Harvard graduate programmer becomes nigger imitating rapper

Harvard graduate programmer becomes nigger imitating rapper

Thats how deep the Jewish propaganda goes these days lads…

He's about as awkward as it gets.

Incel statistician thug life

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Buys his roach mother a beloved status symbol

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Hot babe waifu

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Is this the ant persons achilles heel?

They always autisticly imitate whatever jews promote as high status, as they're unable to create anything original.

Nigger culture made him too mediocre to spy on the mainland. Jews fucked up.

Culturally appropriating wigger culture is a thing now

Is 4cucks down again?

Yigger yellow nigger, chigger, chink nigger

The bugs are organic xerox machines.

You jews have been twisting your tzitzits something fierce this morning.

Reminds me of this gem.

Is there a final solution to the yellow problem?

Non-euros are simply appropriating it.

It's obama era trash. If we keep pushing on with getting things back to how they used to be, these people will be nothing. Remember, it's just the era of obama and the kikes that made the push alongside the (((recession))). Now things are better with the economy and with Trump in power, we President now and Whites will start to lift back up.

Ivy League doesn't really mean much these days, it's just name recognition left over from the past when being admitted to an Ivy League school meant you were either from a prominent family or that you were exceptional. These days they're swamped with Jews and they look for excuses to let in as many women, kangz and wetbacks as they can. They're rotten institutions.

I am a white, non-kike who went to a top ivy. They're admitting niggers and spics just like all other universities. All that means is you can never trust even an ivy credential from a nigger or a spic. Kikes get in to ivies legitimately, but nobody should ever hire kikes on principal. They're smart but extraordinarily evil.

If you have an asian or white man or woman and not from a prominent donor family (and that's rare–very few slots actually go to those types) who went to an Ivy, he or she is objectively exceptional. That's because test scores and grades are not bumped for whiteys or asians. In fact, they make it as hard as possible to get in.

He'll probably need rapping skills when he ends up on the street and has to rap for food because he can't get a job, becaause tech prefers to import hordes of street-shitter pajeet H1B fucker brown shit slave labor hostile smelly human turds

Tell us more.

About what?




When the video started I thought he was watching a video of himself

The appropriation goes deep, user.

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The condition in the Ivies as of late.

How you feel about their debasment in general.

How widespread are your opinions amongst your peers.

Niggers, Wiggers, Chiggers….. they all get the rope.


Kill yourself educated retard.