>Niggers don't work hard
I dont give a fuck.
Yeah I don't trust this bullshit.
There's your tl;dr, now fuck off, libshit.
Judges chapters 19-21
If nogs want to protect rapists and murderers among them they should all be put to the sword.
Same for the kikes, Benjamites haven't changed.
I said get the fuck out of here.
lots being slid, be sure to sage, ya fuckin summertime faggots.
Sounds like justice to me. As said, you defend a rapist, you get treated like rapists. Convenient that it leaves out the whole chimp out angle from the niggers to make them look like the victims.
What's wrong with burning down an entire neighborhood of niggers. Every single nigger has committed a crime in their life, it's how they are raised. Their parents teach them to steal, beat people up, murder, rape, and that they are entitled to do that. There is nothing wrong with burning every nigger to death, because each and every one of those sub 80 IQ fucks deserve it.
Obviously they don't work hard, as evident by your picture of niggers still living in huts, unable to put in enough work to push past primitive structures.
Yep, now you're getting it!
No innocents among any group that protects the wicked among them.
Death to Babylon, you are one of her whores.
Whites outnumbered the Blacks and came up with vastly greater Casualties. They dropped like Chinamen.
Yep, you've got a good grasp of the concept.
It was a neighborhood of niggers, I don't know if you've ever been in one before but nothing of value was lost, though it probably made the area look better.
Based, should have killed more of the useless nappy headed bastards.
Almost like the blacks fired first, considering how they got whooped afterwards.
Checked for nigger whoopin'.
Niggers were never very good at deception, too small minded.
If you've actually read diaries of Tulsa residents back then before the Tulsa white flight, you'll know even the blacks at the time complained how lazy blacks were and wished they had the work ethic of the white protestants.
Oh and for a historical fun fact, Prussia(Germany) sided with the Union during the civil war. Look how grateful the sons of the freed slaves are to their liberators! Ha ha ha
What is IQ? What is genetics? Are there already black nations elsewhere where they can live?
Mods delete this shit thread.
Biology always outs. Niggers can't help but rape and now that we see that law enforcement in a lot of white nations is a joke it's going to be a matter of time until shtf. I hope I live long enough to see a genocide of jews, niggers and beaners.
It's ok to kill every last nigger, they are a scourge
But before they die out i hope they rape you to death first
I feel like being Devil's Advocate here for a minute or two I like challenges.
If you want to present a more moderate position to normies (to counter-act anti-white screeching), here's another point of view:
A person, belonging to a community attempts to commit a serious and horrible crime. Thankfully, he's stopped and put up for trial.
Nary a peep can be heard: the system is working as intended and everyone is calm.
BUT: the Law itself is powerless to jail this person. There's not enough evidence. It's that "we'd rather release 100 guilty men rather then jailing 1 innocent" morality that sets us apart from the Chinese, you know?
This however, doesn't fly too good for the second community: the one the victim is a part off.
This community feels that if this person is let go, the crime will repeat itself, this time to completion.
Worse: this sends the message that "You can commit crimes as long as you're not caught".
The response? Fear. Anger. Rage.
So now the second community marches up to the courthouse. The Law will not do anything (because it can't) but the people will.
Now is when things get complicated: the first community arrives to protect it's member. From their point-of-view, the Law did what it had to do and they do not recognize authority on the other community to judge and punish their members.
Now you've got two large groups of people that want the opposite of each. And they're armed.
What happens next is the unfortunate natural consequence of armed people with an irreconcilable disagreement.
Someone does something stupid (it's pointless pointing fingers: it's always a matter of "when" not "if") and all Hell breaks loose.
If someone asked my opinion: the worst error committed that night was the black community not punishing the men themselves.
One thing that could have prevented a lot of bloodshed was a leader from their community stepping forward and recognizing that the men in question did something heinous and he would be punished by them, on their terms (which if you know anything about blacks, would be far worse than lynching).
Instead, they stood next to a rapist and said "We're gonna defend them from you." This, more than the attempted rape, incites the greatest fear, anger and rage: it's a very large group of people saying "We're a-okay with rape when it's one of us raping you."
It's very likely that this was not their actual opinion, but is nevertheless how they were perceived. As a community of would-be-rapists with a small militia ready to defend them should the other community disagree with a rape here and then.
As always, the problem in the black community in america is a lack of accountability. Someone did something terrible. That person has to be treated as a civilized, rational and fully-grown adult that answers for it's crimes. Instead, he was defended and kept from facing the consequences for his actions.
The Black community was always treated like a child raised by an overly attached parent: the parent will defend his son from everything, even when the kid misbehaves and brings about punishment from a third party, the parent will step between them and say "He's just a child!". Or some of these familiar sentences:
Over time, the child grows up with a sense of impunity, the idea that he can do anything free of consequences, that the pain he causes to others will never bring down on him the wrath of others. But child is now 30 years old, and there's a dozen men with torches running after him. He's confused, he doesn't know what the hell they want, why is it so serious. And the other kids rally near him. They don't know either, but they're friend is under attack and they must defend him.
From an impartial point of view, the story of the Black community in America is one long tragedy.
From a Volkish point of view however, it's a fucking travesty and these fucks all need to be shipped back to Africa.
Moderates deserve the rope as much as anyone for being retarded enough to accept a frog boil.
No, Africa belongs to the Boers, blacks can either behave as humans where they are or die in the coming days of trial.
Moderates want what we all wanted before finding this place. Peace.
I outright refuse to demand others to fight my battles. If they take the bluepill, all I ask from them is that they sit these one out. Like people say in my country: "If you don't bother me, you're already helping a great deal".
In a few years, I may change my opinion. When things get bad, really bad (no the hyperbolic version of the world some Zig Forumsacks hold), defense of your communities is a duty, not a right.
We're not at that level yet. For now, most of our population can live a relatively happy and safe life, and I'd like to keep that going.
In the interest of fairness, only South Africa. That's the land they settled, that's what they should keep. There's no Causus Bellis to stomp north and kill every nigger.
What we should do is stop sending them aid, let them sort themselves out or outsource services to them (police, healthcare, entertainment) in exchange for goods and services. Like a normal country does.
They'd either be uplifted (imagine for a second a world were niggers are smart enough to be considered black-skinned-caucasians. Wouldn't that be nice?) or they'd perish and die in a pile of aids and tribalistic petty in-fighting.
On the first scenario: everyone gains a new trade partner and another good country to visit.
On the second: we colonize the place and establish a new trader partner and another good country to visit.
I've been to the nigger hate threads, user.
The 1st world niggers are akin to demonic monsters that prey on it's host nation (how fitting that they mimic their masters).
The 3rd world niggers are simply retarded inbreed animals. I don't consider them a threat and don't believe they're worth the price of a bullet to shoot them with.
The blacks tried to bust their rapist out of jail, and started killing white people.
National guard comes in and puts down the Negro's riot.
You start shooting white people, they cut you down like a rabid dog.
The Boers live in South Africa, not all of Africa. Liberia is find for blacks.
Negro raped a white girl, got arrested.
Negros tell themselves rapist is going to be lynched (death penalty for rape then anyway) and go to bust Negro rapist out of jail. Start killing white people.
White people and National Guard fight Negroes. Negroes lose.
some of these tribal hoes be dope