HTTP is a lost cause and our popular archival services can only be relied on for so much, and for so long. Perhaps, as our enemies rely on keeping our contact severed and our information restricted, we should be brainstorming ideas on decentralisation and better methods of reliably preserving data and communicating with one another.
Pic related was hacked up in GIMP earlier today, but IPFS can potentially take the concept much, much farther. Filecoin will replace traditional hosting services, mesh tunnelling will replace paid VPNs and content aggregators will replace forum monoliths. But on what other fronts can we stand to gain an edge from? One interesting idea has been toyed with: And there is already a growing number of IPFS-based chat services out there. So where else can easily-self-hosted content/databases and p2p projects help us?
so the content addresses gotta be somewhere, right? are they at… an IP address?
Parker Smith
and is there a place on the whole internet that ISN'T an IP address? or maybe I'm just retarded
Evan Fisher
IPFS runs at a higher level of abstraction than the TCP/IP protocol we generally depend on to contact each other. However, it isn't dependent on any particular host, or any particular protocol, to serve content. Nor does it depend on domain name severs or most of the bottlenecks that hold the web back today. Peers are generated by, and discovered through a modified DHT. It's basically a single, global torrent swarm.
does a IPFS website needs a seeder to be kept alive?
Parker Perry
the way I see it. ipfs sites will still be taken down for free speech and other illegal activities. how do you see it?
Christopher Anderson
Yes, as does any content. And as well as the inherent 'bitswap' method of providing content that other peers want, there has been a cryptocurrency conceived purely to incentivise the seeding of content:
In order to take down a single IPFS file, one must physically take down every single node on the network that is hosting it or part of it. In comparison, HTTP service can be denied by interfering with content delivery networks, domain registrars, ISPs, or the content hosts, to name a few. Which do you see as an easier target?
how do I access the site after has blocked my unique url?
Liam Thompson
lurk moar
Dominic Rogers
implying that everyone here understands ipfs >>>/suicide/
Cooper Murphy is just the official gateway, for the purpose of accessing content through the HTTP-based web. If you have IPFS installed, you can either grab it yourself with "ipfs get [hash]", or use your localhost gateway, or somebody else's.
Levi Bailey
content is stored at potentially thousands and millions of IP addresses. that's the whole point of IPFS. the ADL ziokikes and glory hole @Jack and (((Zucc))) and the libcuck blacked CEO of Cloudfront and the PRISM partners AT&T (BLARNEY) and Verizon (STORMBREW) and Sprint (OAKSTAR) and the NSA can take down one IP address or a network of IP addresses, but they can't take down all IP addresses.
think of IPFS as the equivalent of the Glock in escalating the Internet arms race against The Powers That Be. the Internet race has become exceedingly dismal since the fond days when dew-eyed hippy idealism about the Information Superhighway dominated the mindscape in the 1990's. arguably, the Internet arms race is already a lost war, reducing us to isolated guerilla hit and run tactics and the eventual extinction of the old cypherpunk dream that Information Wants to Be Free and that the Internet Interprets Censorship As Damage and Routes Around It.
the (((you know who's))) are nearly on the verge of turning the Internet in America into the Internet in Totalitarian Communist China.
me amigo, i'd say it is a moral duty of any denizens of these here chans under this looming New Dark Age to run an IPFS node and donate your bandwidth and disk space to the cause of Freedom of Speech to mirror and keep shadowbanned and suspended content alive and available and free on IPFS.
btw, images are pages from the autobiography "Konrad Zuse: The Computer, My Life"
I have read about ipfs 1 or 2 years ago and I was excited about It, I just didn't know how to bring it to use. I think I will use it for some projects and I will also consider hosting. I think many are already sponsoring their bandwith for torrents and they will also host ipfs when they see that it has more benefits to society than hosting jewish movies.
Connor Cox
There is a website service that allows you to store data inside a URL itself. If the URL is short enough, it can even become a self-contained QR code. You make your own “website” by editing the text. ANYONE WHO VIEWS THE RESULTANT URL SEES YOUR TEXT. This encoding is integral to the Internet itself. THERE IS NO HOSTING; OUR LINKS CAN’T EVER DIE. THERE ARE NO WEBSITE COSTS AT ALL; IT’S JUST A URL. THERE CAN BE NO CENSORSHIP OF OUR LINKS UNLESS THEY ARE ALL CENSORED SPECIFICALLY, OR UNLESS THE ENTIRE INTERNET AND EVERY BROWSER IS REDESIGNED NOT TO ACCEPT THEM. Now we are truly FORMLESS. Here’s an example.
way i sees it, you're espousing that ol' bull of self-defeating self-fulfilling prophecy surrender, which is all too common round here.
if you never bother to try because you think you'll fail, then you have already failed.
instead of letting the slave's mentality guide you, why not think like a fucking warrior?
please, by all means, let the Federale door kickers come and get me and seize my IPFS node. I WANT THEM TO. because i want to be the first Court case to make it all the way to SCOTUS to force The State to definitively decide for the Law of the Land whether participating in a decentralized anonymous encrypted p2p network is Free Speech or is Illegal Speech. choose door number 1, and Free Speech continue as normal, escalating to hide in ever more uncensorable crevices. choose door number 2, and ban IPFS, and tip your hand to the general public that they do not really possess any Free Speech and that TPTB can arbitrarily decide whether your speech is illegal. either door is a win for the long-game. throwing yourself onto the burning pyre to become a free speech martyr is one of the greatest achievements anyone could accomplish.
Au contraire, a good enough platform for movie piracy may just be what swings a heavy amount of laymen towards the idea of IPFS.
Henry Young
Do you know what's the problem with your project? I mean apart from bugs (it is in alpha) and the fact that it hungrily eats up slow connections.
There is currently absolutely nothing interesting there that one can't find on clearweb. Populate it with something that is easy to grab but which forces you to connect. Then we start talking about a useful project.
I mean, seriously. We have all these "new" (or old) types of networks. Onion, Zeronet, I2P, usenet, etc. etc.. And all of them offer nothing that you can't find on clearweb, they are all underpopulated, and just begging for people to come over. And the only people that actually do are into CP or some shit.
Seriously. Give us some serious content, create a Zig Forums home for us, and you may get some people to transition.
Joseph Rogers
user, you are aware the (((Dark Age))) is a jewish meme to represent a time when jews were barred from political, economical, academic, or media activity in the White Man's land, aren't you? Using this expression to represent the White man makes you a shabbos goy. Censorship is perfectly fine when it protects a a nation against degeneracy. This distinction is important because free speech is a jewish vehicle that allows jew to express degeneracy and destroy the moral character of the nation they've infected. Jewish power lies in their ability to think up the most depraved shit and express it through voice, amplified by movies, television, and Internet, which is the most dangerous of all vehicles since no barrier exists to prevent their depravity from reaching every toddler and granny across all races and nations. It allows them to amplify and embolden their nigger proxies and sandnigger golems against the White man.
That's not how the game is played at all. You don't even know the rules and erroneously make these dumb conclusions. The game is simply this: rig everything against Whites, but not against the shitskin hoards. There will be no shitskin plegs rising up against censorship against Whites. The issue isn't which type of speech is acceptable or not, but censorship which proceeds White genocides by jewish proxies. This isn't a battle that will be won in courts, user. That boomerthink belongs on plebbit, not in Zig Forums. Lurk 2 years before speaking again.
IPFS is a great censorship platform, but it needs to be easily accessible, particularly by Whites whom most need it. Make a smartphone app that simplifies access and you'll become golden.
Your meme is inaccurate. There were no "jews" until Josephus in the first century. I do wonder about that carving. I would like to know more about it.
Blake Sullivan
Not entirely correct. The Greek dark ages happened before there were any jews. However, I do accept your assertion that the European "Dark Ages" were exactly as you say, even thought they were affected by geoglacial changes as has been proven by ice-core samples.
Ryan Williams
This isn't Zig Forums cunt. Fuck off.
Michael Roberts
sage negated
Matthew Morris
this website will be alive for as long the internet is alive, all you need is a way to execute userscripts in your browser and then simply visit any website and add /bratwurst.kompani at the end of URL // ==UserScript==// @description this is the motherfucking website// @name bratwurst.kompani// @match http*://*/bratwurst.kompani// @version 14.88// @run-at document-start// ==/UserScript==document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].innerHTML = "KRAUT DANCE PARTY 24/7JUDEN VERBOTEN";document.title = "bratwurst ist gut";
Tyler Gray
Nobody cares about your Delete System32 faggot >>>/oven/
IPFS is used in >>>/pdfs/ for books and archives, so we are technically /poltech/ here. IPFS is just BitTorrent on steroids if you can't into Linux then just use
Hey sounds interesting, got a link to the paper(s)? I'm at work and wondering how to fill the last few hours.
Mason Morris
also check out mediadrop. it's a neat open source video hosting software.
Luke Johnson
Maybe some Zig Forums fags can jump in, but if a site has HTTPS, it should be possible to use IPFS as an authoritative alternative, no? As in, capture the whole HTTPS transaction - and because we have the whole transaction, we can prove that the content is undoctored? Is that what this does: Requesting that Zig Forums fags create a pleb-friendly frontend for the above. Also, for Tweets, DMS's, or any other short message that needs to be highly censor-resistant:
Hudson Hernandez
Usenet is antiquated. I2P is bogged down by latency/bandwidth issues. Onion is subject to the follies of HTTP. Right now, the bugs are really the more pressing drawbacks to IPFS. We can't expect any significant shift of users to the new protocol if there are no platforms built for them (and relying on most end users wanting to navigate the CLI is not wise), and we can't efficiently develop platforms while parts of the functionality and design lack in intuitiveness. Fortunately the development teams seem to be aware of many of these things, and platforms are still being created regardless (see the smugboard link in the OP if you want to look into a possible IPFS Zig Forums). What should probably be a precedence is taking existing established services that are based mostly on IPFS already - DTube for example - and push them off HTTP entirely (or alternatively, create clones). Then, play up the freedom angles when spreading word about them to the public. And it goes without saying, try to populate them with content that people will actively seek out. Establishing contact with people who already make that content for this purpose would also be a good step.
Yes, it seems that is implied in the section about WARC header parsing in "".
I think a high priority item would be a browser extension that WARC's and uploads to IPFS. I actually did a bit more research into
… last night and I don't understand how it manages to replay HTTPS. Problem is, though we can record the transaction, I don't believe Chrome provides an interface to actually get the keys needed to decipher the handshakes (I looked at QtWebEngine and couldn't see an interface that could achieve this either). But, the benefit of a Browser extension is that it would alleviate the need to leverage a third party service that can only record a particular URL. For example, with an extension we could, theoretically, click Record, go to Instagram, scroll down and store items that required dynamic interaction with that particular page. This has always been a limitation of traditional archiving services - if someone were to infiltrate Skippy's social media circle, for instance, they could not pass the URL's to a traditional archiving service because it would be behind an authentication wall. All that said, I'm not entirely familiar with HTTPS and the interfaces that most browsers provide, so if anyone could provide more insight as to whether it is: … that'd be great. Will CC the Zig Forums department to see if they have anything to contribute in this regard.
Your first challenge: understand what these repos do
Robert Rivera
I think you misunderstand my concern. Scraping a website and storing it is easy. What I don't believe is easy and someone with more knowledge might be able to correct me here is proving that what's scraped is the actual authentic response from a particular domain. For example, I could scrape (note the use of http and not https), but I could easily MITM attack the content to inject whatever I wanted - or straight up just modify it after the fact. My question is around how HTTPS behaves. If I were to scrape my internet traffic while visiting a HTTPS site using a software suite like Wireshark, for example, I would be unable to view the decrypted data. So, the idea I'm speaking of here is basically recording the whole HTTPS session + the decryption key established in the handshake. I'm assuming and again, may be wrong that this would provide proof that the response is in fact signed by the HTTPS certificate possessed by the domain being scraped. Attempting to modify this content would then invalidate the signature - so it could be proven if it was an authentic response versus a tampered response. > This only mentions HTTP in the description.
Michael Brooks
Now that's the kind of ingenuity I was looking for, user. You've certainly looked more deeply into this than I have, so I'm not sure I could give you many new insights here, but maybe looking into how public key pinning works will help clarify the matter for you. Or certificate transparency, the implementation that Google opted for instead (because, they claim, of security reasons).
The thing to understand is the way of which these software does archiving. If we don't know how WARC is made, and how WARC can be dumped into IPFS, the project is useless on the get-go
Samuel Gray
The more important factor here is the HTTPS question - and whether it is technically possible to verify that a HTTPS request/response has not been tampered. Even if this does not fit into a WARC format, a new container can be built for it - if it is possible. This is trivial. IPFS can accept any type of file.
Carter Clark
The issue (being a bike shed) is whether this is "reinventing the wheel" or not.
John Watson
Great post, it glows.
Josiah Foster
Could you point us to which of those programs are trying to accomplish the same thing (SSL cert-verified session recording)?
To extend an idea from the OP picture and here, Zig Forums could probably make use of sharing their IPNS/IPFS sites via the use of public QR codes. The articles could focus on any topic you like, but a blog for example, focusing mostly on your town/local community and the news/issues more relevant to them would be a more amicable place to start. And you could always drop a few more leads a bit further into the rabbit hole throughout the articles ("why is the industry in my town so dead?" "I didn't know income inequality here was so high" "what's with all the crime?").
Public-private key cryptography is only used to verify the server and to transfer a symmetric key which is used to encrypt the actual content. Considering that the client has this symmetric key it should be easy for someone to forge the actual content of the response and put it in an archive. That is unless the server uses something like this http s://github. com/WICG/webpackage/tree/master/go/signedexchange .
Jaxon Russell
Thank you, this is the kind of response I was after. So basically, content is encrypted (with symmetric key) and not signed, what we're trying to do here probably is not possible. Do you know of any plans to incorporate "content signing" (or whatever name it might be called) into the HTTPS protocol asides from the PoC link you gave? I don't imagine many sites would opt to implement this as it would probably only ever implicate them. Can you think of any other alternatives to this problem?
Landon Foster
A trusted archiving/mirroring website could implement content signing. Then anyone could download this signed copy in case the original mirror was taken down. Or we could false flag them into submission while at the same time implementing content signing at our sites, such as Zig Forums, to prevent them from doing the same.
Kevin Reed
torsocks ipfs init
yay or nay?
Colton Hernandez
It does not replace TCP/IP but http. IP is just the addressing/packet transmission service and not cause of the problems mentioned above. So no need to replace it.
Thomas Jackson
An excellent point.
An excellent solution. My one worry would be that they would use that to downplay the authenticity of the archives we already have, but that may be remedied if we make sure that the services we create are notably separate from the authentic ones we like to use right now, as well as putting a lot of emphasis onto the 'session' factor of falsehood (something that would require a session to actually load, but not fake - like an old Instagram photo or a private message from someone on a signed-in account).
Tor is ultimately not even close to infallible, and it seems to have slipped by everyone that the entirety of the network is being supported by a mere 1000 exit nodes, if that. Fortunately for us, Tor is not the alpha and omega of onion routing.
Of course. It's a separate level of abstraction entirely to TCP/IP. But, if I'm understanding the white paper right, it also does not depend on TCP entirely for generating node identities and routing them (ie, it is interchangeable, if such a solution were to appear - much like it is with HTTP).
Adding to this, The potential for modularity seems to be important to Protocol Labs. A DHT is also not necessary for IPFS' routing interface (static hash tables or databases can be used instead) and block exchange strategies can be altered by any node. The problems with IP parallel those with HTTP, only instead of reliance on domain registrars and Cloudflare, you are at the whims of IANA, your ISP and giant telecommunications providers like CenturyLink and Verizon - even stronger monopolies. Infrastructure is also a physical matter, and bound even more tightly to jurisdiction than the abstract software used for routing. PL anticipated these worries, and constructed IPFS with Named Data Networking (and the death of IP) in mind - where, like their content-addressed file system, content chunks (or blocks) are central to the network. Likewise, the benefits gained from transitioning are also the same - lower congestion, freedom to publish and ability to serve data widely, restoring anonymity, and so on. That the frontrunners of this research are the NSF makes one wonder how that might benefit them.
IPFS is shit. From what I can tell, it stores content on your HDD. That's a big NOPE for me right there. Storing darkweb content on your HDD is a BAD FUCKING IDEA.
I2P is secure, easy to set up, and works more like the internet we already know and love.
Has the fact I2P runs on a Java VM been addressed yet? That sounds shady as fuck itself.
Michael Morales
It only stores content on your harddrive if you chose to seed, that is you lit have to configure the service and start it for doing so. IE if you are going to host some web pages or whatever. Many use a typically a pi for this that is on 24/7
you can still just browse it
Josiah Turner
Told you this was the future.
I said it a year ago, and you losers called me a nigger.
Channel upon channel of encryption, where no one can read into anyone else’s channel without the proper keys.
You’re nerd food goons.
Aiden Price
Shits not secure, read slashdot nigger.
Grayson Moore
Of course they still were jews user…. They are called something else back then.
I am saying he is trying to dodge the whole WARC system without proposing an alternative. SSL cert-verified session recording is basically air-tight (unless your browser is fucked with MITM or cert-editing) This has made good note about the issue
Good post. Basically all archives are mutable by definition under the current system. If we are archiving our enemies' websites the only credibility that we would have are "word of mouth".
Now THIS is a glow-in the dark. Unless you seed it it will only be in RAM.
C-implementation is not ready yet, you can test it though
Jaxson Reed
> I should probably continue work on this soon. I'd put it to one side while waiting for js-ipfs to progress in development a bit further, but it's probably about time to get moving again.
Blake Anderson
IPFS may be ok for storing/sharing data, but IPFS seems to have no indexing, so good luck finding anything on it unless someone hands you a fucking link to their site/files.
I2P does torrents within the I2P network for storing/sharing data.
I2P does actual dynamic websites, and is home to several *chans. (IPFS seems geared towards static content, and "smugboard" seems merely to be a workaround)
I2P also has IRC.
The internal addressbook of I2P lists all sites known to your I2P router, and the "eepstatus" site on I2P shows you all the new and otherwise unknown sites.
Not to shit on IPFS, but if you don't feel like using a command line tool or instaling a billion programs, there's also Freenet, which is basically the same thing and works all from within your browser. It has plugins for forums and a Facebook-like social network, too.
Austin Taylor
Once Urbit has matured it'd be a great way for anons to host images, videos, etc. I've been thinking about creating an Urchan for the platform, but I'm sure someone will beat me to it.
Dominic Brown
You can only repeat misconceptions here and in other threads so many times before your bad faith starts to shine through.
Yes, I presume he's talking about the Bitswap exchange I briefly mentioned here , which fetches blocks for other peers to encourage them to seek your desired content in return. Not only does the IPFS daemon need to be running for this (which isn't necessary if you just want to fetch content), but these blocks are also stored in non-persistent RAM caches. And like you said, you only store on your HDD what you choose to download.
Ah, I see the misunderstanding then. If my slim understanding of WARC is right (which I am just gleaning from looking over the initial ISO draft), then with it being merely formatting focused, I doubt there would be any restriction on keeping session data too, with little or (hopefully) no modification to the standard. If basic JS functions can already be used through Wayback Machine captures, then it should be possible to capture asynchronous data too, right?
Hi user, how is it coming along so far? I've never gotten as far as running it myself. Also, why JS over Go?
Regarding the OP pic, MDwiki was included as a very simple proof of concept for generating elegant-looking HTML pages without needing any knowledge of HTML. IPFS itself suffices for fetching content, but I'm more concerned specifically with what we can build on top of it. I do not know how Freenet handles addressing, but I don't know of anywhere the deduplication, versioning and routing versatility of IPFS is mirrored within Freenet.
Has anyone of you bothered to actually learn the protocol(s) yet btw?
I have been meaning too for about half a year but shit keeps coming up and I (((forget))) about it. Was going to launch a node here too on a pi but that still's there too, I've installed it and configured the service etc but haven't even put up a test page there yet.
I know uses this, but I am a bit confused here too as they also support seeding from torrent. Need a steemit account too when I think of it
James Clark
I mean have any of you coded anything for this yet in example? I don't know the protocol in and out yet, from what I see this far at least, it seems a bit promising and may have potential for various types of applications. like ie streaming video like
Kevin Flores
Recently I finished the 'abstract' outline of my project, and entered the long-haul design phase. I've been studying the IPFS spec and some third party libraries (and other docs) as part of that, but haven't yet gotten to any 'compiling' stage.
I've just glossed over some Urbit & Retroshare material.
The idea of Urbit's limited addresses (and the early sale of them) concern me a little, but it seems like a very interesting concept nonetheless. I've noticed it was founded by a 'neoreactionary' figure (Curtis Yarvin) and backed by Thiel too, to give some possible political context to their motive (a "digital republic", with Roman-style governance). That said, it's workings are generally quite vague, unless you can bother to sift through the 57-page paper. So I can't say much right now.
RetroShare seems simple enough from an end-user point if you aren't looking for any demanding or specialised service. Probably works quite well as a messenger.
different user, but look up sybil attack for an idea on how DHTs and nodes can be manipulated while IPFS is promising, it still does not directly solve this problem, it only makes it harder to pull off. in their own words:
"Nodes are identified by a NodeId, the cryptographic hash of a public-key, created with S/Kademlia’s static crypto puzzle. Nodes store their public and private keys (encrypted with a passphrase). Users are free to instatiate a “new” node identity on every launch, though that loses accrued networkbenefits. Nodes are incentivized to remain the same."
tl;dr it's secure but not bulletproof
Benjamin Rivera
Any progress/ideas?
Lucas Miller
Plausible deniability, IPFS is part of the future. Not just darkweb things. It is all thing distributed. True, it is not for everyone because it will eat bandwidth and in some cases requires lots of space. Best practices requires a stand along box for IPFS work. Never on your own day to day PC.
John Wright
I feel like that user was talking in a much broader scale - like a simple killswitch for the whole routing system - and implying that was a reason for avoiding it, as if there is currently any better alternative before NDN comes around. And I also still doubt he was being earnest in his reply. You do have a point about possible sybil attacks, though. One of the parts of the paper that I questioned was why some kind of signing wasn't inherent to ID generation, especially considering a PKI was already present. Fortunately, that has little, if any effect on quickly verifying IPFS blocks themselves after downloading, and if need be, any application built on top of the protocol could include such a solution.
All of the facilities needed to publish files through IPFS currently exist. Indexes for these however, are scarce. So start to create archives, or index files that have already been published. I mentioned one possible application of this here: >>>/pdfs/10048 in being able to mirror the board's uploads (the thread was stickied not long after that, so it seems there is some interest there). But go further than literature. Publish your Zig Forums folder. Convince a YouTube channel to mirror all of their content, or even do it yourself. Create a blog about self-sufficiency. Anything that people will find valuable enough to at least pay attention to.
Who wants to Orbit-DB everything? Or a search engine?
Jordan Green
A correction here regarding BitSwap: I was getting my info from the white paper which apparently is several years out of date. A dev has recently told me that block-fetching for other nodes hasn't actually been implemented at all, and perhaps because of the legal tensions that it could cause, is unlikely to be added in the future. The blocks that you request are only the ones that you are seeking yourself, and the ones you serve are only the ones you already have in your repo (on your HDD).
There is actually an existing search engine, though documentation is quite light: I've wondered how well Orbit might fare as an IRC equivalent, but haven't really looked into it.
The major weakness in all of these systems is illegal content (CP) and copyright infringement. Both of these can be used arbitrarily to shut down opposition. Any legal proceedings for possession of these materials will be a show trial run by clowns.
I am developing a human-like object detector which can serve as an API that can flag any image that resembles humans in the slightest bit to get around the CP problem.
Hudson Clark
So instead of hosting my own stuff on my own hardware that I pay for, I'm just going to upload stuff to the "cloud" and then hope that whoever else is running this IPFS thing (out of the goodness of his heart) is going to have adequate resources and the will to keep my stuff online. Obviously you can see that this is communist retard shit and it won't work for anything beyond little hobby sites. No one is actually going to use (((IPFS))) for anything serious and so it is retarded. sage.
Henry Wright
I get really lost in any network/computer thread, can anyone suggest me a study plan or related books in this subject? Thanks.
Joshua Adams
Then I, the government, claim that any text/images relating to being a threat to national security (e.g. goverment secrets) can lead to an immediate arrest. If just having CP on the network can lead to getting fucked, then certainly, just having gov. secrets on the network will give precedence for going after anyone who runs it.
Joshua Stewart
Is that facial recognition using dlib or mt?
Nathan Flores
Yep. If it doesn't already exist because of some sick cunt who wants to abuse the beauty of freedom, they'll just fucking plant it. You need to be extremely pro-active in removing it and immunizing against it.
Copyright infringement can get fucked, though.
Charles Thomas
Alternatively, vantablackface.
IPFS is not a blockchain. Like I explained above, there is no unwitting hosting of content you do not explicitly request. If there was any precedent to go after IPFS in general (which would already be quite difficult) for CP existing on the network, there would also be a precedent to take down all HTTP services. Filecoin is a blockchain that provides storage for anyone willing to pay (and payouts for anyone willing to host), but that isn't intrinsically tied to IPFS.
There is nothing to stop you from doing that. Please try harder.
For IPFS? It's a very new program, and still hasn't been officially released yet. But the white paper covers most of the existing concepts and the dev team on freenode IRC (#ipfs) can help you with the rest. If you want to learn Golang, the language that the main IPFS implementation is written in, I've linked a book uploaded on /pdfs/ here If you're looking for resources on networking in general, I believe CISCO has published a lot in that area.
despite the shill attack, you're on the right track here. We can argue the merits of free speech after we have a viable platform to protect it. I have known in my bones that censorship is wrong my entire life. Nobody had to point it out. The arms race has gotten bad. For those of us who remember dialing into the local BBS, Usenet and the like, this is truly dark times. IPFS has its problems, but they won't get fixed without work. It is the next step. Do not wait for some blue haired faggots from the bay area to develop your savior. They are on the wrong side of history with their Teslas and VC provided lunches. Most of them do not remember the time when the net and the web were separate ideas. They think the whole internet runs on TCP port 80. If you're reading this and you know what I'm talking about, you are now the tribal elder. You must paint the cave wall showing the buffalo hunt to inspire the youth. Old timers bitching about parity settings and baud rate will not save us.
Young one, listen to me. Communication as we know it is under attack. You already can't tell if I'm a bot, shill, or neckbeard. Everything we know as the internet must be decentralized. Do not trust the cloud, do not run on Azure, AWS. Do not run docker containers. Think TempleOS, not OSX. You need to get bits from point A to point B when a significant part of the world doesn't want that to happen. Go.