So you hear ZOG used quite often. Zionist Occupied Government, yeah yeah, whatever. The Zionist lobby might yield a disproportionate amount of influence, but this term ZOG is like the boogyman. Similar to how Soros is thrown out there all the time as some international intergalactic evil jason bourne batman type figure. I recommend we should stop using the ZOG term all together or avoid it if possible as it seems to imply the ultimate power bestowed upon our opponent undeservingly. And when I say underservingly, I mean despite they're powerful influence, it takes on an almost supernatural state, all with just what is essentially a meme.

So I propose introducing the term NOG. Here's the thing… instead of everyone fearing the almighty zionist that controls everything, putting us and normies we'd like to convert on the defensive, i'd rather normies we don't want, and the zionists thinking nordic overlords (or nazis if you want) really rule everything. Have us on the aggressive and them on the defensive using fear tactics against them. I'm sure we can use the lore of the hyperboreans, nordic superbeasts that reside in the artic or some hollow earth thing, whatever. We can be creative. Memes.

So Nordic Occupied Goverment, or NOG. That is the future, that is reality.

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Please fix images if possible



Yes haha. Actually who cares. I don't.

Instead of this lame idea I wrote, just follow Christianity

Fuck off back to cuckchan.

I'm everywhere

Possibly the most glow in the dark thread i've ever seen, kill yourself ASAP OP

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why is op such a homosexual?

No. Put a bullet in your brain. Go away.

Is cuckchan down or something? there has been cancer all over since this morning.

op is NIG


This is a low effort shit post.

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Why are paganniggers so fucking retarded?

eat shit and die

you too

Dont hit your head on the way into the oven…

Jidf isnt sending their best….