Neanderthal hand axes were also used as lighters for starting fires

Neanderthal hand axes were also used as lighters for starting fires
The first step to re-creating 50,000-year-old technology is to collect a bunch of rocks. So began Andrew Sorensen’s plan to study a great mystery in archaeology: how Neanderthals controlled fire.

Sorensen, an archeologist at Leiden University, collected a special kind of rock called flint off the beaches of England. If you hit it in just the right ways, flint will break to expose sharp edges that can be used to butcher meat, scrape hides, and cut wood. And if you strike it against a mineral called pyrite, sparks will fly. Flint plus pyrite plus tinder equals fire.

Archeologists have found evidence of Neanderthal fire pits. They have even found tar that Neanderthals likely made by deliberately heating birch bark. What they have never found are tools that Neanderthals could have used to start fires on demand. Without it, Neanderthals would have needed to collect fire from natural sources such as lightning strikes, which would have required walking long distances to find fuel to keep fires going and enduring cold spells with raw food when they went out. The mastery of fire would have made life much easier. Many think it was a key turning point in human evolution.

Sorensen suspected that flint tools called bifaces may hold the answer. Bifaces are essentially hand axes used in all sorts of cutting—a “Neanderthal Swiss army knife,” as Sorensen put it. So he took a bunch of flint home, shaped it into bifaces, and tried to create fires in an indoor lab. Through trial and error, he found that striking pyrite against the flat side of the biface produced sparks that could ignite tinder. “I wasn’t setting off any fire alarms or anything,” he says. He extinguished the tinder instead of blowing on it and feeding it progressively larger pieces of fuel.

Attached: neo.jpg (800x557, 46.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It's obvious they stole it from Cro-Magnon.

Neanderthals bring Genesis 6:1-7 to mind:

6 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

did they use it to smoke dude weed lmao

Already more advanced than the majority of Aperican tribes.

Fire by friction is much easier.
What is more likely:

Opium seeds and capsules have been found in Neanderthal graves all across Europe.
Opium is a vastly superior heroic remedy than cannabis.

hey look everybody we're all inb4 the neanderkike spammers

or they were part dwarf which made them good at crafting tools and such

Everything was good with Neanderthals until Enki arrived on the planet. That is where things went south.

Fucking jews stole our tools.

Fuck all semite , abrahmic ish writing
Your (((bible)) ) is lies user

easier to do doesn't mean first discovered way of doing it

Yes, the bible is fitting to the already nonsensical speculations of the "neanderthal" .

Neanderthal is Biblical Esau.



They all are right before shabbat.

Well this would explain Thor's close associations with fire and flint, considering he holds axes in older versions and depictions (Perun and Horgalles come to mind), and bronze axes were often buried as votive offerings in very early times, often in the pattern of swastikas and circling around some other sacred artifact (like the Golden Hats)

I also remember reading something about the Saami worshiping Horgalles by making small wooden idols of him, driving an iron nail into his forehead, and then sparking the iron with flint in order to create their divine fire used in rituals and purification. Great similarities to Persian fire cults and also to the myth where Thor gets a piece of flint stuck in his head from a battle with stone giants.

Attached: Thor_or_Thoragales_Sami_Rune_drum_Norway.jpg (1024x720 591.24 KB, 242.45K)

Whites are essentially mulattoes consisting of European Neanderthals mixed with African Sapiens.

Do you never tire of speciously mapping any real knowledge to descriptions in your desert fanfiction? Do you not understand the same non-robust process could be used to argue that Game of Thrones is a historical document? Simply find any necessarily existent description in the text that shares 2-3 attributes with the subject, and conclude in a single sentence that therefore they must be the same.

History is already the white man's history, there's no need for any cretin we wuz neanderthals.

What about Flyn noted in Cronecken der Sassen of the late 1400s?
His idol was destroyed near where Obermarsberg's Church was built.

Attached: Botto_00237_FLYNS.jpg (382x569, 71.07K)

interesting, ive never heard of this idol before. and this was in germany? Lions and death dont have much to do with Thors cult so its hard to draw a connection there, but perhaps Thors cult had changed by then. I cant honestly think of any deities that are too congruent with this description.

you got a pdf of Cronecken der Sassen? having trouble finding any. its fine if its german

opium seed = poppy seed
you cant get high on them but they taste good

Attached: poppy-seed-roll-HERO-f8f2639f-9b27-4967-aca7-b37b5a007dd5-0-472x310.jpg (472x310, 38.3K)

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Fairly certainly if you consumed enough (a fuckton) you could get stoned. I know they contain enough of the alkaloids to throw off an oldschool drug test, so I'd imagine you could extract the alkaloids from the seeds, and if you had enough get absolutely smashed.

im autistic

Why is Imkikey grandgrandgrandgrandfather in OP's image ?




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There is no such thing as cro-magnon.

(((you))) aren't white. whites are descended from neanderthals. jews aren't white.

You fags repeating this over and over doesn't magically cause it to become fact.

Says the tard repeating "jews are white" over and over as if it will cause it to become fact.

Fuck off, yid.

Attached: IMG_1916.JPG (609x533 47.54 KB, 263.24K)

Kikes are not white. They are unnatural devils who need to be hunted down and put to the sword. Sword yourself, my friend.

Successful cavemen were serial killers
There’s a serial killer lurking inside you.
That’s one of the provocative theories outlined by author Peter Vronsky in his authoritative tome, “Sons of Cain: A History of Serial Killers from the Stone Age to the Present.”
There’s a serial killer lurking inside you.
Mother Nature, according to Vronsky, intended “all of us” to be unrepentant murderers in the wild before civilization took shape, as being adept at violence was a prerequisite for survival in the wild. In his book, Vronksy outlines a theory of the brain first proposed in the 1960s by Yale University neuroscientist Paul MacLean.

Driving the murderous impulse is a small knot at the base of the brain called the basal ganglia, also known as the R-complex or the “reptilian brain.”
“Like an archaeological site, our brains consist of temporal layers, three separate brains from different eras of our evolutionary past, stacked and wired together in parallel loops, each layer more ancient and primitive than the next,” Vronsky writes. “The resulting whole is called the triune brain.”
This most primitive part of our brain regulates “self- and species-preserving behaviors,” including the “four Fs” of evolutionary survival: fleeing, fighting, feeding and f–king. If any of those instincts goes astray, that species will ultimately become extinct, Vronsky writes.
“When food was scarce in the Stone Age, we sometimes combined what we killed in fear and anger with what we killed for food, and sometimes even with what we had sex with,” Vronsky continues. “In times of distress, combat, conquest or famine, our species easily slipped into a mindless, instinctual cocktail of sexualized aggression, cannibalism and necrophilia.”
The second part of the brain — the paleomammalian complex, or limbic system — regulates emotion and long-term memory, as well as sensory and motor functions.

“Humans have not been around that long as civilized beings,” Vronsky told The Post. “It may sound like a lot — 12,000 to 15,000 years — but actually it’s a microsecond in the human clock, even of our own species. Us not being serial killers is actually a very recent phenomenon. We had to be that for so long and I think that’s what that is: In these pathological serial killers, you have kind of sparking of that primordial, reptilian brain that has not been completely phased out of our biology.”

So the savagery of the Stone Age lurks within us all?

Absolutely,” Vronsky continued. “It lurks and it’s coded into our DNA. It’s like a bug in an updated piece of software. Every once in a while that bug pops up and it’s like an obsolete piece of coding, essentially.”
For at least 100,000 years, Homo sapiens existed in a “natural state” of cannibalism, rape, murder and then simply running away, Vronsky said.
“That’s all,” he told The Post. “We spent the whole day doing just that, and nothing but that.”
A “total-war death clash” between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens left the latter as the only humanoid species on Earth about 30,000 to 40,000 years ago, but the price that humanity paid was very steep, according to Vronsky.
“Our brains had to be hardwired to sustain that kind of constant homicidal aggression toward ‘others’ through countless generations,” Vronsky writes. “Rather than temporarily condition ourselves for war or train to become warriors for a few months or even a few years, as we do today, in the Stone Age we had to kill and kill constantly, for tens of thousands of years, as a way of life, until we emerged as an unchallenged (serial killing) species.”

Attached: 180730-history-of-serial-killers-feature-1.jpg (978x652, 274.55K)

so basically murder comes naturally to humans

Is this a new leftypol meme?

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Whatever you say Neanderkike. This is your 500th thread this year.

Just becausr your (((23/andme))) tests results came back doesn't mean they're not Jewed.

Attached: neanderthal jew vs cromagnon.jpg (636x1069, 147.17K)

naturally to some , we call them murderers

not eveyone murders, just murderers

No. Just you schizophrenic Jews and other mongrel races.

No it's an old one. They changed Cro-Magnon to "early modern human" so that it could be anything from a Austrialian Abbo to a Asian pygmie.
As long as the Cro-Magnon is hidden from the public whites wont know their true origins. Thus the Neanderkike trying to tell you that you're race mixed with Neanderkike.

Daily Reminder, it was proven red haired Neanderkikes had a different DNA pattern for their hair than ANY humans with red hair.

Attached: cromag aryan dna.jpg (845x403, 129K)

Which is of course why such behavior is observed in our more primitive genetic cousins- instead of forming hierarchies with complex rules and social cohesion, monkeys exist as pathological hyper-individuals that simply run around murdering each other and raping female monkey corpses, as Vronsky suggests.
Fallacy of division.

That's what I told you. So how about you stop saying they are then?

Total bullshit

1. Apes are not monkeys
2. Chimps have very complex social systems. They even march military style while hunting and have a social hierarchy
3. People who study animals are always fascinated by the horror shit. It's like the old nature documentaries that were only about birth and murder. Same with archeologists. They find an executed criminal and they say, "people were doing human sacrifice to their gods, we so superior now".
4. Bonobos are sex monkeys who dont hurt each other and are just as related to us.
5. Cromagnon are white and have social cohesion
6. Neanderkikes were cannables.
7. Murder is apart of living. No need to glamorize it or over indulge because of your (((slasher flick))) obsessions. Serial Killers were CIA propaganda effort as described on Zig Forums many times.

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No, it is a fact. Even the kikes have given up trying to push the cro-magnon nonsense. There is absolutely no distinction to be made, all the specimens of "cro-magnon" are simply Europeans.

No, it is "European early modern humans". It very clearly and explicitly states that they are simply white people, there is no difference between them and us.
There is nothing to hide you retard, they are us. Period. There is no change between them and us.
We are not race mixed with them, we are their descendants. Whites descended from neanderthals. Cro-magnon is just a made up kike name for white people, to try to push the out of Africa horseshit and pretend whites and africans are the same species when we're not.

The Germanic and Nordic man didn't evolve from apes or monkeys. The history of evolution is a complete fabrication by jews and those that would work with them. There's a reason they destroy any bones that don't fit the narrative. Bones of giants. Bones of pygmies. Bones all across the globe, systematically destroyed, because they don't fit a narrative. The Third Reich was well into discovering that understanding the true history of our planet was vital to the success of their nation and the survival of the Germanic peoples.

There's a reason jews kvetch about whites oppressing native Americans, then quickly revert to pumping their communities with drugs, alcohol and money. Native American historical context doesn't match jew dominated historical context. They have stories of people visiting from space. People coming to live on earth from space. Giants who they killed off in the Americas. Of people who lived deep in caves. Early settlers discovered these ruins and bones. History as you know it is a complete fabrication.

No more monkey business. Jew.

I don't think it was physically possible to make the sarcasm more obvious, yet here we are with your "counter" post.

They use that term to imply "Human". But "human" hasn't meant white since the 1900s.
They were larger, more robust, and had bigger skulls shaped like us. Dont talk about shit you dont know about, idiot.
1. Cro-Magnon were never in Africa
2. Neanderkikes are not our ancestors unless you're a mudblood
3. You're a mudblood kike who makes (((esoteric))) threads all the time.
4. (((esoterics))) = neanderkike hybrids religion. Thus the Talmud

Attached: cromagnon vs neanderthal white history.png (1654x2103, 854.43K)

Attached: cro-magnon.jpg (375x383, 19.73K)

You're a fucking retard.

I am a cro-magnon. Just because cro-magnon people still exist, doesn't mean there isn't a distinction.
We are a different species to the Neanderthal. And the Neanderthal miscegenation was a disaster, as is miscegenation in general, a walking natural disaster.

Attached: indian and cromagnoid.jpg (786x508, 78.26K)

> (((esoterics))) = neanderkike hybrids religion. Thus the Talmud

Attached: neanderthal jew 100.png (706x706, 278.86K)

Stop hipster posting


(((esoteric threads))) (((druid/pol/))) (((siege))) "Whites are NEANDERKIKES" OP got BTFO by 8ch/pol/ so he's taking his revenge on 4chan. topkek

Posts fat goblina ass too. He's one of those faggots. Why do we allow Druid/pol/ here again? It's not Brit/pol/, it's Crowley/pol/. He's American, see pic.

OP exposed

Attached: Screenshot-2018-8-17 pol - Neanderthals and Cromagnon History - Politically Incorrect - 4chan.png (1466x550, 535.62K)

Reminder that you were proven wrong decades ago. Fuck the hell off and stop shitting up threads.

If you can't understand subtext when people are trying to make it obvious for you, can I ask, how do you intend to uncover secrets that are deliberately kept hidden from you?

both methods of fire starting are friction based, brainlet

You're an ugly Jew

This thread brought to you by:

And likely this one:

Who is really this IP hopping nigger from here:

This is the cro-mag schizo spammer.

and from here:

Time to take your meds.

all me

Indeed, as well as these:

Thanks for admitting you were wrong.

Kill yourselves, douchebags.

Kill yourself you jew fuck. Whites are a DISTINCT SPECIES.

Neanderkike trying to confuse his shilling by claiming posts he didn't make. kek

Attached: ;j;lj.jpg (423x585, 64.19K)


Found a jew.

"Some 40,000 years ago, Cro-Magnons – the first people who had a skeleton that looked anatomically modern – entered Europe, coming from Africa. Geneticists now show that a Cro-Magnoid individual who lived in Southern Italy 28,000 years ago was a modern European, genetically as well as anatomically. They conclude that the Neandertal people, who lived in Europe for nearly 300,000 years, are not the ancestors of modern Europeans. "

Here, read it. Cro-magnon and white people are not descendant from Homo Neanderthalensis. It is scientific prooven fact.

There is a reason, why are jews whitewashing Neanderthals. Because recent researches shows, semites have unusual high percentages of Neanderthal genome admix (Paabo&Krause, 2010). Jews knows it would be big problem if whites figured out they are of different species.

Attached: modern cro-magnon.jpg (288x288 182.26 KB, 10.83K)

That's the stupidest thing I've read from a torfag today. What wonders will tomorrow bring?

All apes are monkeys by definition. Just as every square is a quadrilateral. An ape is just a tailless brachiating monkey.

Yes. Cro-magnon exists. European white man is Cro-magnon. Different species, isolated, probably evolved in North America.

Attached: Cro-magnon (2)

The Bible discusses all of this.

Fallen angels raped some humans, the descendants of Cain.

Only Noah and his descendants had a pure bloodline, all humans in the world are his children.

The bloodline of Canaan was reinfected by this same issue after the flood by working with these demons.

Israelites were charged by God with the utter destruction of those tainted bloodlines, they did not complete their task and thus got infiltrated themselves.

It explains pic 1 in:

Whites and Jews both have among them the weeds Jesus mentioned mixed in with them, human shaped things that are not sons of Adam.

Jews are obviously more heavily infiltrated, the synagogue of Satan and all that, but whites have plenty of crypto-Canaanites among them as well.

This is an ancient battle between the sons of light and the sons of darkness.

Also see the book of Enoch. (the first one).

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There is some truth in that legends. J2 is semitic heavy Neanderthal admixed haplogroup.
Cro-magnon versus Neanderthal war is millenia old.

Attached: neanderthal infiltration.png (900x550, 503.65K)

You are an obvious faggot.


Genesis 6:4


Indeed. That title is formed by royal families. Not my fault Jews steal everything

Yes, I a white man, and I am a royal, and I do indeed hold that title

>Sculpture by (((anthropologist)))

Cro-magnons were literally africa niggers. We aren't related to them at all.

nice lack of sources loon

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Fuck off robcuck speher you and your peterson-tier pilpul kike semantical charades do not belong here, there's no albanian turknigger or that subreddit owner of a kike around to cover your kike ass
Fuck off robcuck speher you and your peterson-tier pilpul kike semantical charades do not belong here, there's no albanian turknigger or that subreddit owner of a kike around to cover your kike ass
Fuck off robcuck speher you and your peterson-tier pilpul kike semantical charades do not belong here, there's no albanian turknigger or that subreddit owner of a kike around to cover your kike ass
Fuck off robcuck speher you and your peterson-tier pilpul kike semantical charades do not belong here, there's no albanian turknigger or that subreddit owner of a kike around to cover your kike ass
Fuck off robcuck speher you and your peterson-tier pilpul kike semantical charades do not belong here, there's no albanian turknigger or that subreddit owner of a kike around to cover your kike ass
Fuck off robcuck speher you and your peterson-tier pilpul kike semantical charades do not belong here, there's no albanian turknigger or that subreddit owner of a kike around to cover your kike ass
Fuck off robcuck speher you and your peterson-tier pilpul kike semantical charades do not belong here, there's no albanian turknigger or that subreddit owner of a kike around to cover your kike ass
Fuck off robcuck speher you and your peterson-tier pilpul kike semantical charades do not belong here, there's no albanian turknigger or that subreddit owner of a kike around to cover your kike ass
Fuck off robcuck speher you and your peterson-tier pilpul kike semantical charades do not belong here, there's no albanian turknigger or that subreddit owner of a kike around to cover your kike ass
Fuck off robcuck speher you and your peterson-tier pilpul kike semantical charades do not belong here, there's no albanian turknigger or that subreddit owner of a kike around to cover your kike ass

What is wrong, jew? You dont want coherent and argumented discusion on Zig Forums?
Oy vey. Prune it, bann it! Typical jewish behaviour.
Chaim, it is sabbath. you are doing blasphemy

Cro-magnon is unchanged for at least 28 00 years. He sailed boats 30 000 ago.
Niggers are Homo Erectus + Homo Sapiens hybrids. Cro-magnon entered Africa and fucked Homo Erectus females. Niggers were born.

Attached: Cro-magnon woman.png (843x397 56.29 KB, 169.7K)

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That's just jews mad because the Nordic people have most Neanderthol and are smarter and stonger than they, the jews, are.

Pesenting no logical argument is, like, the signature of the jew, man.

just came in here to say that Cro_Magnon, white, is beauty.

bu-but Professor Shekelstein told me "whiteness" only came to Europe 8kya.

No jew, you're not the original inhabitant of Europe.

Dude, just fuck off at this point, You have no fucking argument beyond "whites wuz neanderkikes".

Images.phenotype clearly states that what we call today "jews" (you) are the descendants of neanderthal.

Pictures related are a comparison. Which one is neanderkike and which one is Cro-Magnon (European).

Attached: 3456324ty45.jpg (480x459 109.43 KB, 109.07K)

Attached: o-ANTHONY-WEINER-facebook.jpg (466x282 316.7 KB, 39.86K)

Abos look like Neandethals therefore Abos are jews lol

Attached: abo4.jpg (596x900 46.83 KB, 103.16K)

I dont get jews problem with that. On all Neanderthl threads they become frensy and hysterical. Why is that, if Neanderthal genome admix is something very good, how (((media))) portraits Neanderthals novadays? Just why is the fact, jews dont want to have remotely anything with Neanderthals, but portrait and whitewashing them as the best philosophers, musicians and progenator of best aleles people could have?
And then here comes Bradly with his books Essau Empire, Chosen people from Caucasus and Iceman heritage. Jews stabed him on the stage. Ruined him. Just why? Because he wrote about Paabo&Krause 2010 research which shows, semites are 20% and more Neanderthal admixed.
Pic related is, how (((media))) whitewash Neanderthals for last 10 years.

Attached: neanderhals for goyim.jpg (600x434, 63.75K)

Do they? They look different, kike. Try again.

Attached: d36f197c09039455abe34828bb70dc78.jpg (1080x1198 64.16 KB, 598.55K)

No, they dont.
1. Abo
2. Semite.
3. Nigger
4. Abo
Listen jew, it is classifier on this side, not some stupid normy you can manipulate with.
also, it is Sabbath, Moishe, you are doing blasphemy here

Yeah, it's funny how they portray them as White when they look even more jewy the further you go back. I just want to know who are ancestors were. We need to kill these kikes and have peace and quiet to get to some researching White man style.


Attached: Cro-magnon6.jpg (547x771 34.32 KB, 89.09K)

Yes. (((They))) are withewashing Neanderthals, but still, they cant hide main semitic/jewish traits on them.

Attached: Neanderthal whitewashing.jpg (212x320, 15.46K)

Nope, I just posted photographic evidence that Abos are Jews!

Fucking cringe. I guess I win then. You can now fuck off and watch as more Whites wake up while all you have is mumbling outdated and obsolete retorts.

Attached: 1534432826007.jpg (641x706 4.16 MB, 667.56K)

I posted just as much evidence as you did. A few pictures showing that jews and abos share similar facial morphology.
My evidence is irrefutable, jews are abos.