What does Zig Forums think of Microchip?

He’s had articles written about him in the past regarding his massive troll campaigns on Twitter and his goal is to destroy it entirely by getting conservatives banned. He’s essentially an agent of chaos and appears to be on our side, but is also a rogue.

I seriously want to know what you guys think of him.

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my opinion is that OP is a nigger

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Had to unfollow him because he was flooding my feed.

Microchip is my daddy.

Fame on another person's playground makes you a cuck.

Make your own playground.

Fuck off Kikerochip.

(((Moarpheus))) has his own playground and he’s still a cuck. Your point makes no sense.

Who the fuck are you?

Really gives me a big think.

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I think that particular nigger is our old fellow fwiend, Baked Alaska.

But maybe that's just too fucking based to be true.

Never heard of him. Is he supposed to be relevant?
It was my belief that Twitter (along with all the mainstream social medias) were destroying themselves by banning conservatives, I didn't think we would need someone to do that for them.

He vascillates between redpilled and trumpcucked, but seems to be finally coming to realize that trump is a worthless anti-White faggot.

Baked Kikelaska is too busy doing drugs and other e-celeb faggotry.

According to Microchip, he’s familiar with how to use Twitter’s algorithms to his advantange and he’s been written up on a few different sites over the years. Now he’s claiming he’s about to pull off a massive stunt before heading to the slammer. Could just be QAnon-tier bants, though.

My gut feeling that this is Q-user tier BS

Nah, I think he has posted pics of himself. He isnt baked Alaska. And just from posts, you can tell that he has a much higher IQ than BA.


Kill yourself nigger, sage negated.

If his goal WAS to destroy Twitter, that isn't what he would be doing. I think OP is this dumb leftist faggot.

oy vey

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