How does pol make money?

1.How do you guys make lots money and feel good about it? Or how do you live frugal and cheat the system that doesn't even work for us anymore.

2.What is the ideal place to live? Each state has its own cancer, but some less than others.
>Small towns lack industry, but >ussually< have lower costs of living and are white and you generally are happiner.

Closing. What is an ideal way of life? self impolyed? Stock market? Farming? Higher education?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Welfare is great, all I have to do is pretend like my leg is too bad for me to be able to transport myself regularly outside of the house

To make lots of money I'm running my own business. It provides lots of income in briefcases, I get to work with Certified Internal Auditors each day. There is always a brother found in each site, you could say I'm a big guy.

STEM if you want the big money, baby. However, if I could do it again, I would say that the best thing to do at this time is to get some land and make a peaceful living for yourself.

Country would be the best place to live. If you want the city, you are signing up to become a soft and corrupted soy goy without a soul.

Farm if you can do it, but it will take money to get started. You could open your own business.

When I retire from law, I will start my own outdoor shooting range and a Christmas Tree farm growing the Douglas Fir variety. Nothing more therapeutic than working the earth and connecting with God's land. Don't start obsessing over the obstacles yet, user.

Its awesome
I just print my own
Here's a photo of it

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Found you.

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Why do you ask? I am suspicious of your line of questioning.

oh you are from orania, nice

Being gay

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I don't make money

I am a frugal man, I like the country idea. Honestly I lived in big cities for a while and I hate it. But the idea of going self employed gives me some anxiety.

The general question of whats the best way and where to live while still make decent money? Isn't this on everyones mind?

Trying to sue companies.

I have a business. Knew nothing about the trade, worked for some guy who trained/paid me less than minimum wage, and then eventually quit after I had all the certification I needed.

Rabbi Coinberg gives me a shekel everytime I make a datamining thread.

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Slide thread sage and report

Op's post is High school angst tier
How to make lots of money?
Look at a list of what pays:
Then pick one you can do. Keeping in mind that what pays the most changes: for example, I started in engineering during the cold war when pay was high. Fucking Reagan ended the cold war and engineering grads were pushing mops.
Where the job is. You also have to match location to pay - make no sense to live in Los Angeles or San Francisco if you're not pulling down millions.
Grow the fuck up.. Life's a bitch and then you die.
Want to make money as a working stiff, become a Mormon. They have a scam going where you give them 10% and they get you a job that pays 20% or more than what your sorry ass is worth.

Filtered, consider suicide, faggot.

More info?
Only making money by working is for suckers. We should be doing what the Jews are doing, use money to create more money, invest, and use loopholes and "charities" to keep as much of it for ourselfs as possible.

I short Tesla stocks every time Elon gets a new kike tweaker girlfriend. Works great!

I teach history and have so many kids that I still qualify for welfare programs.

I get my data mined on russian underground bunker graffiti walls.

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BTW OP, the Greater Israel Organ Futures Fund is looking for new associates. You should apply.

Life isn't singular. You are a link in a chain that was forged centuries ago. You are situated where you are because of choices made long before you were born.
If you focus on only your own situation, you might have glorious life, but that life could have devastating costs to the future links in the chain you have been trusted with.
When you choose where to be established, choose to honor the chain, past and present.

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You don't. Making money is a soulless, jewish way to approach labor. It removes the ethical relationship that our peoples have always had with work. The jewish media likes to ridicule working class "rednecks" as if their bourgeois lifestyle of fashion and consumption is superior, yet they need drugs and alcohol to fall asleep at night.

"One of jewry’s particular characteristics is a dislike of physical labor…He would rather trade, leaving work to others. His Talmud doctrines assisted him. In Germany, we hardly ever saw a jew among miners, farmers, masons, and earth workers, or other professions that involved heavy labor. When a jew did work, there was some sort of “big business” involved. Then he could work for quite a period. The decisive factor, however, is that the jew has no ethical relationship to labor, as we do. For him, labor is one of various possibilities for exploitation. He does not create value, but rather his goal is to heap up money."

From "The Jew as World Parasite" by G.G. Otto

So how the hell does someone even start a charity on their own? I wanna start one that helps the poor African people, garner libshit sympathy with pictures of black children, but in reality the money would go towards the white farmers living there and towards my pockets as well so I can help local businesses not fall to the WalMart meme

Cowboy here. Move out to one of the flyover states, they have low living costs and pay a fair wage. Avoid like the goddam plague anything near a big tourist/ski-hotspot/ resort town. Such places cause some of the worst gentrification imaginable. You get these nice low class rural communities that become packed with upper class rich faggots who want to play cowboy (but of course also need their urban luxuries and chain stores) and ruin entire counties in a few years. Plus, the endless development they bring in, being first so they have a place to live, then so they have a place to shop, then so they can import mexicans to work at the shop, is a horrible practice that rapes the land and hurts the community.

Also, take up hunting and fishing. If you hunt an elk, a bear, a deer, and a moose every year you have enough meat for a large family for well over a year. Also, hides, jerky, and horns/antlers are worth a fuck ton of money. Also, pro tip: ching-chongs think that cow horns have some sort of steroidal effect and, if you keep the horns after cutting them, you can make them into powder and sell them to the chinese for absurd prices. I make more money doing shit like this, plus the odd repair job or whatever around the town, then I do working on the ranch.

Your land is your absolute final guard of security and wealth. Even if I got doxxed and lost my job (my boss thinks like I do, so I doubt it) almost nothing would change for me.

SAMF. South African Migrant Foundation. I just made this up. Sounds liberal and negro-oriented. Collect lib money. Send to white farmers trying to GTFO. Win-win.

I like the way you think, user.

1. welfare
2. disability pension
3. mommy's credit card
4. bitcoins

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I work for a small business in the electronic repair / web master / complete IT department in one guy / genius who knows everything role. Luckily my boss and coworkers are white and conservative. Boss has snuck up on my viewing Zig Forums with big swastika on screen, he sieg heiled and laughed and kept walking. I don't get a huge paycheck, just enough to get by, but I am a 100% (whenever possible) DIY guy on house / car upkeep, so that saves me quite a bit of normie expenses.

i go rob onna dem big nosed wypipo homez, ya dig their qraqqa ass don need dat much a dem chedda ryda nigga

selling nigger kids to jewish faggots mostly there, glowworm thanks for asking

Very nice, only thing is I dunno anything about the legalities of it all (like how am I gonna start it up on my own and funnel it only to white farmers) because I've never even thought about working with charities before, but hopefully some startpage searching will help.

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I trade kike beaks.

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As a baby boomer, I made all my money from my inherence and from pulling myself from the boot straps to buy 10 houses in a little under a year with money I made from minium wage jobs. I rented out those houses to this day. I'm forcing my children to do the same so they will learn the same lessons I learned but for whatever reason their lazy asses have only lost money. I wonder why.

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No datamining. Put a bullet in your brain.

You're never getting your 10bux back.

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Been stuck on the neet scam for a decade feels meh only had the odd cash side job.

Once the 'rents die get ready for living life like a beaner 10 to a studio with other NEETS stuck in the same situation or in a van down by the river.

This board never ceases to to Wew me. Back to your hole spergs. Muh everyones out to get me oy vey.

Ok here is a fair response. I agree the world we live in is tailored to capitalniggers and the jews. But what else do we do when in Rome.

I agree, I want to live in wyoming and maybe do something like you've said.

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Kek mum owns her own place so ill just go full hermit grow food etc start a neet commune with some mates who can't afford the stupid cost of rent/living in rural aus even mate that's been my long term plan for over a decade now
What's gonna be fun is waithe children of men tier race wars in late 2019

Hope you don't have to pay property taxes. Better get your utilities sorted as well otherwise the jews will find a way to drain you.

Dude , stop fucking horses - it isn't right or healthy

Kill yourself with a fucking revolver you boomer cuck faggot. I hate your kind


By the time boomermum dies ill have some sort of farm setup so it should pay for itself hopefully weed growing is legal for hobbyists