'ANTI-SEMITISM is a TERM invented to PREVENT ANY CRITICISM of JEWS', says Prime Minister -

World's Wisest Man "Gets" it

"Anti-Semitism is an artificial construct created to silence critics of the Jews", Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said.

Silence of the Goys
"There is one race that cannot be criticized. If you are anti-Semitic, it seems almost as if you are a criminal,” Mohamad said in an interview with the Associated Press on Monday, denying that he disliked Jews, as such. “Anti-Semitic is a term that is invented to prevent people from criticizing the Jews for doing wrong things.”

“When somebody does wrong, I don’t care how big they are. They may be powerful countries but if they do something wrong, I exercise my right of free speech. They criticize me, why can’t I criticize them?”

Only Chosen People can Slide
"Anti-Semitism is an artificial construct created to stop people from criticizing Jews for any wrongdoing, making them the only race that is beyond reproach, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said in an interview with the Associated Press on Monday".

At 92 years of age Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad mankind's oldest democratically elected leader - he is often dubbed "the world's wisest man" He was a highly regarded medical doctor before he entered politics.

he's Proud to "Name the Jew"
He added that he was glad to be labeled an anti-Semite.

“How can I be otherwise, when the 'Jews who so often talk of the horrors they suffered during the Holocaust show the same Nazi cruelty and hard-heartedness towards not just their enemies, but even towards their allies should any try to stop the senseless killing of their Palestinian enemies?''” he argued.

>what's above is taken from both the AP report and from >sputniknews.com/asia/201808161067244238-malaysia-pm-jews/

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Other urls found in this thread:


You don't have to be White to be Woke AF about the Jews

Do I look like the Hitler Youth, ffs?

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Jews are such fucking scumbags, they constantly do this passive aggressive shit to hide their own fucking shit behavior and cover it up. More and more faggots need to fucking wake up and realize that kikes are all the fucking same and they all hate christians

May your words strike true little sea monkey of wisdom.

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Great guy but he should keep uppermost in his mind that Indonesia and the USA are closely tied together in history, particularly as regards to President Obama.

Because as you all know by know, Barack Hussein Obama grew up with another name; Barry Sotero. How "Sotero"? An interesting and relevant story.

Barry's mother Ann Dunham was the daughter of an OSS man and his wife, the secretary to Tim Geithner's father at Goldman Sachs. I'm convinced that Lena's mom Madelyn Lee Payne was a jewess, thus Lena was a jewess too and Barry is a jew therefore. (I wonder if Ann Dunham and her father Stanley Dunham are any relation to Lena Dunham the hideously vile jewess actress?)

Now Ann Dunham went to university and became an anthropologist. And she got a job as an anthropologist; lots of jobs for anthropologists suprisingly; the CIA uses them for their Human Terrain System.

I know the article says it started in 2005 but they're lying. It already existed in the 1960's under another name.

The purpose of the program was to send in anthropologists to various countries of interest and to map out the "human terrain" that is who and where are the labor union organizers, the mayors, the town councilmen, who are the leftists, who are the nationalists, who are the intelligentsia of a given area. The job was made easier for these anthropologists as the locals were flattered to be interviewed by an American intellectual with the extra thrill that maybe they were in line for some foreign aid.

But then look at who Lena married; Captain Lolo Sotero of the Indonesian army. He ran a death squad.

Now President Sukarno of Indonesia was a person of great interest. He was a charter member of the non aligned nations movement along with Nasser of Egypt and Tito of Yugoslavia. This was a big nono with the USA and the USSR back in the Cold War. .You weren't supposed to step outside the duality of that struggle.

So when the time came the CIA took the research in Indonesia made by the Human Terrain System prototype that Ann worked in and handed over the lists of names to her husband Lolo and those people disappeared along with Sukarno to be replaced by President Suharto. That's both of them in that photo.

So the president of the USA was Barry Sotero, the son of a CIA anthropologist and the step son of an Indonesian death squad officer and his grand parents were OSS and Goldman Sachs jews.

This Mahathir dude better watch his step and his mouth.

Indonesia has been in the sights of the CIA for a long time.

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we don't need to be under one big tent, sure, but there's no reason we need to burn other tents

godspeed to anyone who fights the international parasite

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Damn I kept mixing up Lena Dunham and Ann Dunham.

I think I've got Lena's excised ovaries on my mind or something after reading that Breitbart article this morning.

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Good one. Saved to drive

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to parenthesize"

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I'll allow it

I worked with them for many years, and at some point you realize that things you thought were accidental were in fact deliberate.

That said, hide your power level around them while slowly defacing them from every part of your life.

The world knows this is true.

It's not clear who lena is, user.

were there a metric to determine the WAF-factor of Whites, it would be nice to know how woke they are.

This is true. Just like racist was invented to prevent criticism of anyone who isn't white, or sexism to prevent criticism of women.

All these "isms" we're simply created to give everyone power over white males and force the white male to shut up, or lose his career and life.

It is also worth mentioning that they were all invented by Jews.

Take it for what it is.


How come we don't YET have any hasbara shills on this thread, trying to convince us that the Malaysian PM's office is nothing more than a Controlled Op that's in the power of jews?

Shit, it just doesn't feel like 2018 Zig Forums without the controlled op message that we have all come to expect to see on any thread about some wide awake hero who talks bad about the Tribe.

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Checked and Heil'd
Very true.
"Anti semitism" (which is a stupid term since not all jews are "semites" and not all "semites" are jews) is simply the CORRECT RESPONSE to even a partial understanding of talmudism and what the talmud says and the undeniable crimes that the jews have committed.


Also this.
Also, as a Volkish Nationalist I want non-Whites and all jews out of my homeland and the homelands of my people.
However, I can also appreciate and even like people who are not my kind as long as they are in their own lands.
"Bu, but you must hate all non-Whites and muslums, goyi, erh, I mean guys!!!!!!!!!!"
No, actually, I don't.
"You must sperg out about wanting to mass murder everyone and kill everyone and genocide the world and become universally hated so that White homelands can NEVER be reestablished!!!!!! "BAD GOY!!!!!!"
Again, no I don't.
We're Making White Nationalism Mainstream Again.

You have me imagining Eddy Murphy doing a Bill Cosby impression and going,

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You know Lena….the NY shit cunt

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Would be funny if true, but you have to get your facts straight. Hitler never gassed the Jews.

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dude you got some problems


will you fucking dumb christcucks every not make this about your shitty desert cult? they hate white people. they hate all non-jews.
they hate your stupid kike prophet because he supposedly, if he even existed literally claimed to be YHWH as a method of jewing the jews own religion. fuck you, retard.

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Isn't self-disproof great? Everyone on earth has the right to emit self-criticism by saying things that disprove themselves intrinsically. To think someone might sincerely mean to criticize Jews by saying they're above criticism!

I'm joking. I know this is difficult material. I know that people really can be insulated above criticism, and that it's worth criticizing when it happens.

But, Jews? Sure, it's hard and dangerous to criticize Jews. They're such a soft, smart, caring people who like such fluffy yet practical things. They like everything good and nothing bad. The media adores and emulates them, studying Jews to learn what will be popular everywhere. It's dangerous to criticize people who love their (objects I would like to promote by credibly referring to as popular)! The people who like them create the hazard even though Jews themselves do not do so in this era.

Jewish history is actually… really interesting, in a social dynamics sense. I feel bad for Jewry… or I wish I did. I feel a little heartless for what actually feels like enjoyment of studying their struggle. Judaism has been under permanent switching pressures for generations. Anti-semitism was a traditional entertainment in many historical cultures. Jews have tried being good, bad, neutral, in the fray, and out of it. They've suffered, feasted, fought, and pleaded. Watching them squirm has pleased people of questionable morality for an earthly aeon. Hence what I really feel bad about is that I feel like I'm nowhere near the first person to find some beauty in it, but the consequence of all this has eventually been a very effective culture with a great wealth of interconnected resources.

Today antisemitism is a rarity that ties people to an ancestral tradition of hurting people, but today the meek are finally starting to inherit. People don't like hurting others anymore. The word-fighters are pairing with the word-fighters; the fist-fighters are pairing with the fist-fighters. So the long struggle of the Jew has begun to abate, and indeed, they are reaping the rewards of what they have learned of influence from being genetically successful chewtoys. In the absence of the switching pressure they are still a people who have learned many legal arts. I say that in the grander sense of that law which must bind all functioning communities.

Something about Jews, for people who really do feel like there's some or another Jew who deserves criticism: they're an attentive people, generally. All you have to do to criticize them successfully is not mention Judaism at all. When you criticize Jewishness, you strengthen it as an identity, but that identity as history has pressed it to become includes a great wealth of insight which can make Jews some of the easiest people to criticize. Just don't call them Jews. You only can't criticize "Jews".

You are trash.

So what if it's a natsoc board? It's the same thing.

Is the president of Malaysia, you nigger, not Indonesia. You are thinking of Duterte (who is also critical of the jew, but not this blatantly).


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D…does it mean we can still meme in president Ron Paul? G…guys?

I like this guy.

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So I guess that in the coming months all newspapers will tell us that Malaysia is a dictatorship, that everyone there is sad, and therefore we americans+europeans are heroes for sending our armies to free them and kill their leader.

Broken clock

True, but not particularly difficult to spot.

World's Wisest Man indeed

Mahatir is a particular anti-white third world nigger of mixed Malay/Chinese descend.

Asian news sites are reporting that he is heading to the Middle Kingdom

Malaysian PM heading to China with mega-projects in focus

They're not even bothering to report what he said about the jews. Asians don't seem to give a rat's ass… about the rats :D lol

Pic is a Singapore (Chinese & English) news website

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hystere-ctomy = uterus cut

H.L Mencken too was wise.

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>>Zig Forums
god, god, god, god, god, fucking nigger-tier kiked religions will end on DOTR

I'm not familiar with him, but I now have that quote saved.

Haha good one.

Only because it has grown out of their control

Wow, he really is wise. He knows how 'greatest ally' mistreats America.

Is he trying to lose another plane?
Because that's how they disappear.

Top Kek. I just spit a chewed up fig across the room.


Du30 is the president of the flipanese not Indonesia. Granted, all three are somewhat similar jungle ants. The order of favoritism goes, Flips, Burmese, Malay. The archipelago of Indonesia a shit because it has the worlds highest population of Muslims, most of which are radicalised. I remember a little over a year ago, Rowdy Rody talked some shit on Twitter to chelsey Clinton. Less than a week later (((isis))) took time of of its busy schedule in Syria to invade the Philippines.

Pic for you

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This is a very wise comment. It's a strange phenomenon that life seems to develop towards a pressure applied on it. Create an environment hostile to strength, and only the strongest will survive. Create an environment hostile to business, and only the most crafty businessmen will survive. The harder you make life for groups like the Jews, the more selective pressure will be applied to their race until only the best will survive. If we really want to eliminate Judaism, we must make life for the Jew so easy and comfortable that they dismiss Judaism as no longer useful. Debase the Jew, bestow upon them the heights of degeneracy, and watch as they turn away from religion wholesale. It's already happening, look at the number of Jews who have embraced liberalism in places like New York. Easy times create weak Jews.

If the Jews are to be attacked, it should be in a way that denies them the ability to cry anti-semitism and thus strengthen their resolve.

Attorney: If it becomes law, AB 2943 will be challenged in court.
A controversial bill in California that would outlaw counseling for people with unwanted same-sex attractions is expected to be signed into law very soon.

Notice the reaction when the left and Jews are now openly calling for white genocide? Literally millions of people embracing their European ancestry for the first time in decades.
Notice how men are openly being attacked in the media? Reaction: men openly embracing masculinity, lifting, studying masculine ways for the first time in decades.
Apply communism to populations for a couple of generations. Reaction - some of the most right-wing governments around today, in ex-USSR states like Poland and Hungary.

Will the homosexualization of society create a race of Ubermensch in the coming generations? If we remove all feminine and androgynous men, will we not be left with a race of extreme masculinity?

Gott Mit Uns.

Shut up.

you mean like this?

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Him talking about jews is old news, he's being saying that for decades and its not just talk, malaysian citizen are not allowed to go to Isreal. Here is him being woke as fuck

B-BUT goy! White people are raycisss! Y-youre not supposed to think alike!

reminds me of something

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You got it wrong there bud.
Europe required both strength and intelligence to survive, due to the fuck huge beasts which used to dwell there and the hostile weather.
And all the greatest businessmen were in the West. Nowadays in the Wild East of China and South East Asia we are seeing the next batch of businessmen evolving, while the West has stagnated because of uncountable red tape regarding commerce.
You have it all mixed up.

The only solution to the kike problem is a bullet between the eyes of every kike on this planet. And since they opened the pandora box of globalism, it is possible this time.

Tthis what the communist jews allow the leftist to do "we dont hate jews, we hate zionism/imperialism"?
Again this doesn't work and only obfuscates for the jew. You're going to go a step backwards in the end, from naming the jew to not naming the jew and then you don't hate israel you just hate zionism because muh evil white colonialism.


Stalin was a national leader who took the opposite view (to the Malaysian PM's view) about anti-Semitism.

"Anti-Semitism is dangerous for the toilers, for it is a false track which diverts them from the proper road and leads them into the jungle. Hence, Communists, as consistent internationalists, cannot but be irreconcilable and bitter enemies of anti-Semitism. In the U.S.S.R., anti-Semitism is strictly prosecuted as a phenomenon hostile to the Soviet system. According to the laws of the U.S.S.R. active anti-Semites are punished with death."
Stalin - in a reply given on January 12, 1931 to an inquiry made by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency of America (Stars and Sand, page 316)

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*got poisoned by jews*

Except for near the end of his life and his mysterious death soon later. But of course, nobody doubts the role the Jews had in Communism. Two Hundred Years Together.

drink up

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A shame he realised too late. At least Stalin killed Neocohen hero trotsky.

You fuck off Nigger. NS is Christian by definition. "Our Movement is Christian" -AH You dont get to pick and choose what parts of a movement you wish to abide by. A succesful movement needs everyone on the same page. Obviously youre too much of a degenerate piece of shit to accept our morals and standards. Go jump off a cliff or find some other half nazi larper pagan wannabes who think the Holohoax actually happened and Hitler is "kewl for gassing the jews" and hang out with them. We dont need dead weight holding us back or idiots making us look bad.




Found the kike. Since we can't (yet) staple a yellow star to your chest via TCP/IP, here's a (((you))) instead, faggot.

Watch out bro. You might be labeled a conspiracy theorist while the CIA and all those other 3 letter agencies create false conspiracies to drown out the real ones, like the one you're on.

Just to give an example. At my job today I was taking a required compliance training and this year they included a new "thing to be scared of" which basically implied conversations like this one. But it was under security awareness lol. My job is a great reflection of the poor state of the country and it's one of those fortune companies that makes billions a year.

They make such a big deal over a false flag they created themselves, and countless other people suffered far worse losses. Some of which was by their hands.

I'm very openly anti-semitic. You'd be surprised the opportunities that present themselves when you publicly decree the jew. There are a lot of Palestinian business owners who will send you all their business if you just talk candidly about the jew with them. Be prepared though, you will be spending at least 2 hours your first time bringing it up. You will also probably cry a couple times as they tell you their story.
Jews are worse than even most anons know. The things they do to humans is unthinkable.

This is essentially it. Yet as time has gone on, the jews are making themselves more obvious to even the normal fags. Their kvetching over even the smallest of 'offenses' is having the opposite effect of what they want. It's great.

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It’s the beginning of a sentence, you autistic fucking faggot.



got any stories from palestinians you can share?

ha you goyim are just jealous of us because we're successful of and we killed that bastard jesus

You realize Jews hate whites and Christians and their "success" way more than the other way around?

They spend all their time whining about white "supremacy" and "privilege", they are by far among the most likely to support feminist, liberal, communist, etc. causes that are all about envy and trying to get their "fair share" (even though kikes have never done anything to deserve it, they're parasitic).


Jewish behavior is all based on envy and parasitism. They're jealous of the European spirit (its moral character, beauty. and success throughout the ages), and they want to destroy it. They're like the nerdy kid who was bullied in high school, then became evil and makes a millennia-old plot to take his revenge, rule the world and eradicate his old "enemies" because of old grudges.

Words from your fellow chosenites

Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has been a big part of the Malaysian (Kuala Lumpur) War Crimes Commission (KLWCC) that brought charges against the State of Israel for their bloodshed in Gaza and Palestine.

"The government of Israel in course of the last month (in 2013) has committed extensive crimes against the people of Palestine. The Gaza massacres (in April and May) have resulted in more than 75 killed and more than 2750 wounded. The evidence confirms that Israel’s IDF snipers had orders to fire live ammunition on children."


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They hate them because they hate goyim. Kosher goyim included. The kike does not fear the golem, the kike loathes the golem.

I do it all the time, it works perfectly.

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Get the fuck out of here you pagan nigger, this is a christian board

Bullshit , we are beyond that frat

Lies shouldn't be spread, even if they're used as jokes. It legitimizes them.

He made those statements very early on.
He also stated, later, that they would need to "do something about Christianity" after the war.
National Socialism is a secular ideology. It is spiritual, but not restricted to a particular religion.
Indeed, the core value of National Socialism is furthering and strengthening and increasing the prosperity of the Volk. The Volk is a people united by blood and heritage, not a "religious group."
And yes, religion can be a PART of heritage, but heritage is MUCH MORE than just religion.
Personally, I reject all abrahamic "religions" (judaism, Christianity, islum, satanism, luciferianism, freemasonry, holocaustianity, marxism, and their related cults and sects (and some others that slip my mind)) and would urge all White people to also do so.
All abrahamic "religions" are poison.
That said, if White Christians can embrace White Nationalism and oppose ZOG in all its forms, then I would be glad to work with them. But I will never go back to the abrahamic plantation, and all non-Christian abrahamic religions are utter SHIT. Christianity at least has SOME good in it.
Stop White genocide.
Remove ZOG
Reestablish White homelands.

This. The "holocaust" that the kikes push endlessly did not happen.
However, the KIKES did commit multiple "holocausts" themselves.
5+ million Ukrainian Kulaks murdered in the holodomer
10+ million Germans murdered AFTER ww2.

The jew thrives in SECRECY and SHADOW.
The more exposed the jew becomes the better. The best way to expose them is to get them to expose THEMSELVES.
One of the keys to jewish success in America is that most Whites DON'T KNOW. Most Whites have NO IDEA that jews control the banks, the media, hollywood, the government, the FED, and so forth.


I think that even removal might not be necessary with the way I hear some Gen Zers talk. They seem to have an aversion to the "way too extra theatre kid faggot" life. Interesting what kind of info you pick up at the skatepark.

Hitler and others in the Third Reich considered Christianity a problem to be dealt with delicately, but decisively.

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How can you not love gooks.

Go on, shlomo, continue lying. See how far it gets you.

Wew, It would be ok for them to hate white people as long as they are not Christian.

Palestinians send you what? I don't get it? Do they send you the occasional chocolate box?
Anyone who's read about the adventures and doings of communists or the old testament knows just how sick and evil they are.

They were PROSECUTED! Not persecuted. Stop accepting the premises that Jews set you. They are not, nor have they ever been innocent victims picked on because they are a minority. They are a vicious parasite that plays on the hispitality of a dumb,ignorant and alturistic people to do unthinkable things to them, enslave them, plunder them, suck them dry and if allowed to completely destroy them! THESE PEOPLE ARE NO VICTIM! THEY ARE THE EMBODIMENT OF EVIL!!!

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Ronny was good for 2012 style atmosphere, we need president Garrison in 2020

Breddy much… (((bussiness))) as usual goy…

But brave to openly say.

Bashes kikes AND anglos. Boy I LOVE this guy.

All shabbos goys do when they no longer have purpose. Thats what you do with prostitutes and why it essentially is not the right road to go down.

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Do you make good shekels?

A successful criminal is still a criminal

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You sound quite stupid and lower the level of discourse with your non-responses.

On Doctor Mahathir's watch certain bad actors have been put to trial in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Nuremberg Trials.

George W. Bush & Tony Blair both Convicted by War Crimes Commisssion in Malaysia

linked video is brief but interesting

Inaddition to finding Bush and Blair guilty for the lies and deceptions they visited upon the world in order to create the bloody war in Iraq, the same 'War Crimes Tribunal' put Israel on trial - according to the "Articles of Nuremberg" - for deliberately murdering children (per sniper's orders to use live rounds) in Gaza.


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