We are under communist rule now and those commies have started showing tyranny in the country. Those fucks recently passed a law making it illegal to manipulate any of the politician's image to make jokes about it(memes) and have started raising taxes for even the internet. Those fucks have started the beginning of chingchong bullshit in Nepal. What do you think we should do now??
Help Nepal fellow Zig Forumsacks
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Those commies did arrested a few cartoonists before but this time they have made it official to ban memes
Throw rocks on their heads from mountains
I wish I could do that.
Hard to say what you can do at this point, the united states and European nations are also undergoing a shadow civil war with the very same forces. Get fit. Get armed, even if its just your fists. Get wife. Start family. Make friends. Stay professional, stay discreet.
I went to Nepal to cross the Himalayas before the communists took over, I hear its all gone to shit.
Nepal was a hindu country with a king before commies took over. The country was prospering ahead and monarchy was successful. Commies started a civil war, killed 17,000 people. Now democracy is all fucked up. There were two communist parties. Now with association with chinks, they transformed themselves to a single party and currently are the ruling parties. I wish I could go back to the days you described
Honestly the best advice. Sometimes I wonder if voicing our views, etc. is the right thing to do, if I'm paranoid, then I remember we're in a war for our survival and I've looked into the sun too long to not see the light for what it is, so-to-speak.
Nepal bro, don't know what to say, but follow user's advice and make a network. Prepare yourself. Maybe shitpost some things in real life. Hard to trace flyers.
I am thinking about trolling them bad by attacking their website. Those ignorant fucks don't even know how to build a strong website. Maybe ddos their servers or something. I really want to do something now. I am tired of those commies
I recommend non-violent protests. When the communists put you all down with extreme brutality, we in the real world can make cringey cartoons about it and maybe write a book about a teen wizard who lives under the red boot in Nepal. That way, we can get through to the left in English-speaking countries in a way they'll understand, and maybe it will bleed support away from leftist movements in countries that matter. Your sacrifice will not be in vain, mountain-niggers!
Non-violent protests don't mean anything. The west doesn't care because its run by Jews and Jews are responsible for the spread of communism across the globe. Communism is the gestation stage of the form of governance they want in the end, an oligarchy of Jewish families, and goy families that bend to their will.
For all of the crocodile tears Jews shed for Tibet, have they done anything meaningful to impact China? Israel sells US military secrets and tech to China.
Nepal, Tibet, and any other nation that falls to communism can't expect help until the Jews are routed and expelled once again, their influence rendered null and void.
What Nepalese need to do is prepare for a civil war that will bring them out of this mess. That doesn't necessarily mean a violent civil war. If the people rise up with enough momentum and in a sudden manner, do not be surprised when communists capitulate without a shot fired. Preparation for that kind of uprising requires a lot of time, and willingness to die for a cause.
In times of communism. Prepare for war.
The thing is most of the people here are ignorant fucks who support those commie shills without even knowing what communism is just for money they get after they get involved with the political party. Every fucking sector is corrupted and the only way of things being easier for anyone is getting involved with the major political party. The major political party are those commies and another political party are leftists. Those ignorant fucks wont even get redpilled about communism.
Can you at the very least find one man who shares your views? If you can find one man, you can find two…
There are many who share my views. But the thing is we are not able to create any impact. There is only one place where we can protest them and they dont give a flying fuck about what people protest about there.
dude just kill the chinks LMAO its so easy!!!
Duh. My point is that you'd make good martyrs and useful propaganda. It's not like market capitalism will make you into another West Germany. Have you considered just starting the killing?
Amerimutts still cant plan to mess with those chingchongs. And politicians here suck those small chink dicks. I wish i could fucking nuke china
Listen to
advice. Stay discrete! And wait. We are fighting communist subversion in the west. When we are done the CCP will crumble from the inside out!
You are an idiot! The CCP is violent and repressive as fuck. If anyone in Tibet follow your advice they will get a bullet in the head!
I wish that will happen soon. May donald trump be the madman he is, may right wing philosophy rise in europe and fucking destroy every single commie shills present in the west.
Did you even read what I said you stupid faggot.
Getting fit. Training your body. Making friends. Expanding your social network. Starting a family. How do these things get you a bullet in the head? It's almost as if a majority of you stupid fucking niggers don't even understand a right wing grassroots movement. The NatSoc movement in Germany began under similar although not as repressive circumstances, and it began as a grassroots movement. Don't expect the rest of the jew occupied world to help you. You must be the force to break your own chains.
Kill yourself, bug.
You are being logical, but not entirely reasonable. The communist parties in Nepal are not going to fall so long as China exists next door to spend billions in order to prop it up. It doesn't need to consent of the population if it only needs the consent of Beijing. All the things you suggest are an aspirin, but will not resolve the issue. It would take absolute revolution of the whole populace who need to be willing to take bullets, or you have to wait for the current power structure in China to collapse AND then strike out and uproot them.
This. The thing is the communist movement in Nepal is totally funded by the chinks. They even unified two major communist parties of Nepal making them one of a largest communist party in Asia. Downfall of china would result downfall of communism in Nepal
Either start killing chinks or enjoy your genocide.
That's the whole point of beginning a grassroots movement. People aren't willing to take bullets until they have a cause they are willing to die for, and that cause must be spoken to them by someone with enough charisma, or by enough people who they know and appreciate.
if I had to guess, China is seizing control of Nepal because it wants to cement its operations in the Himalayas for not only water, uranium but strategic positioning. I am not presently aware, but has China made any attempts to build bases in Nepal yet?
Stop trying to get signal and whoop chink ass.
Getting fit and setting a good example for your neighbors is always a good thing to do, but thinking that alone is going to be enough to save Nepal when there's Commnist-fucking-China right next door is idiotic. Besides that, the people of Nepal can only be saved if they want to save themselves AND if China loses interest or the ability to prop up the government there. Also, getting fit and doing your best in a communist country is risking a target on your back. Image saying to the Kulaks, "hey, I know things are bad, but just do your best. They certainly wont use you as a scapegoat, take all your shit and kill your whole family by riling up their sycophantic true believers or anything.
I do appreciate your point of gathering social circles. Nepal still has the family culture, feminism is still not a political agenda. But the mainstream impact of leftist cucks on the west has slowly started grassrooting in Nepal as youths have started opting for denying families, accepting atheism, feminism slowly rising among ignorant whores.
Water is the only thing they really need. No real resources until they start digging out the chromium and copper.
If nothing else USA should jump in and stop the bugs from squishing the pack mules just to make sure they all die of thirst. If the chinks get Tibet's water, they will be in a stronger position to keep trying to jew the US.
They have not started bases in Nepal. Recently the primeminister travelled to china to visit xi jinping and they recently setlled for a train route from china to nepal. Not only water and uranium from himalayas but i think their main agenda is to hold the ground of communism strong in countries they can.
Letting them put in rail is just giving them access for the inevitable invasion in a couple decades.
Our rail is here, this ours now! You no can argue! Did you put rail? No!
fuck off retard
Most communist supporters in Nepal have no idea what they're supporting, they just think they want to do good and help everybody.
Start redpilling your nepalbros on communism, talk about how some of it sounds good, but it is built on a tower of faulty assumptions that inevitably turns it into a nightmare. Tell them about how it seeks to invert the natural order. Tell them about history, tell them about Venezuela.
Leftypol approves of this tyranny.
Of course they do. I wish hitler rises again from the dark and kills all those jews.
Why so mad? It's not like those little bug dicks are going to hurt, gook.
Then just lay down and accept it.
Maybe an offering at Poo-2 and praying all the shitskins in the country die off will work.
I think the chinks are looking to use Nepal to piss of India really. They have a longstanding border dispute with them over Arunachal Pradesh. They are quite assblasted over it. Why not turn Nepal into a vassal state to further piss them off? India wants to exert control over Nepal - China wants control over Arunachal Pradesh.
Any pentester here?? Can anyone have a look at this website. Its the official website of Nepal and before one year, a script kiddie hacked this website. I am damn sure it is still not fully secure as people designing this sites are ignorant scumbags
Government of Nepal*
India wants control over that water as well. I'm not sure which would be a worse steward.
If Tibet had any balls they would start throwing chemicals in down-river and make the bugs and poojeets go fuck themselves.
After modi's alliance with Donald Trump, chinks are also trying to piss of India but i dont think thats the main motto. The only thing that matters to them is rise of their commie bullshit and minerals and water from Himalayas. I dont prefer pajeets takeover but rise of right wing philosophy in Nepal i.e making Nepal a hindu nation and restoring monarchy which Modi also supports. As said, India does want total water control in Nepal and majority of Nepalis hate pajeets for that. This is why the current primeminister of Nepal is on a rise by pushing his pseudo nationalism anti pajeet agendas.
Smash them with fire and fury from five thousand feet nepalanon
Yes I'm serious. Get a plane and take some of the trash with you on the way out , hell you'll even earn a cool nickname in death
Good luck on your mission
Gift me the biggest aircraft user
get all the Nepalese on your side then secretly start killing chinks in the night and start a militia. Get everyone to vow not to rat each other out. Secretly bomb them, spoil supplies, poison water, bleed them dry. Make up fairy tales of spooky abominable snowmen in the mountains who eat people and blame it on them.
just a brainstorm. I'm not a guerrilla expert.
Find quotes from a politicians, and then find conflicting quotes. Put it on images of said politicians. Plaster it on walls as a poster for bonus points. People have been doing it here for the election, and some people in the party in question which was being insulted tore some posters down and posted about it in social media. People then reported said party for interfering with a free election.
Basically, use their own rules against them, and move through sectors they can't control. Make it as tedious as possible for them to counter you, to the point where they have to start greatly inconveniencing themselves and their own side for it.
The best way to get people on your side is through simple peer pressure, and if you don't have the numbers to exert said pressure directly you need to establish an artificial presence through propaganda to give the illusion of having the majority with you. It's how the media managed to brainwash large swathes of the west.
best shitpost out there.
The Nepalese have abandoned their Dharma. Darkness now will cover them permanently, it is a lost cause.
I just got Nepal temple balls today. I feel for you. Stay strong, always fight and NEVER give up. *and keep these wonderful little balls of yours coming*
I like being anonymous because I like not working for my own image. I don't want to put a wall of trash out there, but I also don't want to polish every turd of thought I shit out. I don't want who I am to matter more than my message. I know I could be wrong about anything, and I want people to be fearless about disagreeing with me. Something I think is that culture favors two kinds of people. These dichotomies are sometimes fake and almost always incomplete, but bear with me. The favored people in culture are the ones who can break themselves trying, and the ones who can try forever without breaking themselves. So one of the ancient fronts is the war between the people who try to break society perfect and the people who try to slack society perfect. Eventually everyone wants to have a place in life where they can slack their way to perfection, but yeah, sometimes you have to work for it. It's a difficult balance. Not everyone makes it, and sometimes whole societies can get too far to one side or the other.
Why am I talking about this here? Well, I'm thinking aboiut laws against manipulating the images of politicians. Obviously if this is ever used to suppress truth things will get fucky, but if the people running the program are sane that'll only happen when they fuck up. Everything gets fucky when someone fucks up. That's life. So if we just for conjecture trust that the running people are sane enough to care enough about the long-term to never suppress something true (it's just for conjecture because we shouldn't really take that for granted), which front of culture are they on? Break to perfect or slack to perfect? Well, slackers don't check every datum they put out there unless they're the sciencest slackers (rare, but real, because humans are diverse enough that everything is somebody's hedonism). So unless Nepalese culture is already way more hardassed and untrustworthy than I imagine it to be, this law will tend to sweep up people who were talking easy more than it will tend to sweep up people who are talking hard. What happens to a society when nobody can talk easy?
Think about that. What happens to a society when talking is hard and dangerous? It gets hardassed. Things start changing one way or another. Everyone's ripped in the dystopian future.
The more people clamp down for stability the more horrible the stability threats they face tend to get. Yeah, yeah, if literally nobody tries to stabilize things you get countries that shatter like the harvest in a late spring frost or an early autumn hailstorm, but if you scare people into compliance with everything dear leader shits out people get used to working for scary people. Not everyone scary is stable and loyal. Scary tends to go the other way.
Under cover of night. Hoods and masks. Wear shoes that are a few sizes too big. Don't speak. Wear gloves.
Have a peaceful budhhist protest of buddhists at first, but then suddenly they all go berserker against anything representing the government. This would make international headlines.
Holy shit, you need to get the common people of your country against their shit or else you'll probably be looking at fucking genocide just like we are. Don't give the bastards an inch and ruin everything you can.
Fuck off kikey.
Hello Schlomo, how's the weather in Tel-Aviv?
I swear, every month i see a thread here about some distinct country trying to resist Communism. The answer is always going to be the same.
Inform. Inform. Inform. Take examples that have worked for us in the west. Create a meme website like Dailystormer and find fellow activists for street propagandizing. Get stickers, replace kikes with chinks if need be. Study books on guerrilla warfare. Get a way to import or craft guns. Become liked by people. etc,etc,etc. Just study the West.
Wow, shills out in full storm today.
It cannot be given. It must be commandeered. Take it and use it
The religious leader of Nepal was apprenticed by a NatSoc mountain climber.
Oh my bad, that was tibet, not nepal. I think theres a differnce, but fuck if i know.
That sucks. I went to nepal and they're good people over there. I will never forget how even hundreds of meters up in a snowy tea lodge they told us stories of yids cheating them.
This is a country where eating is aready cheap and they dont have much especially on the mountain paths. Even then a troupe of jews came in, took more than their fair share, cheated the establishment and in the end stole the nice blankets they provided them in the rooms. On the mountain it's fuckin cold and there's no central heating or air conditioning, inside is as cold as outside and those jews stole fucking blankets from these people.
Fascinating; how did you end up in these discussions with them? Did they tell more specific things of other encounters with the bastard beings?
Thanks for getting the CCP shills kicked off of their connection.
No, fuck off. You and Bhutan are runaway provinces of India..
I had arrived at what amounts to the nepal mountain version of a tavern (small area to sit, drink tea, eat food, and usually some rooms/beds to rent for the night) and the owners were talking with some guys about just bad customers in general. They mentioned some some rowdy and loud people they and after they mentioned the worst was that group of jews. Our group guide helped translate.
I forget if they mentioned other encounters with jews or not but I think they did mention that jews in general are rude and take advantage.
one example was the jews ordering just boiled water, putting in their own tea into the water and dumping the whole sugar bowl into it. For one thing it's difficult for the owners to get sugar as it has to be hauled up either literally on someone's back or on a donkey. It's heavy and not just for you. Also food/drink isn't fucking expensive especially if you come from a developed country. You should respect that they left it there for you to take your share for your tea and order something from the tavern. The tavern could have just kept the sugar in the back but they trust customers not to abuse it when they can.
Another example of the things this group of people did was abuse a meal to feed multiple people. Culturally the porters eat 2 large meals a day, often the meal is "Dal Bhat", a kind of peasant meal of rice, beans, curry and a flatbread/tortilla type thingy. How it works is the you order the meal and then eat as much as you want, they will keep filling your plate for free as long as you can eat. The ingredients are cheap and filling and the establishment and the porter both benefit/profit.
What these jews did is one goes inside the tavern and orders the Dal Bhat and eats his fill then gets up and another one sits in his place to keep eating more and more. They did this to feed a group of 5 people apparently on the price of 1 meal. They exploited the establishment.
The thing is it's not even fucking expensive to eat well there. You can drink as much tea as you want and order the most expensive thing on the menu up there and it'd be the same price as a cheap place here in the west. Even the fucking service up there is decent because they actually appreciate customers. Your dollars literally keep them afloat. They are a poor country that has been exploited by a corrupt gov for a long time but the tourism is propping them up.
Jews have hives in Nepal as well as numerous parts of India. They're always seen as an obnoxious presence by locals.
Get in touch with the Indian government. Think of OPSEC.
You need a foreign base next to your country to organize a resistance movement.
Most Nepalis are Hindu, get in contact with RSS in India. They are crazies, but the next best thing to NS on the subcontinent.
Unfortunately Hinduism is quite the opposite to National Socialism, it lacks totally solidarity. That is the reason why Buddhism became a thing and Islam was able to conquer it, today Communist are able to agitate the outcasts, Naxalites.
Nepal is important for Buddhism, birth place of Buddha. So Buddhist might be interested to safe them from Communism and China. Japan might be a source of founding, Thailand and Burma are probably too much kissing Chinese arse.
India is important for you, but probably too incompetent. Same with the USA. You should at least get the Indians to tolerate you.
Embrace violent militant budhism
Yeah, the only thing bothering is pajeet hate in Nepal. Modi had been suggesting restoring hindu nation status of Nepal. But commies have been ignoring this. Majority of the millenials wont even accept hinduism because they are ignorant cunts.
Keep larping you fucking disgusting street shitter. I can still smell Modi's rage of Nepal not turning that way