"Don’t Vote for the Ching-Chong!"


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That odd moment when a nigger isn't wrong. Reminder that a chink is running for political power in America against a sheboon, and they're both female. God damn shame, America.

so you mean
we wuzn't changs?

I like it.

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It's in Detroit. That place is already pretty much post apocalyptic.

"Post" implies it's over.

I stand corrected.

Say what you want about niggers, but they have this spontaneous personality that makes them do hilarious shit regularly.

Its called mental retardation.

They've both got beautiful smiles.

Why are they starting to turn on Asians? I thought it was all non-whites against us but now we're seeing the beginnings of a split.

she has my vote

"These comments are offensive to all Asian-Americans," Chang tells Metro Times. "It isn't about me. It's about an elected official disrespecting entire populations, whether they be Asian-American, immigrant, or residents of Sen. District 1 or [Cook's] own current house district."

Because Asians are the only non-white race that doesn't require constant gibs and sympathy from whites and can build shit on their own. Niggers hate anyone who shows any sign of intelligence, they will even hate their own if they behave "too white" for their tastes.

Because asians destroy their narrative and it makes nogs realize that they might actually be the ones at fault.

Oh good, thats exactly what detroit needed.
An election between a chinese woman and a black woman. This will surely fix it.

I'm not even surprised at all

99.9999999% of De'Troit's population is black so it's as good as done for

It's been obvious from the beginning if you were paying attention: nogs only care about other nogs, and consider other minorities the enemy.

In the summer that BLM started, there were several police shootings that fit the profile of unnecessary police violence, including a guy that was shot holding a cell phone and another shot holding a fucking submarine sandwich wrapped in foil, but you did not hear a peep about these police killings because they were all Mexicans, not nogs. One tumblr black supremacist even told me that the Mexicans should start their own thing because they were having none of it.

"These comments L offensive to arr Asian-Amelicans," Ching-chong tells Metro Times. "It isn't about me. It's about an erected officiar dislespecting entile popurations, whethel they be Asian-Amelican, immiglant, ol lesidents of Sen. Distlict 1 ol [Cook's] own cullent house distlict."

What up, De'Shawn? Wha's gud, mah nigga? Didjoo rob any bodegas today?

It wouldn't hurt Detroit any to elect the slant.
Niggers are always worse.
Sadly there are enough niggers in Detroit to ensure nigger rule until it is ethnically cleansed.

You mean lack of impulse control.

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The diversity is coming to a head. I can't find that quote about Darwin saying eventually the rest of humanity will get tired of niggers and eventually exterminate them completely but with more PROUD STRONK WYMN saying shit like this it's only a matter of time till the retaliations begin

Did you forget about the L.A. riots?

Nigger is still probably going to win

The nigger already lost the primary.

You get the idea. The mullatoes got murdered in Haiti when they ran out of whites because they were at least semi human. This is why African Americans aren't even safe in Africa they would offend the local fauna because we've BLEACHED at least a few brains into them over the centuries.

That is a very accurate file name wtf?

Checked and as much as it pains me to say it that thing that looks like it was the lovechild between a Bonobo and an Oompa Loompa is right.

Das rite.

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Are you retarded or just so naive thinking all non-whites love each other? Liberals and niggers fucking hates Asians with a passion, because they look "too white" and don't fit their narrative. You also forgot niggers are the most racist people ever, even more racist than Anons here.

Fucking Harvard made it harder for Asians to get into their school while making it a lot easier for niggers to get into the school, for fuck's sake.

Fucking these as well

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Checked fixed dubs
Yeah massive fire would be a major upgrade


Diversity surely loves each other so much, it'll create utopia, right liberals?

well shit

Malcom X would be proud.

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They had to make a new term because of the narrative problems, "non-Asian minorities" (NAMs).

Nams. Like viet-nams? Hehehehehehehagahahahahahahaha
Pee pee poo poo pisssssssss

They haven't liked Asian's since the LA riots. Don't forget the Koreans.

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She's literally BASED

+10 points for based roof koreans but -3 points for Jeong. Fucking Kim Jong Il is politer then her.

TY Zig Forums I have not heard a peep about this in local news here.
But then again Reefah died and it is non stop 24/7 praising her and OMG it is like she was the greatest ever ever.
Pro tip the Metro Times is the leftist pantifa free newspaper you can pick up at every beer store in the entire city.


Minorities are racist. They can not be surprised.

It's Detroit user, Detroit.


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I can't even tell if that's filthy frank or not

Wtf I love black people now!

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really? lol

Imagine if a white male politician said this

but since it's a black female, there's a few articles by local journalists, and otherwise absolute crickets from the leftists.

White "Privilege" indeed.

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You have to go back.

I thought only H'ytes could be racist?
meme it

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It's not racist though, because nigger.

This is the future of America, whites being racist to Mexicans being racist to blacks being racist to Asians being racist to Indians being racist to Arabs being racist to Jews

I'm fine with everyone being mutually racist to eachother too be honest. Its the best kind of equality

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Watermelanin would've been funnier. Polite sage.

shitty macro, but w/e

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Probably the worst way to go.


I see dems get the cream of the crop to be their representatives.

It was bound to happen. Left eats their own.

You mean a lack of inhibitions. That is due to their smaller Prefrontal Cortex and larger Amygdala.

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Good, we need to encourage stuff like this
and so on.
When our enemies fight each other, we win!

Really it's just detroit. It's probably the best realistic change they've had there for the last decade.

Niggers get pissed off seeing Asians/Hispanics/etc. come in and benefit from the diversity narratives. Niggers that they fought and won their civil rights and so on. They believe the anti-white system exists to benefit niggers. They don't understand that niggers were only used by jews as a tool to harm whites.

Detroit actually does seem post-apocalyptic in that it's extremely depressing and grim but doesn't seem like a completely terrifying warzone all over. If you want an active, terrifying, truly apocalyptic warzone, you really need to experience Baltimore.

Its called the 'good ol days'

The few niggers who do are also completely fine with it. niggers are enemies of the white race, the same as jews.

That requires the shitskins being here, so no, I want them all to fuck off, ideally.

They are fine with it only so long as they are the ones benefitting. But when they see chinese and hispanics use diversity shaming to get ahead, a lot of them get pissed off. An example is tariq nasheed, who hates white people but also hates other non-nigger non-whites.

Black women are afraid of Asian women after recent events in Detroit. Asians are punching back and Black women don't know how to react