True or not, one thing is clear.
Other urls found in this thread:
I hope they send thousands of S500 to Syria borders
Shill, who would want to endangered his own nation's military?
Not worried. We have diversity. It is our strength.
Lmao what for? Russians put their anti-air in syria to wave their dicks around but they never shoot it. Not once did russians shoot their anti-air at israeli places invading syrian air space. The syrians had to rely on their own anti-air sams to down israeli planes.
Ill believe it when I see it.
Is that even a bad thing, if true?
You might be a Millennial if you've not seen the Military Industrial Complex, including their Pentagon stooges, play this game before.
made my day user
Can't deny their usefulness. Just imagine a squad of these howling banshees, charging at the dead of night, yelling their femminist paroles.
This is some real ignorance to technical understanding. The MI complex has powerful tools and weapons, the Russians are about ten years behind.
It's not a bad thing for the Russians to have power parity to encourage relative peace between themselves and the USA, but I'm not putting much stake on this meaning anything for us. Them selling them to China is a little concerning but again, who the fuck knows where it will even go as far as a deal, or if it will even be used for anything meaningful.
This too. Just because they have it doesn't mean it gets shot. Especially when they don't have the economy to support blowing off the ammo.
If you aren't a kike, a nigger, or a faggot, it's not your military.
Most Russian military technology is a meme but their rockets and bombs are another story, probably the best in the world right now.
Why would are military be endangered?
Are you admitting that our military is currently in Syria, when they shouldn't be?
The Eternal Serb has his revenge.
Which direction are they running? Behind the men?
Veteran here, the Military costs are inflated to line the pockets of (((middle men))).
HUGE MISTAKE! You'd think he's doing the right thing, saving the government / tax payers money right?
Never think that "Spending alot" means you're strong. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia or China could beat us in a stand up fight…
Did you run out of Rach pictures and are now avertarfagging with that SF-whore?
North Korea needs S-500s too
I smell a Cammy fag. Goddamn underage monkey.
Listen to this user, he's right. One of the great problems with the state is something simple as the same exact screw you can find at home depot for 5.99 can cost like 300 dollars with all the wasteful bureaucratic and military spending. Oh and don't get me started on government contracts. One of the problems is people are scared of getting their budgets cut, the others are due to corruption and nepotism. Many politicians such as Feinstein and her husband are deeply tied into the military industrial complex.
Kikes pushing nuclear war I see?
B2 bomber is obsolete technology. The problem with those planes is that they have to be invisible because they're so slow.
Uh huh, lurk more Ivan.
There is always a gain when you splash a yid. It may seem costly initially but the gain over years is exponential.
Kikey is usually trannyposting.
The best thing we can do for our own national security is to staunch the colossal trade deficit we have. This will have the twin effect of enriching America and starving our foreign adversaries.
General Keane was on Fox Jews crying about how we're behind China militarily. Trump can't even get the military to do a parade. No discipline. You sure that button is working, Trump. You sure it doesn't just pop out a nigger foot for you to kiss?
rant incoming.
the only entity in the galaxy whom i hate hate HATE with the fury of a thousand suns even more than the (((Federal Reserve))) is the motherfucking Pentagon.
the Pentagon are the biggest thieving plundering whores in history. i am not surprised at all that genius Putin has run circles
around the brass faggots running the Pentagon like America's defense budget is their own money personal trough spinning atop a merry-go-round spraying US tax dollars at millions of corrupt, bribed and grossly inefficient DFENS Contractors in the Military Industrial Complex. Putin's entire annual military budget is $100 million USD, and he has been extremely efficient by deploying unstoppable net-gen nuclear weapons platforms for which the Pentagon faggots have zero defense.
meanwhile, the Pentagon in all of their "hur dur we're #1 'Merica Fuck Yeah" has accomplished diddly squat going on several decades. the billions and trillions looted from the US tax payer and handed over to the idiot traitors running the Pentagon would have been better spent by digging a giant hole in the ground and just burning all that cash in a landfill sized bonfire, Joker style. at least the deflationary effect of removing several trillion from the money supply would have been an immediate net bonus to the average American's household fiscal balance.
it's not like the Pentagon being the most wasteful and most inefficient steward in history is a new concept. shit man, there are
entire other FedGov agencies who's job is to study the Pentagon's waste and recommend the Do-Nothing Congress Do Something
about it.
such as GAO, whom i regard as the only honest Agency left in the entire FedGov, and the only Federal agency i still respect.
right here, GAO studied all of the properties owned by the Pentagon.
GAO found the scrooges at the Pentagon own 557,000 buildings, across 5,000 sites world wide, spanning 27.7 million acres, worth $828 BILLION dollars. now get this, the Pentagon doesn't even know what it is doing with nearly 50% of those buildings!
that's right. the Pentagon is literally the biggest landlord on Earth, and since the Pentagon is too stupid and too criminal to audit itself, it doesn't know how it is using 250,000+ buildings.
the Chair Force says it is using 0% of its over 23,000 buildings.
meanwhile, the numbers of homeless Americans has never been higher in history, and thanks to the goddamn kikes and their (((Federal Reserve))) puppet for stealing $10 TRILLION from us in 2008, and then pumping fake printed fiat back into housing to jack up the housing bubble prices even further, and thanks to (((WallSt))) for auctioning off millions of houses to the fucking Commie gooks to help China take over America by parking their manipulated currency and ghost city fake economy laundered cash here in American real estate, now the average American serf will never be able to afford buying a shitty house in a shitty slum infested with illegals and Muzz and MS-13.
meanwhile the motherfucking Pentagon just landlords over all of us, squandering hundreds of billions, embarrassingly losing war after war after war, while the true threats to America's security grow bigger and bolder and more serious every year.
if i had mutant superpower and could teleport inside the SCIF inside the Pentagon used by faggot rabid dog Mattis, and *POOF* appear right behind his elderly ISIS-loving ass, and put him into a choke hold with my Makarov pressed against his temple, my very first demand of him would be this:
"put your fucking 557,000 properties up for sale right now on the double you maggot, or else you can go meet Allah. we the starving American peasants require your hundreds of thousands of empty bases to live in."
the scale of the Pentagon's theft makes me sincerely wish and hope and pray that someday soon, within my lifetime, the entire American military is annihilated in a crushing finale of defeat.
if i had a button that could do that, or some magic math formula, believe me, you know it, i know it, we all know–i'd hand deliver it to Putin for him to push or use to entirely wipe out the Pentagon and free the American people from the Pentagon's cruel oppression.
I hope Jewtin gets gassed.
Get gassed jewtin lover
Good rant.
To add, Pentagon has unnecessarily spent 21 trillion $ in 1998-2015 period.
Don't you have some draft dodging/emigrating to Poland to do, you ukranian scum?
To be fair. Midget female marines better than most female military personal. They are not dykes.
The S-500 has been guarding Moscow for a couple of years now. It's the S-600 that's entering production. S-500 is being mass produced now. jew news is truly appalling these days.
They're not exactly difficult to bring down. They're big slow targets. Their sole advantage is that they're hard to detect and rely on surprise to get in, drop their payload, and then get out before enemy interceptors can be scrambled to attack them. Also, at this point, they're old tech and we have already had something better for over a decade, that's still unannounced. Remember, no black ops project is made public until it's replacement is already in development. This is a rule.
Stealth has always been bullshit to con the masses. Early on, the Russians figured out that low frequency radar, while very inaccurate, finds stealth planes .. once you know kinda where they are, actual targeting happens. Stealth is bullshit, and an invention of the military industrial complex.
Either a kike or a reddit faggot. Fuck off either way
This isn't /b/. Stop avatarfagging.
ZOGbots will be killed on the day of the rope
Spend some time on Zig Forums, niggers
Or don't, because as the images you posted illustrate, it is a complete shithole filled with fudds, cod kiddies, neocons and outright leftists.
Seriously, there are people there who'll try and argue stuff like "the BAR was a better machine gun than the MG-42" and that sort of thing.
The days when Zig Forums was good ended a long time ago.
No it isn't.
THAAD only works against MRBM (AKA North Korean flying trashcan, originally stuff like soviet SS-20), which is something the Russian have since the original S-300 from the 80's (and optimized on the S-300VM version), which they developed against Pershing II type missiles, both were short lived since the INF Treaty came in effect,so nobody was using those anymore so nobody cared and THAAD was put in limbo and reactivated to face "new" threats, with a new coat a paint. But since the Soviet/Russia already had something like that as their main long range air defense they kept it and kept tinkering with it.
The (((pentagon))) pretends THAAD can intercept Russian missiles (when it really can't, for shekels as usual, just look up the kind of testing targets THAAD is shooting at, you will quickly realize it's not ICBMs), the Russians pretends THAAD can intercept their missiles (so they have an excuse to press their only real tech advantage and develop even more potent missiles and defenses).
The result is the US are getting spitroasted by liars.
Meanwhile S-500 are meant as a true anti-ICBM missile, which is indeed a game changer. If they do deploy them en masse it would actually gave them a credible first strike option.
That's not even scratching the tip of the ice(((berg))).
The US haven't been able to make entire RANGES of assets since the Vietnam war (basically since all the WWII vets retired and based boomers and rubbing hand gentlemen replaced them).
SPAAG? SPG? AA? Rifles? Grenade launchers? Machine guns? Bombers?
Basic shit that was adopted since then and works only does so because it's of foreign design (but US made so you can bill those extra two zeros), US designed shit gets stuck in development hell FOREVER (getting paychecks to periodically show the same prototype you started with) in a fucking rent system.
Normies are so fucking dumb.
The only hint I'm going to give you is that we don't actually call it THAAD internally anymore for good reasons.
Not just super cavitation torpedoes….super cavitation subs.
Super cavitation 75ft long drone subs containing double sized Tsar bomb.
These weapons systems also render aircraft carriers and submarines obsolete. One is a drone, in this case a nuclear-powered underwater drone. It can travel 100 mph and descend to a depth of 3,000 feet. Its nuclear power unit is 100 times smaller than the ones that power submarines. This 75-foot-long submerged drone can carry a 100-megaton thermonuclear cobalt warhead, one that is 5,000 times more powerful than the atom bombs the U.S. dropped on Japan. Detonated off the coasts of North America it would create a tsunami wave 1,500 feet tall washing over cities on the east and west coasts. The drone also comes in a form carrying a conventional warhead for use as an anti-aircraft carrier weapon
massive kek; thanks. Having "soldiers" like that is probably more of a handicap than having enemy soldiers in your ranks instead.. Or nothing
Things which Russia traditionally has a 5 or more year lead in front of US are (surface to air missile systems, radars, nuclear and diesel submarines).
A single system could cover the entire middle east. Also a single S-500 system consists of about 80-120 massive offroad trucks.
You don't need even two…
Dude THAAD is comparable to S-300PMU.
The russians would enjoy her.
I'd mostly agree but don't forget SSMs. Iskander is unrivalled.
They also still hold the world absolute jet aircraft altitude and a number of payload - distance records.
Whoops, not so smart
I'll believe a deep diving submarine drone, but I won't believe any of your shit about a 1500 foot tsunami. Also cobalt salting doesn't make sense in the ocean.
You've been conned by some sensationalist article.
Didn't they unveil self-flying ones that stay airborne for 2 days before yoloing into a target?
1500ft is about 450m. That's pretty large, but not impossible, there have been higher natural tsunamis.
Must have missed that but the kikes used similar against Syrians recently, IAI Harrop.
Video of it loitering until the Syrian Pantsir is out of missiles or lead and comes in to hit it. Typical jewish tricks as usual.
He tells the truth. In Iraq a pallet of bottled water was $2000. This is after the fact that the contracting companies had all of their transit costs covered by the import-export bank.
Sadly no.
That shit was known for years before they unveiled it, everyone knew they were working on something weird which started by modifying the Sarov (B-90 which is their torpedo testing sub) in 2009 and added 5 METERS of launch tubes to it when it already had probably the longest ones as it's a test bed, so meant to shoot future shit (oversize) and Russian torpedoes are typically a couple meters longer than NATO's.
Then in 2010 they built a lifting frame (the crane thingy to load ammo on boats) near the Sarov pen that does loads something considerably big and about 20m long (normal torpedo is 5 to 7m). Originally most commentators though it was some kind of drone.
They rumors about it in started to circulate 5 full fucking years later about a nuclear powered, nuclear tipped torpedo.
That's when people that know their shit panicked a bit and remembered something horrible: this isn't a new concept.
The original Project 627 (November class, the first soviet nuclear-powered attack submarines) weren't meant to be used against ships but as a "torpedo attack submarine" tasked with delivering… one big ass T-15 nuclear "supertorpedo" that was thermonuclear gas-steam powered, on enemies harbor.
Remember the Tsar bomba? AKA the bomb so silly you couldn't actually used a bomber to use it (1 it didn't really fit in the bomber, 2 at full charge the bomber would still be in the flash area).
That was the testing for the warhead for the T-15 "supertorpedo".
Out of all the new weapons the Russians have showcased… that one is the real deal.
I mean, its a smart design tbh. I'm surprised that its effective against a Pantsir system though, 8 missiles + gun is a lot to exhaust.
How the hell didn't it get blown up, does it do a sprint to outrun the missile?
I was also referring to Putin's new nukes.
I knew about nuclear tipped torpedoes, and again I will believe a story about an autonomous nuclear armed submarine vehicle, but I don't think it will cause a tsunami lol. Its modus operandi is probably the same as the British "grand slam", which toppled ships over by blasting water away from one side of the ship.
Oceanographic data cruncher here. It all depends on sea floor topography. If there's a ridge around the 'target' area, it creates a pressure bowl that's localized to a shore. Also two detonations offset can create a massive additive wave effect. Not that I know anything about weapons but a slip fault that has to successive slips at the right moments can and have created freak tsunamis. Google, 'strike-slip fault tsunamis' for basics.
oops, thrust faults not strike-slip. Got them reversed.
And HRC wanted war with them. Fucking madness.
Nuclear submarines? Nigger please. The entire Russian fleet was basically allowed to rust to the docks. The only Russian submarine that was reliably deployed that achieved acoustic parity was the Akula. Our boomers are essentially training platforms at this point because there are no deployed Russian fast boats out there to hide from or worry about. That doesn’t even get into the amount of accidents they have had with nuclear powered submarines compared to the US. If it wasn’t for fucking nigger traitors giving up the goose we would still be tracking Russian boats off their S-line, those idiots didn’t even properly isolate their reduction gears.
watch out for those evil Russians while you watch la'roy fuck your wife mr boomer
I don't think you understand what we're talking here.
If you detonate a full yield warhead of the same design as the Tsar bomba in New York, you will have light casualties in Philadelphia.
If you use one against Pearl harbor, the harbor itself will be VAPORIZED and the entirety of Oahu will be leveled…
What is this, a time traveling post from 1996?
Here's the current active sub rooster for Russia.
Underlined in red are the subs that didn't even exist when the soviet union broke up…
As for those that were, the oldest is from 1983… so younger than the oldest US one (USS Ohio).
Shit I missed the K-551, which is obviously new.
yeah I know what that bomb does when deployed in the air. I can see it destroying a few hundred meters of stuff around it, but none of that tsunami stuff without those geological formations the other user mentioned.
Come on now. You don't even know what we bomb with anymore.
That'd be an F-35.
Note that no-one really knows what would really happens because the maths and research about it haven't exactly been done.
There are two papers that are a must read the first one is:
Water Waves Generated by Underwater Explosions.
Which is a fairly detailed and well modeled 1996 report for the DNA mainly on waves patterns (and that yeah you can do a localized tsunami with a big yield explosion).
And the much older An Evaluation of Various Theoretical Models For Underwater Explosion
You can combine those but both of them have serious caveats since they're full of hypothesis nobody actually tried it. And then you have to do so with a theoretical 100MT charge.
For example when the soviets did try the Tsar Bomba, the explosion was so big it "bounced" from the ground as the compressed air resistance was far far bigger than on smaller bombs.
Very true, however the simulation theory and computational methodologies /sort of/ allow us to ballpark it. Depending on the amount and granularity of t-series data you have to reference and compute for the next increment.
Kinetic data for an ocean simulacrum is pretty sophisticated these days, from weather models to earthquake models. The only issue we have is the limitation of sensor data since well…. how do you seed sensors across a 100sqMi area for proper resolutions.
How much did we send Israel this year? wasnt it some absurd amount like 800B? or was it 800M?
Either way, I think you know where I am going with this
The B2 is 1970s tech brossef….
The F35 isn't going to be put into front line combat; it is only suitable for specific roles like the A-6 Intruders
The quicker the USA collapses the sooner RWDS can go into operation and then the nigger will fear the white man
Too few white people feel this way; there would be no unifying 'White Coalition' in urban areas
Minorities would claim the cities; we would have to burn them down; big ol mess
Not efficient
lol you are acting like cities can feed themselves.
Not saying it CAN'T be done, just that we would have to practically scrape the earth they are built on and start over
If your plan is to starve them out, you should write-off all land within 300-400 miles (whatever distance you would expect tank of gas to carry) of cities too
they get too much as it is tbh
how can the russians outperform us with 1/10th the budget? do your jobs and maybe we'll give you money. until then, take that f-35 boondoggle and shove it up your hangar bay, spooks.
Isn't that the nigger who helped that farmer over the land disputes with the Federal government? Is that one of those based niggers :^)
Fuck off
Not really. Corpses aren't that difficult to get rid of.
Most people don't own a map of their city. If you block the major roads into the city you turn them into zones where looters stop and rob those trying to escape, so the surrounded will be doing the job of keeping other surrounded people in.
Anyone that makes it out through a difficult trail of back roads and tractor access ways deserves to live, but that requires a map (which implies preparedness). Any single escape route yielding more than 10 vehicles per day should be shut down.
Then just wait 3 months.
Army Male here. We have overwhelmingly plenty of money, it just gets spent in all the wrong places our jewish controlled Congress and schizophrenic executive branches order us to. Army acquisitions is so bad it is the CSA's #1 priority to fix.
The ZOG military wasting money is a good thing, chaim. Now get back to your gender theory and diversity training, before your bulldyke CO has you court martialed.
Nothing about anything adds up any more and I think that means we are winning. All the ziocucks are mentally stuck in the old paradigm spinning their wheels and gaining no traction with the populace.