Biltmore House Pool is a doozy

Biltmore House pool belonging to rich banker associates of the Pedestas, has been causally matched to a disturbing painting of children tied up in a pool, this painting belongs to Skippys brother. Then Adult Swim drives it home. Exact depiction of the Biltmore pool in the Archer show.

Attached: BiltmoreArcher.jpg (2326x2862, 2.49M)

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Are we sure that it's the exact same? The tiles in the painting are square, while the ones in archer and in the photograph are rectangular. I also don't see any of the drains depicted in the painting reflected in either the photo or the cartoon.

If youre painting a potentially incriminating photo, you will change a few details, but retain the general continuity.
Now, why this is significant, is because the owners of the Biltmore House are billionaires and connected with the Clinton pedo network.
Its that simple. Use Occams razor, cui bono, follow the money etc

shit they're sliding hard rn

what the fuck is this fucking shit fuck

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it's the door, railing, and recessed portion with plants that really gets the noggin joggin

calm down m8 be useful

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these are all the correct thing to thing … but if you are implying they are they correct thing to act then I will add one more

slippery slope

you must apply your logic too all time and see other findings you come up with

I would say be draconian, but understand context

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and the ropes

also the lights and ladder

you can never be me faggot.

Looks like that if you are a Pedoberg Poughkeepsie is the place to be.


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I know that it may sound derailing but the book (not the movie) Angel Heart is rich on hints about places and topics we often speak about. The author is a dead kike, W. Hjortsberg, and his cv is very interesting.

My bad, the book name is Falling Angel. Auto sage for double posting.

Archer isn't on Adult Swim; it even has the FX logo, ffs.

The guy who made Archer made some of Adult Swims biggest shows, then he got canned for some reason.
So, no.

The Podesta painting is different enough from the other two pictures that I wouldn't necessarily make the assumption, however there are also glaring similarities. The Podesta painting itself is blatant in its fucked-up-edness, but the empty pool may be innocuous. And, as another user pointed out, the pattern in the bricks is different in the painting. That said, I strongly suspect anyone with ties to the Podestas, and the spirit cooking rituals, to be involved.

For the purposes of routing this cancer from society, anyone who doesn't bust down the doors in the rush to vociferously denounce, in my book, is complicit.
That includes most of the media.

I've been making lists of names, addresses, and associates. Have you?


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These (( (people)) ) are so fucked
Fire. Fire and fury the likes of which this earth has never seen

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the ropes seen hanging on the wall in the painting is the strongest causal link to the Biltmore location. no one has ropes in or near their pool, full or drained, much less thick heavy duty rope like that. ropes belong nowhere near pools. let alone a pool used by children. let alone tied in loops hanging into the pool suspended on heavy load bearing pulleys, ffs.


The widow's son.

I've seen some shit but every time this posted it gives me the shivers.

Then will you oppose circumcision, you who claims to be against baby rape and torture?

What the fuck did that segue come from? Fuck off D&C shill and make your own thread about your pet topic.

what is wrong with this kike

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Forced genital mutilation of infants and children isn't a 'pet topic', user. It's a pre-medieval ritual that desperately needs to stop!

As an added benefit, Jews and Muslims would be instantly uninvited from any place that prohibits forced genital mutilation of infants and children.

you are fucking retarded.

Although the things aren’t identical, the similarities are very incriminating.

Every redpilled person is against the practice, only shills support it.

Genital mutilation is a form of sadistic pedophilia and torture. It’s pathetic when people rally against pizza eaters while they stand by infant genital mutilation. His post if off topic, but I don’t really see how his post is D&C.

That’s why the Iceland ban fell through, I wanted to die when I found out it didn’t go through. 50% of the population supported it (a large number was undetermined).

Found the person who loves being mutilated.

And you are an advocate for chopping/biting off the tips of infant dicks?

Yea, it's no wonder your filling up a thread on the Podestas' pedo-art.

That is sick, sick, sick

Poughkeepsie is where IBM is.

no one here is pro dick snipping except the jewish shills, you fucking brainlets. stop trying to derail the thread you silly kikes.

I literally do not see any similarities beyond 'there are tiles, and a right angle between the wall and floor, and have ropes.' Tiles are different, ropes are different, grates aren't there, colors are different.

Archer matches the pool exactly, though.

That’s what I’m trying to say.
No u

Get your eyes checked cunt. The painting is a bit of a stretch but the cartoon is WAY too similar to be a coincidence.

Yes. Yes I do skippy. Me and my white brethren are hot shit and will end you
(I know you're not molesta brother just pontificating)

Wait, every time I click a square the image shrinks?

Has anyone doxxed the cunt hanging with fatty? I'd sure like to know her name , for reasons

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Look, you can't be anti- baby rape if you're pro-circumcision. It's a fucking impossible position. No wonder society cannot generate the will to prohibit baby rape entirely - the ones from whom we have a devil's bargain, the ones from whom we get our wealth, so we think, are the sexual torturers of babies, sexual mutilators of babies.

So you say, "let's do something about nasty art" or, "let's stop the rape of certain children", and I simply asked if people have a legitimate position, a legitimately anti-rape position.

For example, people who are opposed to Americans having firearms are generally in favor of the anti-Assad irregulars in Syria having firearms. But within their ranks nobody demands that there be a consistency.

That's because they're homos.

But I demand consistency. Don't pretend to be anti-abortion, or anti- baby rape, if you support circumcision.

You're no better than a pedo, if you support circumcision. I mean that. No better.

How's that? I understand that they're very closely related, but one does not necessary cause or imply the other; they're often found close together, as a symptom of Jew degeneracy, but I don't see how what you're saying is logically sound


Are you aware that circumcision is performed without anesthesia? In other words, the pain is genuinely the most horrible a human can experience? That there is nothing more excruciating?

I will personally gas you kikes.
fuck off.

^ supports raping babies.

Nope no derailing here at all. Fucking clowns.

Well shilled Chaim, youve completely blown your cover once again proving Hitler was unequivocally right.

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There's a tile shower area opposite from this pic, same full tile. Multiple shower heads, cardio stations, weights, a chain hoist, and a few doors out/inside.


It's his wife Heather.

Thank you user

You're telling me they keep 'paintings' like that? Is this satire? What the fuck. It's clear they used real child models.

Archer is on FX, not Adult Swim
Just a correction there.

Pedestas living room

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nah wait thats no living room.
I dont know what that room is but its in Molestas house

Who the hell is the "artist" who paints these weird pictures?


If you run for Federal office, you've got my vote.

alright enough with the clever name puns grampa we get it

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theres quite a few 'weird artists' who have very rich patrons with 'weird' (evil) taste in (((art))) if you catch my drift.

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I can't take credit for coining those terms, but you probably think youre hot shit, dontcha?

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Fool! You are no better than a pedo, if you support the existence of circumcision!

hey kike, youre glowing in the dark.

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These weird bathroom tile pedo torture photos look like they are done by the same hand.
That one with the drains in the floor CAN'T be anything that isnt murdering kids at some secret place the painter KNOWS about.

Tell me more about how kikes are the ones totally against circumcision. Yes, tell me about it, CIA supporter of baby sexual torture and mutilation.

is that…the biltmore estate?

You're welcome.

Here's an article from April of this year. I had not read it.

More on his wife
The Kalorama house—two doors from where the Obamas now live
I didn't know the Obamas moved in two doors down. Goddamn swamp.

The article is about his demise over the last year and a half. Even though they have yet to meet tdotr, it's the smallest bit comforting to read.

But then I remember

Is it just me or does it appear that the far side has a wall that is actually a door? Would be clever actually to keep a door behind a pool so few would notice when the pool is full but merely needs to be drained and it opens and closes. See it? Looks very odd in terms of shape and appears like a latch system is behind it.


What did you post here?



I agree, the paintings look like they were sourced from photographs.

why is there even rope in the pool room?

I don't even think I need to summon tile user to call out your bullshit.

And it's actually a weird room. I recall just chalking it up indoor pools being novel at the time but it didn't have to be in the basement. It could have just been an enclosed outdoor pool.

I was there two years ago, huge tourist trap, and the place is strange. Basically a rich heir's toy castle that he spent absurd amounts and several years to build. There's also an extremely deep foundation made out of massive bluestone but still has rooms and you can walk the length of the house underneath it.

I had none of this pedo shit in my head when I visited.

If you overlay the official history ("invited many notable figures of fortune, politics, and celebrity to celebrate the….) with theories we have now.. idk.

I'd have to see it again.

But would the estate have been a perfect place to consume children? At the time, probably yes.


I believe that it was heated.



Kikes have shitty spatial intelligence.

before sound insulation was perfected, the best way to hide the screams of captive children was to have them in secret underground chambers. just like in the movies I guess.

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Eerily similar to the pool in American Horror Story Hotel… the vampire boy drank blood in a lair beside the pool. Can't really find any good pictures though.

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How are pedophiles so successful and powerful? I don't get it.

lets watch a movie
a cure for wellness
what do we see

the soul sold to satan for earthly pleasure is worth quite a lot, my little summerfaggot.

Doesn't exist.

tell that [to (((them)))]

Ever noticed how most super wealthy people are also cunts?

Then stop asking about pedocults child, you aren't ready.

Satan, Loki, whatever.
It's the spiritual master of the jew.

That movie looked like it might be decent.
Don't tell me there's pedo shit.

Where does Q post? Is Q real? Sorry, just don't know where else to ask lol.

As far as real, I have no idea but a lot of people are making fun of them as of late.
Some think Q is a psyop to make people of the right look insane, but these pedo devil cults are real.

I am aware, talked about this to my family when I was a kid and first started going on 4chan, and chatting with people online.

Everything seems to be so intertwined that it must all be linked in many more ways than most people realize. The Bitcoin/crypto revolution. Q and the now blatantly obvious corruption and confusion spewed by everyone now. The alien/advanced technology/space shit. Lots of talk about "higher consciousness" or "great awakening" so the realization that there is much more to this existence and the human condition, than we've been told. Everyone and everything is just suppressed so (they) can just turn the world into a hedonistic bloodmoney thirsty hell for their families to perpetually rule over.

Thank you by the way.

Sound insulation has improved, but it hasn't been perfected. Underground is still the way to go, if you want something noisy to not be heard. However, some low pitches will carry through the earth, and perhaps to odd spots (sort of like earthquakes, the exact spot that's loud can be hard to predict)…

Q is perhaps not quite "real", but he's attracted a lot of legit actual CIA shills attacking him. This indicates he's pissed them off somehow…