Canada: Government openly plans to replace White Canadians by 2100

Let me introduce you to the Century Initiative:

These people are working with the current Canadian government to increase Canada's population to 100 million by the year 2100 by increasing immigration to a rate of 450,000+ per year.

This "initiative" is pure evil. The website is full of pictures of White children and women, and zero White men. They say they are "concerned about the future being left to the next generation" while doing everything they can to make the current White Canadian majority a tiny minority of less than 10% of Canada's population by 2100. The White children they feature on the website will either not exist or be an insignificant minority.

The government is following this plan OPENLY. One of the founders, Dominic Barton, is Canada's "Economy Czar". The replacement of White Canadians is not a "conspiracy theory", it has been announced as a goal by the Canadian government.

Look at this photograph from the homepage of the website: It features a black sub-Saharan African man with a TATTOO OF AFRICA on his forearm. This photo is featured right beside a White woman and a White child. Nowhere on the entire website is there a photo of a White male. Nowhere. This is what they envision for Canada and what millions of Canadians are seeing manifest right before their very eyes.

Requesting help in digging into all of the people involved with the Century Initiative:

Also requesting any and all additional information relating to the Century Initiative, George Soro's Metropolis Project, and GBA+.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Meet one of the founders: (((Mark D. Wiseman)))

I'm wondering how many of the founders and advisory board are jewish, and how many are connected to George Soros' think tanks. We should look for connections to the Canadian CIGI think tank (founded by George Soros' protege Jim Balsillie), as well as Soros' INET think tank in the US.

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2100 is a psyop, its 2060.

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Sorry, 20% by 2060, 100 million people.

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Holy shit. I thought 200k a year in Australia was ridiculously high. You'll be gone by 2030 let alone 2100.

Kek, you fell for 4/pol/ Trudeau posting. It's a meme to slightly edit articles about Trudeau to make them sound worse than they actually are.

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I dont use cuckchan and thats actually the plan, 100 million people by 2060, negative white birth rate, almost exclusively non-white immigration, boomers dying off etc, 20% white by 2060. The white population has almost stayed stagnant at about 20 million people for a long time, decades. It doesnt move much, if it does, it will go down. 20% white by 2060.

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The "100 million by 2060" is the part of the article that was edited. That would be in population of 64 million in 42 years, which would be 1.5+ million per year.

However, I don't doubt that they could accomplish this and are probably going to try to do so.

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Niggers have more than 1.2 children per family, it all compounds and they will no doubt take in a lot more than they are now by the time the country shifts just a few more percentage points. Its already 53% white, worse than the US.

Idgaf about canadians.

But if ever I get the chance to come back at those who are responsible for this shit, I'll do it with joy.

This is false, you're quoting the fake meme being spread around that misconstrues the demographics by misinterpreting the census data (counting only "European origin" and assuming "Canadian origin" to be all non-White). It's provably false because we know the pure White demographic percentage going back to the 70s and can calculate the number of White Canadians using the birth rate data. In reality Canada is between 60 - 70% White European. It will be less than 50% before 2030 (probably around 2025-2027 if things continue to progress as they are, not 2036 as the MSM recently indicated).

Things are very bad in Canada, but it's not helpful to spread blackpills in the form of inaccurate statistics. That meme you're quoting was spread by an autistic pollack on 4/pol/ who has spent the last 8 months doing nothing but creating fake Canada memes (perhaps it's you?).

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The only demographics matter are ages 1-30. 30 is a reproductive wall. Boomers and those that are currently dying just pad the number.

Its not a blackpill, race war now, we will be fine.

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You know it.

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These archive links dont work

Now anons know why they are told to give to (((charity))) to feed the hungry African children.
Come to think of it that's probably why the (((Climate change))) warnings were all focused around 2012-2030, it's their projected critical mass.
They are being very obvious wgich means they're close.
If we don't get our shit together within 2 years, we're leaving this earth without as much as a whimper.
Act now! Every moment you are not working for our future, is one more dead white man.

We're going to need to Annex Canada.

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You're right, it looks like they have some kind of kiked script on the website that blocks the archive site.

I too have recently thought about how the West was forced to subsidize the population explosion in Africa.

This deeply disturbs me. It's like when the super villain in a movie spills the beans on his plot to take over the world right before killing the hero (giving the hero enough time to foil the plot). The question is, are they doing this out of hubris or because they actually do know that they have totally succeeded?

Fuck off with the D&C term you fucking kike, or at best a willful idiot.


Century Initiative - Initiative du Siècle isn't working correctly at the moment (at least not on this site).
2018-01-20 Team page
2016-11-06 Team page
As you would expect, many of the usual names are listed. Here's one that shouldn't come as a surprise for anyone following politics in Canada:

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Attached: 2018-01-20_-_Team_-_Century_Initiative_03.png (1188x3396 1.92 MB, 1.04M)

Great work user, thanks for making working archives.

Redpill me on this fucker.

Quite a bit of history there. I don't want to derail the thread so I'll post some basic info. I would definitely invite you and anyone else lurking to do a bit of your own research on the Desmarais family. Maybe you'll find new information. Be aware that a lot of the content out there will most likely be in French. Most of the stuff I have is in French but here's a few articles in English to get you started.

Note: The newspaper La Presse (Montreal) is not owned by the Desmarais anymore.

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fucking hell, where are they gonna house these people and feed them? Destroy the countryside and move shitskins in a cold climate that isn't suited to them or will it all be Asians like the Chinese and Vietnamese

I think white child implies the father is a white male though. In any case, huge migrant pop is clearly a strategy by elites to import more cheap labour. They just do it under the guise of saying shit like "diversity is our strength", etc. to appear socially progressive.

Fuck this country. The problem is even worse considering how many young whites don't want to reproduce. I'm a university student and if I'm talking to my peers about starting a family, they look at me like I'm crazy.

I don't have any information on the Century Initiative but perhaps these graphs can be used for our propaganda campaign against it.

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Byt this labor doesn't work. Everywhere they become welfare leeches. First world countries are too soft to properly exploit foreign labor (unlike Arab Oil States)

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These fuckheads actually think that immigrants are going to contribute to their society, get jobs, and act like normal, responsible, humans, instead of subhuman shitskins who will live off of the government programs, never get a job, and will spit out 10 kids, that will do the same god damn thing.

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I've been telling people this (in real life) for about a year now and I just get called a conspiracy theorist. Usually the reply is, "lol our government is stupid but they're not out to replace us or something." I've even shown a few of them the article about it from The National Post to show that I wasn't getting this from some Alex Jones type person and still I get shrugs.

No they don't. They know that niggers turn every thing they touch to shit. They know precicely that they are murdering white people and replacing them with animals. The gibberish of the Talmud demands that gentiles be lower than jews, but that will never be true so long as white men exist. Every white men is a daily reminder to the kikels that they are truly disgusting, repulsive, malformed desert trash fit only for eradication.

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Trump should just annex Canada during his second semester.
Spare a leaf, ruin the yard, as my grandpappy always said.

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The Desmarais are the Canadian lieutenants of the Rothschilds.

This is the huge birthday party for Jackie Desmarais in a new fake chateau mansion with GHW Bush, GW Bush, Barbara Bush, Chretien, Mulroney the whole rogues gallery tying one on.

Varg's way … is the only way. For now. We need to let the cities rot.

Jokes on them, there won't be a Canada by 2100.

I'm calling breakup by 2024.

Reminder that Newfoundland is an island, is 97% white and can get out of confederation with a simple referendum.

It's amazing how open these people are about genociding their own people. You really have to wonder how they are okay with this

They are megaphones for jewry.

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Its good see a thread on this.It should also be noted that there are similar plans publically available in european countries as well, but its not even necessary to point that out is it?


Exactly. All of these "whites replaced by X year" all assume the worlds economies continue on without a hitch. They'll implode within the next decade MAX.

I feel like the atom bomb was supposed to act as a eugenics move to super power the japanese into an augmented generation of radioactive inteigence. Idk because the radiation over time can change the vibrations, wavelengths, and over all dna of what ever was left.

Heard that 25 years ago. It's like glovalue warming always 10 years out. It's a trickle to the bottom not a race

Maybe not in name, but who cares what the land is called. The cities will still be here, the population will still be here.
Man, I get amazed, if not bewildered, when I explain the math (the very simple math) to someone about what is occurring with this hyper-aggressive non-White immigration. Amazed at how unmoved they can be, how emptied they are of Whiteness. Doesn't matter how simply it is put, they just do not grasp the gravity. Surely staggering disappointments to their ancestors, their capacity to reason is locked behind a wall of pre-fab commie double-double-think. It's more than a little frustrating to demonstrate what is hardly more difficult than 2+2=4 and be met with a blank stare. Or a look of horror; not horror because of what is effectively genocide, oh no, but horror because you dared say such a thing.
But we can't stop kicking holes in those walls.

Check out this article by Ricardo Duchesne:

They want tax payer money to go to helping increase THE IMMIGRANT BIRTH RATE and they are importing immigrants because they say there aren't enough babies being born in Canada. Yet they have zero interest whatsoever in helping increase the birth rate of European Canadians in Canada.


Pic related are two people from Century Initiative meeting with Canada's immigration minister:

Here's another article by Duchesne on the subject:

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Are those mean USA guys kicking you out of their country? Plane rides back home too long and tiresome? Respawn in Canada and try your luck again!

If the US ever fixes itself, Canada will always be there to leak trouble back in. Canada is just a strategic weapon. USA not accepting Muslims? Canada will grow its muzzie population.

Most pol users are probably more concerned with mainland USA to contemplate that the pozzed threat is building itself up in the north.

Immigration, the Century Initiative, George Soros, and the Destruction of Canada

This is a general topic on immigration in Canada and the sheer ignorance of the population and either the gross negligence and corruption of our politicians or the outright lying to the population and collusion of the media. It's fairly long, but I hope you'll take the time to at least skim the topics covered. It will touch on immigration numbers, both reported "conservative" numbers and the real numbers we take in every year, the Century Initiative that is pushing it, Gender Based Analysis+ and George Soros's connection to these groups.

Immigration - A Reality Check

Canada's current population is 36,286,425 on July 1, 2016. In 1996, it was 28,846,761. The country at that time was roughly 83-88% white. Current demographics have under 70% and Stats Canada is saying by 2030 "visible minorities" will be a third of the Canadian population and whites will be 66% of the population.

These numbers don't seem right, you might be saying, based on the visible immigrant population in our cities and towns and schools. How can our population have grown so high in 20 years with "controlled immigration numbers" of 250,000-300,000 a year? Surely there are Europeans and other white people included as well and our own population growth, right? Wrong. Even at 250,000 a year, thats only 5 million people in 20 years. Based on 2015 numbers, our birth rate is 1.60 births per woman - takes 2 to tango, so not replacing population at that rate. Our natural population is actually declining. How did we gain 10 million people with 5 million immigrants? Lies. That's how.

Controlled Immigration

Now for the "controlled" and "reasonable 250-300k" immigrants. This is a lie by omission, and in fact we let in 1,231,041 3rd world migrants on 10-year unlimited stay/work VISAs that count as "temporary immigration" which is never publicized.

Canada has always been a popular destination for students, workers and visitors from around the world, and this popularity is growing at a remarkable rate. In 2015, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada processed more than two million temporary resident applications and extensions. Temporary immigration represents a significant contribution to Canada’s labour market and to our economy in general.

As of December 31, 2015, citizens from 149 countries and territories required temporary resident visas to visit Canada. In 2015, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) processed applications (new and extensions) from 1,588,590 persons seeking temporary resident visas to come to Canada, 82.3% of which were approved. IRCC continued to be successful in promoting the use of multiple-entry visas, which are valid for up to 10 years and allow applicants from visa-required countries to travel to Canada more frequently and on their own schedules. In 2015, a total of 1,231,041 multiple-entry visas were issued, which was a 21% increase from 2014. Effective February 6, 2014, a policy change automatically considered visitors to Canada eligible for a multiple-entry visa. IRCC also introduced a single fee for the processing of a temporary resident visa applicable to both single-entry and multiple-entry applications.

Stats Can reports, "According to preliminary estimates, Canada's population was 36,286,425 on July 1, 2016, an increase of 437,815 or 1.2% during the year 2015/2016. In absolute numbers, such an increase had not been recorded since 1988/1989 (+485,034).

This acceleration in population growth was mainly attributable to the record number of immigrants (320,932) who arrived in the country. The arrival of Syrian refugees since November 2015 contributed to the increase in immigration in Canada. For the period covered by the current system of demographic accounts, which began in July 1971, the previous record was set in 2009/2010 (270,581 immigrants). The country had not received such a large number of immigrants in a single annual period since the early 1910s during the settlement of Western Canada."

Re-read that last sentence and let it sink in. Now you know why the population distribution is changing so fast and why the numbers they tout don't add up. But why is this allowed to happen? Why aren't they bringing in Europeans and other traditional immigrants? Why did they lax on the criteria to enter and now bring in 3rd world immigrants with no education, their cultural and religious differences and poverty?

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Gender Based Analysis+ (GBA+)

GBA+ is a program designed to address "inequalities" in various government programs and decision making processes. Let's take a look at how the government describes it.

SJW nonsense, right? This is an official government program and mandate and has been in effect since 1995, when the federal government committed to using GBA+ as a means of advancing gender equality in Canada, as part of the ratification of the United Nations’ Beijing Platform for Action. Note the date and compare it to the demographic shift and immigrant shift above. It's not a coincidence. The "+" matters in GBA+.

"We can use sex and gender as an entry point for analyzing an issue, but women, men, boys and girls are not homogeneous groups. A variety of factors, sometimes referred to as identities, such as age, culture, language, sexual orientation, education, ability, geographic location, migration status, faith, ethnicity, and socio-economic status, intersect with sex and gender to create someone’s experiences."

This is a laundry list of white privilege, just in case you haven't been reminded in the past 30 minutes about it. The government has an official mandate to discriminate against you and anyone like you and uses it in EVERY SINGLE POLICY AND DECISION IT MAKES. Immigration is not magically immune from this.

This is an official statement and mandate from the government in regards to policy and federal programs. Discriminate against white, hetero Canadians and potential immigrants. This is why our immigration has shifted drastically in 20 years. But why so many and why lie about the numbers you are bringing in?

The Century Initiative

The Century Intiative is a group of extremely influential members of Canadian politics, media and globalists lobbying the government to up economic and family reunification immigrants to 450,000 from the recent 250,000. Trudeau has managed to get it over 300,000 official numbers already and our Muslim Somali Refugee Immigration minister along with Trudeau said they are on board with everything the Century Initiative wants to do. Recall that we are actually taking in over 1.2 MILLION hidden immigration on 10 year, renewable work and student visas that they lie to you about already. And they still want to take in several hundred thousand more. There is no argument for systematic replacement of Canada's population with 3rd world immigrants. They simply repeat, "we understand people may feel uneasy about unchecked immigration, but Canada is a multicultural haven and welcoming country for all people from all walks of life, etc, etc".

The thing is, these aren't nobodies. They are highly influential people. In fact, they are the Finance Minister's key advisors on economic growth for Canada. There are numerous investment managers and globalists. There are bank executives, such the Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer for CIBC, Stephen Forbes. However, the most important name to make note of is Howard Duncan, the Executive Head of the Metropolis Project.

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The Metropolis Project

Their website might not look like much, but this group is one of the most influential groups in all of Canada when it comes to immigration. The Canadian arm of the Metropolis Project was started in 1996 by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, in partnership with a host of utterly superfluous federal and provincial agencies as well as 20 Canadian universities. You might recognize the date. It's quite relative to immigration change and demographics and was mentioned earlier for GBA+ and our immigration and demographic shifts.

As for what The Metropolis Project does, you need only look at one of the most influential immigration conferences in Canadian history simply known as The Metropolis Conference, held in Montreal earlier this year. The article is a damning read that should tell you all you need to know about these monsters. Immigration is big business worth over $1.2 billion annually for them at the current numbers and they refer to these people as part of the "settlement sector". Quite the humanitarians, these ones. Nearly doubling the number of immigrants is in their best interests with a capital B for billions they will reap from actual Canadians supporting it. They refer to themselves as "activists with pensions" in due part to the fact they almost entirely subsists on government funding from grants or outright paycheques while working at the Immigration Department, the Heritage Department, public research universities and taxpayer-financed non-profit organizations.

George Soros & Canada

So, what, if anything, does this have to do with George Soros? The Metropolis Project was started, is funded and is controlled by George Soros and his Open Societies Foundation. They fund the Century Initiative. They fund the universities their members are chairing. Any major immigration conference is funded by them. Look at last year's Cities of Migration Conference in Toronto. You've seen pictures of Trudeau with George Soros, but this isnt some one time deal or meeting. He's literally sold Canada and its immigration policy to Soros and "partnered" Canada with him and his Open Societies Foundation. If you want more on Soros, his connections to all these groups and individuals from Metropolis, Century Iniative, etc, you can view them at this comprehensive write up. It would just be a laundry list of names, sources and so on and there's still one topic left to discuss.

The Cost of Immigration

There must be some economic benefit to Canada or cultural benefit to importing these people. Something to justify the mass migration we are actively allowing. For the average Canadian? Nothing. They literally do nothing for us. They are a net drain on society and a welfare state our officials are creating to artificially inflate our GDP with spending and borrowing and taxing to pay for them. Immigrants pay about half as much in income taxes as other Canadians, but absorb nearly the same value of government services, costing taxpayers roughly $6,051 per immigrant and amounting to a total annual cost of somewhere between $16.3-billion and $23.6-billion.

Immigrants paid an average of $10,340 in income tax and other taxes, compared with the $16,501 paid by all Canadians. While newcomers each received $110 less than the rest of Canadians, the “net fiscal transfer per immigrant” still amounted to $6,051 annually. This is just immigrants. You don't want to know how much a single refugee family costs you per year. It's in the $100,000s and completely tax free for them.

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Conclusion / TLDR

Canada is fucked. Since roughly 1995, George Soros funded groups and globalists have taken over the Canadian immigration ministry. They own politicians and the ear of everyone in power. They have deals with Justin Trudeau and our government. They have members of the media and banks in their groups. We have grown by approximately 10 million people in 20 years and almost entirely from 3rd world immigrants (over 97% non-white) and whites are actively discriminated through the GBA+ government mandated protocols. There are over 1.2 MILLION immigrants per year on permanent resident and 10 year "temporary" renewable visas - not the 250,000 they claim annually. These are economic migrants brought into major areas, given preference in everything from schooling to dental and medical and the few that want jobs are given guaranteed employment with wage subsidies for employers so long as it's anything but a white Canadian.

I know this was long. I hope it was at least informative or eye opening to the few that will read it. Forced immigration will destroy this country, our culture and our heritage. If you want a unique perspective on forced immigration, I encourage you to read about the forced immigration of Jews to Palestine. The account is by King Abdullah of Palestine. It is a perspective you will likely have never heard and a shocking tale of how Jews, enforced by America and Britain, forced their immigration to a region unrelated to WWI or WWII - literally jumping the Jewish population of Palestine to 33% (a number we will reach with foreign invaders by 2030 according to Stats Can). Read in horror at the King's plea for aid, for others to take them, of the history of Palestine and their relationship with Jews. It is not a pro-Muslim piece. It's not some pro-Islam nonsense. It's just an eye opening prospect of our current plight 70 years ago.

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Kill every leaf that you see.

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When jews smile it looks like they're making a disgust grimace. They are almost always in the uncanny valley.

Do these look like women to you? Look at the Adam's apples.

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Seriously, kill your politicians. They are killing you.

No, these kikes don't believe any of that, they just want White people to go extinct, they don't give a fuck if Canada turns into a third world shitwhole.
That's why they need to be killed without mercy.

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Holy shit that Aleema Jamal shitstain went to my high school. She was a few years ahead but I got a bunch of mutual friends with her on goybook. Definitely doing some digging when I get home.
t. Went to a really cliquey private school (5% brown, all rich, all future harvard / princeton grads). There won't be much but I can promise a detailed description of the young people (((organizations))) like this are recruiting in a couple days when I have access to a computer.

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Thanks user, looking forward to your data dump. Next time don't give them warning, they may be monitoring this thread and will now go and remove data from their social media.

This is interesting, the main speaker for their immigration video, Naomi Alboim, might be Jewish?

Source of pic related:

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