Let's take some research from Michael A. Hoffman Jr.'s book Judaism discovered (), and learn about…

Let's take some research from Michael A. Hoffman Jr.'s book Judaism discovered (libgen.io/book/index.php?md5=CE6794C7D93FAEAB5ABEC8EA9238B138), and learn about…
Page 93: Freemasonry is an adjunct of Kabbalistic Judaism and as historian Craig Heimbichner has revealed, "The servitude to Judaic interest is baldly stated in the Royal Arch ritual, in which the line 'for the good of Masonry generally, and the Jewish nation in particular' is recited.
Page 103-104: The Freemasons were among the foremost abusers of the "priestcraft" epithet - they wielded it against Christianity in service to Judaism; even as the Freemasons were hogtied to Kabbalistic sorcery, superstition and a priestcraft so far sunk in the dust of antiquity it would be difficult to distinguish it from the prestidigitation of the Pharaohs. God commanded that we are to have "no strange gods" before Him. Judaism with its self-worship of the Judaic male as personified by the gedolim, was certainly beyond a doubt just such idolatry. We live now in an era that is the near-culmination of Talmudic and Zionist supremacy, wherein it is a criminal offense in much of Europe, and a career-ending ticket to financial ruin and a destroyed reputation in America, to speak forthrightly of the errors of Judaism and rabbis in the same manner in which Judaics speak freely, and write and teach in public, of the defects of Nazis and Germans, Arabs and Muslims. The priestcraft of rabbinic Judaism is a protected idol in twenty-first century America to an extent that the Founding Fathers could never have envisioned and would never have countenanced. We live in an America where the huge menorah of Chabad-Lubavitch Judaism is mounted in Union Square, San Francisco, every December, while the Mary, St. Joseph and baby Jesus nativity manger scene of Christianity is banned from that very same public space.
Page 198: The Babylonian Talmud claims that the forbidden tree in the Garden from which Adam ate was a fig: "Rabbi Nehemiah holds that the tree of which Adam ate was the fig tree" (BT Berakoth 40a). The Kabbalah teaches that the leaves of this fig tree conveyed powers of sorcery and magic (Zohar 1:56b Bereshit). Consequently, in the rabbinic mind, the aprons worn by Adam and Eve, being made from the leaves of the fig tree, were garments that gave the wearers magical powers. These aprons made from fig leaves had the power to give the bearer the ability to enjoy "the fruits of the world­ to-come" in the here-and-now. (BT Bava Metzia 114b). It is with this rabbinic understanding that Freemasons and Mormons wear these aprons in their own rituals.
Page 213-214: The occult infiltration of the Church was well under way by the fifteenth century when the hermetic, Neo-Platonic school of so-called "Christian Kabbalists" led by Pico della Mirandola, circulated the Kabbalistic theses in Rome, whose central theme was that "No science can better convince us of the divinity of Christ than magic and Kabbalah." Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser claims that "Pope Sixtus IV was so delighted with his (Pico's) work that he urged him to translate Cabbalistic texts into Latin for the use of divinity students" (The Maharal, 1994, p. 11). Pico was followed in 1517 b y Johannes Reuchlin, whose De Arte Cabalistica put gematria (the rabbinic numerological system), to use in Bible study; by the Franciscan monk Francesco Giorgi's 1525 tribute to the Zohar, De Harmonia mundi and Cornelius Agrippa's De Occulta Philosophia of 1531; all these culminated in the 1564 occult masterwork, Monas hieroglyphica by the reigning figure of Protestant occultism, the mathematician Dr. John '' 007' Dee, the founder of Freemasonry and the idea of British Empire. In modern times, the hysteria whipped up around the concepts of 'antisemitism" and "The Holocaust," cause frightened and guilt-laden gentiles and Christians to halt almost all critical inquiry into the claim that the creed of the religion of Judaism is synonymous with the Old Testament. To view that claim with skepticism has become a thought-crime, an exercise in heinous "antisemitism" that will "if not checked," inevitably lead to another "Holocaust."

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Page 249-251: In Edmund Spenser's Fairie Queen with its identification of Anglican Queen Elizabeth I with the Egyptian goddess Isis, and in the concept that pagan works like the Talmud and the Kabbalah are sources for better comprehension of the Bible, certain leading Protestants also absorbed the N eo-Platonic poison of Ficino and his ilk. Anthony T. Grafton in the New York Review of Books writes, "Ficino set out to show that the ancient Neoplatonic philosophy embodied a 'gentile theological tradition,' one that complemented the Mosaic revelation to the Jews and prepared its devotees for the final truths of Christianity." In the view of Ficino, the "Mosaic revelation" encompassed the Talmud and Kabbalah. Consequently, the "gentile tradition" that "complemented" Moses was paganism, the root of both rabbinic halacha and Renaissance, Neo­-Platonic humanism. Ficino, writing in his Theologica Platonica ("Platonic Theology") states: "What is the soul's status . . . ? With regard to these matters six theologians … were in mutual accord. The first is said to have been Zoroaster … and the second Mercurius Trismegistus, the prince of the Egyptian priests. Succeeding him was Orpheus, and then Aglaophemus was initiated into the sacred mysteries of Orpheus. In theology, Pythagoras came after Aglaophemus; and after Pythagoras came Plato, who embraced the universal wisdom of them all." Moshe Idel ties these threads together into a grand occult Judeo­-Churchian synthesis which would fatefully serve as the basis for the dawn of masonic gnosis in the modern age (notwithstanding the irony that the gnosis first gained firm purchase inside the Vatican and that Freemasonry advertises itself as an alternative to religious fanaticism of any kind):
"The magical theory of language in Jewish mysticism is reminiscent of views expressed by such Renaissance thinkers as Marsilio Ficino…" - In other words, in addition to the Neo-platonic theory of magic, which substantially informed the Renaissance view of the magus, the Kabbalistic one­ gravitating around the mystical theory of language- also contributed to the emergence during the same era of the magical universe.
"Hasidism brought… extreme Kabbalistic assumptions concerning language as the spiritual underpinning of reality. This emphasis was consonant with the emergence of a magical universe and with the paramount role of liturgical texts and the study of the Torah as producing talismatic entities… the magical-talismatic interpretations of Jewish ritual and liturgy, which were formulated long before Hasidism, opened the way to the gradual acceptance of magical world views…"
"Talismatic entities" is a discrete euphemism for demons. These entities are summoned by language, in the form of physical objects inscribed with magical formulae, such as amulets.
Page 767-768: The analogy of the alternately hidden (flaccid) and revealed (erect) penis is continued in the rabbinic explanation of how the inner meaning of the outermost Torah is made manifest:
"A game of hide-and seek is played between the Torah and those who try to comprehend it. The hidden mysteries are clothed in the garments of the revealed Torah, and they appear only very briefly to its students, returning immediately to the secrecy of their 'sheaths'.''
This process is the mindset not of Biblical Israelites but of the perverted pagans of Babylonian antiquity: that the power of the ruler is rooted in the male sexual organ; the rabbinic magna arcanus being that from Adam to Moses to Solomon, the patriarchs of Israel ruled through sex magic. Solomon, the archetype of the magus in the warped annals of the Freemasons and the western secret societies in general, is for them the Kabbalistic paradigm of the sexualized high priest and sorcerer, whose life and career were steeped in sexuality. It is not for nothing that the Talmud calls Solomon a magician. (BT Gittin 6Sa-6Sb). It is from these recondite doctrines of Judaism that the Freemasons and other occult workers of iniquity derive their beliefs.

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Page 792-793: The primary process for numerical exegesis of the Bible in Judaism is known as gematria, a Babylonian system of cryptography involving the use of letters Lo signify numbers. The first recorded use of gematria occurs in an inscription of Sargon II (727-707 B.C.). Gematria is a form of numerology whereby the Hebrew "aleph-bet" (alphabet) is assigned numerical value. There are a multitude of permutations and systems for arriving at the correctletter/word correspondence. One authority describes this complex esoteric Judaica thus: "In the gematria ketanah, the value of each letter is its value in the primary gematria with any final zeros removed. Then there is classical gematria involving writing out the name of each letter and calculating the total from that. To the total of a word it is permissible to add a one, known as the kollel. Three transformations also are used: the Atbash, in which the first and last letters, the second and second to last, and so on, are exchanged; the Albam, which divides the aleph·bet into two parts of which the letters are exchanged; and the Ayak-Bachar, which is performed by dividing the letters into groups so that the letters of each have the same gematria ketanah."
As we have noted, Kabbalists regard the Bible as unintelligible without the mediation of complicated rabbinic rigmarole: " …the sacred books, of which the keys are all kabbalistic from Genesis to the Apocalypse, have become so little intelligible to Christians, that prudent pastors have judged it necessary to forbid them being read by the uninstructed among believers. Taken literally and understood materially, such books could be only an inconceivable tissue of absurdities and scandals."
Page 802-803: The great appeal of the Kabbalah to nascent Freemasons and Rosicrucians was Judaism's doctrine, as expressed by Scottish Rite Freemason Albert Pike in his Morals and Dogma, of the "perfection" of the universe through the intervention of human brain power. By this concept, God's creation is imperfect and the "Jew" and the Jew's assistant, the Freemason (an incomplete "Jew" as symbolized by the masonic square and compass, which is an incomplete hexagram, i.e. "Star of David"), will perfect this flawed creation. This is expressed in the Talmud and Kabbalah. In the Talmud it appears in BT Sanhedrin 65b: "Rabbi Hanina and Rabbi Oshaia spent every Sabbath eve in studying the 'Book of Creation' by means of which they created a third-grown calf and ate it."
The reference to the "Book of Creation" in Sanhedrin 65b, is to the Kabbalistic book of magic, the Serer Yezirah, which we discussed earlier. The Serer Yezirah text is Judaism's pivotal thaumaturgic handbook for man playing God. The notes to BT Sanhedrin 65b in the Soncino edition state that the rabbis' magical act of creating the calf "does not come under the ban of witchcraft (because) the Creation was accomplished by means of the power inherent in … mystic combinations of the Divine Name."
While this Talmudic reference to the rabbinic creation oflife is obscure, another rabbinic act of creation using Kabbalistic combinations of the letters of the "Divine Name" is better known, if not notorious. This is the "golem," dead matter supposed to have been brought to life as a gentile­ killing avenger. Kabbalistic legend has this occurring in the Bohemian capital city of Prague circa 1586, through the power of Rabbi Judah Loew, by means of a Kabbalistic amulet he fashioned containing magical letters. "One of the constant themes of Jewish esoteric thought is the belief in human power, that being made in the image of God, were we wise enough, righteous enough, enlightened enough, we would have it in our power to truly be co-creators with God."
Page 1025: The Talmudic mentality (a mentality which is also possessed by Freemasons and gentiles on the neocon Right and the Zionist Left and is not exclusive to all Judaics), requires the blurring of distinctions in order to reduce all thoughtful critics of Pharisaic Judaism to the same stereotypical lump: Jew-hating-antisemitic-neo-Nazi-bigots.

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What does "G" mean?

Ignore the kikes saying it means God and spouting their gematria/geometry jew nonsense. It stands for 'Gaonim ('The Magnificent'), the talmudic jewish elite order of Babylon, that is connected to the ancient history of judaism. They were later known as the pharisees and sadducees, and are today the ruling jewish dynasties whom control all world freemasonry out of the City of London corporate centre. Very few anons know this, but they wont kill you for reading this. It's public information. They want anons to know, who dig deep enough. They get off on the power.

We have little doubt that it is the descendants of the Gaonim who funded and fostered the modern Zionist movement, via their super-rich magnate families (Montefiore, Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Bauer, etc), their obsessive lieutenants (Mordecai Manuel, Moses Hess, Nathan Burnbaum, Petah Tikva, Vladimir Jabotinsky, Lenni Brennar, Theodor Herzl, Chaim Weizmann,Henry Morgenthau, David Ben Gurion, and Albert Einstein, etc), American puppet president Harry S. Truman, and British Foreign Office stooge Arthur Balfour. These treacherous and obsessed lieutenants have brought ruin to millions of lives (Christian, Jewish, and Moslem) and have caused the displacement of millions of religious moral Jews who would have otherwise remained assimilated where they were.

— Michael Tsarion, The Irish Origins of Civilization Vol. 2


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Why were so many of America's founding fathers freemasons? Did they know of the evil they were associated with?

Michael Hoffman is great (for the most part), but Tsarion is a bullshitter.


Nah, he's wrong about too much.

1. They were ANTI Neo-Platonists. Neo-Platonists fought with them.

2. They started with the Sufism originator the order of the Knights Cock Cobbling TEMPLARS. Which is essentially good goy gay Judiasm.

3. Cabbala is a cheap copy of the Gnostics which is a bad inversion of the Platonism.

4. The found of Freemasonry in the British lands came out of Scotland, because that's where the Templars went to hide and fight for William the Bruce (see Braveheart) after the Vatican declared them cock munching heretics. They had already created a FED reserve banking system and pissed off the king of France who owed them fake credit debt.
Over time they would disappear into the Masonry Guilds. this is why the Scottish Reich has so many traditions and charters that are different for each lodge. They don't have to unify with the London or American or German lodges for example. Because it's the oldest.
Over time the Templar occultists is replaced with natural studies and philosophy because of the idea of Deism, hence the Founders of America not being weridos.
But after Rothschilds took the British economy and started to try to install usury banks everywhere (thanks to the Napoleonic wars, before this Jews were not only banned from London, and in Europe banned from living outside of their ghettos, but banned from doing business/banking at all — Napoleon needed loans so he ended this, and Cromwell did to so he brought Jews back into England).
By the war of 1812 in America, the great bankers war, and the Confederate Southern's Civil War (another Rothschild war, rednecks are dumb niggers and useful idiots who fought against their own country for a Jewish slave trade and to break up the States to install International Banks) the (((esoterics))) had re-emerged into Freemasonry to replace the Deists naturalists and fag it up again with Jewish occultism.

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God damn it, I hate you larping faggots.

1. Jews are cousin mutt medley of post-Christian anti-thesis. They only exist because Rome went full retard Christian, and so some people wanted to larp as the "chosens" and be anti-Roman-Christian. They're a cult, like Scientology that came out of Christian Rome and not the original Judeans.

2. Sadducees were not royals. They were farmers, low class. Sometimes scribes.

3. Pharisees weren't even religious. They were the Judeans that wants to work with Rome. That's why the hated Christ because he came from the Zealots and challenged their comfy money lending.
4. The Talmud is not thousands of years of ancient Babylonian magica! They're selling you this shit to make them seem more powerful and improtant. Dont buy it!

5. It may stand for Gaonim in the really Jewed Freemason sects, but it stands for the Grand Architect traditionally. The Creator. Jews/Gnostics/Occultists hate the Creator and demonize the "Demiurge" of Plato, the Creator. Because they hate nature. The Deists and Freemasons who would of build most of the big G's you see around didn't.

LEVEL UP nu/pol/. We can't spend are whole lives teaching you little shits. Level up from your dumb shit pop-culture and anit-pop-culture books that get everything wrong because of "muh authoritative position"

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In other words

This is true, Josephus' group was responsible for the meme text.

If you provide any inaccurate information anything good you said does not exist.

G stands for several things, the easier answer is 7. Man this thread is so fucked up and it resumes so much the state of the board I do not know if I want to cry or to sage and report.


If you're fucking retarded and a snobby hipster college kid.
Robert the Bruce, fucking hell man.

We know they aren't the biblical jews, you fucktard. They are just hooknose/sand nigger mongrel remnants who have been keeping the talmudic bullshit going.

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So freemonsonry is psychological conditioning to turn goyim into servants of the jews as is prescribed in the Torah and rewards the good hoys with money and power.

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Basically yeah

I don't know that I have much to say on this right now…but I can't help but be amazed that this is a subject that keeps returning to Zig Forums over and over as though it is important in some manner.
If you don't like Freemasonry (not that ANY OF YOU could ever buy your way into citizenship in the city of Londinium no matter how many backflips you did for the Masons)…then {shrug} don't participate. Outside of that, what is left to say?

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A PSA for Newfags
Zig Forums is 18+ and a board for the historically and politically literate. Lurking is good, shitting up threads is not.

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8/pol/ 100% confirmed target of judeo-masonic operatives and useful idiots from jonestown trying to unred-pill anons with freemasonry and other philosemitic lies.

See thread for more examples, they admit it themselves.

Jews are disgusting subversive parasites that need to be exterminated and forgotten along with their goofy religious BULLSHIT!!

Don't need nor care to know anymore fucking shit about them when the only thing that matters is that they all die excruciatingly painful deaths after absolute humiliation at the feet of Aryans where they belong.

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Do you have a source for that in context, not ust some random Tsarion thing?

Probably knew more about it than people who fall for Vigilant Citizen.

It came about in 1801, though. From a French system originating in the 1750s.

Ah, the ancient sport of cripple hand shaking.