3 in 4 Chance Democrats win control (75.4%)
+35 Democratic seats
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Hasn't Nate Silver been wrong like, every time except for 2012?
It's all over now. Nate Silver has called the mid terms, Trump is not literally Hitler, we lost guys might as well just let Biden become president in 2020.
WIshful kike thinking.
sage; trump forecast was 98% lose, get fucked kike loving communist
Doesn't matter that he's consistently wrong if he's telling left voters what they want to hear.
At least it gives us a heads-up to how hard the Dems are going to cheat, because they certainly can't swing 35 seats without having done so.
On a side note: we should probably be notifying our local and state RNC and reminding them that the '82 Consent Decree has expired.
Remember the landslide victories they predicted in 2016?
Democrats must have some serious election fraud planned. That's the only explanation for (((Silver)))'s projection, since they Bernie'd all their extreme communists.
98%, I believe?
Guess this means Republicans are going to get a supermajority.
Seeing those polls in 2016 taught me one thing - polls are horse-shit spun by the media to trick people into thinking someone or something has momentum.
That is why they are so critical of Trump today. They lost all legitimacy in that one election when none of their predictions were correct.
Also sage this thread.
I think he actually gave Trump better odds in the 2016 election than most other outlets.
Yeah, and Hillary won by 93% of the votes. GTFO and stay GTFO.
Also silver is doing more damage to the dems by making them think its an assured win.
let's recap
I don't think he did user considering there wasn't a single positive poll up until podesta and even after it.
Yeah, I think he did give better odds than nearly everyone else.
The democrats are hyped up, and the republicans are still pretty shit. Troy Balderson countersignaled child trafficker separations for example, and said nothing about fixing trade and immigration, preferring to focus on tax cuts. Dopes like him can and will lose seats this election, even if he was dragged across the finish line himself.
This. Sage.
Let's just abandon the revolution LMAO.
No, no, no. They are critical of Trump because their kike bosses tell them to be and kikes have to told them to be (((critical))) their whole lives to anyone who isn't a full-blown Communist 3.0 (1.0 was christ insanity, 2.0 was marxism, and 3.0 is SJW-cut-your-dick-off-because-privilege-ism).
I remember hearing this before.
That retarded line of defense is quite pathetic.
Yeah, he's a genius and you are a retard for believing every lie you're told.
It's not really a "line of defense". It's just saying, accurately, that he gave Trump a better chance of winning than other polls. You're arguing against a position that doesn't exist in this conversation, probably because you're a shill and you're obligated to stir up conflict.
Ben carson made for a good distraction since he was the only other repub nominee who scared the rino gop. They literally put all their effort to cheat him out while laughing assured trump would never win. If I recall hes now head of education while they are still pissing themselves in underestimating trump and pissed off right wingers.
ben carson is head of HUD.
I am canadian, apologies for my mistake. Also what is HUD?
Kys jew.
We all knew the BLUE WAVE was coming
Fuck this country, I'm leaving
I'm convinced they always poll in major cities which are always full of proggresive faggots.
Housing and Urban Development
A cabinent level position.
Looks like the dems can just sit this one out then, those lucky fellas.
The means by which the kike bureaucrats ethnically cleansed the inner cities beginning in the Forced Integration era.
Cardboard is a useful substance. At this point, it's Nate AIDS Blood.
Do they pay you by the length of responses? I'll keep this short
Eat sage kike
Regardless of the failings of Nate Bronze, it is still increasingly important that Republicans get out to vote.
Republican turnout is low and Democrat turnout is high.
I am curious as to what Trump will do to help Republican turnout as he seems to be quite confident of Republican victory.
I swear to God, Americans. You better not just rest on your laurels. The (((Democrats))) cheated Alabama from you, they saw it was successful, and they WILL do it again.
Don't make the same mistake Hillary did and just expect to win, or you will regret it.
I think there was a 3% chance Trump would win too. In any case all national polls are total shit. Local polls can be better if they aren't manipulated.
He got everything right once and confused luck with genius.
Heard this before keep dreaming lefty cucks
housing and urban development
the nigger has unironically done more for affordable housing in 1 year than king nigger did in 8
**did you know one of obama's first actions as kang was budget hud's new construction public housing at 0, effectively limiting the pool of new affordable housing so private developers can (((profit))) serve the community better*
Fuck those Israel-loving zogbots. Guerilla journalism is the only cure for the coming fuckery. Anons with spy cameras filming the bus caravans of niggers, unmarked moving vans unloading fake ballots, and voting machine "glitches" while lawfag anons use the evidence for lawsuits. You can't ever rely on the republicuck machine.
Do you think the dems are gonna fight/cheat harder for the seats than they did for president?
The house? Fucking really? If they said the senate it would at least be believable, but a 3/4 chance of taking the house is pure jewish daydreaming.
I've drafted up a couple images to help if anyone wants to participate in info and dis-info campaigns
instead of anti white, can you make it anti american? people get too bent out of shape with itd pol
I'm sorry, what?
The jpg has false information, the png has accurate information, hence, info and disinfo
The dems haven't taken the House in the last three elections. Last time they lost the House in the midterms of a first DNC president Clinton, they didn't take it back until the midterms of the 2 term of the next republican president, Bush.
No. Fuck you. America is a white nation. Period. Either man the fuck up and tell the truth or go kill yourself, because the last thing we need is pussy redditors like yourself diluting the truth.
remember that time when trump was forecasted by a major news outlet to have like a 1% chance of winning the general election?
I'm just trying to hang up flyers that wont get immediately ripped down and have attention brought to them for the wrong reason. If you believe in voting then surely you can understand the concept of optics. This poster how it is will only attract people who are already on the side of aryans that believe in a pure ethnic state. if anything it will repel those who you're trying to convince to vote by making it about race. Like I said before identity politics doesnt work if you're trying to get "votes". The left has already proven this.
While I don't think you're right in that they burned anyone (commies are … not able to learn), they have something up.
Nice to see that idea catching on.
I look forward to seeing you in the investigation thread (pic related). ;)
Anons if you see a busload of niggers pull up
They can't vote at multiple stations if they CAN'T GET to multiple stations.
forgot to add
vid related
Snip the valve stem
So who is this colossal faggot and why should I give a damn about what he thinks?
The cubs went on to win. He's not just bad but he's angered God in someway. Not only does God exist but I'm here to tell you he's a shit lord and he has a fucked up sense of humor that would make any Zig Forums-tard retch. His banter is just too strong for humans.
I was going to post something like this. I guess California does like Nate and AIDS Blood. His new name is Nate POZ.
At least one of your options for Senator doesn't give his campaign ads in all Spanish. I feel like I'm living in the God-damned twilight zone.
I have enough of you in my city. Just know you're more recognizable then any jew.
stop living near beans and people that eat beans
Reminder that there will be no blue wave, but no red wave as well. Republicans will keep the House with the ratio barely changing and they will pick up between 3 - 6 additional Senate seats. The asshurt from the failed bluewave may trigger rioting and even more hysterical screeching from leftists as Republican's winning extra seats or even just maintaining the status quo basically assures a Trumpslide in 2020. my body is ready
How anyone still takes him seriously is beyond me.
What the fuck is this? I'm insulted if this is (((your))) attempt at demoralization.
The same guy who predicted a Clinton victory? Hasn't he literally only been right about a single election?
Why do all Jews look disgusting and bald? And even most of the men too.
Well we all know about how accurate those polls are
I believe he exists and the proof that he does, in fact, love us is that he bantz us this hard.
Thanks Nate.
Now I will not vote.
Are they oversampling Democrats again?
Fuck you nate silver!
i thought that was a fake file related. that is horrifyingly cringe, jesus christ. I cant believe these people are real, it's similar to that feeling that really overbearing libshit public school teacher would give, except ten times worse
Well at least they had the good grace to say 75% this time instead of 99%. But if they lost when they believed they had 99% support, what chance do they have at 75%? The prediction is meaningless, and OP is a faggot.
Goddamn I love Nate Sodium threads
Thank you for posting that, user. I needed it
I'd never bothered to watch that show before the whole election night thing, but there were some gems in it
Came here to view this. Thanks user.
Good, I want riots, riots make the left and the politicians the represent look bad.
Great summary. They want to accuse whites of destroying them when all whites wanted was peace away from (((them))) and their pets, they better pray to every god known and unknown that whites decide not to prove them right every year, every month, every week day hour minute and second. Because whites are great at proving people right, and this is not a fight anyone left leaning can afford to be right in their accusations, not unless they do want to die.