Flashes and noises in the sky all over the US and elsewhere
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If this random potshot of a guess comes true, then i'll get digits and ice cream.
UFO entities stirring shit up as per usual.
Turn your screen brightness up.
I'd say lightning, but the flashes are too regular. Get ready.
The truth is out there
Cool story bro
This is what (((they))) get for trying to silence Alex Jones.
So far all happenings has ALWAYS happened while I was away from home. I'm not at home this weekend. Bless your hearts anons.
schizos and morons ITT need to learn about astrolology and it will become obvious that this is nothing more than some space rocks coming down.
Is he saying that those noises are ambient noises? If so yes record more…its odd. Why aren't his neighbor outside recording as well? That would be really weird to listen to on a summers night.
literally ayyliens coming to probe our asses
It would be a simple post to get the Angels here
Yeah, because a civilization capable of traveling faster than the speed of light came all the way here to flying around in our atmosphere with its hazard lights on, probing people asses and making cool designs in corn fields.
God damn you Ayyoos are retarded.
I saw something flashing in the sky behind some clouds at around 8:30 this evening while driving home. It was like a blue strobe, pulsating. I didn’t think much of it before seeing this thread.
This has come right after random lighting storms and flash floods near my area. Very interesting.
It's either lightning or meteor showers.
Well i haven't seen shit.
If UFOs aren't real than why are there videos of them on YouTube?
Kill yourself cum gargling jew fuck.
Found the shill.
Found the jew cunt.
Ok story time.
A while back I was walking some girl home late at night after a fuckfest at my place. I live in a small town called Runcorn in the north west of the UK and it's apparently a hotspot for UFO activity (well, the whole of Cheshire is apparently).
We walked down the bank of the ship canal as it was a straight path to where she lived and half way there we saw what I could only describe as a glowing orange orb behind some clouds in the sky.
It looked like there was a big orb with a smaller orb in or around it, can't quite remember that exact detail. But basically it was pulsating an orange glow and it was directly above an industrial complex on the other side of the water.
I moved closer to the bank of the ship canal, had to walk past a bunch of bushes and small trees to get to a clearing where I could get closer which only took me about 2-3 seconds to pass. By the time I got from one end of the bushes to the other the light had disappeared. Not move, just disappeared. No glow, no pulsating no nothing, it just wasn't there anymore.
I got home and posted about it on FB and apparently people from here to a town miles away called St. Helens saw it and even local + national radio addressed it saying it was a weather balloon. No joke. They actually said it was a weather balloon.
Thing is, we have a low fly zone here due to being close to John Lennon airport. And the "weather balloon" was directly overhead an industrial complex as I stated earlier. Weather balloons aren't "allowed" to be in low fly zones as there's a risk that they may interfere with flights. And also, it was way too low to be a weather balloon, and it was idle for about five minutes. Why would it be idling overhead an industrial complex if its purpose was to read natural temperatures and what not? Considering that industrial complexes obviously have unnatural heat readings and affect the climate around them due to all of the machinery and towers giving off heat + smoke or whatever.
Also they said that the "weather balloon" managed to dart from being idle overhead where I saw it to being miles away in the space of about 15 minutes which doesn't make any sense to me.
The orange pulse in OP's video is exactly what I saw that night.
Yes there were thunderstorms in the NE today.
Ayy lmao. This summer we become tinfoil hatters. Call AJ at Kikewars for a supply.
pnw us confirm what I thought were spotlights
we are in a smoke cloud here so I couldn't make out color