Good evening, Zig Forums. Tonight I would like to open up discussion on Toxoplasma Gondii and Toxoplasmosis.
It is a parasite found in roughly 1/3rd of the western population. It changes a lot and can be very harmful. It has been suggested that it can even cause one to have homosexual tendencies, among a great other things.
My question is this: how does one know if they have it? And, how would one go about treating or curing the parasite? The fucking mayo clinic and cdc are delightfully non helpful.
anti-cat is anti-white You have to be a really nasty fuck to even get this disease too.
Nicholas Cruz
I really am curious and this is the best place to discuss this, even if there's other things going on. I'm staying. Fuck you.
Probably. It seems that there are ways of transmission that can happen even to clean people. There just seems to be so little and what there is out there conflicts. It would be worthwhile to dig on this, even if we just wind up bashing faggots.
Justin Howard
I first heard about this from Joe Rogan when he got into a spat with a Brazilian and told him 70% of his country have a parasite from cats that cause women to be promiscuous and men to be aggressive. I had to look this up and was shocked to see it is considered true and is prevalent all over the world. The theory is cats evolved this to make prey like mice think they are as big and badass as the cat so approach it openly and the cat easily kills it.
Just the other day I recalled this, and realized it is unrealistic and likely bs. It's like the fantasy jew virus. Think of what we accuse shills of here, convincing men to singlehandly take on the government blowing up a gov building or something, or women to be promiscuous. If this was real the military would be refining and weaponizing it to make terrorists at will. So maybe that's why no info how to detect it, but more likely you can't detect it because its a made up theory.
Samuel Myers
Or it's a government virus and they just blame it on cats
Cameron Nguyen
sage for being ToxicJEWitis Rodentianus
and this
Joseph Hughes
Published on July 25, 2018:
Risky business: linking Toxoplasma gondii infection and entrepreneurship behaviours across individuals and countries
Get tested for it. Any pregnant woman get the test in my country.
Jason Stewart
Daily reminder that anti-cat is anti-White.
Parker James
You can get the cat parasite just by cleaning your house cat's litter. It spreads through airs, driplets from your cat's breath, sneezing, etc.. It's really not that hard to get.
Asher Clark
Also the amount of summerfags is surprising. I'd expect most of them to be in cuckchan feeling right at home there, but no, they come here
Jeremiah Morgan
pro-cat is pro-zion You have to be a really kosher fuck to have cats too.
Seems like a new homosexuality scam, honestly. Cats have been with man since before humans were farming. If they were making humans into fags with lack of self control then I guess everyone always was.
Let's say it's a new thing that's only 50yrs old. Well, I dont believe that either. People are turning gay because sexuality is a drug itself and there is biological social engineering going on like never before. That's the new socialism of today, biological warfare. But just blame the Illuminati kitties, never the Jews.
Both were engineered by early whites to kill shit and be friends. When England killed all their cats because they thought they were witches, it spread mice and rats carrying flees and started a plauge.
James Rivera
Anti-cat is anti-white, and you know why? Because only shit-skins don’t have a heart for animals of all kinds, especially domesticated ones. Cats are useful for pest control and have kept my house and barn rodent free for years. Fun fact, you can get parasites from eating any different kinds of food too, or even participating in the white hobby of survivalist training. Go have a walk in the woods and you’ll pick up ticks of all kinds that could transmit hundreds of diseases, it’s a parasite. But, knowing shit skins like you, you’d never step foot outside to do anything or to appreciate nature or take any risks.
You know what else would make you a shit-skin? Not taking proper care of your animals and not keeping your house clean enough to where you don’t get this disgusting disease. Blaming anything on animals and not on humans who are too disgusting to keep a litter box clean, just proves how much of a useless waste of space they are.
All animals belong to the white man.
Aaron Clark
This, pretty much. "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" is very apt. When I was just a babe, I contracted some nasty shit from a tick while I was out in the woods. Fast forward a year and I'm impervious to just about anything. I haven't even gotten a case of the sniffles since. If you get out and do more, you'll naturally grow strong as an ox. Can anyone tell me whether or not the immune system is (partially) hereditary?
Ofcourse it is. Lots of research on this as a matter of fact. but I'm not sure how much a man can pass on though, the only stuff I read was on mothers.
Carter Stewart
By the looks of it Moishe is even angrier today, It even made a projecting compilation.
Dylan Stewart
Just a way for sodomites to try and pin their sexual deviancy on something else instead of coming to terms with it. >>>/trs/
James Johnson
Michael Mitchell
t. Toxoplasma Gondii and their ex-human husks
Noah Hall
If I didn't know any better, the statistics listed in OP's picture I'd say that getting Toxoplasmosis is great! Because you're basically guaranteed to be an alpha chad with an almost 100% chance of having a male heir to your bloodline. But we know better, don't we? My theory is that cats give Toxoplasmis to humans as a way for them to leech off them. Apparently Toxoplasmosis increases people's love for cats (related to the dopamine increase) and so these catladies instead of having natural maternal instincts have cats as their babies and treat them as such. But other than this I do not see significant evidence to support the claim that it literally turns you into faggot. I see it more as a mental disorder and incorrect wiring of the brain (similar to a porn addiction in a way) brought on by the social engineering and outright brainwashing of the current year.
Yes, I think everyone here agrees that gay is bad and it is a problem which must be dealt with but I propose that we focus our attention more on the causes of the faggotry from a means of subversion and brainwashing, when we bring the truth to light and we clean our civilizations from the subversive (((powers that be))), faggotry will eventually die out as these people will not breed so it will not be genetically carried on. If Toxoplasmosis is in fact causing the gay, some anons have pointed out that cats have been around for fucking forever, and in an orderly society gay can be stamped out by simple social standards. This unregulated poz and faggotry is brought on because the kikes have broken the society in which we live in and corrupted it. Once we take back our homes we can see about removing the gay from the gene pool through simple natural law of 'the gay will not breed'. Just like our Uncle in Heaven would have wanted.
Ryder Hughes
You can be tested for it and have it cured with medication, but any neurological damage or personality changes would most likely be permanent, so most people don't bother. The damage is likely done by the parasite to the fetus in utero or during early childhood development. That is why young children should never be brought up in a home with indoor cats.
Camden Ramirez
Toxoplasma gondii causes liberalism, by the way. >>>/pdf/62
Aiden Murphy
Very fascinating subject OP. After all, cats came from Aidsfrica and it's no wonder they are there to stop an healthy evolution of everything that is good in life. Look at how they destroy the fauna of everywhere they go. Billions of birds kill every years by those disgusting killers. The must humane thing to do is to kill them all in order to save what is worth saving.
Nolan Jones
Or you could stop playing with their shit and avoid the entire problem. Dog shit isn't any healthier for you. If you have a cat, it needs to be an outdoor cat. I have a cat, he is an outdoor cat, I don't play with his shit and he keeps the rodent population down. He does eat birds but he eats way more mice, squirrels and rabbits than birds. I wouldn't give up my cat for the world, he is a functional part of my permaculture world. My dogs can catch rabbits, but they ignore mice and squirrels.
Daniel Lee
Interesting read, user. Thank you for this. I think that if this theory has any weight, it is not to be considered the only reason and cause for what we are facing though. Consider that liberalism and this cultural marxist bullshit is mostly a thing in Gen Z and the Millennial generations. If this disease has been around for longer than these generations then it is surely not the prime cause of liberalism. It probably isn't far fetched a theory to believe that some sort of disease could perhaps change the indirect behaviours of humans, and I know some people are so tightly held in their false feelgood beliefs that they are simply not willing to learn, it's as if they never really grew up. Maybe we should see if Gen Z has had some statistical or demographic issue with maturing and growing up mentally, we see soyboys running around as if they have never hit puberty, testosterone is decreasing throughout the male population and that can be attested to a weaker people with weaker minds. Perhaps then if we are to see any light shine upon this theory we should look into research about how children/teenagers and young adults think over the generations, what their mentality is and what their outlook on life is. I'm already seeing a mentality shift in Gen Z, while some are just nothing more than the lapdogs of the pozzed NWO, others have become disgruntled and are realizing that they are growing in a world rapidly falling apart, they know something is wrong but do not realize what that wrong is yet… No amount of anti catshit disease therapy isn't going to show them (((who))) is putting catshit in their water.
Aaron King
I understand that a controlled cat in a controlled environment is probably fine, the problem is that not everyone is like you. The problem is that people in general are too emotional when it comes to something they consider cute. They will let it slide (the fact that Cats are wrecking the fauna) as long as it give them warm feeling, "they iz so kwwute".
Elijah Mitchell
i like that. Pretty subtle. Anyone whos in still gets the message. Just like all those pedo-metaphors only pedos understand we develop our literacy only WE do understand. 15 years from now you wont even remember this day
Jacob Martinez
it's zeh ebil illuminati catz yo not the J00's i repeat not the j00's
Jason Murphy
You are an honorary nigger.
Elijah Parker
Eating undercooked, contaminated meat (especially pork, lamb, and venison). Accidental ingestion of undercooked, contaminated meat after handling it and not washing hands thoroughly (Toxoplasma cannot be absorbed through intact skin). Eating food that was contaminated by knives, utensils, cutting boards and other foods that have had contact with raw, contaminated meat. Drinking water contaminated with Toxoplasma gondii. Accidentally swallowing the parasite through contact with cat feces that contain Toxoplasma. This might happen by cleaning a cat’s litter box when the cat has shed Toxoplasma in its feces touching or ingesting anything that has come into contact with cat feces that contain Toxoplasma accidentally ingesting contaminated soil (e.g., not washing hands after gardening or eating unwashed fruits or vegetables from a garden) Mother-to-child (congenital) transmission. Receiving an infected organ transplant or infected blood via transfusion, though this is rare.
Christopher Edwards
Here we integrate primary data from college students and business professionals with national-level information on cultural attitudes towards business to test the hypothesis that T. gondii infection influences individual- as well as societal-scale entrepreneurship activities. Using a saliva-based assay, we found that students (n = 1495) who tested IgG positive for T. gondii exposure were 1.4× more likely to major in business and 1.7× more likely to have an emphasis in ‘management and entrepreneurship' over other business-related emphases. Among professionals attending entrepreneurship events, T. gondii-positive individuals were 1.8× more likely to have started their own business compared with other attendees (n = 197). Finally, after synthesizing and combining country-level databases on T. gondii infection from the past 25 years with the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor of entrepreneurial activity, we found that infection prevalence was a consistent, positive predictor of entrepreneurial activity and intentions at the national scale, regardless of whether previously identified economic covariates were included. Nations with higher infection also had a lower fraction of respondents citing ‘fear of failure' in inhibiting new business ventures.
Charles Ross
i've seen dog ladies who call their dogs their "babies" in public. it can't be the gondo
Wyatt Gray
No. It is only in their shit, and only during a specific period of the parasites reproductive cycle. You have to eat cat shit after a cat has eaten an infected mouse. Or you have to eat undercooked meat, which is how most people get it.
The more frequently you clean a litter box the more likely you are to get infected.
There is no risk to children, only to fetuses. And indoor cats don't pose a risk, only cats that can go out and eat infected mice can carry it.
There is nothing permaculture about an environmentally destructive invasive species you knob. Leave the mice to the foxes, snakes, owls, hawks, weasels, etc that are part of the native ecosystem and belong here.
Dylan Gutierrez
how rare can that really be when 70% of the WORLDWIDE POPULATION is infected the chances of you getting a non-infected organ are THREE IN TEN . PLUS when u get an organ they put you on immunity suppressants that means you cant fight the plague off.
is what actually drives me up the wall… it would be possible to just (((throw))) cat shit into a building meant for getting water , lets say a well, and infest whole city areas? Do i understand that correctly? I know for a fact that the modern pump systems in place for city supplies of water dont even get guarded. It wouldnt even be difficult.
Catscratch fever is a big problem. But right now we need to deal with the most dangerous parasite in the world.
Jacob Baker
No doctor will test you for it unless you are immunocompromised. They believe that it has no impact on health, despite many case studies proving otherwise.
Take an anti-malarial like TMP/SMX. You can buy this as fish antibiotics from a pet store without a prescription for pretty cheap. It's the exact same as Rx antibiotics. Unless you really suspect you have toxoplasmosis it's better to not take it because overuse of antibiotics causes resistance. However it is such a common disease that if you have any symptoms and have been around cats you probably have it. Some suggest 1/3rd is actually an underestimate.
Kevin Robinson
A lot of peoples carry it just like a shitload of other nasty stuff but it's dormant and doesn't affect us, now if it activate I think you are going to have more problem then just turning into a more massive faggot then you already are.
Eli Howard
Your should ALWAYS be filtering any water you drink, with a reverse osmosis filter or at the very least an activated carbon filter. The store bought filters will at least filter out toxoplasmosis and other bacteria/parasites.
Mason Garcia
Beaners aren't allowed here. But you're not wrong
Joseph Young
retarded meme
fuck off, I love cats. better than some stinky slobbering dog that can bite people and get you sued and you have to take it out to poo every 8 hours. cats are the official pet of the internet, dogcucks are scum normals
Don't assume my race or the race of my wife's son ever again you biggot. I'm a frog
Evan Morgan
Hudson Jackson
There's literally nothing wrong with pitbulls. They're a perfectly nice dog if you train them correctly, as with other dogs.
The problem is niggers abusing them to the point they become psychotic.
Nathaniel Campbell
This. A white lad can empathize and tame any animal with even a scrap of its own empathy. All mammals all have empathy, even retarded ones like rabbits. To betray an animal's trust is the same as betraying the trust of a child. This is why niggers, kikes, muds, and chinks hate animals, because they themselves are soulless husks.
Blake Ramirez
Yeah fuck letting an animal void itself outside, just stack up piles of shit inside your house
Lincoln Perez
Owned by whites with the brains and resources to handle them, pit bulls are as good as personal Marine bodyguards; vid related. Owned by niggers, they are basically Somali pirates with enough intelligence to slip their fences and hurt real people's children.
Gas niggers and other dog-averse shitskins.
Julian Ramirez
This, socioeconomic factors and institutionalized biases against pitbulls are what make them bite people.
Jackson Howard
I'm neither a sodomite nor a schizophrenic, you mentally ill degenerate
Nope, that's all you.
Henry White
Only in a judaized society would retarded animals like niggers be allowed to own considerably smarter dogs.
Cooper Miller
Incredibly rare. First of all, 70% are not infected, that's a made up number. Second, the parasite doesn't infect most organs. Third, it is only in any organs at all for a short span of about 2 weeks.
It is not bacteria, antibiotics do absolutely nothing to it. Jesus fuck you people are stupid.
Owen Cooper
What's the best dog to fend off niggers and arabs? Something loyal and protective.
Parker Hall
shit bulls were bred for dogfighting, they have a very strong prey drive, powerful jaws, basically a big slab of muscle that won't stop attacking until its target is dead or it is. that's how they were bred- not as pets, as killers. pit bulls should be banned and every pit bull should be euthanized, including yours. they are the niggers of dogs and they maul white children to death (as well as cats and other dogs, and even adults) all the time. pit bulls deserve genocide
they poop in the litterbox which you clean once a day, it's very clean and easy. versus turning your backyard into a minefield or having to pick up fresh shit with a scoop
german shepherd is one popular option that can be trained to maul people you don't like while being a sweetie to those you do. that's why they're popular choices for K9. pit bulls, on the other hand, will just kill anything for pleasure
Jacob Ward
Jonathan Barnes
the cat poops in the cat litter which absorbs the moisture and neutralizes the smell. you sift through it with a slotted scoop to dispose of the poops and pee clumps once a day. it's very easy and not nearly as gross as cleaning up a huge pile of dog shit twice a day
Asher Cruz
so you're telling me the cats that always roam around outside my house because the ghetto thug owners next door won't ever feed them is the reason why i wanna become pic related?
God I'm so sick of this retarded fucking facebook-tier line. All pit bulls need to be gassed, no exceptions. No go backk to your pit bull moms Facebook page.
Very funny. I kekked. You're easily the funniest kike here right now.
Pit bulls bite like land sharks because that's their genetic nature. They are naturally territorial, possessive, aggressive, loyal, and they impose very high demands for space, exercise, and attention from their owners.
If the humans can provide those things, the dogs' nature is harnessed into a solid defense and guard dog. If things go wrong and the dog is abused, neglected, improperly trained, or not trained at all, then you have a dangerous monster on your property. Exactly like a shotgun, which can – in the hands of a skilled and responsible user – take down birds and defend property, or it can be used for suicide and killing your kids.
Let me put it in terms your people understand, Chaim: Imagine you had 100 shekels. Those shekels could be wisely invested and earn up to 10 shekels a year for you. Or they could be squandered – say, if you paid a JIDF shill to shit up a Nepalese foreskin-restoration community online – in which case, your return is 0 shekels, and eventually you would have no shekels at all and be a very sad Jew.
why are so many people attacking Foregen? they are the only hope for cutfags to have a real life. this shit really pisses me the fuck off, why are a few italian doctors and burger intactivists "kikes because I said so"? they're doing something that is the polar opposite of jewish behavior. they're asking for money because they need it to conduct the research, they're operating on very little income
You must lurk for two years, you motherfucking nigger. In the meantime, stop shitting up this board with your disgusting newfaggotry.
Xavier Adams
Antibiotics work on more than just bacteria. They are the most common treatment for parasites. TMP/SMX inhibits DNA synthesis and cell growth and replication. It's the recommended treatment by pretty much all medical authorities.
Kevin Carter
Justin Cox
I don't think I've seen anyone attack foregen but, still ->Estimates for the price of the procedure are around $10,000
Julian Bell
Yes, pit bull attacks are more likely to be fatal than dachshund attacks. But the weiner dogs bite more and have worse tempers, which your chart doesn't show. Notice how the fatalities are all caused by big dogs? Nothing on there about small terriers, which are the overwhelming number of hospital visits caused by dog bites.
That doesn't make those 254 mostly niggers and their children "people" less dead, but it does provide perspective on the dogs' temper.
Gavin Wilson
Pitbulls are the niggers of the dog world. They're stupid and aggressive and should be removed from civilized society.
Yes. Atovaquone and Clindamycin have been shown to destroy toxoplasmosis cysts if you have been infected for a while. If the infection is recent and cysts haven't formed yet, it's much easier to kill them.
Matthew Lopez
People don't typically have to go to hospitals or have lasting damage to their bodies for chihuahua or wiener dog bites retards. Even if they did not, the dogs can be easily removed, which can't be said for your pibbles. Those fucks do not let go
Leo Green
If we increase awareness and support Forgen I hope that forskin regeneration will become a cheap and widespread operation. If it becomes possible there is no reason why every cutfag should not get it.
William Davis
Gavin Morgan
Kevin Jones
Colton Carter
what, you can't afford that? $10,000 for a penis? I'd do it for $100k+ I'd never accept that. If it ever becomes apparent, I will commit suicide immediately. There is literally no reason to be alive without a foreskin.
yeah no shit big powerful slab of muscle dogfighting dogs are more dangerous, that's the point you fucking moron. it doesn't matter if chihuahuas are more likely to bite because their bites aren't severe. Cats are pretty likely to bite and scratch even their owners that they love but it's not a big ideal because they're only little. Granted, they could draw a fair bit of blood if they wanted but they hold back
they say that they could begin clinical trials as early as 2019. funding is the key obstacle, they need more money, so please sign up for monthly. it will bump you up in line when the time comes
Elijah Powell
Why not just skip the rationalizations and admit the real reason you don't like them? According to your religion, all dogs are haraam.
>The Prophet said, "Angels do not enter a house which has either a dog or a picture in it."
some have, there was a thread on Clopper's speech in Boston and people were calling him a jew and saying "we cut your foreskin off now we're gonna sell it back to you goy". it's fucking infuriating
Cooper Hill
Ive come to terms with it, and no cant afford 10k to grow by foreskin back. You trying to make me feel bad or something?> It won't work.
Wow that is disgusting but that's jews for you.
Ethan Wood
well make some shekels ok, get a good job, be frugal. it is the absolute highest priority no, I'm just expressing my personal sentiment. I will choose not to live if I can't be healed, good luck to the rest of you but I'm all set, bye.
Evan Morgan
also they've mentioned they want to have payment plans so you can pay over time instead of $10k up front, just saying
Jace Lee
t. Toxoplasma Gondii and their ex-human husks
Adam Ortiz
No one in this thread seems to understand humans' role in the life cycle of Toxo. Rats, Cats, but where to humans come in? Not at all. We know how the parasite affects rodents - it makes them more likely to be eaten by cats, so that part is no mystery. But what about humans? How is the parasite ever to get from human to rodent, or feline? It seems like it must be incidental, right? The parasite would rather not be in a human, it arrived there by mistake, right? NO, HERE IS WHY TOXO INFECTS PEOPLE And so on. Toxo's effects on human males are designed to cause war, this is how it jumps from humans to rats. And the effect on females - sexual promiscuity - ensures an ample supply of male children to go to war and be eaten. Remember that the disease has been evolving for millions of years, and it's only in the past decades that mass warfare became a thing of the past. In the millennia before the current era, battlefields littered with thousands of dead was a normal recurring event - Toxo's reproductive orgy.
Hudson Williams
The one thing I seem to notice in my life is that when a family has 4 sons, 1 of them always seems to be gay. Sometimes I wonder if that is natural selection trying to limit competition.
Colton Martin
that's not how natural selection works. there is no selection pressure for the gene death of an organism, the goal of every organism is to survive and reproduce. that's why the whole idea that one can be "born gay" is complete bullshit, it's a disease