Masshole here. I’ll be spreading this info through local channels, as it’s complete bullshit. We’re all closet racists here however, and rarely have to deal with non-whites if we don’t want to.
holy fucking shit massholes
If he can take it to higher court it will be thrown out, unless he lands the roulette on a jew judge or something similar.
I really wish whites would start killing people who fuck with them.
I hate my state. I gotta be real crypto.
They fly a black nationalist flag at Boston city hall. I saw a guy with an antifa shirt today and contemplated punching the fuck in the back of the head. I also noticed there’s way more niggers there than I remember.
Goddamn, they really love moving non whites into the whitest states, don’t they? New Hampshire is next, you know.
Fucking niggers.
supreme court has already ruled "hate crime" is bullshit.
Hate crimes are such bullshit. All protections involving discrimination and hate should be toilet papered. Fucking Jew niggers.
I also like to take late night motorcycle rides into different ethnic neighborhoods and stop to relax in the middle of them after a hard week of work. Totally normal, guys.
Yeah I don't think this would ever hold up in court. He should sue for harassment when he gets cleared of charges. "Hate crimes" aren't crimes, and he didn't threaten injury to them based on what was quoted. The only thing they have is "disorderly conduct", whatever that is.
Somethat unrelated, I noticed that "disturbing the peace" and "disorderly conduct" are what British cops use to throw people in jail that they don't like when that person has done absolutely nothing wrong. This is very concerning if that starts being used here, and we need to cut this behavior off and call it out so it has no chance to become accepted.
He wasn't.
Even if they did really do nothing, voicing dislike of people because of their race is completely legal. He never threatened harm to them in any way.
I'm glad the irishmen of Mass still have some balls.
It SHOULD be dismissed. That's not really the case for anyone white in courts these days. You're doubly fucked when non-whites are involved. Courts that make common sense judgments are being passed down into the old town. The motto of the court is becoming "keep the revenue door revolving" and "guilty until proven innocent". Good luck, a literal prison society is the future with all these niggers.
The paddies need to make Boston great again.
fucking pussy. at least confront the faggot.
Whats the cops the charged him name. They are still open to civil suites and the internet, file a federal harassment complaint against the detective who most likely is a nigger. The less non-whites and dykes in the police department the better.
There was a White boston detective guy recently that was a whistleblower against the Boston PD guy outright named the nigger police captain that was corrupt along with a couple other niggers. The way it was explained is that basically the niggers that have rank have been coping training day but, with more murders an raping young girls in the negro neighborhoods.
Are you fucking serious? I live 5 minutes outside of Boston, and the shitskins are everywhere now. And it's getting worse every day. They are pouring into this state. It's a fucking nightmare! We've lost entire cities to the invaders. They are building high-density housing units everywhere to house more and more shitskins. God help us.
The mere concept of (((hate crime))) is bullshit.
Prepare to be diversed.
Crime is crime and hate is just the jewish brainwashing word for righteous fury.
Masshole here. Holy fucking shit is right. It’s fucking leftist shit mixed with old Puritan law horseshit I’m moving now. Everyone go to NH.
We all do. Massholes are all secretly racist but the colleges ruin everything.
Can you even be charged with this when you are at your house, on your property?
Good luck with finding proof of that.
Comments are showcasing the people of mass you never hear about. There’s still some of us salty fucks here.
I noticed the comments, but the site they are on seems to be more on the right wing perspective of things, judging by the verbiage in the article. It would be incredible if the comments sections of libcuck rags looked similar.
You niggers never heard of Pokemon Go?
This case could easily go up the chain to the supreme Court where they can rip up "hate crime" law.
Yea the liberal sites I’m sure are cancer, but I’m just saying there are more good people in this state than the voting shows. Especially in SE mass swamps. We’re better than the voting maps show. We’re fucking drowned out by the cities and colleges. I know some racist townies here. And traditional community minded people. We’re not California.
Honestly it's a tug of war between Maryland and Massachusetts for who wants to be the true dystopian leftist hellhole of the east coast(NYC aside). We gotta make the colonies great again brother
last time I was in Boston, the thing that shocked me was how many asians there are. the colleges around there must be majority asian, why else would there be so many?
Massfags are killing NH
as if niggers play that shit on motorcycles at 10:30pm
Let's face it the longer we wait the uglier it will have to be
Many of the Asians, who mostly seem to be Chinese, come here for the education. But there are far too many for just that purpose. They are taking over entire communities. I don't even recognize some parts of this state anymore, signs are all in asian scribbles. I expect they come here for the welfare, and or any shit job they can find. The people who go through my garbage every week are Chinese. The asian communities are insular, and easily missed by the casual eye, but their populations are growing very fast. Seems to be a lot of Cambodians and Vietnamese as well.
Lmao, wypipo
I'm from Rhode Island and we are completely flooded with spics
In the middle of Boston with nobody backing me up and surrounded by niggers. Yeah, smart
And anything useful will be ignored because you're a foreskin inflating kike.
Uhhh free speech? He should sue the Police Department and District Attorney for malicious prosecution. Goddamn we really need anons to start getting careers as lawyers, policemen, sheriffs and judges.
Oh yeah, they'd last long in those jobs standing up for rights in boston.
go into towns off 395 in CT, rural part of the state. Or even SE CT off 95 near the RI border. Spanish in gas stations, McDonald's, everywhere. In my town – where there's no longer any news at all, there's no paper to cover it – we have 2 or 3 houses loaded with Ecuadoreans who come in and out non stop. 5k population max, nothing here. No reason for these people to be here. None. It makes no sense.
No one asks questions. No one even notices. Cops are probably in on it. People are brainless, clueless, uninteresting, uneducated, crass, one dimensional consumption machines. Buried in phones and drama. There are Hispanics with 7, 8 grandkids AT 40. We're just beginning to see it manifest now and it will metastasize incredibly quickly about the time the fucking Woodstock generation is mostly in the ground. They won't live to see the results of what they did or pay a cent for what they've destroyed.
yeah that's how spics are. mexican women work overtime 'til the water breaks
East Boston and Chelsea need vigilante groups to kill and beat the shit out of MS-13 there, as well as vigilantes in Lowell to beat up the machete wielding Cambodians. Mostly all illegals, so since BPD can’t do their job, it’s on people like us. It’s time historic cities like Boston and Philly are reclaimed by the white men who built and still maintain it.
You’re totally right. We need infiltration. From lawyers to cops to soldiers to government officials.
Thus, there can be no "hate" crime as a result of speech.
There isn't even such thing as "hate" crimes, since nobody can prove intent.
It's also bullshit because the punishment increases because you experienced "hate" while during your criminal act.
Same and can confirm. When I go grocery shopping it's like being in a street market in a favela. I go to the more expensive organic market now because I can actually shop in peace without immigrants and their entire extended families blocking the aisles and stinking up the place. What's so fucking hard to understand about washing armpits and using deodorant anyway? I mean ffs even just some baby powder will help…
Tough shit we're coming. Also, don't act like NH isn't pozzed either. It's just less pozzed than MA, which isn't saying much.
As a lawyer in a liberal state I can tell you, without doubt, he has lost. At the very best (((they))) will offer him a plea deal for somewhere between misdemeanor or a 1/4 of the charges, depending on how wealthy he is which equals how likely he is to fight this and make it a big enough deal for it to be noticed.
It is sad that a lot of anons here don't fully grasp how pozzed it all is at this point, solely because this particular level of (and there are already much deeper levels within our country) has not slithered its way in to their lives/attention yet.
He yelled at a protected class, which is an unspoken but very real thing. I really hope you guys watch this closely. Maybe then those that are on the fence about democracy fixing any of our current and future problems will realize that avenue is closed down indefinitely. Maybe you will realize that this is not too uncommon, it is just an example that made its way here this time.
I had a case where a white man was rear ended by an illegal alien that was driving extremely careless, without a license and without insurance. The white man, who had his young child in the card, exited his vehicle and began yelling at the mexican for driving carelessly and putting his child in danger.
Long story short, the white man was arrested for disturbing the peace, a hate crime and assault with a deadly weapon because the mexican told the mexican officer that the white man had put the car in reverse after the accident and pushed the mexican's car in an "aggressive" manner.
The white man refused to plea, despite the fact I told him it would not be in his favor regardless of what we did, due to the political climate.
He was found guilty of the two serious charges and the judge dismissed the disturbing the peace.
This came to no surprise to anyone in that room that day, other than the client.
This happens all the time and it is spreading to wherever each of you live.
He said "fucking animals", which to a normalfag, is pretty racist. The headline and article is kinda misleading.
Still bullshit, though
Welcome to the kiked Lawfare state goyim
Also, left out that this was within a sanctuary city. The mexican was not detained and received a citation. The officer also neglected to do any sort of test (breath, blood, physical) to determine if he was under the influence. He most definitely should have due to how erratic he was driving, but did not.
Polite sage for double-post.
One can see from this and similar reports how it is essential to fully remove Jews and similar miscreants from any formal position of power over us.
They aren't real people, 88% is bots. Otherwise their wouldn't be all this gosip, they would post laws and supreme Court decisions.
The Kritarchy.
an*mal is a slur now? I guess we're supposed to say 'non-human individuals.'
Definitely, but I honestly believe unrepairable damage has been done to the legal system and democracy. Not only has every millimeter of every system been subverted, but a percentage of the population itself has been as well. I can see that through clients and I can see it through jury selections. What is engrained is substantially engrained.
I would like to point out something else I have noticed anons seem to forget when it comes to these injustices:
It doesn't matter where you live, it matters where they charge you. For example, the man from my story above did not live in a heavily mexican pozzed area, he was actually from a rural area out and about for his son's doctor's appointment which happened to cross him in to a different county and near a city.
And it is almost always cities.
And almost all of us have to visit them.
And where we are now, we are practically forced to go there for some reason at some time.
Most importantly, when it comes to the legal system and pretty much every other element, they are truly the enemy.
Cities have become full of people, (((people))) and "people" looking to punish whites. Looking for an opportunity to make a white, especially one from a more rural area that isn't well in to hormone therapy, pay a price. Police forces that are becoming more comprised of different races looking to punish the white man over their own.
Every element of government looking to virtue signal to every group and ideology that is our enemy.
I have repeatedly seen whites from outside the city get caught under completely pozzed city/large county police and courts.
Like a spider's web.
Forget relaxing around blacks. Don't relax anywhere, because there is a price somewhere on your head.
America = Sweden tier
Love it or hate it; the US prison system gets it right with 'Segregation'. Were there any "American Spirit" remaining in the progeny of those who built this nation, he/she would reverse several major changes for which he/she didn't get a vote; like the 1964 Immigration Act, Desegregation, allowing Jews out of their ghettos, allowing dual-citizenry, and deporting Africans back to their Chocolate continent, etc….
Don't listen to jews like this anons, they are trying to get this board shut down and slide real threads like those about pedowood.
Calling them animals is an obvious racial slur, of course the irony of admitting this is lost on the kiked judge.
why would that "shut this board down"
and freedom of speech is very important , being afraid to speak your mind is terrible. Expressing your opinion is something that should always be defended.
But he might be some type of shill sure. Seems kind of wacky
I have no words to describe how fucked up this whole situation is. I mean someone is probably going to be fined to death just for a "get off my lawn" to niggers. Niggers kill people, rape people and get away with it. That's fucked up.
Boston is full of literal faggots, shitskins, poos, kikes, niggers, and they are all supported by smug white liberal cunts and soyboys who live in their $3,000/mo studio apartments.
This entire state and most of New England as a whole is fucking trash and needs to be purged.
t. Masshole
What's the fucking "f-word" faggot?
French Fries? Faggot?
In parts of commiefornia they think "family" is an f-word if a white person says it.
I always knew massholes and their libtard state were a joke kek
Hopefully you're not still waiting, the grace period is coming to a close soon. It's been time to prep IRL
maybe he doesn't like the "loud pipes save lives" crowd?
Always obnoxious to hear them riding through the neighborhood after last call.
that too. it's like the official state sport…can't really criminalize that.
He should have accused them of gentrification. Then he could have shot them and gotten a standing ovation from the Boston Globe.
Niggers lie with every breath they take. They're not even human enough to be ashamed when they get caught. I'm sure they were just two respectable, cleanly attired, middle class-looking nignogs on their way to bible study when their motorcycles got tired and needed a nap in front of the man's house. I'm sure he saw these two adults out there and went fucking nuts, probably thinking they were the kids who've been breaking into cars around there. Probably something about his privileged position as a white man made him insane with rage at the mere sight of niggers; you know, like we all deal with as whites.
That prison time is no joke, though. They'll give him 20 years and impeach the governor who considers clemency. You can't punish an enemy of the Jews hard enough, especially in a blue state. Funny how fast the niggers run to the white supremacist cops when they can get some GoFundMe sympathy-gibs. Speaking of which, have they started the crowdfunding yet?
Lesson learned: Don't shout; shoot.
Even Sweden and the UK hasn't stooped that low. How the fuck did USA go from hate "crimes" (usually safe to slur and talk shit about the races) to full blown cucked beyond belief crimes?
Catch up on William Luther Pierce. He saw this coming 20 years ago and tried to warn us.
Always good to hear from Zig Forumsacks in the know. Thanks for your input.
They pulled over at night, user. They wanted to rest in a white neighborhood after a long motorcycle ride at night.
Calling someone a nigger is your Constitutional right. This case needs to be thrown out and the man compensated for his wasted time.
Free Fucking Speech.
We need to find the dox of the DA going after him and sent him the clear test of US Treason codes as well as send them to the states and federal reps.
The only thing protecting these traitors from our 2nd Amendment rights are our 1st Amendment rights.
We really need to start seeing these traitor DA's and AG's liquidated and made proper examples of.
Same goes for that beaner spic traitor, Bacerra, in Commiefornia.
user, I am going to apologize to you now. When you get put against the wall with the rest, I am truly sorry. All of them will lie claiming they were based or on our side before we were forced to act, which means all get dealt with.
Its sad to know an fellow user is going to be culled along w the rest. Just know, you death will not be in vain.
They're going at this guy hard. Fucker's got like 8 charges, now!
The only name drop in relation to the PD from any of the articles.
The nigger in question, all the info from the articles about the whore, including her goddamn gibfundme from this shit.
Sounds like a possible wrongful termination suit, or a civil rights violation suit of his own.
He should also file a suit against the Boston Pigs for violating HIS CIVIL RIGHTS OF FREE FUCKING SPEECH!
I'll run some people searches later on, if anyone familiar with the area can list the prominent names who make this shit happen, we can start naming and shaming these traitors.
No user, yelling at niggers and calling them animals is assault assault with words and its very mean so whitey gets sent to prison
Which is why the best option is to simply shoot and put a knife in their hand afterwards.
But doing as such with active pigs around is not recommended.
Not quite yet, but it's getting there.
Can't you speak like normal people you fucking niggers? What the fuck is an "F-word"?
t. not a burger
Stay strong massbro
Fucking niggers ARE animals though , he isn't wrong
Come to the Rockies user the east coast is fucked.
it's amazing what stupid fucking animals people are….
it triggers ZERO alarm bells in their thought process that the guy's side of the story isn't being told
we have ZERO idea what started the altercation
they will never stop acting like this until we start lynching media personnel
It isn't like that throughout the country
fuck off, divisionfags
You're not even what you claim to be, you're just trying to divide whites.
This shit needs to be banned.
I'm 45 minutes outside of the city and they're starting to flood out here too. Fucking mudpeople everywhere I turn. Enraging to say the least.
In the mean time;
He'll be fired.
He'll miss a payment on his house thus losing his house.
He'll be in jail for months or years.
He'll be unhireable because felony charge alone means unhireable - unless you're a nigger, or spic, or woman, or jew, or arab - let alone (((hate crime))) charge. He won't even get interviewed.
He'll eventually win and get a tidy payment of $63,000, subtract court fees, jail fees, and (((lawyer))) fees and he'll get $20,000.
I feel your pain. All I can say is I feel your pain. I am knee deep in them. I came from the West, it wasn't like this. Now I have extreme fatigue from it.
Disorderly conduct is a catch all. All states have it for exactly the reason you outlined.
Disorderly Conduct [Wisconsin, I'm a cownigger];