Leftards virtue signal constantly. What if we made memes calling out their hypocrisy and patronizing attitude to reply to their virtue signals. Something that would produce a "womp womp" effect. Pic related is one idea for people who brag about being "anti-racist"
Memes that kill virtue signaling
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This is a low effort thread because you'd rather make a thread about making memes instead of just making them.
Jews don't experience any emotional reaction to hypocrisy. It's useless. They only react to being called out as Jews. Everyone else is too demoralized to see or accept the truth.
i already made one thats my OC in the OP
so according to you jews are impervious and non-jews are unreachable, sounds like you want people to give up and do nothing
Not that bad tbh.
Have a bump for a good idea
Nice niggerpill but I think it's worth a shot anyway. That's what I call the blackpill, because it's fucking gay. There is only the redpill and anti-redpills.
"male feminists" sexually harassing women would be a great one because there are so many high profile examples
any time a guy declares himself a feminist people should start hinting at the skeletons in his closet
is 4chan down? SLIDE THREADS GALORE!
How long have you been in a coma, user?
grandstanding, virtue signalling,
they don't seem to like those terms
Address them as "jew" if you have any dealings with them, but be polite otherwise. For example, "Hey jew! Could you tell me where the nearest post office is? Thanks a lot jew, I really appreciate it! Have a pleasant day."
the main issue is virtue signalling is emotional
countering any of that shit is logical which takes too long, the emotional part of their brains has already given them the release they were looking for
polvol2 = Imkikey
It isnt so much about how the kikes react to them, but more about disarming their propaganda before the brainwashed.
Oh, you're just mentally defective. I get it.
Fuck off kikey
like pottery
exactly these kinds of things to shut up virtue signaling
That’s pretty good OP, I thinking of a meme like this. Ignore the kvetching kikes ITT
lol, fuck off.
I saw an image someone made of that somewhere. first talks about how predators will use camouflage to stay hidden from their prey. Gives examples of snakes, spiders etc. then a “male feminist” in a crowd of pussy hatters with his hands in grabbler formation and salivating.
Sewing distrust and confusion is the best way to destroy them, by pulling on the natural divisions they’ve already created and are only precariously held together using cognitive dissonance.
More like this. I think we need some Trayvon shoops to really showcase how white liberals look at the situation on a subconscious level.
I don't even think they're that self aware to how they look and how they're actually causing more damage then good.
I suggested this a while back. Virtue-signalling is one of the biggest cancers plaguing us and social media engineers useful idiots by encouraging it.
You're still here, projecting your mental illness? This ruins my day.
Emotional guilt is the weakest strategy in rational debate. It's no doubt that 99% of these soy signalers employ this tactic. It's so easy to defeat them by citing real statistics than encompass a much larger population. You can even revert back to their issue or targeted guilt by showing that the greater good is not achieved and they're simply looking at only a tiny piece of the pie.
you have to also think of the common leftist. They're not usually "Blue Haired Tumblr" but just someone ill informed or too lazy to hold an actual opinion so they go with the general consensus. A good example is John Mulaney's recent joke "And for those who say Trump is technically correct due to stats, SHUUUT UP, you're like the kid at the slumber party who says 'technically it's tomorrow' at midnight!". He knows he is wrong. He even just admitted it but he doesn't want to say that because the general public disagree and he 'might' have the wrong info but he's too lazy (or afraid?) to find out if that is true.
Most leftists will take the headline and go with it. Most will believe John Stewart saying "Umm, but that's WRONG" instead of him proving it is wrong. Instead of going out of their way to research. They don't want to read stats, they want someone else to do it for them.
So memes that are words words words words won't affect them, memes that have stats and sources won't affect them (despite it being the opposite for us) but memes that make fun of them or laughable will.
C'mon guys, what the fuck?
All the shills hates Imkampfy intensely…
Make memes against incel virtue signalling. Inceldom is worst than cancer.
That's why you have to shame them instead of engaging.
Your life is sad.
(kek'd and checked)
It's always a fucking kike too
I'm trying to figure out the right wording for a "Smuggy" highlighting that the Left wants unmitigated immigration, but they won't commit to putting an immigrant under their own roof; feeding him/them, giving them transportation, health care, walking money, ….
pic-related is the best meme in years, regarding that subject.
This is why you always play to the bystanders who will get on your side and outgroup the jew.
How many of these are OC? A lot of them are pretty good. Good job anons.
that's pretty much how you feel after having interacted post-redpill with braindead normies for a few years.
In my economics class we have to study "Petro-Sexual Violence" and other none-topics. This is at a leading university. It's fucking retarded.
I lost half my post.
In the class I've realised that despite it being a masters program the vastly different "intellectual diversity" that we're required to contrast tends to be:
A marxist who is a feminist first and a marxist second
A marxist who is a marxist first and a marxist second.
Due to this lack of diversity a lot of the concepts here are simply not known even to these advanced levels of study. Thus I suggest something radical in the sense of the traditions of Rome, Greece and Germany's focus on /fit/ and shame tactics.
Leftists don't read, they skim. They work on heard mentality and attempt to sew seeds of personal worth through their signalling. By denigrating or shaming them for doing so, this will be far more affective than "With/Without Whitey" memes. For example I suggest 'memeing' an old world philosopher or hero from lesser known political leaning and attributing them to the 'Third position' and examplifying them.
memes like "Left? Right? No thanks I'll take X" or things that play into the epic radical centrist view. I would suggest using Kongming, Herman the German or perhaps Marcus Aurelius. Any thoughts on this?
any attempt to subvert the left with rational arguments are completely useless. just keep rendering them uncool culturally, to an intolerable point of cringe.
That's what I mean. Just ridiculing them. The memes where it says things like "WITH ARABS WITHOUT ARABS" or "WHITE IS RIGHT" just makes us seem lame. It'd be better to shame them for their weight/lack of strength/ etc.
Look at manlet, it went from a /fit/ meme to mainstream. I suggest pushing more of these until those who don't seek an apollian physique are ridiculed for their laziness. My wife for instance complained she got fat. I told her she should exercise more then. She was mad for a while but now she's coming around to it after just saying what I thought bluntly. Most leftists (and weak men) have that same female mind. They follow what makes them more agreeable.
So let's make virtue signalling none agreeable. Make Islam part of the 'Alt-Kike'. Make Fatties an Alt-Kike trope. etc etc.
This. People who can be won over will inwardly take note when the truth is spoken, even if their initial reaction is outrage or denial. The seed of doubt must be sown and watered, though it may take years to break through and bear fruit.
In Juliette, the Marquis de Sade goes deep into the issue of charity, spends about 2 or 3 pages analyzing its psychology and absolutely demolishes it with savage glee and inexorable logic.
Charity produces hate and contempt on both sides, both from the giver and the receiver.
Our you could stop being a nigger and apply your autism because fuck kikes.
Are these new drawings? I always wondered why Wyatt Mann wasn't coming out of retirement.
Off-topic, but I have heard ridiculous shit for years about muh kampfy. I remember he supposedly used to be this nigger every faggot would post pics of, then he magically became a turkroach, and now he has actually risen from the dead. Can you niggers just make it an actual religion and make a board for it at this point? Holy fuck, user.
No never mind the fact that lots of people, including me, used to spam anime at shills. I swear, you people will believe anything.
Anime faggots are not Zig Forumsaks, they are remnants of the /intl/ raids. Now fuck off kikefy.
I just finished reading that, good sir, and I'm actually astonished that a relentless hedonist like DeSade would have a hell of a point like that. Read it for yourselves good sirs! catalog.lambertvillelibrary.org
Go read a book illiterate turkroach.
Think of it like a kid with a hamster, its cute for a week, but eventually its just the parent that ends up caring for the animal. These fucks are the same way with niggers.
agreed, we should really sort memes in 2 groups : the ones that are good for circlejerks, and the ones that have viral / normalfag potential (i guess sometimes the distinction can be hard to make, though).
Wanna know how I know (((you're you)))? You invented fagtext and you're the only one who uses it.
At least you let him live rent free in your head.
His existence is a joke that isn't funny.
I might get start cooking on some propaganda. I've found I'm quite good at it.
This is true and Uncle Adolf explained it very well in Mein Kampf.
It's the adrenaline not being channeled properly into an appropriate physical outrage towards them, but channeled into an unwinnable game of trying to deconstruct a non-existent object, recoiling and hitting you all at once as you stand lost in the realm between human prudence and absolute wrath - not knowing where the jew just dragged your mind down into.
We should also bring out all the of roasties falsely accusing men of rape, like that black cunt who accused a black guy and he went to jail for 20 years and after he was released the bitch tweeted him a "lol it was fake, sorry"
We need to divide them, get them to fight each other. They are already barely held together because you can't be a white SJW cunt saying "kill all men" and expect minority men to support you
Nice, Thanks!
you need to go back to cuckchan