Does anyone else have some good maps to post? I find the map style infographic to be useful and I enjoy looking at the older maps as well
Maps thread
Nice, I didn't know Jeb ran in France too
I just have the one I think but love these things
is there a source on the data for the gun owner % map? there's no way it's that high in a lot of the states
I think tend to think about things in a spacial manner so seeing these really gives you a better sense of that. I also think developing one's own mental map of the world is a valuable experience
Source is on the bottom. It brings up a website that discusses the study.
I wish someone would push all the niggers in Columbus and Cleveland into those mines
Ancient star maps/charts navigation
that layout of old paris looks similar to the eyeball of washington DC
(absolutely fucking checked)
Fuck all the election map data has me deebly goncerned
If you like maps, has a shitload.
There's a metric fuckton to digest there. Thanks user. If anyone has more specific state maps like or I would be extremely interested in them for a project I'm working on
Yep I was just talking with someone in another thread about capital city layouts and the masonic influence.
European culture is Celtic culture.
britbongs out of ireland
The masonic influences really start getting apparent from the overhead angles. Also they rely on the old symbols/geometry a lot
Bookmarked; very cool
So far most of the stuff I have that is currently accessible on my computer is occult related stuff…I am paying the penalty for not naming things correctly when I originally downloaded them (so they have some shitassed name like f678765fd2634697dcf545923a5461fe.jpg among all the other thousands of shit assed named files on my computer; will post them if I come across them though…)…so I might have something more state specific, but it is likely to be occult or historic.
saged for off topic
Yeah I can't find all my maps/overhead views of Astana, Kazakhstan but it is really interesting from above…god I have no idea I was such a map freak. A few more…and then I have to skim back through and download everyone else's contributions. I have some interesting stuff of Dubai as well (it is laid out in a trashy way like Vegas…but it is still interesting to look at)
I was studying, most peaceful nations earlier today and Ireland tops the list in 2017 (I think it was second)…and I frigging LOVE IRELAND…with a passion. It is so peaceful. When I heard about the plans of the EU to open the floodgates and flood Ireland with third world trash (Ireland 2040; the Irish were pro-destruction thinking this was a good thing…I am so frustrated I can barely stand it…they just don't know what they are getting into) I practically cried I was so upset.
Thanks for your contributions user. Is Ireland not participating in the Brexit? I thought the U.K government acted on behalf of all the isles.
The 2nd image here. Would it really continue to grow in a tube like that or instead exponentially outwards like in the big bang does?
Nope, Ireland thinks the EU is a positive, most Irish think that the 'browning' of Ireland is also a positive (no more redheads anymore guys, sad). They will not be participating in Brexit and will remain part of the EU. Most of them have never encountered 'cultural enrichment' at all so they are completely brainwashed not to be 'racist' and to love their parasitic trash 'brothers'.
IDK why the NSF represented it that way (I think that article was from 2001 or so)…unless it was just for graphic purposes. Most other agencies have the model in the fifth picture.
Post em if you got em
ahh this is my element
gonna sage so I don't spam-bump
Meyers_b11 is best map, FYI. I'm done for now, cheers
Thanks for your contributions user. A lot of great stuff to save and learn from
all air age maps descend from a circular disc map
The curse of the Irish. Brb gonna an hero
user if you return to this thread can you explain these images?
Cromwell and his jews really fucked you good forever.
contributin some instead of just bumping
Just out of curiosity - would the US population density map also match this closely? Because I've never heard of political affiliation being linked with murder rate, so I'm thinking that maybe it's just a matter of
I think it would line up with it enough to draw conclusions. There are obviously exceptions with the Northeast/Northwest being very democrat and not necessarily having the high population density. There is undoubtedly, a growing split between urban/rural and densely populated vs sparsely populated areas in the states. In terms of political affiliation being linked with murder rate, post 2016 election the R's are almost exclusively White, and jewish while the D's are almost exclusively blacks, latins, asians and cucked whites
Do you think Hungary will get these territories back?
I doubt it. There is a Hungarian-majority enclave in Szeklerland but they're looking for autonomy moreso than actually being part of Hungary. The Romanian constitution doesn't allow it so even that will probably not get anywhere.
It's interesting how Hungary was a large and powerful country for most of its history though, and how they were essentially punished for WWI along with Germany.
known as Szeklerland*
least and most peacefull map is quite ironic. Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Lybia, Iraq and Afghanistan were quite peacefull before the US, to which those peacefull countries are aligned to, started to fuck them up.
MEGA links and torrent please. Always include downloads in info threads please.
why do you post everything in low quality?
Bump, I'm autistic for maps. I think the second one here is a tad out of date though
Any HD versions of this map?
Population density is such an understated part of demographics
Can anyone tell me which united states county had the highest percentage of white Trump voters in the 2016 election so i can move there?
Don't run user. Once you've made yourself worthwhile you'll understand that there is no magic place that will fix your life by moving there. You'll realize that it's the magic people who make those places worth going to