Affirmitive Action Negro Causes Jew Bankers to Lose Billions of Shekels, Gets Forcefully Deported

rogue trader denied appeal against deportation

>Adoboli’s unauthorised trading lost the Swiss bank £1.4bn (2.4 billion USD). It has been described as the largest trading loss in British banking history.

Has everyone in Britain gone insane?

The price of diversity.

Yes, but not because of this. Honestly, I don't think anyone'll even remember this because the britkikes are very good at memoryholing (((incidents))).

Archive can't be accessed for some odd reason. What source are you hiding behind it?

britain cannot collapse fast enough. good work nigger

It really says something when ever our jews are mentally retarded.

Bad goy! Jews are more oppressed than you!

You can rape the women
You can rob the people
You can even be in a child sex traffick ring and be ok.

But don't you dare do anything to our money goyim or you're deported.
Fucking hell kikes need to be eradicated.

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Still whiter than you-56% 'murishart.

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He didn't say they weren't White, kike

Forget to change your IPs again, faggot?

That cracked me up. Sad that they really believed it.


these points are where you went wrong, also stop putting that fucking movie on itv2 thanks.

Even interacting with the coal, you pay the toll.

take note and remember this, next time you see the jew thinktank merimutt meme.
Odds are good the person posting it isn't what he claims to be.

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Something is fishy as fuck when a bank allow some flea ridden nigger from a african shithole to handle their billions.

I suspect that it's going to be more like lost £1.4bn of the GOY's money.

In other news, water is wet and the sky is blue.

This is a gigantic scam to hide a massive movement of currency to a kike asset.

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So fukn wut?

Checking those ought quads

Look upon the shill.
Look at the ID. Same ID for both posts.
This shill forgot to switch IPs when replying to its anti-British D&C with its anti-American D&C.
Shills. Not even once.

You responded to your own D&C with more D&C you faggot. Gas yourself.

This is possible.
Perhaps he "lost" gentile money that "totes didn't end up in kike pockets, guis!!!!"

Believe it or don't; Niggers are the Kangz of "Paper Terrorism". They've been at it for over a decade bullshitting with their 'Sovereign Citizen' bullshit, but if they had the ability to organize, they would turn the JWO into digital waste in less than 1.5 years.

That 70 IQ hard at work. This is what we can look forward to seeing more of in the West as it becomes less white.

This is how we caught the Odinposter, who kept pushing kike on a stick and saying all Christians should be gassed, and then responding to his own posts by pretending to be Christian and chimping out with shitty arguments about universalism and based negros. He actually admitted he was paid to come here, but wouldn't say by who. He also called us stupid and said his slip-up wouldn't matter, because no one would remember it or care.

Daily reminder that shills are real and the D&C meme is not a joke. Nobody here is asking you to bomb a federal building. Nobody is asking you to shoot up a school. No National Socialist is going to hang white people from trees for going to church or wearing a flower laurel in their hair. If it smells like matzo, there's a Jew behind it. Trust your instincts.

Sage because off-topic.

It also proves wrong these people who say that Christianity is a kike religion. If it was, you wouldn't have kikes coming here and actively trying to subvert it.

screencap for posterity

Attached: muhamerimutt.PNG (735x773, 300.34K)

It's not terrorism, though. Also, Montana Freemen were doing it in the 80's.

You can declare sovereignty. I have. You just can't use it to steal money.

So what's the point? What benefits do you get?

From (((SPLC)))

Ok I thought the movement was all bullshit, but why are (((they)) so afraid of it, is there some truth in what the movement believes? How are they enough of a threat to scare them?

Death to all jews

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Britain is not a serious country.

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the name of the game has always been 'rules for thee, but not for me'
and they play it by pathologizing goy collectives and pushing hyper-individualism

Nope not dark

It seems that your jews have gone native. Badababum!

Music to my ears

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If a nigger shits away kike imaginy money and is deported.. why not meme monkeys into being kangz investors and get them all into the field of (((banking))). Crash and burn all the kike buildings to ground while (((they))) scream for removal?

Thought this thread was about John Boyega.

Lol he deleted all his posts.

I like it