The Enemy Of Christ

Saul was the guy who murdered Jesus' followers and then went blind, changed his name to Paul, fought with Peter (the leader of Christ's faith), and started the "Christians".
Now we know Jesus said there would be false prophets in his name. And we know Saul started the "Christians". And we know the Vatican is based on killing anyone who didn't follow Saul's version. And we know the gnostics were just Alexanderian mystics that came way later.
So what happened to Jesus' faith? Did it die with his brother James?
How can anyone follow the Pharisee Saul's religion and still call themselves a white nationalist or true follower of "the Lord Jesus Christ"?

This is political/philosophical and relevant, and can't be discussed on Zig Forums because they'll piss their magic virgin panties. That's why a place like Zig Forums exists.
Zig Forums isn't a /news/ aggregation board

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Provide sources and evidence for your assertions.
Saul murdered who exactly?
Before or after he changed his name?
The answer to that gives relevance as to how people can follow Pharisee Saul or St Paul depending on your perspective.

The bible. You should read it.

Paul was pretty dedicated since we was crucified also

That's fine. What verses? Are you prepared to substantiate your claims? Did you make this thread before you were properly prepared?

No, I assumed that people knew what the bible was. I didn't know I'd be arguing with a hipster asking for "sources".

You think you can just ask people to substantiate their claims?

Should I substrantiate my claims that Jesus was in the bible and born of a virgin and crucified too? Because this is he basic story of Saul.

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Arguing? What?

But didn't Peter establish the Catholic Church? And wasn't Paul opposed to gentiles getting circumcisions and following jewish law unlike Peter?

He looks like Al Pacino

If you dont know the basic origin story of Saul/Paul, then why are you in the thread? It's his fucking origin story.

No Saul established the Christian church. The Vatican claimed Peter because they crucified him in Rome, and it was a fight over whether Rome or Constantinople is the center of the Christian faith.
This is the split between Orthodoxy and Catholics.

Saul and Peter fought over circumcision, and that's where the story gets interesting. The disciples of Christ went their own way, and Saul continued his group called the Christians.

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So what is the true way of Jesus? What do you believe in?

Because I'm interested in the discussion.

Then you should know that the Bible never specifically says that Paul killed anyone, though. Only that he persecuted the early church in an unstated way. It was probably legal, since the Romans generally didn't allow random murders, even towards Christians.

If Paul hadn't come along, the Christian religion would probably still look a look a lot like Judaism with all of its inane rules concerning ritual cleanliness. It would have limited appeal to the Romans and Greeks and probably wouldn't have took off as it did.

Christcunts are irrelevant to Zig Forums unless discussing how to unbrainwash white people of that bullshit and drag those retards to National Socialism. On DoTR, every church around here gets razed.
>>>Zig Forums

In the catholic church Paul is a Saint so wtf are you on about.
He is held up as a prime example of how God can call on anyone not matter how bad to do his work. The changing of the name gave rise to confirmation where you add the name of a saint to your own.
The Vatican is the head of the catholic church.
You are wrong.

Well that's why I made the thread. I don't know what happened to his religion.

hmm, semantics.

Acts 9:1

The Conversion of Saul

9 But Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to dthe high priest

That's not a board for real discussions. They're crazy and weird. They would freak out.

There are lots of "Saints". Point being, Christianity is Saul's sect, and thus the Vatican's.

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Christianity is kiked. Half of the new testament is written by a treacherous jew who spent most of lis life killing Christians and ALL of the Torah or Old testament is jewish.

We need a new religion. A White religion. A European religion.
One that celebrates men and courage. One that celebrates invention and self reliance. One that condemns the jews and focuses our energies upon improving our race.

Lies. You just hate the fact that he banned circumcision and homosexuality.

Vatican II and protestants are kiked, however.

Yes, but it was preserved by John.
Satan is Cain and his descendants. He was a MURDERER and a LIAR from the beginning.
The descendants of Cain are those act out of jealousy instead of love and kill what is superior and righteous.

Zig Forums is the REAL Christians. We seek the dominance of what is superior and good and the subjugation of evil, even if we ourselves are not perfect.

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ALL of them are lost. Christians tell you to ignore race and heritage and focus on converting savage Africans.
We should have lynched every priest who had the insane idea of converting non-Whites to Christianity. Let them sacrifice each other to their tribal gods. We need a religion for White people. Not a semitic religion that teaches men to cuck for other races.

If humans fail God, it is our duty to preach to animals…

Are you saying Jesus' followers were fags?
Galatians 1:14

"And I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, so extremely azealous was I for bthe traditions of my fathers."

Philippians 3:6

"as to zeal, ya persecutor of the church; as to righteousness under the law, blameless."

So just John and no Saul?

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We know about primitive Christianity from various sources, most are not very informative by themselves though.

I would claim that the rarely discussed Council of Jerusalem, that took place in 50 AD is a prove that Christianity as taught was Paul is indeed the real teachings of the Christ. There were a few theological disagreements, but most were not essential for the dogma as a whole, such as the questions on circumcision and the law of Noah.

I find it perplexing that this Council is ever discussed, due to its extreme importance.

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No. However, his writings are the only direct textual ban on homosexuality in the New Testament. Catholics and Orthobros would understand the sin of it without it, but protties wouldn't.

The animal Christians cutting each other’s heads off in Mexico failed Christianity. Africa isn’t doing any better. Christian Universalism is a subversion. Only one race has practiced Christianity properly.

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"Christianity", Saul…. the real? hmmm?
Yeah, no shit. That's when it split. The Pharisee won.

And yet the entire Catholic church was run by homosexuals. Seems odd. I didn't know you even had to depend on that. I didn't know people thought Jesus was cool with dick sucking before Saul came around.

Not the point of the thread. Is Christianity even Jesus's teachings is the point.

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So, what you are trying to tell us is that you are essentially retarded.

This shit is not even Mormonic. Is almost as if you got raped in Salt Lake City and started spitting Smith's unholy mix of pseudo-Christianity and pseudo-Masonry, that as well as your small mind.

The only good things Mormons have done from their beginning was to have a gorillion decent (sometimes inbred) kids. Other than that is no different to Scientology or Hare Krishna.

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And which race is that? Is it the White "men" wo go to Africa to preach to savages and adopt little niglets to please Jesus?

No. Peter died 300 years before there even was a Catholic Church. The church claims that Jesus made Peter the first pope, but the odd thing is that even though they claim their legitimacy arises from Peter, the gospel of Peter wasn't included in the bible.

Just stop. (((YHWH))) wants all the goyim to bow before (((Him))) - including those niggergoyim.

Keep your focus on the synagogue of satan. It's much easier in the long run, as it includes who you speak.

Ethiopia is. I agree on Mexicans, but Dominican Republic has a clear advantage over Haiti despite near identical origins, and the only difference is religion - syncreticism or canonical. "American" methodology of merely bombing every hostile country has resulted in that same hostility spreading. Although pitbulls are garbage and should all be shot, every other dog breed can be trained, and that is true for humans as well. As a long term plan, Christianity is very efficient in making sure that the local cultures will birth history of their own. As a short term plan it is still better than what any government is doing. It isn't the Christians who are border hopping, aside from Ukraine (kiked to hell/EU) and the heretics of Mexico.

Here's what Paul said on giving to your own. Household, and nation. Christ had jews pay taxes to the Emperor of Rome and so forth. Every nation is considered holy, and as such every genocide - including that aimed at us, is evil. Of course, the not-Nation claims the sole holiness among nations, and does this to contradict God.


IS. The pedos should be hanged next to the kikes.

He said John was a real follower of Christ and that Saul is the enemy. That's not "mormon" or anything. You're diverting the conversation by throwing in sects that come out of "Christianity" in the first place.


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No, you idiot, what I am saying is that among all early apostles there was no great descent concerning almost all aspects of the doctrine.

It didn't split goofybooger nigger, it remained as a united universal Church, at least until Gnostic pagans started flooding the Religion with their hidden sun eternal equilibrium pantheism retardation.

Testament of this is the Tablets of Hermas, which you could read, a deuterocanonical Bible book.

During the entire colonial age, not of those christians missionary believed for a second that the savages were equal to white Christians.

If you DO think descendants of Cain WUZ be bad people and that we r GUD descendants then you are indeed preaching Mormonism, although you don't acknowledge it dog.


China is national socialist, and China is behind all the 8ch shills pushing national socialism.

I'm glad I never got into these jewish religions.

Jesus christ, your God hates you.

(((Bible)) )

Former Mormon here
Can confirm
I deal with this shit every single fucking day. In fact the missionaries swung by the house and attempted to get my 10 year old all hyped up on muh baptismsaaaa and shit. He's a good lad and said no thanks my dad teaches me and shut the door on them.

It's an international dumping ground of cheap labor, only thing remotely similar is the autobahn.

That's not the story, morning glory.

Here is how the fight went down according to Saul.

Galatians 2:11–13

"When Peter came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face, because he was clearly in the wrong. Before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group."

To Paul's dismay, the rest of the Jewish Christians in Antioch sided with Peter, including Paul's long-time associate Barnabas:

"The rest of the Jews joined in this charade and even Barnabas was drawn into the hypocrisy."

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I am not diverting shit. I am claiming Paul didn't distort Christianity and that other apostles did think much similar to him. I gave sauce as well.

You know faggot, the Mossad/DNC are not very interested to spank you for critizicing Christianity. I know it is obvious, but as I know of your limited inbred uprising, it's well to mention it.

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Cucktianity certainly isn’t. Real Christianity preaches whites as a good race of God and His chosen people and jews as of Cain. Cucktianity is inverted. If you read Maccabees it’s made clear that survival is far more important than morals. Yet cucktianity says violence is always wrong. Of course (((they))) removed Maccabees during the reformation. Any autism from Paul is irrelevant. The Christian Identity guys were able to practice prowhite Christianity with Paul’s letters included. The problem is the millenia of jewish subversion that has grafted itself onto the religion. If you hate jews and avoid gnostic heresy you could probably fanfic a closer church to the original than any other church today. Looking into ancient Christian doctrines and original texts always conforms to my far right preferences as if God thinks the way I do but (((they))) hid His face from us.

Lefty insults
get on my level, stupid

It has been tried, faggot. And we should do it again.

Whether or not Paul actually cut Christian throats isn't actually something I've ever heard argued about. He was a top kike of his day on the warpath against Christianity. If he didn't hold the knife, he still had bloody hands. I think both you and the poster responded to are getting lost in semantics. It's irrelevant.

He invented "Christianity". That's not what Jesus' followers called themselves

t. A retard

have a (you), so you can buy your son new shoes John Doe.

Which God? White Blood is bound to many.

Nope. No thanks
Jesus was a fucking heeb who got nailed to a stick for sedition and treason against Rome
Fucking christ cucks can all off themselves. Film it so I can see it

Jesus the stick jüden who was no god , just a yid

Plenty did. In my own country, Christians were instrumental in funding and aiding slave uprisings and the Christian priests agitated with the jews for racial equality.

Saul was knocked off his horse and repented like the background story of most all Saints. Is this the only story of Saints that you're distorting?

This anti-Saint Paul propaganda is coming from the muzz. Verbatim what they tell there followers.

Who tried it?

Only if you believe the Christian narrative.

t. Inbred schizoid

Saul was not a trustworthy motherfucker, in fact, he used Jesus's religion to make fucking money.

OK, fine, the jews who followed Jesus. Those were the people on his shitlist.

What does that have to do with what I wrote though?

are we doing semantics or not?

Why is this fucktarded D&C shit still active?

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Jew of Jew
King of Jew

I'd sincerely like to know what you know about this. Would be one of the most potent debunkers of the "Paul" story.

Really? What do they say?

INRI was written in mockery by the Roman soldiers and the pharisees got some lulz from it too.

"Yeah, real kingly getting cruxed, faggot lol"

I don't think he ever actually claimed it.

Oh, it's you…

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I know mate WTF

1. Kill those Christians
2. Become a Christian
3. Crucified upside down in Rome
4. ???
5. Become the OG kang nigga, fucken drowning in pussy nigga, best deal eva.

Nice slide thread.

Lemme break this down so it's crystal clear:
Two possible options:
Either possibility debunks the Christian narrative.

Lol not Hermes as in THAT Hermes, but hermAs, as un tablets of Hermas, a Catholic deuterocanonical book.

You mean his disciples? They guys who actual knew him? Yeah… How is the Semantics?

Acts 11:1–3 says:

The apostles and the believers throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God. So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcised believers criticized him and said, "You went into the house of the uncircumcised and ate with them."

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Let him be mate, if he gets OnLy 28 more replies, the DNC promised he would get enough for TWO Ramen this week.

The only way out of this is Revelation 3:9 where real Israelites (and therefore Jesus) were white and modern jews are imposters. Cucktianity does not stand to logic. Eventually you have to become white Israelist or atheist.

You think this is a Hillary thread now?

I responded to a post about Paul being an actual killer and asked if that's really important.

Where are you going?


It's fucking long, but it's mainly:

tl;dr Christianity is ultimately Saulianity

Jesus got duped.

ok maybe not lol

Seems important. A Pharasee who was super Jewish, wanted to hunt down all of Jesus' people. Goes blind, starts his own religion called "Christianity", fights with Peter to his face and they split the followers.

Seems pretty fucking important.

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I'm bookmarking and will start on it in an hour after I get my invoicing done.

Mars worship and Odinism already exists.

Yes but history shows us that the White Israelite narrative is also a fantasy. Hebrews/Israelites were always recorded as the same kind of subversive sewer rat Jews we have today, by their historical neighbors.

Prepare yourself.

Snorri is fake and gay

And your point is?

Christianity is kiked, m8. It's hilarious how much Jesus got fucked and his OG disciples owned his face.

lol what? You are fake and gay.

Where does it say Paul killed someone in that passage? I know you IQ75 hasbarafags have shit for English comprehension, but I thought at least they taught you inbred bumblefucks how to read greek.
If you can explain how Paul could murder people with his breath, I will shove you in the oven last, schlomo.

Ok, I didn't pick up you point about the nomenclature. So - jesus followers disappear from history; chief persecutor's revelation lives on as "Christianity".

Argument is that Saul pulled grand act of subversion?

I know most of you paid animals are too low and idiot to purchase a mufuggin education or to have intellectual honesty.

Why would a CIA exec come herehimself to spy us when there's an unfinishable supply of atherosclerotic cucks that would gladly write 8 hours a day/2 cents per reply in some obscure edge of the Internetz.

Snorri writing down folk tales does not = The Godi or "Odinism". It's just Christians post-Odin writings.


Show me how to get paid!

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Slander and revisionism. Science is clear on who the Israelites were and who they became today.

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Which amounts to?

Odinism needs no fucking bible, it is not an abrahamic religion.

Everyone can study the myth and worship the gods.

Go to your nearest nigger and mut in his ear the passcode "We WUZ" and you'll be set. Your new agent ID is 6969, good luck user, you are now finally CIA.