty easily. Kefir, for example, has some pretty strong bacteria, and that can take over and dominate your gut, kicking out some of the other bacteria, which is probably a good thing, judging on the results people get.

Aside from all that, you might really want to consider heavy metals and other toxins, and getting them out of your system somehow. Chelation, perhaps, or even sweating them out. You might also try a hot bath in something that draws them out. Either way, heavy metals can cause a multitude of problems. Including, once again, autism. If you have mercury fillings in your teeth, get that removed, and make sure it's safely removed, cause it can be removed very harmfully. That stuff releases a steady stream of mercury into your system, poisoning you for years to come. Also avoid water with fluoride, which includes your water supply. If I were trying to get rid of some of these, and I wasn't broke, I'd take calcium (makes muscles contract), boron (chelates fluoride, but also important for healthy cell walls, and helps the transfer of calcium and magnesium), then take a hot bath in magnesium (makes muscles relax), and then get out and sweat up a storm in an infrared sauna. Maybe even get back in the bath after that. Make sure to drink a ton of water during this.

For chelation, there's a lot of specific things here, so I'll just give an overview. Some of the toxins are stored in soft tissues and the like, and certain foods or supplements draw these out, and they end up in the blood stream. The nice thing about sweating it out is that it comes out on the outside, but chelation involves drawing them out on the inside, where they end up in the blood stream, which can really harm you if you overdo it and don't have something to bind to them and lead them out of the body. So, combine a couple of things here. Something that draws them out, and another that binds to them. Don't do too much at once.

Good luck, user.

another chelating as well as antibiotic agent is chlorine dioxide. there's a lot of scams out there selling dangerous stuff. including miracle whatever it was. but you can actually get it nice and FDA approved, in a safe dosage, made with precision in controlled conditions, quite cheaply. it is often sold as a water purifier for campers. it leaves a bit of a nasty taste in the water and the safe dose is not very powerful, but it's about as close to a panacea as you can get.

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I can't wait for the kids to be back in school.

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nice, ordering some today. thanks for the advice user. whats the safe dose, 1 tablet to a standard 8oz glass of water id assume?

meant for

I also said I still posted because I realised people with more knowledge than me browsed this board

school would have done you good with your reading and that