German coalburner facially enriched with acid, sues penniless negro bf for 250k
I guess she's just looking for attention as he's unlikely to ever work or pay anything. Lol coalburners…
German coalburner facially enriched with acid, sues penniless negro bf for 250k
I guess she's just looking for attention as he's unlikely to ever work or pay anything. Lol coalburners…
Go black and receive an acid attack: the New Germany™
Its not really coal burning if shes not white
At least the coalburner is as ugly on the outside as it is on the inside.
To be fair. The negro was doing the white race a favor by trying to take out a tranny.
The diversity look.
But she's still alive. For now
that's pretty funny.
this waman isn't german by the way - looks like a turkish whatever mix that doesnt deserve children.
Google translate says it means damages. Strange name.
Not a mudslime attack, but still applies
We don't know if he's a mudslime, though. Just because he's not brown it doesn't mean that he can't holla for Allah.
Looks jew to these eyes.
Du dumme Schlampe, für dich hat die Volksgemeinschaft keinen Nutzen mehr.
Viel Spaß mit unserem "Rechtssystem", hier wird der Täter ja mehr geschützt als das "Opfer", ich meine, Opfer gibt es ja gar nicht, ne?
Nur "Erreicherungssuboptimaten", ja, so ist es!
Dumme Kuh.
Toll paid. Too bad she won't ever comprehend why this happened to her.
It's nice of the niggers to mark their damaged goods for the rest of us though.
Toll was only half paid the cunt is still alive and could possibly breed.Hopefully she commits suicide because of her ugliness before breeding.Also that (((nose))) looks suspect.
Race mixing whores need to die along with their niglets.
Monetary compensation for physical pain would be batter translation.
physical disfigurement
Nah, you can get Schmerzensgeld for getting your ass kicked without being disfigured.
Skipped trough the vid, apparently she has a daughter, question is if its from the nigger or from someone before, wouldnt be surprised tho if that someone was a sandnigger
Her suffering will be for the remainder of her life. Just as it should be for all traitors. A slow, miserable, death.
The problem is, she won't.
The state will protect her, and men will still want to fuck her - some men may want to fuck her MORE now.
This is the reality.
Women, especially women that are even vaguely attractive, experience no real consequences. Thats why a lot of them wind up burning coal - they can't comprehend that anything bad can happen to them, and frankly, its hard for something bad to happen to them.
Even this acid-scarred twat will be able to find some guy to plug her clam, and the state will ensure she doesn't starve even if she doesn't find such a cuck.
When do they all learn to make acid?
Dune Coons, Niggers, Pajeets, all shitskins in the eyes of god.
When will she be thrown in jail for a hate crime?
Oh wait, jews can do that and get away with it.
lye is easily bought and will melt your fucking face off although I don't know what this particular shitskin used however I can be sure it didn't require any chemistry knowledge because well it was a nigger.
Toll status: paid she should get deported along with her pet porch monkey
Rather you then me,mate.
Not dead yet.
Jesus Christ… how comes they haven't ban assault aci- oh wait… only turdskins use this.
Isn't lye the opposite of acid?
That filename, my sides.
I thought Deadshot was a guy?
This "Marvel-remakes-famous-character-as-a-woman" remakes are going to far.
Täter gibts gar nicht.
Back to your German class, amerimutt.
then we must disable the system that allows this behavior to occur without correcting itself
Nice one, Mohammad
That is not German. This woman is jewish ashkenazi, 20% Chink.
t. classifier
Huh, looks like Hel. I guess she can see herself now in the mirror.
Seeing this more and more on news sites.
I thought she looked off.
Yes it is basic. They typically use sulfuric acid, as it is very reactive and can be bought in fairly concentrated form for use in lead-acid batteries
But of course. Every fucking jew want to be German in this fucked up times.
Hell no. Only German Cro-magnon is German. Juden is neanderthal abomination. Like this one eyed ashkenazi beauty. No pitty for that scum.
correct however sodium hydroxide is a highly caustic base and alkali which may cause severe chemical burns especially if splashed in your face by a mud.
mystery meat
Ja mein bruder,
die dumme Hure hat es verdient.
(hope these german lessons are paying off.)
I am american and don't speak German yet I am more German than you rape baby.My ancestors left germany long before the wars so weren't raped by jew bolsheviks and mongols and now apparently every shitskin on the planet seeking welfare makes me wonder if you have any real germanic men left or you a haji that thinks your german because you were born there. lol
I doubt this, post your hand.
Well grab a pitchfork and go to the end of the line…destination Israel.
If I post my dick could you tell I imagine your intimate with different architecture based on race. ahaha and no not posting my hand
Oh, ok, don't talk shit then.
Makes it easy to spot the kikes who put greed over free press. Real knowledge will always find a free way to anyone.
you wouldn't get much from my hands anyway they are broken from smashing into shitskins faces growing up I think maybe you have a hand fetish
You have to capitalize Bruder, it's a title much like Hure.
What she whinging about? She still have her tattoo.
Half the women who racemix with niggers end up disfigured. The other half are single moms.
Burn the coal. Pay the toll.
Agree name is suspicious
Eye (the one that's left, her right) color is suspicious.
Nose and general face plain/ ugliness is suspicious.
She was damaged good long before her face dropped on the pavement.
Now, she became a tool for propaganda. They try to bend and twist the ugly truth of multicultural, multiethnic diversity as a kind of battlefield injury in the fight against bigotry, prejudice and racism.
So brave, as if she did choose to look like molten plastic. Similar as in other prominent cases in Britain the state propaganda tries to make here a martyr of diversity, that despite of temporary inconveniences, triumphs over hate.
Well she looks like shit and I had to throw up if I had to look at that face. No idea how someone could get a boner and keep it up long enough to impregnate that monster face, psychopaths maybe.
She tripped so hard she achieved Chim?
Direct translation is „Pain-Money“.
t. German
She got prego a year after the acid attack by some "youth-friend".
Also picture of her before without red-dyed hair. People with better ethnicity-radars might be able to judge. Could be some roach-DNA but also wouldnt put it past some jewish ones.
But it gets even better. The nigger is still writing her letters form jail:
Zwei Jahre nach dem Säure-Anschlag auf Vanessa Münstermann gibt der Täter offenbar keine Ruhe. >"Er schreibt mir aus dem Gefängnis", sagte die 29-Jährige. "Du bist genug bestraft mit deinem Aussehen und wenn ich dich töten würde, wäre das nur dumm von mir", habe in einem Brief gestanden. Sie lüge und sei selber schuld.
"He writes me from jail", sayys the 29 years old. "You are punished enough with your appearance and if I wanted to kill you, it would just be dumb of me", was written in a letter. She lies and it's her own fault.
With the last before christmas she went to the police: "There they said that there is no lead to investigate, because all of those are expressing opinions."
niggers seem to use acid everywhere they go
Failed Greentexting. Here for better reading:
"He writes me from jail", sayys the 29 years old. "You are punished enough with your appearance and if I wanted to kill you, it would just be dumb of me", was written in a letter. She lies and it's her own fault.
With the last before christmas she went to the police: "There they said that there is no lead to investigate, because all of those are expressing opinions."
Burn the coal, pay the toll!
No, they literally use boiling water filled with sugars. The media calls it "acid" to make it sound exotic and impossible.
I don't get the American purity spiraling. There's a difference between European American and a pure ethnic background from Europe, why the fuck do Americans feel the need to attack people we should be on the same side of?
I'm European-American. My ancestors came here four hundred years ago to settle untamed land. They came from all over Northwestern Europe, the Isles, and Scandanavia. They intermingled to form a new identity, American(before it got pozzed the way it is now). That's enough for me. Why do we get American assholes coming in here trying to LARP as continentals? You have a history, faggot, celebrate it like the Euros can celebrate theirs, monolithic or otherwise. Unless of course you're a fucking mutt, then get the fuck out.
Suffice to say I agree with your sentiments.
Jews are of all sorts and shapes. In adition to chink one, this mongrel also has nigger contamination/admix.
Mistery meat, yeah, and nothing remotely German on her.
But is members of her family are red pilled now?
Literal translation is Pain(Schmerzen)-Money(Geld)
So it's financial compensation you can sue one for.
WTF are you talking about? Why would they put sugar in it? That makes no sense. They use acid, which is why the media calls it acid. You can buy lots of acids, so they do. There's no chemistry involved for the muds.
Scheiße, verdammt - JEDESMAL!
Everytime it's a kikette
Being this new. Molten sugar sticks and burns.
Never had a stupid cousin whip marshmellows around on the end of a stick once they catch fire?
No we use to NOT roast industrial sugar shit over our fires. We make things like Steckerlbrot or just roast sausages.
Sugar can not melt when mixed into water. The boiling point of water is 100C, the melting point of sugar is 160C. Boiling water is 100C, boiling water with sugar in it is 100C. You are a fucking retard.
so many trs talking points in one post.
why do you alt-right fags hate purity so much?
Newfags this is shareblue copy pasta. Take note of it so you may avoid slides and disinformation in the future
you can't buy concentrated sulphuric acid without a security license as it can be used to make high explosives
siphoning off battery acid is also not that easy to accomplish without injuring oneself
so where the fuck do these (dune)coons get the acid from or is it as says merily a mediaterm
a woman*
I've said it many times: "alpha" niggers are just angry violent betas. Every chad black you see has the mindset of Elliot Rodger.
Maybe they know people. Sandniggers and coons in Europe possibly have networks where Mossad-funded Imams hand out acid to attack the infidels.
I sincerely hope that she's jewish.
Hopefully one of the turds coming to shit up the site get the same one day.
That rat has only paid interest so far.
She is.
Tip: check out the actual so-called victims in the UK, a handful are reused for propaganda, most who appear on television have no visible scars and no credible story.
burn the coal pay the toll. from miss italy to jigglypuff topjej
Eh not that great of a difference. At least her burned side has less metal in it, looks like a plus to me. She should be thankful.
Yes you can. Why do you retarded faggots make up stupid nonsense like this? Go to store. Buy acid. That's the entire process.
You literally pry off the cap and pour it out. How spastic are you that you think that's not easy to do without injuring yourself. You can't pour a liquid without splashing it in your eyes?
Get gassed, moshe.
Get gassed.
Think about what all the pain medication she now has to buy will do for the economy. Germany needs more big spenders like her.
How schizo do you have to be…
Who is moshe. Me or you?
Retype this:
you wont. not jew is allowed to retype that. check mate jew
We all know your religion explicitly demands that you lie to us to protect yourselves Schlomo, fuck off.
Why you didnt retype than?
you are too scared from your god Satan
Famous NYT columnist here, this is absolutely true. We need to Import more melanin-enriched gentlemen who enrich our women with acid to stimulate the economy and enrich everyone.