Yep, the civil wars about to start any minute now. Governments growing too large *sip*
The same shit gets parroted decade after decade
Sure feels cuckchan in here. The system wont collapse on its own, whites will make it or else whites will perish when niggers do after white minority. Pick, race war now or race war after white minority. I say that rhetorically because youre a lemming and that will never change.
The system is already collapsing on it's own. Nobody listens when America tells them what to do, the dollar is being dumped everywhere even though it's the world's reserve currency, Europe is already falling to pieces, Israel won't survive without grossly extravagent military adventurism from America to back it up. Syria was supposed to have been destroyed by now, clearing the way for the Jews to rule the Middle East uncontested. America was supposed to be in a hot war with Russia by now to prop up it's failing economy. Neither of those things have happened. The kikes are furious that Assad's rising star is effortlessly eclipsing their proposed new capital of the world in Jerusalem. ZOG is panicking because the American people aren't rabidly against Russia and hate their own establishment and media more than russkies or Putin.
The entire system is falling to pieces, and there's nothing anyone can do to avert it or stop it, nor should anyone want to. Zig Forums helped get Trump elected to buy more time for us to get our own affairs in order, to get /fit/ and buy guns and move out of the cities, not because we thought he would be anything other than a shill for Jews. r/T_D and the Alt-Right crowd still do not understand that. They can't comprehend it. It's how you can tell them apart from the people who actually belong on this board. How can you possibly vote Trump but think he's a Zionist shill? Because actual Zig Forumsacks know where this is going. It was the tactical manuver to stall out the system.
Daily reminder that the system doesn't attack and destroy people who advocate for violence, it attacks and destroys people who try and build a functional state-within-a-state to replace ZOG with something that works.
Daily reminder that the NSDAP succeeded because it replaced Weimar Germany as the government the Germans respected and looked to, that Hitler never actively tore the ZOG down, merely capitalized on it's inevitable failures.
Daily reminder that the likes of the National Alliance or the NWF are fading and irrelevant even after decades of invested effort, while Golden Dawn, Nordfront, and Casapound are making huge leaps and gains because they focus on replacing the state, not toppling it.
Daily reminder that Siege was written by a Crowly Satanist, and is objectively wrong.
Sage because this is a shitty thread and doesn't deserve to exist.
There is no pan-white nation therefore no point to self-sacrifice. It's going to have to get much worse before any of the states coalesce into actual nations and deport everyone that isn't them. Even then, it's going to take redpilled people in local politics, which means the local Trumps of the world giving up their jobs to lead revolutions. It will be really really bad at an individual level, and many may just turn globalist and abandon their people.
This user speaks the truth.
I dont remember people talking about a civil war in the 00s
The breaking point, boomer, is the realization other cultures are not compatible. Our free speech, is considered a racial aggression against them. Our right to self determination is feared, because of what we can achieve. Our right to bear arms is seen as a hindrance of preventing this. If we have police keeping order they are racist. Our military is being destroyed with gays, women, and transgenders.
That post was copied from another thread
You probably weren't even born yet. People have been talking about civil war and shit since the 1960s at the very least
Why not screenshot it from the original thread its from seeing as its still up
really nigger? voting is going to get us out of this predicament? who do we vote for? if voting is the option you have candidates in mind, who are they? In the USA we have elections coming up, who are the good candidates to vote for?
It's not, but NOT voting is retarded.
Vote and DO shit.
im glad other people understand that trump is nothing more than a grace period before shit really heats up. you won't catch me cheerleading the GOP like those faggotniggers at the daily stormer. i just wish the groups that coalesced around unite the right 1 didnt disintegrate. we're even more atomized now. sometimes siegefagging seems the only option. we need groups now.
The post was abridged and edited from something posted in another thread, specifically the NWF thread. And the reason I did that is because I was that poster as well. All the content in that thread about generational warfare and weaponized charity are mine. The NWF is going nowhere fast because their interpretation of the Butler Plan involves white people going into the hills and living as terrorists. Except the system isn't afraid of hill terrorists: it can only gain from such a scenario, as we become the boogeyman ZOG uses to scare people into siding with them and against anything to do with white identity.
It's a poor strategy with a worse execution. Regimes don't die because of terrorists, they die underneath the weight of their own incompetence and failure. Anyone who has ever opened up a history book could tell you that much. Organizations like Golden Dawn or Nordfront are more of a threat to ZOG with their weaponized charity and altruism than the NWF could ever be with their Nazi truckers and bushwookie longriflemen. The system doesn't fear attacks from without: those just strengthen the system. What the system fears is competition, the creation of a rival system inside the original that usurps loyalty and authority and steals away the hearts and minds of the people.
The same arguments I used in that thread to criticize the NWF and it's failure to learn the lessons of the populist National Socialist movements in Europe, also apply here with the assertion that no collapse is coming. A collapse is absolutely coming. In fact, the collapse has been inevitable for quite some time. If you want it to come about more quickly, you should focus on building up that rival system, instead of trying to act out the Turner Diaries or Siege.
Sage because off-topic, and because this thread still doesn't deserve to exist.
The society around the system is collapsing, as planned by them.
Meanwhile you're on the internet larping just like the rest of us clueless rubes. Ironic how you're parroting the system's memes while claiming to oppose it.
How is waiting for the (((system))) to collapse a smart move in anyway? We need to be making money and getting housing while we still can and getting anons into these houses in majority White areas and look to keep building up. """""""if""""""" and the chances are low asdf, but it does collapse, then we will have houses to ourselves, guns, manpower, a White majority area also with guns, a community we built up from 2018-202? before the system went to shit.
Read about black swan theory.
is a faggot, of course.
Can you motherfuckers stop participating in an unpaid marketing campaign? You're nothing more than a bunch of shills reposting a retarded meme with no redeeming values and making slide threads, surprise surprise, with no redeeming values. You should be ashamed.
At least it shows that they are running out of money.
You can't own anything officially in a rigged system. If any solution there is, it certainly is not a legal one, and far from playing by their rules
No I'm not a fucking glowing nigger. I'm trying to be pragmatic. I don't ask anyone to incriminate themselves especially in their posts. Just think about it. Wars and uprising are never played 'by the rules' especially when it comes to kikes.
Guns are America's pacifiers.
I don't want to incriminate myself stupidly by posting what I am doing, even omitting many details; but I can assure you, I am dedicating my life to the upcoming race war and I am not alone. I am optimist enough to believe there are many other users here doing the same; if you read this and have doubts — wake up right now and take action. Even just printing redpills on paper and sticking them in your local area whenever you can helps a lot, truly. There are many who are in doubt, and are only a few redpills away from becoming national socialists.
pretty much. some fire arms in my country are literally named "peacekeeper" in the language.
you trumpniggers sound exactly like leftypol beanbag communists
Engaging with a system you know is fixed is retarded.
Picking which jew (again)you want to deliver the shadow governments decrees is retarded.
Not retarded:
The public declaring with one voice that the politicians have no mandate because so few people go and vote for them as they see no difference between all the corrupt, owned by lobby groups, swayed by pressure groups financed by enemies of the public, jewish mouthpieces. That is the only engaging we should do. Resist them. No upboats for criminals.
I'm really disappointed in you.
You misunderstood, I'm saying Americans are niggers and guns are their rims.
niggas be LOVIN dem rims doh
might as well face it your pic related
Did you sleep through 2016 or something?
No 2016 was just a repeat of what has happened my entire life.
Guessing it was one of your first election spectacles.
This 'shit' is different now because of the widespread use of the internet.
replacing the state doesnt kill kikes though
we need something that supercedes states, an international commitment to destroying the nonhuman parasites that threathen our planet and genepool by their mere existence
1. no its not, it wont collapse on its own until white minority and then were dead
2. no its not. see 1
3 Yes it does and the white nationalist community has rejected your pacifist garbage. We will never vote for a white only country, youre wasting our collective time.
4 Germany was 100% white. Your argument is invalid, election politics are non-viable and Jews were beginning to be removed from Berlin etc in the early 40s. There were tens of thousands of them, they were being deported, we all know this.
5 Youre a kike for shitting on the NA fading away after Pierce died. Stop posting here, go back to TRS or whatever anti-Rockwell shitposting you were doing on cuckchan.
6 It doesnt matter who wrote Siege, its a book on armed struggle that apparently went over your teenage brain.
Sage because this is a shitty thread and doesn't deserve to exist.
Also last I heard GD was banned from government and is nearly irrelevant now.
Shill detected.
Nothing could be further from the truth. I was born in the 80's, and in the last two years of my life have been the only times in my life were people I know personally come up to me, and ask if I think there is going to be a civil war.
In the 80's, my parents were blue pilled Dems that hated Reagan, they thought he was going to start a war with he Soviets, but Civil War never passed through their lips. They just saw America as a unshakable Democracy that one had to put up with the other side.
When Clinton came to power during my childhood and early teen years, I started to question my parents. I would listen to Republicans, not one Dem or Rep would dare say Civil War.
During the Bush years of my mid and late teens, I joined the Libertarian party. I didn't hear even conspiracy theorists talk about a Civil War being possible, they just thought we would all be sent to FEMA camps in the end of the night, and that was that, we had to prevent it legally before it happened. As much as Dems hated Bush and the Iraq war, they never mentioned Civil War.
During the Obama years, Reps hated the government, but thought Obama was a joke. Obama care did turn out to be a joke. His biggest disaster was in Syria, but it wasn't apparent until mostly after the fact. I did not hear any Reps talk about Civil War.
Post-2016, my handyman my mother hires comes over, and since he is a Rep, like me now, he asks me almost ever time if I see him, whether Hillary is going to be locked up soon, or when here will be a civil war. I know real boomers, age 60 and up, both left and right, who would not do well in a civil war, salivating that there should be one. Ones can't believe Trump hasn't been locked up, and others that can't believe Hillary hasn't been locked up. People are buying guns like crazy on the right, and doing military exercises in secret, leftist youth are trying to join Anti-Fa terror cells in droves, when in the past, all they would do is watch tv and MTV.
MTV is not even like a thing anymore. The average teenager will not talk to you about bands and concerts, but will start talking to you about politics. If I claimed that the government and Hollywood was run by Satanic pedophiles in the 2000's, people would look at me like I was a kook and avoid me at all costs, now people want to ask me how much I know about the subject, and if they can take notes. Shit is totally insane, and has never been like this.
I am not saying a Civil War will happen. But to say this is normal, and people have been saying this for decades, is just not true. No one knew who McVeigh was until he bombed something, and no one agreed with him. The fact that you have to pull up him, the guy no one believed or knew about, is a sign of how pitiful your claim is. You can't even find a person that wasn't a terrorist bomber that claimed that during the 90's.
I hate siegekikes….
Go back to 4chan.
as a reminder the great revolutions of the past did not occur because a few peoples high spirited ideals, they occured because the average pleb in the street is facing economic hardship and risking ones life and liberty if a preferable choice compared to slowing being starved to death in the status quo system, during these events however before mentioned idealists use the turmoil to come to power with a new system for posterities sake claiming they orchestrated it all along, yet this was always a lie
during the 90's the last decent decade in the west the cultural zeitgeist was optimism and prosperity, with the dotcom boom everybody and their dog thought they would own ferraris, just look at the popular culture music videos as you can find them on youtube, optimism everywhere
and while the rot was widespread already in the 90's nobody was going to give up their cushy jobs and bright prospects for waco or ruby ridge despite the feds going full dystopia there
no contrast that to today the 00's were a lost decade and the 10's are a repeat of the great depression, prospects are shit, people that have jobs are shit and are trampling in place not getting ahead in life, public sentiment in all areas of live are depressive and homelessness is exploding, all that is necessary now is one big external event to kick the system out of bounds and its on like donkey kong
eu is a dead man walking, and bloody street wars are garantueed, with the loss of the eu the usa stockmarket will crash thus kicking of the day of the rope
this is ontop of the ever increasing costs just to maintain the status quo and the concend of the governed, right now the entire western world is kept afloat on the illusion that lifeable pensions will be paid out, which is an illusion that will not be maintained for much longer
timing when something like this is going to happen is hard, but we can see events spirelling faster and faster out of control everywhere, just look at turkey, a previous pretty ok country, anhero'ing.
my bet th current drought conditions in most of the food exporting regions are going to double food prices come winter, setting off food riots in apefrica and the middle east sparking invasion 2.0 which will fracture the eu followed by a market crash
I've read Siege before, and I'll admit that the book has good and bad points. HOWEVER, I do find it amusing that people who promote this book like like a Christian Evangelical promotes the Bible never has the courage to actually do what the book tells the reader to do.
Siegefags are by and large giant pussies who don't have the guts to leave their mommy's basement, let alone actually take part in a lone wolf attack that will deal a blow to the system.
There is sort of an exception to that. The American Revolution was a continuation of the English Civil War driven by the hatred of the cavalier everyman for a system he saw as betraying him at every turn and the interests of elite members of society. Nobody in America at that time was facing real hardship that could not be endured they were simply derived from warrior classes and mercenary exiles who'd had enough bullshit. And those same people's children are the "ebil racist" whites now who have rejected modernity and despise shitskins and kikes in spite of all that is done to brainwash and dissuade them.
i'll grant you that the american revolution was a good exception to that
however this occured when the americas were very much a pioneer lifestyle, conditions that do not exist anywhere in the present world as every habitable speck of dirt is built upon
We have to think bigger than that though, don't we?
*snap* yep
No. You are just mistaken. It's less about the "victory", and more about what it means. My whole life, I have seen us moving farther and farther to the left (This includes neocons in my book). The simple fact that that motion towards socialistic demise has been postponed for even four years should tell you that, at the very least, America knows our current trajectory is unsustainable to such a degree that they are wiling to choose this goofball over yet another establishment elite.
Trump never was and never could have been a means to an end. You know what he is? Useful. He is an excellent way to get people to start questioning the Nosemen again. Who says you can't use his brashness and political power to your advantage? Times are shifting, even if not directly towards us yet. Use that, or waste all that potential. Your call.
thats where you are wrong , in a way we are all just doing our part to pull the system down. The equal and opposite force of tyranny the omnipresent good are ensuring there is no future for america's elite.
They were selfish for too long and too evil to be supported. Each of us that have hate for the government are doing our little part.
-gays are tearing down the social order
-mgtow are removing the family structure used to farm money for the system
-smart people are playing videogames instead of working for government agencies
This is what rome burning looks like a slow death because people dont care to keep it going. We see that its just a tool for evil idiots and so we rather see it disappear.
So eveyone do their parts to have apathy towards america. It was once pretty cool. But now sucks donkey balls.
so is it jihad for white how to book?
thats pretty sad
I DON'T CARE ABOUT "OWNING" SHIT IN THIS TEMPORARY ((((SYSTEM)))!! We need a place to fucking be for now so we can get stronger, you stupid fucking piece of shit.
NO ONE "OWNS" ANYTHING AT ANY FUCKING TIME YOU WHORE CUNT FUCK! It is always up for grabs and you have to have a military to signal that if you even think about it, you are dead. Why can't you WN 1.0 stormfucks ever realise we need housing for younger Whites and money to gain more resources. Stupid, stupid fuck.
WHEN and HOW? Stop being a fucking degenerate. Where is the fucking uprising, you loser cunt? We need money and manpower. What good is war without preparing beforehand?
The book is literally just telling you to be a White version of ISIS/Al Queda. Where it instructs people to be decentralized and plot lone wolf attacks without telling ANYONE until it's already done.
when they called the kikes shills i did nothing
when they called the niggers shills i did nothing
when they called me a shill no one didn do nuffin
Yeah, you should respond by going right back to where you came from, faggot.
i worked in municipal finance in a big New England state. as did my father. he got run out of the state, essentially, in the early 00s for pointing out problems with the morons being appointed to the state pension board. the VC firms in a certain county near NYC have stolen it all. they put these community development idiots with night school degrees into jobs where they'd go in and start extorting, basically, the white accountants the state puts on the cable access government channel to assure the citizenry that serious people are still in charge. these guys can't even order a copier without deTraysha running it past the diversity subcommittee and taking it a cut now. i quit in 2008 and don't even bother looking to see what my "pension" is. i can assure you, there is still money there, and will be for a little while longer. it's the kids in college now – once they start getting in, that's it. they don't have a concept of tomorrow; they'll just take it all the day they start work and the lights will go out. for the time being, there's a small degree of long-term self-interest at work. but not much longer.
what will happen is that services will start to break down in about 5-10 years, and the more affluent communities will see it blossom overnight as all of the Mexicans and Hondurans and Guatemalans and el Salvadorians left and right that that their ideology forbids them to see now suddenly become a lot more noticeable. because they won't be paid off any longer; the booj around them will be their payday. personally i see no answer to this in places like new england – not that anyone here cares about it, i am well aware – unless this class is woken up soon. i worry a great deal about the surplus military equipment in the northeast in small towns that was acquired from 2005-2015; i saw these cops who'd never even fired a gun in self-defense buying shit like it was the Sears catalog. it's gotta' be removed, especially from the cities that are essentially foreign outposts at this point. it's white cops who've paved the way for a future slaughter by leaving all of this lying around just so they can jerk off on saturdays out in some field pretending they're in iraq. they'll be long gone in any crisis scenario. long gone.
Turkey and Iran are going to lash out if their economies are pushed to much further and China will be the one to step in and fund them and supply them with munitions.
Fuck they might even sail them over and use the sleeper squads they’ve had camped here in California for years.
You want to topple the system used to control us by creating another identical system for (((them))) to exploit?
The model that cannot be undermined is one where there is no central point of failure. By attacking the "heart" of white resistance again and again, all they are doing is accelerating the evolution of a system that cannot be attacked.
Name one other candidate in the past 20 years who was openly attacked by the media, the opposing party, and his own party, and still managed to get elected. Hell, name one other candidate like that in US history. If you're going to argue that voting didn't create a useful opening, I'm going to have to immediately assume that you're just another unusually clever JIDF shill.
I'd say you're mostly right, but things changed around 2008. I remember because I cross the country every so often and I tend to strike up conversations with people in little run-down gas stations in middle America as I go. Before that time, most of the people I talked to seemed content. They'd talk about the weather, their dogs, guns, hunting, cars, local politics, sports… the usual shit that salt of the earth types talk about. It was in 2010 that I crossed the country again and conversation was different. The same sort of people in the same sort of places, but they talked openly about being unhappy with how things were. None of them ever said they intended to cause any trouble, but all of them wondered if "someone" was going to start a revolution eventually if things got out of hand.
Putting a nigger in office might have been the biggest mistake (((they))) ever made. The loss of foreign respect - that was a loss, but we can recover that. What couldn't be recovered is how people see the office of the President of the United States as something that a talking monkey can attain. Before 2008, nobody wanted to be the guy who threw the first rock at the President. Now that sanctity is gone. If a nigger can do it, it's not all that sacred.
If you think that spirit is dead, make friends with the local bikers in your area. Or your local plumber, who's not unlikely a biker himself. All the people you think are beneath you are, if anyone, the only friends you have.
You're implying the cops aren't one of the staunchest pro-white groups out there. They get to see every day in bloody detail what niggers do to human beings. What spics do to each other and their kids. Yeah, your local cop is probably an asshole. It's his job to be, and as long as his job isn't too impossibly evil, he'll do it - because it brings home the bacon. Even if that means following directives from the municipality he works in that are repulsive or abhorrent. But when the chips are down, that military equipment is just as likely to get used against the state as it is to be used for it.
You wanna know what happened?
You and all your boomer-househelp-having friends better prepare and have been prepared because it's almost 0 hour. It's been almost 0 hour for a long time because on a 24 hour clock time can slip by four hours but when it's time for work the clock will tick slower and slower until it has to tick again.
It's basic psychology - an anticipated event is a year or decade out. Prepare for years or many years; the build up is palpable, nothing remotely close to whats expected but in the end you're prepared. No matter how long it takes.
As of now, there's roughly between 2 and 6 years of preparation left to do. After that it's reverted to an aware state. This has been planned on a generation or two timeline. My grandfather in the 60s was talking about having to prepare for world wide famine and a world military police order. He may have been right, god bless him, but his timeframe was behind.
Does this mean we disregard the men who taught us because they are dead and they were wrong on the time? No, it means we prepare because they taught us and they might be right.
And if we're wrong: what's the harm in being self reliant and working to improve ourselves, our land, and our families so future generations can benefit
We're probably about one more GWOT campaign away from collapse. If the Iran thing goes hot I believe it will be the final straw because:
we can't afford to project force for another 1-2 decades while keeping our open-bordered homeland safe, while shoveling out enough gibs to pacify an already divided country, while keeping our crumbling infrastructure intact, while restoring the (strategic) manufacturing base…ALL on credit.
There's no acceptable way to manage it without turning the dollar into ZOGbabwean toilet paper currency. It will be tough to do even without a war.
Cool anecdotes