Feds destroy muslim compound

Following a court order, authorities seized an RV at the New Mexico compound where five adults are believed to have been abusing 11 children and training them for school shootings. An underground tunnel at the site where remains of a 3-year-old were found is now buried in rubble, as ammo and a bulletproof vest sit in piles of uncollected trash.


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i hate dogs, especially police dogs

Why do I keep seeing this image posted?


They are two Turkroaches involved in dog fights and cut off the pup's ears as a punishment.

why does no one care?

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Because its too terrible a reality for most to internalize.

Because you made a shit thread with a shit OP and an unrelated picture, why couldnt you make a properly decent thread?

I wonder how that Aryan on the left got indoctrinated so much that he would mutilate a dog.. I suppose its a lifelong indoctrination



he might just be a psychopath, user
they make up a supposed 1-5% of the population, and are as bad as any mudshit

They left all evidence and only took the trailer. Guaranteed they had (((ISIS))) plans in there or DNA.


Believe it or not there are populations of Whites that have grown up under Islam, mostly in the Caucus region where Asia, Europe, and the Middle East meet. Chechnya, now a region of Russia, is probably the most famous example of this. Chechens have been terrorizing Russians pretty much ever since the Tsar conquered them, and Chechens make up the highest levels of ISIS leadership if you don't count the CIA or Mossad, obviously. It's a population with all of the intelligence and creativity Whites are known for, but bred and raised from birth in the sociopathy of islam.

I doubt percentages such as that in these days of phony statistics but outliers do exist.

True. It still makes me wonder, not doubt, how he and some others racially as he do get indoctrinated in that dark system and mindset. Its so far removed from the natural one which comes to this race.

those percentages have been consistent since the 90s at least

fuck up you shitheel kike

OP stop using offputting animal gore as lead image. Serves zero purpose but to make people emotionally despondent to the thread.

Now, who the fuck ok'd the destruction of this compound?


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You some sort of a fucking retard?

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Oh yay. The feds destroyed all the evidence so this can be memory holed. I sure hope you guys are archiving everything.

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Have you heard of the Mandela effect or parallel universes? Did you ever see that show sliders? Whatever universe or world we came from where people cared and had souls was a long long way back and unironically the only way is to go forward. I'm sorry though protect your doggers from these blankout.

He's a turkroach for crying out loud.

What do you want me to do? Carry the artillery I don't have and airburst WP shells over Instanbul to stop the Roach menace? If you want a reaction, show this stuff to the normies. They don't have any idea how savage it is outside of their living room.
The guys running the camp are the same guys implicated in the 90s WTC bombing. Check vid related.

Emad Salem recorded the FBI without their knowledge because the FBI is a private club full of actual idiots who don't OPSEC. You may note Salem's reference to the FBI's "confidential informant" who was building the bomb (i.e. the FBI built it). The Fed "John" then reminds Salem that they aren't doing this for the government but for "a higher reason."

Most consider me a cynic, and I don't think I have any idea of how bad it really is.

I live in New Mexico nobody is talking about it or cares we don't deserve to be a state revoke us to a territory please.

I heard the nearby residents complained about too much glowing.

Of course its a combination of things. Its obvious that he is one.
-face features

..so that's why there was little if any police evidence tape visible in the extensive 'newz' coverage.. And why haven't those small-case alphabet characters over at VOP demanded an unearned participation trophy?

Is this known - that this was a punishment for the dog? Anatolian Shepherd Dogs - which this puppy is clearly partly bred from, are sometimes cropped so the wolves have less to bite onto. Three of these will - and routinely do - hold off a pack of wolves from livestock through an entire season. They are primal and fucking formidable. It's an ancient Babylonian breed & probably the oldest known. Romans used them to hunt lions. Mastiffs were bred from them. In Turkey, the Akbash/Kangal/Karabash dogs are revered..but handled brutally. I raise these dogs in comparatively safe American civilization & therefore have no need to crop their ears - but if they had to slay wolves on the daily, it might be advisable. This dog is too young - and shows no apparent signs - of having been fought. The two little fucks maybe wanted to appear extra savage in the pic. Mission accomplished, I guess.

what is it with ginger haired people and islam?

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funny because that area is associated with "the hum" which is related to "sonic attacks" in cuba by "the russians" on american staff.

"The town of Taos, in north-central New Mexico, has been home to many famous residents including Julia Roberts, Dennis Hopper, D.H. Lawrence, Aldous Huxley and Donald Rumsfeld. It's a small, laid-back artsy community that is also home to an unusual mystery: a resident hum of unknown origin, the so-called "Taos Hum."

A variety of theories have been offered as an explanation, ranging from the mundane to the fantastic, the psychological to the paranormal. Stoned hippies, secret government mind control experiments, underground UFO bases and everything in between have been blamed.

The hum seems to have first been reported in the early 1990s. Joe Mullins, a professor emeritus of engineering at the University of New Mexico, conducted research into the Taos Hum. Based on a survey of residents, about 2 percent of the general population was believed to be "hearers," those who claimed to detect the hum. Sensitive equipment was set up in the homes of several of the "hearers," measuring sounds and vibrations but after extensive testing nothing unusual was detected.

so its more than a little bit of a coincidence that a brainwashing camp be set up in that very town.weird.

nope they killed it for attention on the internet, muslims dont keep dogs but they do keep them as guard dogs. they aren't officially under sensible islamic traditions allowed to harm them but salafism and saudi oil money are a hell of a drug.