I'm sorry your preconceived notions and will to turn corellation into causation doesn't a fact make

this illiterate retards attracts the worst of the worst in terms of anti-intellectualism. If you honestly believe any of his stories were worth the paper they were printed on: SEEK HELP

Shit like this is what has been rotting the right wing ever since the retarded loudmouth liberal tookover the republican party. I doubt anybody here even supported the iraq war anymore and loves palestine and all of the BASED muslims because of le ebul joos. Seriously you guys need a reality check. Pick up a book, any book which is accepted anywhere by anyone who hasn't had their personality forged in the dungeons of some wretched hardcore punk scene, and start learning with an open mind. Learn how black people aren't the cause of literally everything wrong with your life, the holocaust did happen (how you guys think some shitty infographic disproves all of the evidence saved and presented by germans who admitted to what happened is beyond reason) and how protectionism does nothing but kill your economy.


hitler was wrong, you're all retarded, the bell curve is a joke to anybody who reads more than 3 books a year by accredited authors.

Attached: Charles_Murray_Speaking_at_FreedomFest.jpeg.jpeg (800x977, 99.87K)

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Even if it's the prior, doesn't that mean if I remove kebab I will have less terroristic threats and underage rapes/molestations? (since they have a high corellation)

God damnit you got me. I'm an undercover JIDF mossad agent hired by the bushes.

Your posts in the pierce thread reek of a nasal sounding jew.

Why do you hate genetics and elementary statistics?

Attached: 540ee1869062a7a0545553ef39e79f0f1846b9ad5f02c9b15a345b0c2211c5b.png (608x393, 230.81K)

Any suggestions? You seem to know a lot about me.


Germans who were tortured and meant to sign confessions in English, a language they didnt read.
Sage for your shit thread
Dont make me laugh, faggot

Also this >>>12018646

for those too lazy.

Appeal to authority but please tell me these (((authors))).

Besides, Zig Forums already won on this. Mainstream science already accepts that intelligence is mostly inheritable and highly genetic. All these geneticists out there can do is squirm about how "problematic" reality is but it is still reality.

I don't know, why do you think a single book from 30 years ago proves your conspiracy theories right when literally every actual biologist (read: murray isn't one lol) says otherwise?

Try black flag. The lead singer of it in the 80s is a real man who actually knows some shit and knows how to put some energy into his music.

Lol, thus race is what explains said differencecs, right? The leap in log is astounding. Leftypol has disproved this countless times (hint: it's not hard to do).

Yes, that is what accredited science has proven through rigorous studies and peer review. Do you have a study or theory which differs?

Keep digging your self deeper.


Must be in the pierce thread at the moment.

I just wanted to put OP in my pocket and carry him around with me.

Attached: Honey_We_Shrunk_Ourselves_EN_US_StoryArt.jpg (1920x1080, 1011.8K)

Put him in a oven instead.

How about I put you in the gulag where you belong you dumb lolcow?

Get a life, comrade.


lol idc i dont plan on staying here

Why did you put citations in brackets, are citations and facts jewish?
Since you require them, here you go
A wikipedia link for your smooth brain to digest easily:
And hereis a more scholarly article that I am sure you probably wont read but will call jewish for some reason:

Neither is Traut&tea and he claimed you had to find the genes but it turned out that you don't have to.

Wow, you sure did show us ebil right wingers, leftypol. I can hear the first bars of the internationale as we speak.

because that's how it's stylized on wikipedia
And I'm not the one who hates jews, that's you guys.

If you want to get a rush from arguing with 90IQ shills, go to halfchan.