Why would globalists push Kurdish migrants into County Clare in the remote and far northwest corner of Ireland?
Are they planning on giving the old folk heart attacks?
It's not enough that hey bullied them out of the big cities and now they're in the countryside they've dumped their garbage their
And when they complain, the scum report them to antifa and the local and national newspapers

Attached: Clare 2018.mp4 (854x480, 12.9M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Antifa needs to be reported to the IRA (the non-Marxist one, whichever that is).

Yep. Blow em the fuck up m88
That's the final solution

I am disappointed, I thought grandpa was going to beat the snot out of some shitskins. To be fair, I couldn’t understand a word either said

Time to step up, potatoniggers.

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Can any potato nigger give a translation?

if you won't fight now then when will you, white man?

You mean you can order pantyfa to your house like a pizza?

Attached: wut.jpg (620x340, 41.95K)

Am bong but basically the crux of it is, the old guy doesn't want them there, he's spent time and money keeping his little patch all green and neat. He invites the children in to "his parlour" for a fight. He tells them he's been around the world East Africa, West Africa and he'll fight them, he isn't afraid of savages.
The woman comes out and says he hasn't taken his medication. He asks them why are they here, it goes back and forth a bit, he pays taxes, she pays taxes, at the end he says we for the british, we fought the mackintosh and we'll fight you bastards. Up the IRA. Up the IRA.

All talk, no action. Don't say anything, just do.

County Clare is west, but not north at all. IRA were always cucks. The UDA was always the superior terrorist organization.

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What is with this phenomenon .. why are outsiders not being killed? Why?

Come into my parlor!

Attached: index.jpg (449x252, 23.23K)

We're the only ones that respect the law
Also apathetic and divided as fuck

You're racist, goy.

Only potato nigger slaves left on that rock. Real Irish starved or fled long ago. A warning to America, in-fight if you want but you will be replaced with invaders.

There's no such thing as a non-Marxist IRA you retard.

IRA was just a soviet front group to sap the brits. Notice they went away as soon as their Moscow paymasters went broke.

Like the Mafia they're all fucking sellouts for whatever gains them the most in the moment. It's a fucking disgrace how much treason we have within our own racial ranks. At some point you have to question whether or not the gods deem us worthy enough of total annihilation at this point.

Can only imagine how our ancestors look down and spit on us in disgrace.

Even the original IRA from the 1910's and 20's was founded by socialists such as Eoin MacNeill.
It doesn't help that the term used to describe the far-left politicians and groups in Ireland is "Nationalist". Americans and other foreigners seem to think that it means "nationalist" in the same way as white nationalism, it doesn't, it's just used to distinguish them from the loyalists.

Isn't that more or less what you're doing?

It's no different from the colonies. People are stuck between violent response and living a fat dumb happy life. Evil has a longer time horizon than good.

Why would anyone need to hide?

Quit what exactly? What is it that I am doing?

Fair question, but infighting would be arguing endlessly or bloodily over who has the best solution rather than fighting the common obvious enemy and then sorting out internal disagreements. Pointing out that the Irish are slaves may demoralize a real fighter, but he is better to grasp that he will die alone rather than ignorantly believe he will be surrounded by brave souls

Another great country falling to forced diversity. Diversity = white genocide.
Civilization was brought to you by White People not these third world fleas. This is the Jews design, to force whites out by the use of useless drones.

I tire of giving goos credit for our downfall. We must stop treating them as ubermensch. It is our own weaknesses.

Attached: hi-im-homosexual-indian-leo-varadkar-im-the-unelected-irish-33260897.png (500x550, 71.39K)

It really really sucks to these old irish, i feel bad for the older generation of uncucked Irish.
Is there any chances that we see a full 1488 IRA at some time?

It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
Ireland 2040 EU Globalist Plan

American plastic paddy detected

None, go back to sleep. Those putzes in giardia are too busy filling out forms to stop a real cell of killers. It would be child's play to kill a brown in every town. But without a belief in the afterlife, most PN's are content to live comfortably even knowing that ireland will be browned out eventually.

clean your own house before you fling shit, you are ruled by a poo in the loo.

Can you get any more American?

You used plastic paddy. PN just exhausted his entire arsenal. Exactly the point that no man was left in that soggy shithole after 1900. Can't even think of a insult.

Are you high? I can't even understand your post.

The jewish holy texts prophesies tell them the seafaring tribe of dan will destroy israel.
The irish are from the seafaring tribe of danu, they think we are going to destroy them, and in preparation they smash the diaspóra na ngael to isolate our families, and then attack at the heart. Ireland has also served as a library for european advancement during turmoil.

You save ireland, you save europe. Please help us awaken fionn maccumhaill.

What about that video did you not understand?

you aren't irish either, jose.

i thought they wanted ireland to be a republic why are they marxist

The ira is a confusing mess. Its why jews so easily subverted it.

A mystery we will never know.

Attached: 2009-ireland-lisbon-treaty-referendum.png (697x882 27.08 KB, 38.17K)

Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, and even the kikes in England, are all the same Genetic mix of Iberian, Nordic, and Germanic, each of which are different proportions of the same three ancient European hominid groups.

I will come and fight with you Celticbro.

I'm pretty sure the one that is kneecapping and executing drug dealers is the non-marxist one.

They do it because they know you people have no balls and will never fight back

Wow those muds sure surround quickly when they hear "racism" but of course are all racist themselves.

tfw when you follow the laws because you're white but the law is that you need to go extinct

More or less this. I think you are downplaying the genetic differences slightly, but the IRA was always about kikes destroying the British Empire. Hate the British Empire if you want but it fucked the Jew's plans up to no end; can you imagine it, all these 'slave people' around the world and suddenly the British were giving them concepts like 'common law' and 'freedom of speech'. The Empire might have committed many crimes, but the fact that they gave those values to so many nations is perhaps the greatest single injury ever afflicted upon world jewry and should be understood by Zig Forums to be the reason why we are able to fight back today.

As an aside, the American republic was supposed to go the same way that the French and Irish did. It was supposed to destroy the people and bolster jewry's hold over it. The problem was that America was WAY too big and they couldn't effectively control it - it was a logistical nightmare, and myriad separate and distinct 'cultures' rose up out of it completely untouched by jewry, and who were obsessed with freedom and guns. Obviously the civil war put a HUGE dampener on that and the US has remained a semi-controlled state ever since; but the point is that in the vast majority of cases a 'republic' should be considered a bad thing that is instigated by jews with the express purpose of separating a nation from its historic safe-guards.

I agree. However, the Celtic people are immune to this, as each person descends from, and eventually becomes, a Seanchaí, destined to pass down the stories and ideas of our ancestors.

Only so long as we know the truth and pass down the right stories. There is a reason why the enemy re-writes history whenever possible, and there is a reason why they are so saturated in the areas of media and education.

Half of Zig Forums hates significant portions of our history - Pagans hating the Christian era, Christians hating the Pagan era. Remember our Christian ancestors never hated the Pagans who came before them and in fact venerated many of them, and the Pagans actually became Christians in the first place. Point is that our history is easily distorted and people are made to hate portions of it because of that.

Never. The answer is Never; for some reason, the inbred abomination that is the people that live in those shitty islands that are the UK is extremely submissive. They will suffer through all sorts of things and do simply nothing "bc8 they r8cist m8 we dun be hitla". Frankly, they deserve everything they get and if they were to be extinct, that would only do us a favour by cleansing the gene pool out of these abominations. We don't need these idle submissive dumbasses. They're a liability.

This street-shitter telling Irish-pop to "Go Home!". Ho Lee Fuq we need a major cleansing

go FUCK yourself, kike; if you're not a jew then you're a RETARD !

look at yourself, having your country submerged by street shitters and third world cockroaches and the best thing you think you should do is come on the internet and post on Zig Forums ? You're just like all the boomer potato niggers who do nothing and only try to live comfortably until they die, regardless of what happens to Ireland next. You're as useful as… nothing
as if they were not going to live again and that their soul would somehow disappear, yeah makes absolute sense

The British gave the concepts of freedom of speech and common law, from Magna Carta, to the USA, Canada and Australia. The rest of Europe copied them after Britain became the world's super power.

Adolf Hitler was a great man, but unless we are inspired by him to actually fight the kikes - he actually did them a favour. They were able to massively speed up their plans because of Hitler. I do hope that his legacy of national socialism will lead to us fighting back in the same way that common law and freedom of speech have allowed us to fight back, but right now it is too early to tell - and you cannot currently tell whether it was Hitler-esque nationalism that is leading the fight, or pre-Hitler-esque nationalism was which rife everywhere.

I am not criticising Hitler, but I do feel that we should not be re-writing history just to make us feel better about our heroes. Unless we can make National Socialism win, which we should strive for with all our might - then Hitler's legacy is a new religion that has made the Jew's untouchable. It's not his fault in the slightest, he did more or less everything right - BUT he certainly was not the greatest injury to world jewry. He might just have been their greatest boon.

Ah, you're a jew. Makes sense. Your fear of the Anglo still shines through.

Actually, Zig Forums and the internet in general is VERY important. We are waging a war over information - the reason the jews got so far ahead in the first place was because of their domination of publication. We have completely dismantled that and the people are waking up. A century of feminist propaganda is unravelling before our eyes, people are beginning to re-embrace Christianity for the first time since the end of World War 2 and 'anti-semitism' is at its peak for a century. The war of information must come before the actual war, there is no other way for us to fight back at this time. We need to 'recruit' because we have no standing army, and our enemy does.

The reason they would kneecap is because they ran the drug trade, and they got most of their guns from Americans.

I watched a doco about it and they give you 2 warnings apparently, which generally includes a kneecapping and the third time you transgress you're dead.

No. Israel is a shit land and the independent economy he created was a stain in their eyes.
Yes, better to believe in reality! Ze evil nazi made lampshades out of jew skin and they put a wooden stick up my ass!
And they gassed all of my comrades with fake showers and I'm the sole survivor like always! Lucky me!
I doubt it. Everything controlled from Moscow, Washington, Paris, London, China etc. fought against him. Everything with high jewish influence. What a coincidence!
Only the few self controlled stood with us: Our European fiends and Japan.
Everything else INCLUDING the niggers and pajeets from the colonies of jew controlled nations were against us.

Surely the niggers were on the right side of history! I mean the allies had way more people so it's obvious who is wrong, right Goyim???

You misunderstand what I'm saying. At this stage of history, after Hitler's defeat, one might well say that Hitler's efforts ultimately only helped the jews gain control. Of course when he was alive he was a SERIOUS threat, and had he won he might have well have dealt them the greatest injury in history. Sadly he did not. Unless people like us can take his legacy and make National Socialism great, and defeat the enemy; then Hitler's ultimate effect on the world would have been one that contributed to the enemy's domination. Again, that was not his plan - Hitler was a good guy fighting the good fight - but ultimately the consequences of his actions have given the jews a position of power that they have never had before. That is what I'm getting at here.

They had already declared war on us and the red army was waiting to overrun Europe, so without Hitler shit would be way worse.

I am not disagreeing with any of this. I assume English is not your first language? The person I was arguing with was disputing that freedom of speech and common law were wounds that still bleed the jew and make it difficult for them to attain world domination; he asserted that Hitler had inflicted the greatest wound upon world jewry. My response was that, at this current time, Hitler has if anything only served to aid the enemy as they have a created a new religion with themselves as god and Hitler as the devil - the point is not that Hitler did anything wrong, it's just that unless WE or someone like us make National Socialism win - then Hitler's legacy will be that of aiding the kikes, not of slowing or stopping them (despite his great efforts and attempts in life).

Has absolutely nothing to do with me correcting your babble about Hitler helping the jews.

Attached: cross-of-iron.jpg (512x288, 22.37K)

Your brain is small and its quite saddening. Work out a lot my friend and be ready to do your duty when the time comes. Your talents hopefully lie in the realm of the physical. I will not bother to try to explain this very easy to understand point anymore.

It is clearly the same colonialism that the SJWs cry about when it happened in Africa. Do natives have the right to kill colonists?

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oh, they will
youll see

The Irish are opposite, we worship jesus and respect lugh, we sign the cross and do not disturb the fair folk, our great pagan magicians and druids were made into saints and missionaries. We are the key to unification.

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Your spics

Gee i wonder (((who))) could be behind this post

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What you do is take these exercise machines, load them up with say 300lbs and drop the "spike" on the heads.

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(Part1 )

Potato nigger here.

Two of the people most responsible for immigration into Ireland are the Minister for Justice and Equality (Charlie Flanagan), and the President (Michael D Higgins).
The Minister for Justice has enormous power in letting in whoever he wants, and giving anyone he likes Irish citizenship.
The president Michael D Higgins who is responsible for signing legislation and influencing people behind the scenes is a Marxist who loves the Kurds and all other people from the third world.
Michael D Higgins is also a closet gay. He's married to his wife Sabina and has children, but his real love is his boyfriend Kevin McCarthy who is his "Executive Assistant".
So the 'D' in Michael D Higgins stands for "Dick".
We also have an openly gay Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar,
who is half-Indian.

The top politicians in Ireland love immigrants because they are all faggots, progressives, globalists and Marxists.

The top politicians are:

President: Michael D Higgins (Gay, marxist)

Prime Minister: Leo Varadkar: (Gay, half-Indian)

Minister for Justice and Equality: Charlie Flanagan (Globalist)

Attorney General: Seamus Woulfe (Globalist)

From the Department of Justice and Equality website:

Secretary General
Secretary General and Irish Foreign Minister Charles Flanagan discuss human rights in Europe

Mr Flanagan also informed the Secretary General that Ireland will be making a voluntary contribution of €45,000 to support the work of the Council of Europe’s expert anti-racism body, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI).
“I would particularly like to thank Ireland for its support to ECRI and its work to fight discrimination, which is closely related to our aims of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly for minorities,” said Secretary General Jagland.
“The fight against racism and intolerance in Europe is a key priority for Ireland. I am delighted to be able to make this contribution to the important work of ECRI, in particular to support its efforts to combat homophobic violence and discrimination,” said Mr Flanagan.

Attached: michael d higgins kurds.png (995x529, 718.44K)

(Part 2)

His wife Sabina is to remain at home due to commitments.
The President's holiday will not be funded by the taxpayer, and Mr Higgins paid for the holiday himself.
He is to be accompanied by his assistant, Kevin McCarthy, who is travelling to the sun island to work for the President.
The Aras says Mr Higgins will be using the week's break for "writing and for preparation for the year ahead".
The President's office said Mr McCarthy is travelling "to be of assistance to the President and to facilitate ongoing and necessary liaison with the office".
Mrs Higgins will not be travelling because she has "other commitments"

From Wikipedia:

Higgins was inaugurated as President of Ireland at Dublin Castle on 11 November 2011 giving a speech as part of the ceremony.[57] The ceremony had a humanist element, alongside Christian, Jewish and Muslim ones.

(This Legalized faggot marriage)

On 10 July 2018, Higgins announced that he would stand for a second term as president.[87]

As well as having a successful political career Higgins has had a career as a poet and broadcaster and has produced works of non-fiction.[91][92]

Among Higgins' poems are "The death of the Red Cow" and "The Ass", an ode to a donkey.[97]

(Our gay Irish president writes a poem called "The Ass"…No I'm not making this up…)

Higgins has campaigned for human rights and written of conflict in many parts of the world, including such areas as Nicaragua, Chile, Cambodia, El Salvador, Iraq and Somalia.[102

Pictures: Irish President Michael D Higgins (Balding, white hair, glasses) with his "Executive Assistant" I mean boyfriend (second left, holding program in his hand) at an Irish Army football game.

Also, President of Ireland Michael D Higgins with a bunch of gas-dodging kurds.

Last, Charlie Flanagan, Irish Minister for Justice and Equality

Twitter of closet gay, marxist President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins:

Twitter of globalist, immigration loving Irish Minister for Justice and Equality:

Attached: President Higgins Second right with boyfriend Kevin McCarthy third rightNWS_20131201_OPI_031_29806549_I1.JPG (1500x983, 589.19K)

those porcelain skinned and fiery haired lasses would rather suck black nigger dick than potato nigger dick.

You ginger faggots just let a squad of Pakis surround and berate an old man, and not a single potato nigger joined him.

Blond hair and blue eyed ladies for me.

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German here, I moved from Germanistan to Ireland for work.

Great people, very hospitable, probably the last bastion with white values left.

Too bad it's being jewed to death housing bubble (via vulture funds) and migrant wise.

You guys still can fight. Mob up and kill invaders. If you kill these people in mobs of a few hundred nobody will be persecuted ever. This happens in eastern Germany all the time.

I'm from a part of Germanistan where it was already too late in the 90s. Schools 50%+ violent muslim savages and west Germans aren't used to ganging up and fighting savages (contrary to jewish neo nazi propaganda).

You Irish still have a shot.

eh, they'll keep the Irish around to inflict you on everyone else ;^)
I married one. I hold a frustrated love for the Irish

this is how the elves must have felt when they got displaced by primitive man crossing the land bridges in prehistory. all white countries dying simultaneously is the most outrageous example of worldwide dominion exerted by a small secretive international collective of billionaires since the fall of monarchies and the troubles of the 18th and 19th centuries.

nobody has the will to fight anymore, that old man has more testosterone in his old withered body than half a dozen young lads.

is the reason everything is made from wood some irish thing? or are they planning to raze the country to the ground in a giant bonfire.

Yes, there is. The Gerry Adams one that's on TV is the multiculti Marxist one. I think the one we want is called the Real IRA.

The UDA are the fucking orangemen you dolt.

Not queer get over it.

Yep, (((Brussels))) does.

but does she frustrate ur benis?

Attached: carlos.jpg (210x240, 16.89K)

Kill them and drink mead from their skulls already. Strip to yer skivies and and show them the crazy they are fookin with.

Attached: 8LLr[1].gif (500x214, 982.66K)

I bet so

There will be no unification between those whom worship semitic gods and those whom love our volk. You've sold your soul to the demons of this world. Funny enough I wont have to lift a finger to destroy you and your foul beliefs. The jews will do so instead, those same fucking yids you worship.

But if you find your fucking balls for once in your pathetic lives, good luck fighting the jews. Maybe you will grow up at some point doing so.

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The fact we can't elect our own leaders drives up the fucking wall.
If we were given the vote there's no doubt Leo wouldn't be the Taoiseach.

This is what happens when Zig Forums goes outside.

Here's a fun fact: did you guys know that when we voted against the Lisbon Treaty we were made to vote again, this time with an EU-backed nationwide scare campaign that we'd be fucked if we voted against it a second time?
I love democracy!

You are full of shit. The retarded monkeys won't do anything.

The way he destroyed Alvarez was a thing of beauty, made the former champion look like an amateur.

The Dagestani Muslim is next.

Attached: Conor McGregor vs Eddie Alvarez.mp4 (640x360, 11.87M)

The IRA were never 1488. They were socialists who followed Karl Marx.
Even the original 20's IRA were Marxists.
I don't know why Americans think they were some kind of white nationalist militia.

McNigger more nigger than an actual nigger. Dodeca-nigger.

Can fight for sure but will probably get humped by the muslim for 5 rounds.

no one knows anything, anymore

complain not, explain

(((media))) user

But looking at what micks voted for and how many in America are figureheads of the pozzed media, I cannot help but feel the English Or Scots should have finished the job.

That's going to be a tough fight, but as every round begins on the feet, I think Conor's striking will be too much to deal with. One thing I will say, those Dagestanis seem to have a toughness that is out of this world, product of their circumstances I suppose.

nah it was pretty shit and was alvarez took a dive for the illumanti champ to come in.
conor is a golem under mk ultra … check it out.

Hes shit tier

I can tell you why that is, it's because up until two years ago there was absolutely nobody decent to vote for.
You either vote for FF or FG which are pretty much the same party or you voted for SF who are self-admitted Marxists.
Even now the only decent party is NP and they're completely unknown.

In Ireland your choice of voting is
Pick your fucking poison.