QTDDTOT: Questions that don’t deserve their own thread

QTDDTOT: Questions that don’t deserve their own thread

This is the thread for one-liner questions about Zig Forums-related topics. “What does Zig Forums think of [x],” “is [x] redpilled,” and associated questions belong here. Threads created based on a single, simple question will be deleted. If your thread is deleted, come here and ask again. REMINDER TO SEARCH THE CATALOG FIRST.

>>>/polarchive/ is a repository for common data related to Zig Forums. It’s not discussion, just information. Check there for oft-repeated answers to questions. There’s also a books thread here, as well as many documents on >>>/pdfs/

If anyone has other resources or repositories, let me know and I’ll edit the OP with them.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Codemonkey is the greatest admin on the clearnet and nobody can argue against this. Fite me.

Can I be a mod?

Thanks for deleting my thread polvol2

What are some redpill documentaries?

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Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that what went wrong? Prove me wrong. Pro-tip: You can't.

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Maybe you should first post what went wrong

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POTUS has said something about "gotta look into 3d printed guns" and a lot of people Zig Forums had a moment.
I'm curious if maybe people are retards and don't realized that 3d printed guns are still useless. Trump was deflecting the libshits attention away from milling machines - which the ghost gunner is, it IS NOT a 3d printer.

Am I nigger-tier wrong or does it actually matter if 3d printed guns are banned or restricted in the end, I know shall not be infringed as milled guns != 3d printed guns and those are not really being looked at because liberals are so fucking stupid.

I'm mad, will they ever be exposed for 911, or pizzagate. Or will we just have to watch forever as a committed horrible crimes and get away with it.

Want a transparent version of the OP image, or would that be too mean to anons using schemes with black backgrounds?

Attached: QTDDTOT transparent.png (1680x400, 40.43K)

Can Zig Forums Zig Forums come up with more examples of television/propaganda shows as blatant as(((MASH)))? This show has been bothering me a lot lately and for two main reasons:

-Klinger (man who is always in a woman's dress trying to get himself discharged from the Army. Literally plays the role of a jew with a big nose, scheming, and subverting at every turn.

-Boozed out, jaded doctor/soldiers who ridicule conservative, militaristic ideology and American success at the cost of life during the war in Korea.

I checked into the creator's background, and was not surprised.

Should I change my name so I can forget I am 1/4 mischling?

Thumbnails lose transparency, so for us your images look like this.

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Could I get an update on the Dan Harmon Pedo situation? Can’t tell if it didn’t go anywhere or if it’s being slid.

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Related to

but I'm looking for an unplugged book or maybe documentary on (((their))) history and (((their))) hidden influence of today.

Now it makes more sense why thumbnails in highlighted posts retain the blue background.

What's the status of the wall? Did Amerimutts get kiked again?

dang, that thread is cyclical

What does Zig Forums think of Donald Trump?

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>Trans belong in psycho wards not in the army
One of the few times I'll agree with Yids on anything.

Good God man, even with their side-bangs shaved Jews look absolutely repulsive. Of course being white and being able to wonder if I'm in the wrong, after looking at this obnoxious Yid it made me wonder if the beautiful cathedrals in Europe or anything made by whites actually looks like HR Giger evil alien tech, what's beautiful to us is actually horrendous etc etc. Of course this idea didn't bother me for more than a few seconds, in the end every kike struggles with homosexuality and only breeds because the demon Rephan demands they do so.

Too bad the cunts will still ignore this because they aren't just asking fucking questions, they're sliding shit.

because everyone's after your thread on page 25 with no replies lol


Why is this faggot thread pinned?

And as usual the cuck-chan mindset of a half-breed breaks in for the attention that he never received in his social life.

No BS! Trump, as a rare phenom, is LARP'ing as an izzy-first'er because he wants at least something for this nation before it spirals down the vortex of the galactic shitter. He is attempting to slow the process, and "maybe" instill in Joe and Jane Goyim that it is worth saving by actually doing those things necessary to stop the bleeding and reverse trends; e.g. calling attention to the 1964 immigration act and highlighting the fact that we do not select immigrants based upon merit, or standing strong on founding principles and moving the conversation from "change the US because feelz" to "fuck off! it's a big planet", or highlighting those things about Israel which are allowed for Israel but not for the US; like mandatory conscription/a Nationalist lean/a pride in nation ethos/openly declaring Israel as a Jewish ethnostate and not giving a fuck what the rest of the planet has to say

We need to start calling this degeneracy "obama era trash" or whatever you want to add at the end. As long as you call it "obama era" you push it back to the time between 2008-2016 where this anti-White push was made the most. I find it to be effective against cucks, nu-male gaymer, feminists etc.

What do you guys think?

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I think this is absolutely retarded and it could work.
just make sure to hide your power level while you do it and try to sound a bit gay.

Hey, it's gotten me two consecutive bans off /aco/ on 4cuck calling mods and anyone who likes cuck shit "obama era cucks". (yous) galore as it cuts deep.

REMEMBER, White shitlibs only do this because they think it's forever and the (((right side of history))) when other normie Whites see that it was a phase/fad of the obama era, people will fucking drop it like a lead weight. It completely demoralises and boxes our enemies to a time that has passed.

We are are in Trump time now and that means Nationalism, non-cuckery, actual freedom of speech, man power etc.

Good , Thank You for posting this.
iPhone Fag here
•For several months I couldn’t post on 8 chan (until recently I think it was June) even though I could access the site a Post would read Posting 64%
•Rumor was Tim Cook was butthurt over being called a Pedo so he shut it down
•Didn’t see any discussion of this except on Plebit and Twatter
Can anybody enlighten me here because I wasn’t the only one?

Should I become a mailman?

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How early should I get my kids doing intermittent fasting with me?

If you can, yes. I have a brother who does it, and he spends most of his days listening to audiobooks

There’s a thread in the catalog already. Search the catalog before posting one liner threads. There’s a reason this is a rule.

A 16:9 thread banner, its more convenient to click from the catalog view.

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Don't cut yourself on that edge :^)

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We had a (read: many) thread in /sudo/ about that when it happened. It was the result of either an update to Safari making a change to cross-site scripting, or of Zig Forums not following the standard. Given that cuckchan had the same problem at the same time, but fixed it within a few days, I’m leaning toward the latter. Still, something did change in Safari in OS X and iOS.

Looks good.

Does anyone have any links to non-kosher, non-pozzed history books? Plato, Machiavelli, Pierce, Celtic mythology in general, things of that nature. I know Ostara Publishing exists, but that's only a single site.
Pic related is what I'm talking about; history books written recently are pushing faggy misconceptions and outright lies about historical figures to condition children into thinking poopdick is an old tradition and not current year bullshit artificially inflated by kikes to undermine the West, and it's lead to normalfag assumptions that great men like Alexander secretly took it up the ass.

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Such a good idea! Also, what if we start talking like fags? I think a lot of these low T males feel afraid or resentful when a man who isn't hormone deficient says *anything*. That's why these deranged liberals always focus on people being "mean", they don't even know what they're saying, they just get triggered by posture, tone, etc. What if we post pictures of ourselves with our mouths open (ie cuckface) and start talking like "omg there are like SO many Obama-era meanies that like don't even care about people only like their ideology" fuck man I want to kill myself just saying that much. Maybe not a good idea.

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The OP post has one, I decided to make two versions. One with, one without.

Nice screen cap and interesting discussion. I will say one poster was wrong on two points. The Romans didn't eat until they threw up. That bullshit comes from some retard noticing that certain Roman rooms were called "vomitoriums" - they didn't go into a special room full of puke, that was like an exit. "Vomit" as in, to disgorge the occupants of the room. You go out through the exit.

Also, this idea that ancient and medieval people were buzzed all the time because they had to drink booze, all water was unsafe to drink - that idea has to go. People drank water all the time back then. I think drink retards who like to debate the finer points of hipster booze and believe they're engaging in high culture just outright made that shit up.

What would be the best way to get a guy that genuinely wants to enact our ideals? Through elections or revolution?

He's dry as fuck, and more interested in battle tactics than politics, but Theodore Ayrault Dodge is a pretty well known historian who fought in the American Civil War. He was obsessed with the great warriors of the world, like Alexander, Hannibal, etc, and he was one to praise the glory of battle and the achievements of these men rather than condemn even righteous violence. He also gets gets called "racist" these days for likening Asian battle tactics to that of ant swarm, and basically considering them to be retards.

Look for people who are criticized by the people you hate.

Hitler did both.

God work mods. Sick of cuckchan tier threads, this should fix it.

Thanks Nice trips ,
I guess /sudo/ is the new /meta/ ?

Any infringement on a right to own a firearm is still an infringement. Stop being a cuckold about your rights. If 3d printed guns are banned, they will almost certainly go for machined ones as well, and banning one sets a precedence for banning the other.

That said, I wouldn't bet my life on certain plastics, but not all 3d printers only print plastic parts. At some point, what are industrial printers today could reduce in size and cost, and we could be able to print metal parts.

Certainly not when you can make perfectly good firearms with supplies from the hardware store.

Your response is something only someone with low T can produce. Sarcasm is literally for fucking women you stupid fag. How about you try it and see what the response is, unless you are one of these leftypol faggots who sees the danger of this?

Fuck off.

Attached: blueass.png (1335x752, 899.61K)

No shit dumbass. I didn't fucking cede anything. I made a point with particulars to reality. I even pointed it out;

We aren't going to go full stop and have the government start following the law. Yet here you are projecting your cuck insecurities.

Jesus christ bout fucking time someone put a stop to those fucking threads

No shit dumbass. I didn't fucking cede anything. I made a point with particulars to reality. I even pointed it out;

We aren't going to go full stop and have the government start following the law. Yet here you are projecting your cuck insecurities.

Format it like that, m8 and it will come off clearer for other anons. Or you can do it like this:

No shit dumbass. I didn't fucking cede anything. I made a point with particulars to reality. I even pointed it out;

We aren't going to go full stop and have the government start following the law. Yet here you are projecting your cuck insecurities.

Done, I tried it on kikebook just now and I already have a million plus low T and gay male followers ready to settle down into traditional wifely roles, also each of us will be able to have a harem of bulldyke girlfriends / bodyguards so hell yeah.

does anyone have that Jordan Peterson meme where it says "Alexandr Solzyhentsyn's other book" about the Jews and it shows Jordan Peterson slowly disappearing into a wall?

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Hi OP,
Can you please tell me what you meant by this?
t. ¬¬user

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Hey, I will keep using and you can keep being that loser lel

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We would be a lot closer to our goals if he hadn't won. Half the country falsely believes they still have any power.

There was a quote posted here from William Luther Pierce along the lines of "organization is power" or "power is organization". Has anyone heard this quote before, and if you have, what is its source?

It'll always go somewhere. People will be arguing it for decades, just like gamergate and pizzagate and Q and "mac vs PC". It's the internet. Arguments never die.

Most worthless President in the history of the States - and I'm including Franklin Pierce.

Anyone else running cloudflare DNS and having trouble getting to archive.is/archive.fo? Looks like cloudflare is fucking with them and not serving the sites.
Switched it out for jewgle DNS and the archives came up again. Gotta try OpenDNS next and see if they are having any issues.

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Well, /sudo/ is technically for site-wide software problems. We have a meta thread designated for Zig Forums concerns on this board (the only other sticky), and /polmeta/ the board is… entirely dead. It’s either still owned by kikey or owned by no one.

That is the q of font Trajan Pro. Whatever nonsense the "QAnon" is, some American political pseudo-anonymous celebrity?
Trajan is a popular font, and I saw recently this short documentary about it (yes the YouTube channel is cancerous) youtube.com/watch?v=yI4shGV1EsM
Regards, who made these versions

Damn it, really? If I had known that Q-LARP (the proven jewish paid shill and hoax) was starting to use Trajan Pro, I would have stuck with Palatino. I just really like Trajan and thought that the graphic made for a good thread OP. Nice and visible in the catalog, and way better than a random anime picture. I made the new thread (despite the cyclical nature of the other one) because we just kept getting people making threads that belonged HERE, and I’m sure lack of visibility was a problem.

Don't get your nose caught in the door on the way into the oven.

A list because I'm too lazy to search for the jewtube links.

Century of the Self (4 part series about the birth of modern propaganda)
The Money Masters (The history of banks and money)
Princes of Yen (how (((banks))) crashed the Japanese economy)
Empire of Dust (About the Chinese in Africa)
Hjernevask ("Brainwash" in english, 7 episode doc series on race, gender, etc)
Hypernormalisation (Baby's first introduction to the concept of media manipulation)
And of course…. Greatest Story Never Told

You're welcome faggot.

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pic related

Different circumstances.

picardia is one of the most versatile memes we ever created.

You should put the text on her stomach instead. Most viewers will be looking at her body anyway.

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Does anyone have any info on Irving upcoming book on Himmler? His online book shop is down and the last rumour I heard was that he would release it after Himmler's daughter had died. Well she is dead now, and have been for a while now, and still no book.

I don’t know about an upcoming book, but here are some links to his research on Himmler.

Why is the name of posters in some cases blue and in others green?
Im talking about Anonymous in front of the date/time and ID+Post

Because you need to lurk moar

Related, 8ChanX is a neat addon/script

yea im gonna download a userscript from some whackjob i would have no chance of understanding cause i dont even script.

Healthy paranoia is good but you're also plain stupid.

Will an autonomous car be built that could win the Daytona 500?

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yea thank you for your opinion it means a lot to me

Sorry I don't read.

"Okay" don't use the features.

I have a friend who is of predominantly Italian ancestry (with some from the Caucasus). He found this out, because he took an Ancestry test. But then, he said he found out that he’s about 2% Jewish. Does this mean he’s non-white?

He's white.

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I was actually going to shit on this idea, but if it gets to them, it must be decent in some way. Don't 5get "soyboy."

Cry some more, nigger.

Everything more than 0% is bad/unacceptable but who knows, these companies have admitted on adding some sprinkles of race x DNA to the results. archive.is/59voV

What way is there then to know your genes/DNA 100% accurately?

See if it breeds true for infinity generations. That's literally the only way. The more a trait breeds true with others for a longer time, the greater the chance becomes over time that it's the only trait there.

So, my friend is a Jew even though it’s only 2%?

We need a Rage Thread like back in the day.
Here’s Banjo Mike stuck behind the X-rating
for playing Dixie with a CSA Flag in the Background

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What do you guys think of Ricky Vaughn? Paul Nehlen lost all credibility and respect by doxing the guy who had done nothing wrong. The lies about Vaughn being a “subversive shill datamining info from alt-right people” came from glow in the darks like Patrick Little and Christopher Cantwell, then there were faggots like Hunter Wallace trying to chime in on the drama. Vaughn was KEY in getting Trump elected, and it’s not like he didn’t know about the Jews.

I’m still mad that Nehlen completely fucked up all chances of him replacing Cuck Ryan with his faux romantic crusade of naming the Jew because he read Culture of Critique. I’ll never forgive him, and he probably glows a bright nuclear green just like Little and Cantwell.

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Nehlen released documentation of Vaughn's "services"

No, that would be the people who blacklisted him for doxing a serial-infighter and general subversive.

Never saw these. Post them.
He ruined his chances way before he sperged out and doxed Vaughn. He was the favorite to replace Cuck Ryan, but again, ruined that just to name the Jew and get kicked off every platform as a result, which was very idiotic for a man in his position. People in the alt-right did a good thing in blacklisting him. If a man can’t control what he knows and spills his spaghetti, then how can he be trusted to lead a dissident movement?

I don't know man, whites are becoming tired of the Jews to the point where even 1% is considered a sin. I mean they are so tired to the point where some guy out there is going full "ethno-globe" shilling.


It was the same people that ultimately blacklisted him who encouraged him to do what he did. It's really a similar situation to Cantwell where TRS recruited him, gave him his autistic Pinochet memes, and sculpted his new persona, before ultimately throwing him under the bus.

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I knew it was suspicious when Vaughn immediately and completly disappeared but nehlen and cantwell fucked up in not publishing this at the time when trs was shitting on them both.