
Italian far left extremists have taken credit for the bombing of an office of the populist Lega party, with police finding and disarming a second explosive device.

A possible reighstag fire moment?

In reaction to the bombing, Lega leader and current Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini commented, “They try to stop us, but violent delinquents do not scare us. Let’s go forward, stronger than before.”

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Did someone say Reichstag fire part 2?

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The message they sent to claim responsibility is utter bullshit. Stinks fishy. There is something afoot.

(((American deep state))) might have carried this out to make life in Italy under eebil nazi Salvini seem chaotic, but no matter who did it, it's time for Salvini to declare martial law and start purging all shitskins. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Apparently Salvini is in charge of the police, he himself cannot declare martial law, the president needs to do that… however once it's declared, he is in charge of the military being used in a law enforcement role.

I mean it is the only way commies know how to fight. It might be real.

The polizia does not have heavy weapons, that is something the carabinieri have but they are technically military police and they are dependant from the ministry of defense. Italy is quite a complicated place.

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Step it up.

Il Duce!

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Better to start the purge now them never.

Tell us pastaanon, how likely is it that the Italian people would agree to a little martial law?

it's time

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nah, you have to know something about Italy.
the left, just like in all the west, ruled the narrative since the end of the war.
now, every year at school you'll get your testicles crushed by teachers telling you about the anti-fascist values of the republic, or the bravery of the resistance…your usual good vs evil story.
most people won't freak out about these attacks until someone dies.
to see the opposite case

the press freaked out over this

The group of around 15 men, who said they belonged to a group called Veneto Fronte Skinheads, interrupted members of Como Without Borders, a network of associations that help migrants and refugees in northern Italy, as they met in a local community centre.

Dressed in matching black bomber jackets, the men surrounded the volunteers’ conference table and listened as their spokesman read aloud a wordy screed decrying globalism and immigration.

Amid awkward silence, he claimed that European people were being “replaced” by “non-people” and denounced those who assist migrants as “proponents of immigrationism [sic] at all costs, incapable of seeing that their sick logic is sacrificing people the world over on the altar of alienating turbo-capitalism”.

“For all of you, children of a country that you no longer love,” he told the volunteers, “we’re here to remind you that the real people loves and does not destroy itself. Stop the invasion.

“Now you can go back to discussing how to ruin our country,” he concluded.

A video filmed by one of the volunteers then shows the surreal spectacle of the men filing out of the room as the association members wish them goodnight and ask them to be quiet leaving the building.

these guys simply got in, said their piece, and fucked off.

they talked for more than a week about fascist violence.

the thing in OP will be forgotten in a day or two.

Alpha AF

Salvini Right Wing Death Squad crackdown on leftists when?

btw that's a shitty translation. most likely intentional.
they are not saying that niggers are not people, which is true, but not the point. they are saying that they are trying to substitute european people-s with…the melting pot. that state of things were everyone is a mongrel with no history and no past.

Please kill commies.

How many threads for the pastaniggers, kikey? You will never be white.

If you want to find the far-left anarchists, narrow it down to fags feminists, and trannies. They're complicit in the destruction of the west.

Yeah, just like how the Nazis set the fire and not the communists. I am sure glad the communist USSR cleared that up before setting up their puppet government after so conveniently delegitimizing the previous government.

Stay shittershattered.

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Hi, paid jewish shill.

Why are her eyes so dark? Freaks me the fuck out.

Unlikely. People is fed up but lazy. They are at the beach right now and they want to wait at least one or two weeks before focusing on real problems. In september kikes will launch an all out economic attack. Italy needs one last push to go full 1488. We are close but still not there.

get out

Get out what you idiot?

I am sorry, you were right I humbly apologize.

This is good. Gives justification for a crackdown and special dictatorship powers for Salvini. Salvini will show how to wield power, after the failure of loser Trump to accomplish anything.

That is why "the press" needs to be purged first.

Zig Forums on suicide watch


The coalition with 5kikes prevents him from going full Salvini. For now he lets the fire simmer and built over time.

tbqh, Giggino so far had been doing all the right stuff. still pleasantly surprised.

What the fuck?!
Whan did this happen!?!?

Reminder: Salvini's League has gone from 17% to 29%, reaching the 5kikes, and it can only go up once the jews attack the economy as predicted. If the madman manages to form a government all by himself in the next election we can fash out so much the niggers are going to swim back to africa volountarily. The fire rises.

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Can't he just use the police to pull off a coup? The people are behind him, it should be fine.

This is what we want. We want to be seen as the sane, sensible option by normies. That is the primary reason that we can't let skinheads be the face of white ethnonationallism, the vast majority of good normal white people find such thugs repulsive.

All spaghetti anons report on the political and demographic situation of Italy.

It breaks the conditioning.

Even Hitler recognized this tbh, it's why he purged the SA. I'm too American to be a fan of Hitler, but when you're right you are right

the thugs are not for posters
they are for thug work

I'm glad we're shedding off this Deutscheaboo in the community, in the US we had William Dudley Pelley (and Charles Lindbergh to a lesser degree). Besides, that's the great thing about nationalism, every country does things their own way. Hitler crafted policies specific for his nation, in America we have to do the same.

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Yeah, the American situation will have to be completely separatist and libertarian in nature. The "United States'' will have to simply break. The German situation, like today, will have to be centered around unity of Germanic people.

There is no Ceausescu to not hunt those cucks now, PR will always be for the ones on the press but that power to do shit is with you in the momentum, do NOT waste it.

I don't know about breaking the union. Just severely reducing the role of the federal government, honestly it really shouldn't have much of a role outside of the military (of which needs to be severely limited in the scope of what wars it should be allowed to fight). 95% of federal agencies and responsibilities should be left to the states. Other than the U.S. Marshals and Secret Service, we don't need federal law enforcement agencies.

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This is great. If ever the left wanted to solidify support for Salvini for those still remaining on the fence, this is the way to do it. Bravo, faggots.
But more important is what this means in context. Terror attacks are the means of desperate people, and what we can conclude from this is that the left in Italy knows that Salvini has won, that they have lost, and that vast change is coming to Italy. The reason we don't see bombings and assassination attempts against Trump in the U.S. just yet is because the U.S. "swamp" still believes that it can remove Trump by leveraging the existing corruption in government, media, and the legal system to its advantage. Following the mid-terms, should Trump come out of it unscathed rather than weakened as they predict, or worse yet strengthened, this may be the catalyst for the first politically-motivated terror attacks against Trump and his administration. Whenever it happens, be it in the near future or further down the track, when the bombs start going off the message is clear: we have lost, and you have won. It's music to the ears.

I just can't even. The audacity of these jew servants.

Bomb squads are fucking taught to expect these "secondary" primary goal devices.

I really like "Let’s go forward, stronger than before.”.

Mostly because it damaged a door. That's it.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul, user.


Generally I don't think there's any hope of reducing federal government through the ballot box. And any effort to reduce federal government would actually have to be a violent, multiracial effort, or else the government won't give a shit, which, let's be real, today that won't happen with spiking levels of nationalism throughout the US. If a post-racial privacy movement occured then maybe there would be a chance, but there won't be. Any talks about reducing government are spoken of ONLY if it's in regards of helping those poor minorities, and only then. There's only hope of reducing corporate regulations (which are typically put in place to stymie smaller or incorrect corporations) which I don't give a shit about, because I'm not a corporation.

The US will have to break, including all the states. Federal power is like a viru – it only spreads, and there is only one cure.

Never forget Operation Gladio.

I'm reading about that just now. That's interesting as fuck, user. Do you know any good documentaries about it?

Wow, an actual decent torpost. Bravo.

I think there's hope in preserving the nation of the USA, but we may go through severe internal strife(civil war as opposed to say, martial law) to change the internal workings. I don't see whites in the Northwest, for example, forsaking whites in the South, or New England. Maybe retarded pozzed ones, but I think they'd just seek to reclaim the lost land from otherwise crumbled regions. Basically, reconquest of the land is inevitable once the system breaks down, we just have to have the support(self made or otherwise) and not be *totally* outnumbered.
The republic as we know it will probably not be reconsituted, I would hope we keep the constitution and the Bill of rights and rework from there though.
Basically, my point is it would probably be possible to get a state that fully encompasses the continental United States and views itself as a continuation of it, it might just be functionally different, and ideally privy to the crisis of our age as we face it.

I'm hoping the US gets a dictator that really consolidates the culture as one. America is smaller and less divided than China under Mao was so I think we can get a solution. Just not in a republic.

Which is exactly why the kikes created the movement.