Alex Jones Thinks a False Flag Is Imminent
Keep ur video cams handy.
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come on op, this is not 4chan
Fuck off nigger.
Oh shit oh shit, where's my tinfoil helmet…. sage
alex jones is a domestic terrorist because he doesn't name the jew.
nothing is holding him back after being removed from zogtube.
Then a false flag probably isn't imminent. He's probably gambling on a muslim doing something stupid so he can say "told ya so! they banned me because i know their secret plans! buy my pills!'
I like Bill Hicks as a comedian, but don't take everything he says as fact.
Who were you saying "fuck off" to? Both of those anons?
Shame you didn't sage but w/e.
(((Oh shit oh shit, where's my tinfoil helmet…)))
Tel Aviv
Alex Jones is a false flag, nigger. Now fuck off back to cuckchan.
you sound like you need to take off of these pills, and they're on sale!
you should buy them all and take them all at once to be a super god
(((Crisis Actor))) Troupe ASSEMBLE!
I like how Alex Jones just nearly says "Jews"
Hard to resist tbh
and don't forget to take it with some filtered water. you don't want to be turned into a raging faggot do you.
Ive been looking for toothpaste that doesnt have fluoride. I expected it to be priced higher than mainstream brands. That is pretty reasonable.
Plus winter is coming up and vitamin D deficiency is a real thing in my country.
Meanwhile in Arkansas
Just use fluoride mouth wash, you really just want to avoid drinking it.
He may be right and he might not be.
Their might be aliens on earth but there might not be.
Everyone will die tomorrow or it might not happen.
he's carried on a couple hundred real radio stations. you can't name the jew over the airwaves or the FCC will come down on you hard.
Well they been scrubbing normalfag social media so theres no gateway redpills to influence the next election.
Maybe its just me but everyone is redpilled now.
It seems in America you are either redpilled, an older boomer who still just watches TV, or still in education.
Exactly. Some uhh memorable politicians come from Arkansas… Hollywood seem to idolize them.. And we all know Hollywood is the beacon of light on the hill…
How "good" are these pills exactly ? Are they overpriced vitamin B,C,D calcium and zinc pills ?
I've bought and used some. They are good shit.
Real vitamins.
Might as well kill yourself mate you're never ever going to make it
His and all the other ziostooge alt media getting banned is the false flag.
Type on twitter once a week a FALSE flag is gonna happen and you can prettymuch bet your house something fuckedup n violent is gonna happen in USA, you could just point to a weekend of shootings in chicagostan as the false flag if nothing meets the initial criteria.
Actually call out muslims for an act of terrorism n get banned. If jones cant even predict some kind of details before the event that are verifiable after the ff event its just speculative.
I've considered this, but none of them are pushing for laws to fix it, but instead going after tech for anti trust issues, which is the correct move.
You know what would be news-worthy, you complete and total faggot? If Jonestein wasn't claiming a false flag is imminent. For a change. That would be news-worthy.
Solid point
it conditioning for the steal come election time,the alt media tipped the scales so (((THEIR))) rigging didn't work the marxist rat has lost control to the ziorat so now they don't like where its going still thinking they have control when well over 10% know and they know what that means SHUT IT DOWN OUR PSY OP BACK FIRED OY VEY!!!!
He was right last time.
Solid trips
A stopped clock is correct twice a day. Jonestein wishes he could be half as accurate.
whats the tell though the jew is up to something as it isn't just AJ its anyone that is right of marx is getting shoa'd off if all kike media.Another example of jews gettign together to shut it down.
Jones knew it was coming and knows a lot he has obfuscated for decades bending the truth in face of facts to fit the pro ziorat narrative.
Alex Jones took a lot of cues from Cooper.
that would be newsworthy
but then you could assume he was compromised in some way.
Jonestein constantly makes predictions, almost none of which come true.
That is when a nuke went missing from a Texas base if I remember correctly.
Pretty much the shoah is bigger than just jones.
You're missing the point. Alex makes bullshit predictions on a daily basis, so, whenever something inevitably happens, he can say he predicted it, and his retarded cultists will eat it up. It's a lot like the Q LARP, which he also had a role in.
Also, what's the possibility of this warning being handed down by Trump?
The beard DOES make him look wiser…
Alex Jones always says a false flag is imminent. He keeps saying it and then, when something happens, he claims to have predicted it. That's a very old shtick.
For the last ever since I have ever known who he is yes that is true.
What does it actually do?
America supposedly fights better in winter when its darker and colder thanks to expensive night vision and cold weather gear. Not sure when they are pitted against people armed with more than pajamas and sandals.
kek everyone should filter their water. Because of fluoride and added X the recommended daily intake of tap-water is 0.8 US gallons (or 3 litres for Eurobros travelling in the US)
You also get fluoride from black tea, recommended daily intake is only 1 cup.
This isn't a conspiracy it's official recommendations. LD50 of Fluoride is 25 ppm and you should take that seriously.
If i dont trust the DISINFO conspiracy theorist , does that make me a conspiracy theorist ?
William Cooper called this shitbird out 20 years ago.
Former Army Colonel on Tucker 3 weeks ago warning of an upcoming false flag in Iran by the Deep State to start a war.
No one cares.
Something is being slid. Did you notice religious D&C thread number 1748354836 just went up?
Chock full of Euro vs America d&c, pagan s Christian, and other cancer.
That fat fuck banned me from the infowars discus for posting stuff like that.
We like to go out in the cold, rain, sandstorms, and darkness. That's when the enemy is most vulnerable. Sneaking up on a force in broad daylight and stabbing people in the neck is infinitely harder when they're thinking " "
What if alex jones was only taken down so he couldnt talk about ketron island and the literally false flag that almost just happened
For a second I thought it was because when we used to win wars, it was when we were primarily of Northwestern European stock and our natural environment was darker, colder, and therefore our guys weren't getting sunburn and huffing sand.
You're probably more on the money than I am.
Of course, ever since he's gotten the death threats, he's been a shabbos goy. He's gotten a lot richer, too.
Jonestein supports war with Iran
He's been a shabbos goy his entire career.
It should go without saying, but the relevant part is the clip of Jonestein, not the autism from that Joel Redacted faggot who thinks there's a National Socialist conspiracy.
Spoilers: Alex Jones is the false flag
Sounds about right.
What you get? 5 cents per post?
Alex Jones?
Sounds legit.
He's controlled via Mossad where the fuck have you been?